Wild Rose Episode 15 + 16 English Sub
Short filmTranscript
00:00中野火 已不是从前的那个我 The fire in the middle of the wilderness is not the me from the past
00:05不再退缩 不再懦弱 No longer retreating, no longer weak
00:09从容微笑而洒脱 让你活 Let you smile and let you fly, let you live
00:30中野火 已不是从前的那个我 The fire in the middle of the wilderness is not the me from the past
00:36从容微笑而洒脱 让你活 Let you smile and let you fly, let you live
01:00你可以穿衣服了 You can put on your clothes now
01:06能不能让我保护你 Can I protect you?
01:13谁也不能保护谁一辈子 No one can protect anyone forever
01:18况且我又不缺哥哥保护 Besides, I don't need a brother to protect me
01:21哪怕只是哥哥 我也要把你留在我身边 Even if it's just a brother, I want to keep you by my side
01:46什么 武空街差点被人劫走 究竟是谁干的 What? Wu Hong Street was almost robbed? Who did it?
01:50我们也不知道 一共两伙人 其中有一个是女的 We don't know. There are two people in total. One of them is a woman
01:55女的 I know
02:00该不会是苏星岳吧 这个苏星岳到底想干什么 Is it Su Xingyue? What does Su Xingyue want to do?
02:10他该不会是想用这个把柄威胁诗安 想把诗安彻底拿捏在手里吧 Did he want to use this to threaten Shi An and take Shi An completely?
02:21什么 苏俊文一直在找武空街 What? Su Junwen has been looking for Wu Hong Street?
02:25是的 不知道武空街是不是被他藏进了苏家 Yes. I don't know if he hid Wu Hong Street in the Su family
02:29藏起来 Hide it?
02:33你把武空街的所有资料都调查清楚 You investigate all the information about Wu Hong Street
02:36好的 许总 Yes, Mr. Xu
02:41苏俊文 你到底想利用诱人做什么 Su Junwen, what do you want to use the bait?
02:51你什么时候受的伤 When did you get hurt?
02:55你不是都猜到了吗 Didn't you guess it all?
02:58不止你看见了我 我也看见了你 还有许诗安 Not only did you see me, but I also saw you and Xu Shan
03:04你这是在打草惊蛇 Are you alerting the enemy?
03:07是我在打草惊蛇 还是你心软了 Am I alerting the enemy or are you soft-hearted?
03:12还是说 你现在对许诗安依然好 Or are you still fond of Xu Shan?
03:17还是说 你现在对许诗安依然还有感情 Or are you still fond of Xu Shan?
03:25哥 悠然姐 许诗安来了 Brother, Sister You Ran, Xu Shan is here
03:31苏俊文 苏俊文 Su Junwen, Su Junwen
03:41你到底在搞什么鬼 What the hell are you doing?
03:43不许伤害我哥哥 Don't hurt my brother
03:46不许伤害我哥哥 Don't hurt my brother
03:56我倒要看看你在搞什么鬼 I'd like to see what you're up to
03:59你 You
04:04悠然姐 You Ran
04:16苏俊文果然有问题 Su Junwen really has a problem
04:25有问题的人是你吧 You're the one who has a problem
04:27随随便便闯进别人家 You barged into someone else's house
04:31跟我走 Come with me
04:32他一直都在利用你 He's been using you
04:37没有人在利用我 No one is using me
04:39你就这么信任他 You trust him so much
04:42为了他变得都不是自己了 You're not yourself because of him
04:47对 Yes
04:49这个世界上 Only he
04:52只有他值得我相信 in this world
04:59许总 请回吧 Mr. Xu, please leave
05:16谢谢 Thank you
05:47想想那些人对你的伤害 Think about the people who hurt you
05:50还有我们父母的性命 and the lives of our parents
05:54是他们欠我们的 It's their debt
06:17打开看看 Open it
06:23这就是守护系列的手链 This is the bracelet from the Guardian series
06:26真的太漂亮了 It's so beautiful
06:28因为你设计得好呀 Because you designed it well
06:33真美 It's beautiful
06:46真美 It's beautiful
06:48制作它的时候我就在想 When I was making it, I was thinking
06:51如果我能给我自己喜欢的人 If I could give it to the person I like
06:54亲手戴上我制作的珠宝 and wear the jewelry I made
06:58那一定是我最幸福的时候 that would be the happiest time of my life
07:09久安哥 Brother Jiu'an
07:11谢谢 Thank you
07:13谢谢 Thank you
07:15久安哥 Brother Jiu'an
07:16谢谢你 Thank you
07:19你一定会找到自己喜欢的人 You will find the person you like
07:30手链已经完成设计 The bracelet has been designed
07:31苏总借过了 Mr. Su lent it to me
07:33也该还我了 You should return it to me
07:44谢谢 Thank you
07:56你带我来这里做什么 Why did you bring me here?
07:58不是说有许多工作吗 Didn't you say you have a lot of work?
08:00这里怎么工作 How can I work here?
08:11这些本来是你十八岁生日那年 These were prepared for you
08:13为你准备的 for your birthday
08:15没想到等到了今天 I didn't expect it would come to this
08:20之前承诺过你的 I kept my promise
08:22我都会兑现 I will keep it
08:24可不可以再给我一次机会 Can you give me another chance?
08:27相信我 Trust me
08:34我亲爱的未婚夫在说什么 My dear fiancé, what are you talking about?
08:37今天又不是我的生日 It's not my birthday today
08:39这次就算了 Let's forget about it this time
08:40下次再记错 I will be angry
08:41我可是要生气的 if I make a mistake again
08:43你还是不承认吧 You still won't admit it?
08:45既然没有工作我先走了 Since I don't have a job, I'm leaving
08:51我不知道你为什么要整容成苏星月的样子 I don't know why you want to have a plastic surgery like Su Xinyue
08:54我可以不问 I don't have to ask
08:57我只想照顾原来的人 I just want to take care of who I used to be
09:05什么原来的我现在的我 What are you talking about?
09:07我一直都没有变 I haven't changed
09:09先走了 I'm leaving
09:13走 Go
09:38我会尽快安排你俩的婚事 I will arrange your marriage as soon as possible
09:41不行 I can't
09:42我不同意 I don't agree
09:44你说什么 What did you say?
09:47我要退婚 I want to break off the engagement
09:52我要退婚 I want to break off the engagement
09:55他不会是要暴露我的身份吧 Is he going to expose my identity?
09:58星月 你先回去 Xinyue, you go back first
10:00我有话要单独和诗安说 I have something to talk to Shi An alone
10:04好 OK
10:10诗安 希望你不要让我失望 Shi An, I hope you won't let me down
10:26苏俊文一回国就在董事会搞了不少小动作 Su Junwen made a lot of small moves at the board as soon as he came back
10:31很明显就是冲着咱们许家来的 He obviously came for our Xu family
10:34如果这个时候你提出退婚 If you propose to break off the engagement now
10:36我们会非常的被动 We will be very passive
10:37你明白吗 Do you understand?
10:38可是 But
10:39爸 Dad
10:40守护系列的主竞赢权之争只能赢不能输 We can only win and we can't lose in the battle for sovereignty of the guardian series
10:44你也不许再提退婚 You are not allowed to talk about breaking off the engagement again
10:52退婚 Break off the engagement?
10:54我爸才走几年 My dad has only been away for a few years
10:56许大为就不把我们苏家放在眼里 Qu Dawei doesn't care about our Su family
10:58都开始随意把握了 He started to take advantage of us
11:04反正我们现在有吴红洁这条线索 Anyway, we have the lead of Wu Hongjie now
11:07退了也好 It's good to break off the engagement
11:08不行 No
11:09就算有了吴红洁这条线索 Even if we have the lead of Wu Hongjie
11:11可他现在下落不明 But his whereabouts are still unknown
11:13我还需要留在许家 I still need to stay in Xu family
11:16我必须打消许诗安退婚的念头 I must break off the idea of Xu Shi'an breaking off the engagement
11:20我只怕你跟许诗安继续纠缠不清 I'm just afraid that you will continue to be entangled with Xu Shi'an
11:38关于守护系列 董事会准备开一场直播竞赛 The board of directors is going to hold a live competition on the protection series
11:47看谁的预购量多 谁就能拿到主经营权 See who has more pre-orders and who can get the main business rights
11:52不管你做什么 我都会退婚 No matter what you do, I will break off the engagement
12:01是吗 Really?
12:08要是舆论说你是薄情寡义的负心汉 可是要影响公司股价的 If the public says that you are a heartless heartless man, it will affect the company's stock price
12:16虽然我不知道你经历了什么 我也不会挑眉你的身份 Although I don't know what you've been through, I won't make fun of your identity
12:20但是悠然 你知道你我的故事 But You Ran, you know our story
12:22什么关系 What's the relationship?
12:26我不是你的未婚妻吗 Am I not your fiancée?
12:32我嫁定你了 这婚你退不掉 I'm engaged to you. You can't break off the engagement
12:39我们走 Let's go
13:00悠然 You Ran
13:02杰文哥 Jiwen
13:03喝杯咖啡 Have a cup of coffee
13:06对不起 Sorry
13:07我去处理一下 I'll take care of it
13:28许总 您的信 Mr. Xu, your letter
13:37苏今夜危险 今夜负押酒店409 苏小姐去哪了 Ms. Su is in danger tonight. She booked a hotel room 409 tonight
13:41苏小姐去哪了 Where is Ms. Su?
13:43刚才还在直播间做准备 突然间匆匆忙忙就出去了 She was preparing for the live broadcast just now, but she suddenly left in a hurry
13:57许总 直播马上开始了 您去哪儿啊 Mr. Xu, the live broadcast is about to start. Where are you going?
14:03许诗安怎么还没来 不像她 Why isn't Xu Shi'an here yet? She doesn't look like her
14:08怎么关机了 Why is the phone off?
14:14喂 欣远 Hello, Xinyuan
14:16我哥把许诗安抓走了 My brother took Xu Shi'an away
14:18什么 What?
14:19抓去哪了 Where did he go?
14:20家里 At home
14:24你就在这好好睡吧 Just sleep here
14:26这场直播你赢不了了 You can't win this live broadcast
14:32为了赢居然可以做这么卑劣的事情 In order to win, he can do such a despicable thing
14:34你是不相信我可以光明正大地赢他吗 Don't you believe I can beat him fair and square?
14:38这场直播对我们拿回苏家的股权很重要 This live broadcast is very important to us to get back the Su family's equity
14:42我要的是万无一失 I want everything to be perfect
14:44卑劣 Despicable?
14:46邱立芬对咱们做的就不卑劣吗 Isn't what he did to us despicable?
14:50别忘了 Don't forget
14:52是邱立芬害死了我们最亲的人 It was him who killed our closest person
14:55他现在享受的一切是邱立芬害得我来的 Everything he is enjoying now is because of me
15:00你现在心疼吗 Do you feel bad for him now?
15:02为了他不想报仇吗 You don't want to avenge him?
15:05没有 No
15:08我一定会将邱立芬绳之以法 I will definitely get rid of him
15:12但不想成为跟他们一样的人 But I don't want to be like them
15:17今晚的直播我有信心一定可以赢过许诗安 Tonight's live broadcast, I'm confident that I can beat Xu Shi'an
15:22凭自己的实力拿回属于我的一切 With my own strength, I will get back everything that belongs to me
15:31诗安 诗安 Shi'an, Shi'an
15:37我会用自己的方法完成复仇 I will get revenge in my own way
15:40以后这样的事情我再也不想看到了 I don't want to see such a thing again
16:07诗安 诗安 Shi'an, Shi'an
16:25是你骗我来着 You lied to me
16:27就是为了不退婚 Just because you don't want to break off the engagement
16:33直播快要开始了 The live broadcast is about to start
16:34再不去可要输给我了 If you don't go now, you will lose to me
17:01我不能纵容你继续错下去 I can't let you keep making mistakes
17:04直播的时候我会提出退婚 When the live broadcast starts, I will propose to break off the engagement
17:08退婚可以啊 You can break off the engagement
17:10只要你放弃守护纪律的主经营权 As long as you give up the right to run the family
17:17你让我当苏星月或者当你妹妹都可以 You can let me be Su Xinyue or your sister
17:24你怎么变成这个样子 How did you become like this?
17:31我变成什么样子 How did I become like this?
17:34这些年我经历的一切你根本不知道 You don't know what I've been through all these years
17:37你有什么权利指责我 What right do you have to blame me?
17:49如果这波我赢了 If I win this time
17:51只有我有权利提出退婚 Only I have the right to propose to break off the engagement
18:04女士优先 让我先展示可以吗 Lady first. Can I go first?
18:17好 OK
18:21我设计的是一款多功能手链 I designed a multifunctional bracelet
18:24手链和戒指既可独立也可相连 The bracelet and the ring can be connected independently
18:27之所以采用这样的设计 The reason for this design
18:29是希望用这条手链来勾连两个久别重逢的恋人 Is to connect two long-lost lovers with this bracelet
18:40你的手指牵动我的脉搏 Your fingers move my pulse
18:43我的心有你守护 My heart is protected by you
18:59你想说什么 What do you want to say?
19:10别人都说我们是商业联姻 Everyone says we are a commercial couple
19:12可是你们不知道 But you don't know
19:13其实我们是真心相爱 Actually, we are truly in love