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チャンハウス 2025年3月15日 ISSAも感激!思わず人に言いたくなる雑学12連発!
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00The right way to separate a helicopter is...
00:04a. Helicopter.
00:09A helicopter?
00:11When you think of a helicopter,
00:13it's usually the part that's in the middle of the sky.
00:18you start with the top.
00:20And then,
00:21you go down.
00:22It's a helicopter.
00:23And then,
00:24you go down.
00:25And then,
00:26you go up.
00:28When you think of a helicopter,
00:30it's often abbreviated as a helicopter,
00:32like Dr. Helicopter or Helicopter.
00:35But actually,
00:36it's a combination of the two words,
00:38helico and pter.
00:42Helico means helix in Greek,
00:46and pter means wings in Greek.
00:50I see.
00:52if you want to separate it in Japanese,
00:54you say helico pter.
00:58The right way to separate a helicopter is...
01:01helico pter.
01:03We got it!
01:04We got it!
01:05We got it!
01:06We got it!
01:07We got it!
01:08We got it!
01:09Everyone says heli, right?
01:10So, we have to say helico.
01:12That way, we can separate it.
01:14There are other words that don't separate well.
01:18There's the word kirimanjaro.
01:24Is it a continuation of kirimanjaro?
01:27It's not.
01:28This is
01:32It's not in the dictionary.
01:33It's not in the dictionary.
01:35No way, njaro?
01:36This is what it means.
01:38In Swahili,
01:39kirima means mountain.
01:42And in Chaga,
01:45njaro means white.
01:49山白いということでここから切りまんじゃろうと Yama shiroi to iu koto de koko kara kirimancharou to
01:55これ知ってます? Kore shittemasu?
02:0776は何回掛け合わせても Shimofutaketa ga nankai kakeawasete mo
02:11霜二桁が76になる Shimofutaketa ga nanajuuroku ni naru
02:14えーなんで? Eee nande?
02:19実際に試してみます Jissai ni tameshite mimasu
02:28確かに霜二桁が76 Tashika ni shimofutaketa ga nanajuuroku
02:32これにまた76を掛けても Kore ni mata nanajuuroku o kaketemo
02:35霜二桁は76 Shimofutaketa wa nanajuuroku
02:42霜二桁76 Shimofutaketa nanajuuroku
02:46霜二桁76 Shimofutaketa nanajuuroku
02:53何度やっても霜二桁は76 Nando yatte mo shimofutaketa wa nanajuuroku
02:58なぜ76がそうなるのか Naze nanajuuroku ga sou naru no ka
03:01数学の専門家横山さんによると Tsungaku no senmonka yokoyama-san ni yoru to
03:04一回こうやって76け76って掛けて Ikkai kou yatte nanajuuroku ke nanajuuroku tte kakete
03:07霜二桁が76ってなってるということは Shimofutaketa ga nanajuuroku tte natteru to iu koto wa
03:10最初掛けた時点で76になるのは当たり前 Saisho kaketa jiten de nanajuuroku nan no wa akarimai
03:15その理論から 以降はどれだけ掛け合わせても Sono riron kara ikou wa doredake kakeawasete mo
03:18必ず霜二桁が76になります Kanarazu shimofutaketa ga nanajuuroku ni narimasu
03:2476は何回掛け合わせても Nanajuuroku wa nankai kakeawasete mo
03:27霜二桁が76になる Shimofutaketa ga nanajuuroku ni naru
03:30痛い 痛い Itai, itai
03:32これ面白いですね Zutto kawaranai tte iu no ne
03:34なかなか聞いたことないんで Nakanaka kita koto nain de
03:36リーダーVTubeもう寝そうになってましたよ Rida VTube mou nesou ni natte mashita yo
03:38リーダーマジでお願いしますよ Rida maji de onegai shimasu yo
03:40途中でリーダー諦めてましたよ Tochuu de rida akiramete mashita yo
03:42計算式で出てきても寝そうになってましたよ Keisanshiki de tetekite mo nesou ni natte mashita yo
03:44すげえね よくわかったね Sugee ne yoku wakatta ne
03:46リーダーとミリちゃんは完全に諦めてました Rida to Mirichan wa kanzen ni akiramete mashita
03:50これちなみになんですけど Kore chinami ni nandesu kedo
03:52これ76だけではないんですよ Kore nanajuuroku dake de wa nain desu yo
03:54この法則当てはまるのは25も同じなんですね Kono housoku atehamaru no wa nijuugo mo onnaji nandesu ne
03:5825も掛け合わせてもらうことができる 25 mo kakeawasete moraru koto ga dekiru
04:02足も二桁が二桁になるらしいですね Ashi mo futaketa ga nijuunarashii desu ne
04:05子供にも言いたい Kodomo ni mo iitai
04:07数学やり始めの子供とか Suugaku yarihajime no kodomo toka
04:09なんか算数を好きになるきっかけになりそうですよね Nanka sansu wo suki ni naru kikkake ni narisou desu yo ne
04:11おもしろいおもしろいってなりそう Oshiroi oshiroi tte narisou
04:13これ知ってます? Kore shittemasu?
04:21新幹線の座席が二席と三席に分かれているのは Shinkansen no zaseki ga futaseki to sanseki ni wakarete iru no wa
04:26どんな団体客にも対応するため Donna dantai kyaku ni mo taiyou suru tame
04:29どういうこと?見られたことないでしょこれ? Dōikoto? mirareta koto nai desho kore?
04:34新幹線の席といえば Shinkansen no seki to ieba
04:36通路を挟んで二席と三席に分かれています Tsūro wo hasande futaseki to sanseki ni wakarete imasu
04:41JR東海によると JR Tōkai ni yoru to
04:43乗客が二人以上のどのような人数であっても Jōkyaku ga futari ijō no dono you na ninzū de attemo
04:47隣り合った席には必ず知人が座れる状態を作り上げているのです Tonariatta seki ni wa kanarazu chijin ga suwareru jōtai wo tsukuriagete iru no desu
04:53例えば二人だとこう Tatoeba futari da to kō
04:563人 4人 5人 6人 3 nin 4 nin
05:005 nin 6 nin
05:047人の場合はこのように座ることができ 7 nin no baai wa kono you ni suwaru koto ga deki
05:0911人の場合はこのように座ることができます 11 nin no baai wa kono you ni suwaru koto ga dekimasu
05:15新幹線の座席が二席と三席に分かれているのは Shinkansen no zaseki ga futaseki to sanseki ni wakarete iru no wa
05:20どんな団体客にも対応するため Donna dantai kyaku ni mo taiyō suru tame
05:25B席って我々なんか間挟まっちゃって B seki tte wareware nanka aida hasamatchatte
05:27外れ席かななんて考えることありますけど Hazureseki ka na nante kangaeru koto arimasu kedomo
05:29小さいお子さんいるとだいぶ助かるんですよね Chiisai okosan iru to daibu tasukarun desu yo ne
05:32両方を両親で挟むことで Ryōhō wo ryōshin de hasamu koto de
05:34なんかで外に勝手に釣れるようになるんですよ Nankade soto ni katte ni tsureru you ni naru desu yo
05:38ただ実はB席だけAとCに比べて広いって知ってる? Tada jitsu wa B seki dake A to C ni kurabete hiroi tte shitteru?
05:47その圧迫感を軽減するためにCよりは広く作ってる Sono attakukan o keigen suru tame ni C yori wa hiroku tsukutteru
05:51だから体の大きい人はBの方が実は座り心地よかったりするんですよ Dakara karada no okkii hito wa B no hou ga jitsu wa suwari kokoji yokattari suru n desu yo
05:55これは知らないでしょ? Kore wa shiranai desho?
05:57人に言いたくなる雑学がザクザク出てくる ザクザク雑学 Hito ni iitakunaru zatsugaku ga zakusaku detekuru zakusaku zatsugaku
06:04どちらのチームの雑学がイーサさんの心に響くのでしょうか? Dochira no chīmu no zatsugaku ga īsa-san no kokoro ni hibiku no deshou ka?
06:11これ知ってます? Kore shittemasu?
06:13ピーマンを縦に切ると時々痛そうな顔になる Pīman wo tate ni kiru to tokidoki itasōna kao ni naru
06:25早速大量に用意したピーマンを縦に切っていきます Sassoku tairyō ni yōi shita pīman wo tate ni kitte ikimasu
06:43It doesn't look like it's going to hurt.
06:55After that, she cut 21 green peppers.
07:00At last.
07:04This is the third one.
07:12When you cut a green pepper vertically, it sometimes looks painful.
07:18If you think it looks painful, please push the button.
07:22Which one looks painful?
07:24It's the mouth.
07:28Do you understand?
07:29When I was young, everyone had that mouth.
07:32This is terrible.
07:35Can't you guys be quiet?
07:37By the way, I know it looks painful.
07:40But there is a good news when you cut it vertically.
07:43Green peppers have fiber in it.
07:45So when you cut it vertically, it's hard to damage the cells.
07:48So you can suppress the bitterness.
07:51It looks painful, but it's not harmful.
07:54So it's better to cut it vertically for children.
07:58Do you know this?
08:00This is the last one.
08:07There are two 100s.
08:09And there is a kanji meaning 200.
08:12That's amazing.
08:17If you look at the kanji for the word,
08:21there are two 100s.
08:26That means
08:30And how to read it is
08:37There are two 100s,
08:39and there is a kanji meaning 200.
08:42Isn't it good?
08:43It's good.
08:46Isn't it cute?
08:47It's cute.
08:48It's called Hyoku.
08:50It's cute, but it's not used like this.
08:52It's definitely written 200.
08:54If you want to read it,
08:56you have to write the kanji.
08:58You have to write the kanji.
09:01You have to write the kanji.
09:03You have to write the kanji.
09:05You have to write the kanji.
09:08One of the important things is hyoku.
09:12Do you know this?
09:14ーThe most popular hotpot restaurant in Japanー
09:18ー20 kinds of hotpotー
09:23There are hotpot books!
09:25ーTranslating the hotpot's name into Japaneseー
09:30ー5 kindsー
09:33ーThe most popular hotpot restaurant in Japanー
09:37ーThe most popular hotpot restaurant in Japanー
09:40ーThe most popular hotpot restaurant in Japanー
09:43ーThe most popular hotpot restaurant in Japanー
09:47ーOf 46,000 people, 7,000 of them are Watanabeー
09:52ーFujiyoshi, the most popular hotpot restaurant in Japanー
09:55I don't know the exact number of people
09:59But I think there are more than 10 people
10:03By the way, what's your name?
10:05My name is Watanabe
10:07Oh, Mr. Watanabe
10:09There are many Watanabe
10:11ーFujiyoshi, the most popular hotpot restaurant in Japan, has 7,000 peopleー
10:15ーBut there are only 10 kinds of hotpotー
10:18ーLet's ask Mr. Hideshima, the owner of the most popular hotpot restaurant in Japanー
10:25I have 20 kinds of hotpot
10:32ーHere are 20 kinds of hotpotー
10:38ーThe explanation of each hotpot is the endー
10:42ーAccording to Mr. Hideshima, the number of hotpot isー
10:46ーThe first one is Jika Shirokaー
10:49ーThe second one is Uka Wakaー
10:53ーThe third one is Kuchika Houkaー
10:56ーThe fourth one is Shinryou no Tenga Hitotsuka Futatsukaー
11:01ーThere are 4 kinds of hotpotー
11:05ーand 16 kinds of 2×2×2×2 hotpotー
11:11ーSo there are 20 kinds of hotpot in the restaurantー
11:15ーand 20 kinds of Watanabe, Watanabe, Watanabe, Watanabeー
11:24ーMr. Watanabe is special in Hideshimaー
11:30ーThere are 20 kinds of Watanabe in the most popular hotpot restaurant in Japanー
11:37It hurts!
11:39Thank you so much!
11:41It hurts!
11:43My real name is Hentona.
11:47Hentona means the edge of the hotpot.
11:52There are 4 kinds of hotpot in the restaurant.
11:55The one on the right is the most difficult one.
11:59That's my real name.
12:01So there is no hotpot in the restaurant.
12:05There are 2 kinds of hotpot in the restaurant.
12:11I want to tell this to my family.
12:15I want to call my family right now.
12:20ーThe first round of math battleー
12:23ーWhich team is better?ー
12:30Mr. Mori, you were good at the end.
12:33I was good at the end.
12:36Good job!
12:38I was good at the end.
12:40I was good at the end.
12:42You are the type to decide by the majority.
12:44You are the type to decide by the majority.
12:46ーThe second round of math battleー
12:48ーWhich team is better?ー
12:53Do you know this?
13:01The name of the ball is...
13:12ーThe answer is...ー
13:16Do you know this?
13:25The name of the ball is...
13:30I know this.
13:32ーThe answer is...ー
13:34The ball is a tea pot that has been used since the Sengoku period.
13:41It is used as a tea ceremony of Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
13:46It is famous for spreading the spirit of Japanese tea to enjoy the lack of beauty by using a simple teapot in a quiet atmosphere.
13:56The name of the tea pot was written in a book by a descendant of Rikyu.
14:03The name of the tea pot was written in a book by a descendant of Rikyu.
14:09They are called Goza Solo.
14:15The recipient's real name is Tanaka.
14:20The name of a Senrikyu is Tanaka.
14:25You and Senior Suzuaki are in the same boat.
14:30The name Tanaka was given to him when he was a child.
14:33The name below is Tanaka Yoshiro.
14:37Tanaka Yoshiro.
14:38There is more.
14:40By the way, the spirit of wabi-tea in Riku is not only that.
14:43It is also said that it spread the idea of adding salt.
14:48I'm suspicious.
14:50Sen no Rikyu herself doesn't know.
14:54I know.
14:55Do you know, Sen no Rikyu?
14:58What kind of person is he?
14:59He's a tea person.
15:00He's a tea person, yeah.
15:02Sendorikyu, what happened in the end?
15:04He died.
15:06Isn't everyone like that?
15:08Do you know this?
15:16Moriougai's first grandson's name is...
15:30Moriougai is a novelist who was active in the Meiji era.
15:36He was famous for his love novel, Maihime,
15:38which was set in Berlin,
15:40and his historical novel, Sanshou Dayou,
15:42which was set in the Heian period.
15:44However, Moriougai's eldest son's book,
15:46Moriougai as a Father,
15:48had his first grandson's name on it.
16:50The second round was won by Team Degawa.
16:54Do you know this?
17:02Because the name Jumbo,
17:04which means a big thing,
17:06was the name of an elephant.
17:12The origin of Jumbo
17:14is the male African elephant.
17:16The male African elephant.
17:18There is a novel about the origin of the name,
17:20but it is also said that
17:22it came from Jumbo,
17:24which is a greeting in Swahili.
17:26According to the story of the elephant Jumbo,
17:28which is loved all over the world,
17:32Jumbo was born in Africa
17:34at the end of 1860
17:38and was raised in a botanical garden in Paris.
17:42In 1865,
17:44Jumbo became a member
17:46of the American circus troupe.
17:48Since then,
17:50Jumbo has been called
17:52the biggest animal
17:54in the world
17:56and the most popular animal
17:58in the world.
18:00Since then,
18:02Jumbo has been used
18:04as a synonym
18:06for a big thing.
18:08So it wasn't English.
18:10The name Jumbo
18:12was the name of an elephant.
18:32Do you know this?
18:34When I listened to
18:36Da Pump's If
18:38while watching Kano Eiko,
18:40I could only hear
18:42Kano Eiko singing.
18:44No, no, no!
18:46It can't be true!
18:48No, no, no!
18:50You should win in a competition!
18:52Let's play the CD.
20:04Do it
20:13And then
20:21Come on, you know, I got a bump no if
20:37Will show you
20:42They took a look at all of the money for the entire sky. What do you think?
20:50I'm going to go you're going to go to the pump can't get you out of me
20:56He told me he took another that's got to take it to you guys
21:00No, no, no, no, that's not gonna work up
21:07Muzukashi, no, no, I don't have fun. Come on
21:17Dumb little punch-line get cookies on there
21:19I'm guys in my hotel. You should tell you that's not good. Come on a new show. No, she was it. I'm a street watch
21:24You know, I don't know the shop
21:27Kono kotae shitemasu
21:34Ama joppa, I'm not a time a steady night kiddo machiganaku oishii not there are
21:42Commissioner he took a kid
21:49Ama joppa, I kind of a gentle to Eva
21:54Potato chips
21:58Shikashi kono niwa madadare mota meshita koto no nai ama joppa ikumi awase ga aru hasu
22:04Soko de ama joppa kakumei okosu tame wa yo chuu kakkai no ichi-ryu chef ni go kyoryoku itadaki
22:12Motomo oishii amai to shop by nokumi awase omitsuke masu
22:15I'm a shopper. I love I know you're in a kitchen demo. You shall start a gentle chef
22:21Nihonbashi, you carry no, no, no, no
22:25Yoshiko, I love home by Italian. Oh, Mr. Rambo system. They should go stuff. So you thought you saw a no, I'm a good chef
22:33Chuka, I love looking and then took me she ran hitotsuboshi Nikanita. She will say s sawada no, so you're a Joe sawada chef
22:43Super decairu nijikana shokuzai no naka kara a my knee ice on a shop by tabemono
22:48Chop by knee ice on a a my tabemono. So there's a little chef need a
22:55Don't know Kamiya was a guy. It's one of them. Okay, just sign a shishoku steak. Mass
23:00nice day shin, I'm a joppa a kakumei kaegi start
23:05Ichi-ryu chef no Sanninga Jikkoして考えるのは
23:38It tastes like a shortcake.
23:40Well, it's a shortcake.
23:41It's sweet.
23:43And then, the fried chicken.
23:45Well, it doesn't go well.
23:47Chef Nonaka, who is good at Japanese food, is going to mix them.
23:51It's like a strawberry daifuku.
23:53Yes, it is.
23:54Fried chicken daifuku.
23:55Yes, it is.
23:57It's novel.
24:00What does it mean?
24:01What does it mean?
24:07It's surprisingly good.
24:10I thought it would be good only with red bean paste.
24:14It's good.
24:15Look, look, look.
24:16It's good.
24:17It's like red bean paste and butter.
24:18It's going to sell well in a convenience store.
24:21He found a new sweet and salty food.
24:26The next salty food is fried rice.
24:28Fried rice.
24:30What does it go well with?
24:31Anko fried rice.
24:32Anko fried rice.
24:33Anko fried rice.
24:34Anko fried rice is good.
24:35If this is good, a new fried rice restaurant will be born.
24:43Ohagi, ohagi.
24:44Chinese ohagi.
24:46It may go well with salty food.
24:47Here it comes.
24:48Here it comes.
24:51It's true.
24:52It's a little salty.
24:54The first-class chefs are looking for a combination of sweet and salty food that they haven't seen yet.
25:01The texture is interesting, but it doesn't go well with salty food.
25:07I think this can go well with salty food.
25:11I don't think so.
25:13I think this can go well with salty food.
25:14I think it goes well with brown sugar.
25:19It doesn't go well.
25:24Can you eat it?
25:25No, I can't.
25:27I'm glad I ate it.
25:28In addition, it takes four hours to combine sweet and salty food.
25:34The first-class chefs have discussed among themselves.
25:37GOSHINA, which may cause a new revolution, has been prepared.
25:42After this, the first-class chefs have chosen the best combination.
25:50It's good.
25:54It's good.
25:56I'm excited.
25:57I'm excited.
25:58I'm excited.
25:59I'm excited.
26:01Do you know this answer?
26:09Sweet and salty food.
26:10You haven't tried it yet, but it's certainly delicious.
26:15The first-class chefs of the World Cup have gathered and announced the new combination of sweet and salty food.
26:22The 5th place of the new sweet and salty revolution is...
26:25It's delicious!
26:27Yeah, it's really...
26:30Look, look, look.
26:31This is interesting.
26:34It's a combination of vanilla ice cream and natto.
26:38I see.
26:39But what is natto?
26:41Ice cream and natto.
26:43Natto is masked, so it doesn't smell like natto.
26:47The ratio of vanilla ice cream and natto is 9 to 1.
26:52Add soy sauce to your liking.
26:56Mix well.
26:59Look, look, look.
27:00This is interesting.
27:01I think the kids will love it.
27:04It turns into a texture like turkish ice cream.
27:06The texture is...
27:07The subtle aroma of soy sauce.
27:10It has a deep taste.
27:12By adding soy sauce as an accent,
27:14Japanese sweet and salty sweets like mitarashi are completed.
27:19The 4th place of the new sweet and salty revolution is...
27:23It's a good match.
27:24It's a good match, but...
27:25It's for adults.
27:28The 4th place is...
27:29Miso ramen and bitter chocolate.
27:36The bitterness of chocolate changes to a sharp taste.
27:40Miso ramen becomes a more elegant ramen.
27:44Add a spoonful of bitter chocolate to miso ramen.
27:47You can enjoy the taste change while dissolving it little by little.
27:51This is a new sweet and salty.
27:55If you add shichimi, it will be very sweet, right?
27:58It's like tantanmen.
28:01If you add shichimi, sansho, and sesame oil to your liking,
28:04you can taste the rich, mature tantanmen flavor.
28:09The 3rd place of the new sweet and salty revolution is...
28:12Japanese traditional food.
28:14I want you to eat it with a lot of coating.
28:17I felt a new possibility.
28:20The 3rd place is...
28:21The umami of shiitake mushroom and bitter chocolate.
28:28There are people who don't like shiitake mushrooms.
28:32But I didn't feel it at all.
28:35The umami of shiitake mushroom and the texture of chocolate go well together.
28:42It was very delicious.
28:44This is my first discovery.
28:46It's hard and crispy.
28:49It's like a crispy rice cake.
28:51Chef Nonaga's recommendation is to cool it down and eat it like a sweet.
28:58The 2nd place of the new sweet and salty revolution is...
29:02This is the most delicious one.
29:04It tastes like French Italian food in Europe.
29:08The 2nd place is...
29:10Grilled ginger and mandarin orange.
29:16It's different from the usual grilled ginger.
29:19Just by adding mandarin orange, you can feel the freshness.
29:22It's natural and easy to eat.
29:25It's a fresh taste.
29:26You can enjoy it by changing the taste.
29:29It's a new dish.
29:30Just by adding mandarin orange, you can easily improve the taste of grilled ginger.
29:37And finally, the 1st place of the new sweet and salty revolution is...
29:42The most delicious combination that the best chef in the world is sure to make the sweet and salty revolution is...
29:49It's really good.
29:50The aroma and sourness are good.
29:53It's the best of all.
29:54This is the best.
29:55This is the best.
29:56Eel marmalade.
30:01The marmalade is really refreshing.
30:05The aroma of marmalade is good.
30:08The strong aroma of grilled eel and the aroma of marmalade are just right.
30:11Yes, the sourness makes the taste stronger.
30:14The orange sweetness and sourness that stimulates the appetite are definitely popular for both adults and children.
30:22The freshness and aroma of marmalade were really compatible with the delicious grilled eel.
30:29I really want everyone to try this.
30:32So, this is the end of the new sweet and salty revolution.
30:37The combination of sweet and salty that the top 3 chefs in the world created over 4 hours was the top 5.
30:45Sweet and salty.
30:47I haven't tried it yet, but I'm sure it's delicious.
30:50Grilled eel and marmalade.
30:54Eat, eat, eat.
30:57Isa-san, don't you want to try this?
30:59I want to try it.
31:03We brought the new sweet and salty that the top chefs in the world chose to the studio.
31:16It's delicious.
31:20You don't have to pay attention to the chefs.
31:22The sauce of grilled eel and the sourness of marmalade go really well together.
31:28It's a new kind of eel, both Japanese and Western.
31:35This is also delicious.
31:37It goes well with white wine and Japanese sake.
31:40Each leader also tries the new sweet and salty.
31:49It goes well.
31:51If you don't tell me, I don't know what marmalade is.
31:53I just think it's a sauce made by a great chef.
31:58It's the moment of birth of the new sweet and salty.
32:03Do you know this answer?
32:11Do the types of men that mothers and daughters like match perfectly?
32:22The answer is...
32:25It is said that children are similar to their parents, as there is a saying that a child is a mirror that reflects a parent.
32:32Is there a mother and daughter who have a rich life experience and a daughter who will have a rich life experience?
32:37Is there a mother and daughter who have a rich life experience and a daughter who will have a rich life experience?
32:43This time, we prepared 10 questions that the types of men that mothers and daughters like match perfectly.
32:48We asked the mother and daughter who like match perfectly.
32:52First of all, this mother and daughter, who has been in love since she was a child.
33:02The second question is not the same.
33:04The reason is...
33:06I think western clothes look good on me.
33:08Because I'm healthy.
33:10I see.
33:12I think I'm going to catch a cold.
33:14There are various types of match.
33:16I don't want to go to the gym.
33:18I don't want to go to the gym.
33:20I don't want to go to the gym.
33:23Next, this parent and child, whose father is single.
33:36The third question is not the same.
33:38My daughter said she liked the mischievous type.
33:41I think it's okay if he's a good worker.
33:44I see.
33:46Next, this parent and child.
33:50I think he's a little mischievous.
33:53I'm serious.
33:59The second question is also not the same.
34:01They continue to talk.
34:05Wait a minute.
34:06I thought it was this one.
34:08My father is this one.
34:10But he's not the type to marry someone he likes.
34:14One, two, three.
34:16It doesn't matter at all.
34:18I think he's a talented person.
34:20Then he's usually mischievous.
34:22That's right.
34:24But he looks cool among students.
34:26He's a talented person.
34:30Is it still a difference in life experience?
34:33By the way, there were 32 out of 100 parents and children with less than 5 questions.
34:41Next, this parent and child.
34:44One, two, three.
34:46One, two, three.
34:49One, two, three.
34:53It matches the president.
34:55It's all the same.
34:57By the way, did you think the type was similar before you did this?
35:01I've never thought of it at all.
35:03It's the exact opposite.
35:09It's the parent and child who said it was the exact opposite, but it's the same in eight questions in a row.
35:13That's amazing.
35:15After all, money is important.
35:18It's out.
35:20One, two, three.
35:22It's out.
35:24It's a pretty important thing.
35:26It's not the same in the ninth question.
35:28You might be able to change money with your own efforts.
35:33On the contrary, I can respect it and be with it.
35:38If you want to live a poor life with people, you have to be with someone who has money and doesn't like it.
35:44That's amazing.
35:45It's because you don't have money.
35:48In fact, the ninth question was the most divided between the parents and children.
35:52Is it money or love?
35:54The parents and children who have a daughter in junior high school.
35:56One, two, three.
36:00It's not love.
36:02It's a question for adults to answer.
36:05Even if you don't have money, if you have love, you can't make money with love.
36:11This parent and child.
36:15Why money?
36:17Because if you have money, you can afford it, so you'll be kind.
36:24Is there a parent and child who agree with each other's opinions?
36:36My first solo album, i-SING, was released on March 5th.
36:40It includes a lot of cover songs and new songs.
36:43It's a voluminous album with a lot of Billboard Live sounds.
36:47Please listen to it.
36:51Do you know this answer?
36:54Do you know this answer?
36:59What's the type of man your mother and daughter like?
37:03Is it a perfect match?
37:05This time, we have ten questions that seem to be divided by the type of man you like.
37:12The ninth question was the most divided between the parents and children.
37:15Is it money or love?
37:17Is there a parent and child who agree with each other's opinions?
37:22The next question was about the parents and children who went shopping together to the convenience store.
37:32You're pretty macho.
37:35What kind of muscles do you like?
37:42The parts of the muscles you like are the same.
37:45After that, they will match smoothly.
37:49And finally, the ninth question.
37:55Is it money or love?
37:58Do you agree with each other's opinions?
38:05The ninth question was also cleared.
38:08I can't do anything without money.
38:11That's not the problem.
38:13You have to look at the reality.
38:15How much do you want a year?
38:17100 million yen.
38:21What's your decision about marriage?
38:23Marriage is love.
38:25At the time of marriage, it was love.
38:31What about now?
38:32Now, it's money.
38:36The ninth question, which was divided by the type of man you like, was cleared.
38:40The last ten questions.
38:42Is it a perfect match?
38:48It's hard.
38:50One, two, three.
38:51This way.
38:55Finally, a similar parent and child whose favorite type matches perfectly was found.
39:01By the way, this time, including the interview,
39:03I took a survey of my mother and daughter's 100 pairs.
39:07The perfect match was 6 pairs.
39:11The type of man your mother and daughter like may be a perfect match.
39:17I want to say.
39:19It depends on the environment.
39:21When you were a child, how did your father interact with your mother?
39:26In the seventh question, there was a question about the number of SNS followers.
39:31Most people said it was better to have fewer followers.
39:35The reason was because it was suspicious.
39:39If you know the answer, you'll want to say it.
39:41The third round is over.
39:43The team that wins this match in the special room will be the winner.
39:51This is difficult.
39:53Team Degawa.
39:56That was close.
40:03Team Degawa won.
40:05Misa-san will give them a gift.
40:11Whipped cream bread.
40:13One is light.
40:15I was shocked.
40:17Is it sweet?
40:18It's sweet, but the whipped cream isn't bitter.
40:21I'll put an eel on it.
40:26Team Degawa won.
40:28Misa-san will give them a gift.
40:32Team Degawa won.
40:35Misa-san will give them a gift.
40:40I'll put an eel on it.
40:46Team Degawa won.
40:48Team Misa-san will give them a gift.
40:51This is a cute cake.
