¡Qué miedo! Bienvenido a Watchmojo Español, hoy haremos un recuento de las películas de terror que impulsaron el género de maneras nuevas e inventivas.
00:00Hey, hello and welcome to WatchMojo Español, I am Jeed, and today we will do a recount
00:13of the horror movies that promoted the genre in new and inventive ways.
00:27It Follows.
00:33The analogy of sexual transmission infections is part of the reason why It Follows felt
00:38so fresh when it was released in 2014.
00:42Maybe the screenwriter and director David Robert Mitchell has not fully explained the
00:46rules of why the entity follows someone or how it can be destroyed, however it is more
00:52about the journey than the destiny.
00:54The movie plays with our paranoia while we look in the background for someone on the horizon.
01:00The interpretations and the general closeness of the characters make us get involved in
01:05the story, while the soundtrack keeps us tense.
01:09It is destined to become a classic of modern terror.
01:19Get Out.
01:26The body thief trope was nothing new in the horror genre for when Jordan Peele created
01:31Get Out, but his film managed to inject new life to this narrative through the exploration
01:37of class and race.
01:40Get Out also subtly incorporates humor in the story, but don't be mistaken, it's full
01:45of scares.
01:46The existential horror of the sunken place, in particular, causes us nightmares.
01:52Peele's script is smart, tense and the subtle easter eggs hidden everywhere make
01:58us put it over and over again.
02:01Why us?
02:02Why black people?
02:07Number 8.
02:08The Strangers.
02:09Are you a sinner?
02:10There is something primitive in horror movies that develop in situations in which we are
02:23more vulnerable.
02:25It can be Psycho in the shower or Jaws in open waters, but they don't scratch the skin.
02:31The Strangers touched a similar nerve, that fear that our homes are invaded when we are
02:38Of course, the photography emphasizes how terrifying the situation can be, since the
02:42strangers stalk from the shadows.
02:45Undoubtedly the production is violent but also terrifying, and don't be afraid to let
02:50the moments prolong with the sole purpose of making us see twice in the dark.
02:55Why are you doing this to us?
02:59Because you're a home.
03:02Number 7.
03:03The Silence of the Lambs.
03:06This movie is one of the few horror movies that have achieved a serious impact at the
03:09Academy Awards.
03:11How they address issues with gender identity has become the subject of many
03:15retrospective criticisms, but it is not Buffalo Bill's motivations that make it so
03:22A census taker once tried to test me.
03:25I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.
03:33In the end, this installment is a story about the kidnapping and murder of female victims.
03:39Crimes that are too real and terrifying.
03:42Now he places the lotion in the basket.
03:49The performance of Jodie Foster as Clarice Starling, a novice FBI agent, defined her
03:54And who can forget the way Anthony Hopkins played the role of Dr. Hannibal Lecter?
04:00I wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner.
04:19Number 6.
04:21Hereditary, an implacably gloomy and deeply disturbing film, pushes the limits of gender
04:36in ways that, frankly, we did not know were possible.
04:45It immediately aroused comparisons with movies as influential as Rosemary's Baby
04:50and The Exorcist.
04:52This production does not bother in jumpscares, but impacts with unexpected and disturbing
04:57images , of which it refuses to move away.
05:01The tension and overwhelming feeling of terror are so omnipresent that some spectators
05:07can't stand enough to unravel the mystery.
05:11Reinforced by stellar interpretations, Hereditary is not just a scary movie, but
05:17one that will shake you to the depths of your being.
05:29Number 5.
05:30The Shining.
05:31Directed by Stanley Kubrick, The Shining is undeniably unconventional.
05:35It is a lonely, ambiguous and completely disturbing experience that, although it could be said
05:44that it is a supernatural story, is fundamentally about the descent to madness of a man.
05:53It is a significant variation of the original material written by Stephen King, but a study
05:58published in 2004, carried out by the King's College of London, qualified it as the movie
06:04of perfect fear.
06:10The Shining never ceases to be scary, but the answer to what?
06:15It is exactly what makes it so scary, it is elusive.
06:20From the scenery to the images, it is a work of horror.
06:28Number 4.
06:30Despite the elements of science fiction in the story, there is no doubt that Alien is
06:38also a horror movie.
06:41Being trapped in a claustrophobic environment from which you cannot escape, with a mindless creature
06:47that just wants to kill you, is undoubtedly a creepy idea.
06:51Wow, even sitting down to enjoy a meal together becomes a complete nightmare.
07:01That scene from the Chessburster is forever recorded in our memories.
07:06Ridley Scott's space adventure not only takes you by the neck, but never lets you go.
07:13It inspired a worthy sequel with Aliens, as well as several sequels and minor prequels,
07:18but the original is still the most terrifying and shocking.
07:28Number 3.
07:30We already know what you are going to say.
07:33How is it possible that this movie is among the first three and in comparison with the
07:36others that have been released since then, it is so light?
07:44The thing is that, although it can start quite slowly, the conclusion to which it arrives
07:48is incredibly effective.
07:50Its ability to scare was surpassed by its own success, because most people
07:55already know the story.
07:59But if you show it to someone who does not know the plot, their reaction will be of authentic
08:04terror, and the lack of initial fear makes the sudden violence and twisted revelations
08:10even more powerful.
08:12No one can deny that this production is one of the best horror movies in history,
08:17and also one of the most terrifying.
08:32Number 2.
08:33The Exorcist.
08:34The demonic children always catch us.
08:38This story introduces us to Regan, a nice 12-year-old girl who is possessed by a demon
08:43after playing with a ouija board.
08:48A great and refreshing concept for a horror movie, it was taken to the next level by
08:54the exceptional script of William Peter Blatty and the amazing direction of William Fritkin.
09:05Implacable and terrifying, this is how we will always think it would be a real possession.
09:10It forces us to imagine how helpless we would feel if this happened to a loved one.
09:16This is added to by creepy moments, such as when Pazuzu tells Father Damien Carras the
09:23fate of his mother in hell.
09:26This is as terrifying as you can imagine, and without a doubt a classic of terror.
09:34Hey, we're not done yet, but we're almost there.
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09:48You will surely like them.
09:50Now yes, let's go to the end.
09:53Number 1.
09:54The Blair Witch Project.
10:03The marketing campaign for The Blair Witch, one of the most successful independent films
10:08in history, made it the most discussed in the United States.
10:12The fact that the teasers and the trailer opened the appetite of the public without revealing
10:17practically nothing of the plot, made the twists and surprises even more shocking.
10:29Its unknown protagonists allowed us to empathize completely, which made those surprises even
10:35more fearsome.
10:37Finally, the simple but creepy second endings ensured that this film was one of the most
10:44terrifying of all time.
10:51What horror movie do you think is more ingenious?
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