00:00but man he summed it all up uh i'm gonna play it as eric stokes who's a cornerback with the raiders
00:06and we say all the time how long does he i don't got time because because all right i got a minute
00:11here's stokes green bay or vegas where would you want to live here we go i ain't gonna lie yeah
00:17i ain't i ain't even i ain't even i ain't even sure yeah uh green bay is different i love green
00:22bay i just love green bay but uh after about 10 o'clock there's nothing else to eat in green bay
00:28so uh i'm really i'm really excited for like the food options here that i can really show
00:33my big bad activities and yeah so i just can't wait your boy wants to party in vegas he's like
00:39green bay or vegas what do you think what do you think i'm gonna pick uh vegas that's where he's
00:46all night long i mean you get food out of there after 10 o'clock you get food after 10 o'clock
00:54no problem we'll get a walk from the uh t-mobile arena to the in-and-out burger like we were like
01:00walking along the highway the highway walk over there that was a tricky spot uh over there behind
01:06the t-mobile but yes congrats to eric stokes who lives in vegas now instead of green bay
01:10that is a life upgrade is what that is