• 20 hours ago
During Friday's Democratic Leadership press briefing, Rep. Katherine Clark (D-MA) discussed the House Democrats' unified opposition to the GOP-backed proposed CR.

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00:00Thank you so much, Mr. Leader. Proud to stand here with you and Chairman Aguilar.
00:05What we saw is a GOP that campaigned on a promise to the American people,
00:10that they would lower their costs, they would make their families safer.
00:15And in the last seven weeks, we've seen them do just the opposite.
00:20They've slashed Medicaid. They've taken away veterans benefits.
00:27They are attacking the funding for our public schools.
00:31They are out there saying, elimination of Social Security and Medicare,
00:36it's the only way to balance our budget.
00:39And we have been clear with this process that led us to this vote today,
00:45that we would join them in any CR, in any spending plan
00:52that protected Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, veterans benefits,
00:58feed hungry kids in this country, and keep our schools open.
01:04But that's not what they did.
01:06And when they put forward this bill, not only is it bad on the four corners of it,
01:12but we saw House GOP member after House GOP member come out and say in public,
01:18I wasn't sure about signing on to this until I met with the Trump administration.
01:23And they told me this is their vehicle for further dismantling the services
01:30that people who work for a living depend on in this country.
01:35And that's why we're unified in our opposition.
01:38And we are not going to buy into this false binary decision
01:43that it's a parade of bad choices.
01:47We know that already.
01:48We know what this administration and their enablers in the GOP and Congress
01:54are doing to the American people.
01:56Shutdowns are terrible.
01:58But so is this dismantling and this scheme to take deserving taxpayers money
02:06and give it to the billionaire class.
02:09Each and every step of this is part of that scheme against everyday Americans.
02:16Who are waving their hands at this administration and saying,
02:21live up to what you told us you would do.
02:24You are betraying us.
02:26There is a reason the House GOP said, let's cancel town halls.
02:31Because they don't want to face the voters.
02:34They are betrayed.
02:36So we're saying at this moment, come back to the table.
02:40Come back and negotiate.
02:41We've never had a shutdown where one party controls the White House, the House and the Senate.
02:48That has never happened for a reason.
02:51And so this is a very unprecedented situation
02:56and an unprecedented disaster for the people who sent us here.
03:01If we did not do everything in our power to fight back and say, come back to the table,
03:07make a plan that is centered around the American people.
03:10And I am proud to join in this fight with my friend from California, Chairman Pete Aguilar.
