• 15 hours ago
The Tasmanian government has conceded there is uncertainty over whether port infrastructure for the two new spirits of Tasmania vessels will be completed by early 2027. A parliamentary inquiry into the bungled spirit replacement project heard the government is still hopeful the timeframes can be met. But accepts they could soon change with a new construction schedule set to be unveiled next month.


00:00From the outset, building a Tasmanian home for the new Spirit ferries hasn't gone to plan.
00:08The delays have attracted international headlines and caused headaches for the government.
00:13But the Transport Minister says he's confident the project is now in safe hands.
00:18We've now got a body of men and women who actually know what they're doing in charge of this project.
00:25The new berth is expected to be built by February 2027.
00:29But a parliamentary inquiry was dominated by questions about further delays.
00:34You can't say definitively that it's still on schedule?
00:37At this stage, I would say in rough terms things are on schedule.
00:43But we are getting detailed advice because they're basically reworking the whole program.
00:49New construction timelines will be released next month.
00:52I don't want to count them and get a headline that then says, oh look, it's now going to be delayed further.
00:59Let's be patient, wait and see what the reviewer provides us.
01:04TT Line did not comment, but they'll appear before the inquiry in two weeks' time.
01:09This is a project that is already years delayed and costing the Tasmanian economy billions of dollars.
01:14If there's further delays, it's only going to hurt our economy more.
01:17Still in Scotland, Spirit 4 is set to start its journey to Tasmania, where it will be stored in May.
01:24While Spirit 5 will undergo a sea trial in Finland next month.
01:28TT Line has also appointed a new chief executive, with toll group heavyweight Chris Carbone set to start in May.
01:36His biggest priority will be getting the new Spirit sailing as soon as possible.
