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Prepárate para una atrevida lista de los momentos íntimos más memorables y dignos de repetir en el cine que hicieron que los espectadores buscaran el control remoto.


00:00You nervous? Don't be. I'm not.
01:00Number 9. Problematic, but popular. American Pie.
01:30You know, I'm just gonna go.
01:37Well, you have seen me. Now it's my turn to see you.
02:00Here we go. He's in, man. This just got a hell of a lot better.
02:22Number 8. Did they do it or not?
02:25Don't Look Now.
02:27For years there have been rumors circulating about what happened in the 1973 thriller Nicolas Rourke's Don't Look Now.
02:36In a movie full of shocking images, the scene in John and Laura Baxter's bedroom could have been the most daring at the time.
02:50Rourke films the sequence with a remarkable amount of realism for 1973, which makes it easy for the audience to assume that what is seen on screen is real.
03:00Did Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie really turn their fictional romance into a reality? Or was it all a camera lens trick?
03:09Only those involved during the shoot know for sure.
03:13Number 7. Personified eroticism. Body Heat.
03:17Still burning? Jesus, it's bigger.
03:21The erotic thriller was a pillar of television because it spoke during the 90s.
03:25But the 1981 production led co-star Caitlin Turner to the stratosphere, thanks to this incendiary performance.
03:34Body Heat was inspired by the classic black cinema tropes present in works like Double Identity, with Turner as a femme fatale looking for the death of her rich husband.
03:46Her erotic sequences with her co-star William Hurt would not only illuminate the big screen, but would leave the home video recorders on later.
03:55It was extremely sexy material, but also bold and brave, since Hurt and Turner definitely exposed themselves with respect to what they showed.
04:04This makes when the editor Carol Littleton admitted that the final version was cut, even more incredible.
04:17Is there any more ice? I'm burning up.
04:21Number 6. A naïve encounter. Black Swan.
04:24Hey. Oh, hey. It looks like someone might be wrong.
04:32The psychedelic setting and the execution of this scene are just two of the reasons why this Black Swan encounter was so memorable.
04:41Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis have a great chemistry as rivals who become lovers, or at least make the public believe that.
04:50Director Darren Aronofsky is sure that nothing is what it seems in this 2010 thriller, but that did not prevent the public from analyzing this intense scene.
05:00The foggy and uncertain atmosphere makes seeing this scene again interesting both from a cinematographic and erotic point of view.
05:17It is also strongly linked to the narrative of the film, which makes it something more than a simple emotion.
05:28Number 5. Totally free. Starship Troopers.
05:37Ah yes, the shower scenes. Do you love them or do you think they are out of fashion?
05:51Fortunately for us, Starship Troopers by Paul Verhoeven was released long enough to be considered a treasure.
06:01Here, Dina Meyer played the infantry soldier Dizzy Flores, a character who gained some prominence during the VHS era.
06:09Her shower scene was often repeated for obvious reasons, while her brief sex scene with her co-protagonist Casper Van Dyne showed the chemistry of the couple on screen.
06:20Their kisses are surprisingly passionate and well executed for a movie like Starship Troopers.
06:26Meanwhile, Meyer's little extra nudity during the scene caused the viewers to look for the back button.
06:50Number 4. The Game Room. Fifty Shades of Grey.
07:05Every once in a while, a film franchise emerges that manages to capture the attention of the masses.
07:10The Fifty Shades of Grey series undoubtedly managed to speed up the pulse of some.
07:16Scenes like this in Christian Grey's Game Room may have excited and annoyed viewers in the cinema, but what happens at home?
07:24The owners of the franchise managed to identify exactly which frames they liked the most while enjoying BDSM on the big screen.
07:44Meanwhile, viewers with a certain voyeuristic vein were able to repeat the scene to their liking, and all in the privacy of their homes.
07:54Number 3. The trio. Wild Things.
08:10The real plot of Wild Things is the type of labyrinthine design that we would normally find in a black mystery movie.
08:17It seems like a combination of something written by Stephen Peters and something directed by John McNamara.
08:23However, class and privilege issues were largely lost as a result of the famous scene of the movie trio.
08:30This combination of Neve Campbell, Denise Richards and Matt Dillon seems to be focused on a masculine look, while adjusting to the parameters of the time.
08:48Erotic thrillers were a big business during the early days of the internet.
08:53This clip soon became a kind of viral sensation shared.
08:58It has gone from good to bad to define the legacy of the Wild Things franchise.
09:03Yes, this was a franchise.
09:11Number 2. Entering the end. Showgirls.
09:24Elizabeth Berkley certainly managed to get rid of her old character's skin in Saved by the Bell with this erotic thriller by Paul Verhoeven.
09:33She also got rid of almost everything else, making history in the cinema with scenes like this pool meeting with her co-protagonist Kyle MacLachlan.
09:43You have to see the fictitious histrionism in play to believe it, since Berkley spins and gesticulates with an almost uncomfortable level of enthusiasm.
09:53Even so, many viewers of a certain age probably looked for Showgirls for scenes like this, even if it is only to look at Jesse Spano doing... you know.
10:09Hey, we haven't reached the end yet, but almost. Make sure to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos.
10:18Very well, let's see our position number 1.
10:21Number 1. Sex, Death and Rock and Roll. Basic Instinct.
10:36It is no coincidence that Paul Verhoeven has appeared again and again on this list.
10:41The man has a remarkable and lucrative streak of combining entertainment with eroticism.
10:51Why take the risk?
10:52To see if I can get away with it.
10:55Basic Instinct is famous for several moments that could be repeated, including the initial murder with a picayelos.
11:03The sexual act is combined with death and was revisited in the era of VHS and DVD for, let's say, a dramatic effect.
11:13He left the club with his girlfriend about midnight. It's the last time anybody saw him.
11:16What was it?
11:17Ice pick. Left it on the coffee table in the living room.
11:22Meanwhile, the most repeated moment here, for better or for worse, has to be the interrogation scene.
11:28Sharon Stone has appeared in more recent years, stating that she did not realize that the scene would be so explicit.
11:35I'd have to be pretty stupid to write a book about killing and then kill somebody the way I described it in my book.
11:40I'd be announcing myself as the killer.
11:42Meanwhile, Verhoeven told CinemaBlend that there was no way he could have filmed the scene without Stone knowing his intentions.
12:00What movie did you have to watch in secret?
12:03She doesn't know what she's doing.
12:05Oh, boy, she knows exactly what she's doing.
12:08Tell us in the comments and make sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos.
