Doctor Ugarte visitó el estudio de "Tu Día" para explicar qué es la andropausia.
00:00Gradually, in medicine, we have learned that also men,
00:04with the passing of the years, we are experiencing changes.
00:08For example, those who don't listen to us can see at home,
00:11the metabolism, when young people, for example,
00:15without exercising, we get up and we are fit.
00:19But, I mean...
00:21In fact, it's very simple.
00:22Repe, at 22 years old, forgive me to say it like this,
00:25one takes a pill, I don't know,
00:27and the next day, how do you recover?
00:29Very fast.
00:30How long does it take you today to recover?
00:31I didn't sleep, man.
00:32You know?
00:33How long does it take you?
00:35It's a wave.
00:36One day and a half, two days to recover if you take the pill.
00:38Of course.
00:39That's why you have to stop taking the pill.
00:42Or a bad night's sleep.
00:45The effect it has on young people,
00:47sleepless nights, the next day at the university...
00:50It's natural in the human species and in all species,
00:52because the lion doesn't hunt in the day.
00:56The thing is, does andropause exist?
01:00It does, indeed.
01:02And what are the symptoms, doctor?
01:03Well, changes occur in different planes,
01:07in our sleep pattern, in our way of sleeping,
01:10in our metabolism,
01:12the ability to metabolize what we eat,
01:16and the roll begins to appear.
01:19I have a question.
01:20I have andropause like the Chainsmokers.
01:23It's true, but...
01:25Andropause, how do you say it?
01:27But is it true what the doctor says?
01:29I go out to a bakery and...
01:31Yes, yes.
01:33You smell the breadcrumbs.
01:35Yes, I agree.
01:37But just a few examples.
01:39They are in several aspects.
01:41The other aspect I want to ask you,
01:43because maybe we also have to understand men.
01:46You are at home,
01:47and suddenly your husband wakes up, I don't know,
01:49from a bad mood, more sensitive,
01:51and maybe you're going through an andropause.
01:54Could that affect your mood?
01:57Indeed, changes also occur in behavior
02:01and in male psychology with the change of years.
02:06And this can affect, right?
02:08But it will depend on the degree of compenetration
02:11that the couple has,
02:13how they handle this situation.
02:15Can I ask you a question too?
02:18Do you want a consultation?
02:20No, no, no.
02:22A consultation, please, doctor.
02:24I'll give you the bonus later.
02:26The ticket, the ticket.
02:30How do you approach this at 9 in the morning?
02:34I wanted to talk about...
02:36The intimate environment.
02:38How do you feel?
02:40Are there changes...
02:42We'll talk about it from the point of view of science.
02:44Yes, from the point of view of science.
02:47Grow up, please.
02:49Grow up.
02:50We're at another...
02:51We're at another age.
02:52At another age.
02:57But with that facial effect...
02:58But, excuse me, who puts an elephant at 9 in the morning?
03:02Fugi, the only one who stayed awake.
03:05Who puts an elephant at 9 in the morning?
03:07Fugi, Fugi.
03:08Fugi, Fugi.
03:11How do you approach this question, doctor?
03:17Within the things that happen during andropause.
03:20She won!
03:27It's hard.
03:28Oh, it's hard.
03:29I get it.
03:31You know we're playing like Pictionary.
03:33I get it.
03:34It's hard for us to...
03:35That, that, that.
03:39How do you feel?
03:40How do I feel?
03:41Do you feel...
03:45The alpha male is still an alpha and a beta.
03:49Or an alpha and a half.
03:50Or an alpha and an epsilon.
03:52Indeed, there are changes in intimacy as well.
03:55But Fugi!
03:58It was an indicative music.
04:01Abstract yourself from Fugi, please.
04:04Indeed, there are changes in intimacy as well.
04:10So, obviously, the couple behavior...
04:14Look how Michelle is laughing.
04:15...of a man over 45, 50, is not the same as that of a teenager.
04:23Of course, of course.
04:25No, but we know that.
04:26I understand what Rebe says.
04:27It's just that I'm trying to...
04:28No, yes.
04:30He's trying to speak for the time being.
04:32He's trying to speak for the time being.
04:34I understand.
04:35It's different, I'm going to graph it.
04:36It's different when you have, I don't know, up to 30...
04:39Yes, 40 as well.
04:40Suddenly you say...
04:42I don't know, I'm going to graph it with a sound.
04:44To say...
04:47I don't know if you understand me.
04:49I don't know how to say it.
04:50You went too far.
04:51You went too far, didn't you?
04:52You don't understand me, doctor.
04:53Yes, yes.
04:54You don't understand me.
04:55Now, after the events in intimacy,
05:01also the time of later latency also increases.
05:07Of course, because one could, for example...
05:09I understand.
05:10What does this mean?
05:12Excuse me, is this the weather or is this what we're talking about?
05:14I tried to say it in the briefcase.
05:17I mean, we're at 2-3.
05:20We're at 1.
05:23When have we been at 2-3?
05:25Sorry, sorry, sorry.
05:28Is this the myth of 2-3?
05:31It's funny, 5 as well.
05:35Good one, Viñuela!
05:40No, and now, one dosifies this age, it changes the frequency, clearly.
05:46And one suddenly says, well, in the case of what we have, children, kids,
05:49more still the frequency.
05:51Yes, look.
05:52But one says, look, at the same time, enjoy it, be happy.
05:55This is like...
05:56One changes quantity for quality.
05:57Exactly, compadre.
05:59To what we came here for.
06:07Look, Dr. Nino, I've never had such disordered patients.
06:11And you don't know how they make me suffer, how to explain it.
06:16Well, let's change the subject because it's 9.11 in the morning.
06:19But it's not just in that area, also muscle weakness, fatigue,
06:24there are different changes.
06:26Everything else is the same.
06:30No, but the joints are not the same.
06:32They are not the same.
06:33One begins to take supplements of different things, creatine, I don't know.
06:37You have to be more careful with the type of exercise.
06:39Exercise, for example, of very repeated blows, like jogging,
06:45can affect the body.
06:46No, I, before, at night, actor, at night, I ate some pretas with spicy puree,
06:51caramelized onion.
06:53Take it.
06:57Now I eat that question because I'm awake until one in the morning.
07:03There, there.
07:04Of course, the reflux.
07:06Of course.
07:07And with the pipa like this.
07:10So these changes are not just about women.
07:14It's good to know, doctor.
07:15It's good to know.
07:16To recommend it to my friends.
07:18Contributing to all his medical explanation, very professional,
07:22the team of high complexity of research of the switch found the symptoms.
07:29We have a special team.
07:30Let's check it out.
07:31Let's see.
07:32Excuse me, sir.
07:33Excuse me.
07:34Andropause, symptoms and complications.
07:37Let's see.
07:38I'm not going to stop here.
07:39Reduction of cognitive function.
07:43It may be that someone says to us, look, it's just that it's off, it's sad.
07:48And also the person gets more sensitive.
07:52Hey, I'm telling the truth.
07:53And also, look at the side, hair loss.
07:57Don't tell me that, doctor.
07:59Don't tell me that, doctor, that you're going to have to go back to...
08:03This is part of andropause.
08:05It is part of the hormonal changes that the male orgasm has.
08:13Sorry, I'm going through this.
08:15I'm going through this.
08:19If you don't go to the gym, there are people who have gynecomastia.
08:23But suddenly one tends to hang the tits more.
08:27The tits.
08:28I speak of the tits.
08:29It is that the muscles go down.
08:31The muscle mass is losing.
08:35And there may be a drop in the chest, especially the outermost layer of the chest that may be hanging.
08:42Look, when you say avoid certain exercises.
08:45Reduction of bone mass, risk of osteoporosis and risk of fracture.
08:49That's right.
08:50That's right.
08:51And for example, there are many people who continue to do the same sports they did when they were young.
08:57Soccer, etc.
08:59The risk of fracture is greater.
09:01Therefore, the more hostile, more violent game must be taken care of.
09:07Sorry, doctor.
09:08Sorry to ask you, but...
09:09No, no, no, no.
09:10That emoticon.
09:11That emoticon.
09:12I think it's good that we talk about it.
09:14I'm like embarrassed.
09:15It's like embarrassed.
09:16There are many men that we are going to pass.
09:19We pass.
09:20No, we don't pass.
09:21But there is a gradual decrease in...
09:25That man.
09:28Testicular atrophy, decrease in sexual desire, reduced levels of testosterone.
09:33That's right.
09:34They are worried.
09:35It decreases...
10:07Well, the big one.
10:08Get rid of the doctor.
10:09Because he is explaining as a professional.
10:13Here they start to chat.
10:14But it's real.
10:15I think that one...
10:16It's not that it doesn't work.
10:17One works.
10:18Sexually speaking.
10:19One works.
10:20Yes, of course.
10:21However, I agree with the issue of desire.
10:22Because when one...
10:23Twenty years ago, one was walking and suddenly, look.
10:25One was alive inside.
10:28Today, as if...
10:29Go, I'm still alive.
10:30As if you can stop...
10:32I don't know.
10:33And you say...
10:34It's the same.
10:35But when you are there, you answer.
10:36I don't know if you understand me, doctor.
10:38But this...
10:41I have a doubt.
10:42There is anxiety.
10:43For asking, doctor.
10:44The patients are very interested.
10:45I ask it because...
10:46You want to sit down.
10:47Hey, girls.
10:48I can't look the other way.
10:50Give me a chair.
10:51You know what?
10:52It's our time.
10:53It's our time.
10:54And I want to tell all the married women to please start to understand us.
10:56We are going through a very simple moment.
10:58It's our time.
10:59It's our time.
11:00It's our time.
11:01It's our time.
11:02It's our time.
11:03It's our time.
11:04It's our time.
11:05It's our time.
11:06It's our time.
11:07It's our time.
11:08It's our time.
11:09It's our time.
11:10It's our time.
11:11It's our time.
11:12It's our time.
11:13It's our time.
11:14It's our time.
11:15It's our time.
11:16It's our time.
11:17It's our time.
11:18It's our time.
11:19It's our time.
11:20It's our time.
11:21It's our time.
11:22It's our time.
11:23It's our time.
11:24It's our time.
11:25It's our time.
11:26It's our time.
11:27It's our time.
11:28It's our time.
11:29It's our time.
11:30It's our time.
11:31It's our time.
11:32It's our time.
11:33You can have a decrease in desire, but the intimate life continues and can be maintained.
11:40I'm going to put something more manly.
11:47Doctor, sweat in men is also common in andropause, right?
11:52We're seeing it live.
11:54Insecurity, because he didn't know if he should change his clothes, he doesn't like it, no, I don't feel ugly, I'm not going to change.
12:02It doesn't suit me, it doesn't suit me.
12:04Exactly, sensitivity.
12:05I don't like it.
12:06No, I don't look good.
12:07And it changes the skin.
12:08How is that?
12:09It changes the skin, it also thins out.
12:14Let's say, also.
12:15And it loses elasticity.
12:17But at what age, doctor? Is that at 40, 45?
12:21No, past 45, 50 years.
12:23I mean, at a young age. How old are you, Jose?
12:28What I want to understand is how to know if one is experiencing it.
12:36But do you have any doubts about your situation?
12:39Look, of everything you've shown, I think I'm in a 90, but I don't know if I'm experiencing it.
12:44I mean, one has to go to a doctor and the doctor says, you know what, friend? You're going through andropause.
12:49It's like when it happens to women, you have menopause.
12:53Do you feel more beautiful now?
12:54No, I'm shocked.
12:56You're going through andropause.
12:57Yes, it's just that I went to change my nail.
13:01I haven't seen an animator who changes his nail three times. This man is impressive.
13:04No, but I looked at myself in the mirror and I started doing this.
13:08Do you have gynecomastia?
13:10No, but I can't believe that.
13:12What I'm saying is, one goes to the doctor and the doctor says, you have andropause.
13:15Can they give you anything for that?
13:17Well, yes, they can. And you also have to make changes in your lifestyle.
13:22I mean, you have to change the way you eat.
13:24The same things that you ate when you were young and that didn't have repercussions,
13:28when you eat them when you're older, with a change in metabolism, it's going to mean an increase in fat.
13:34You have to worry, for example, about the protein intake to maintain...
13:40But, for example, doctor, what foods would you have to eliminate?
13:43What foods wouldn't you have to eliminate?
13:44The roast.
13:45I would say no.
13:47No, we lose the rep.
13:49The roast.
13:50The roast.
13:51No, no.
13:52Let's say that adolescence in men ends around 67.
13:58Of course, of course, of course.
14:00No, it's not about eliminating, it's about decreasing.
14:04And what foods?
14:05You have to be more careful with saturated fats, with refined sugars, with flour.
14:11And alcohol?
14:12Alcohol too, too.
14:14But be careful, too.
14:15You don't have to be careful all your life.
14:17It's a natural phenomenon.
14:20The tolerance to alcohol decreases, so people naturally...
14:23Naturally, of course.
14:24I'm sorry to tell you this, but you're absolutely right.
14:26Look, I've been on hepatitis for a while now, like less, less, less.
14:31And now that I'm on this diet, I decided to leave it for at least a month, let's say.
14:37But, for example, I don't drink distilled, I don't know if it happens to you.
14:40I drink wine.
14:41I've been through that stage.
14:43Of course, and that too, it's like nature is knowingly giving signals to a person.
14:49It's the tolerance.
14:50It's not going to settle.
14:51No, but if that's not the case, then tolerance is better.
14:53Now, exercise is necessary.
14:56The problem is that you have to be careful with trauma, but exercise...
14:59But, for example, go out and ride a bicycle.
15:02Or play tennis, play soccer.
15:04But, doctor, you know what?
15:06But without playing hard.
15:08But there are, for example, men who have never been good at doing sports, so that we are with things.
15:12And things come to them.
15:13And the question comes to them just at this age.
15:15Of course.
15:16Because they have to take care.
15:17What exercise should they do at this age?
15:19You're enjoying the subject.
15:20You're enjoying it, huh?
15:23I have to understand your man.
15:25It is that there, the load of exercise is not heavy.
15:29For example, the trot can be, but it has to be with adequate shoes, the terrain that does not generate much trauma.
15:37Of course, the impact, doctor, is very strong.
15:40Spectacular swimming.
15:41That's it.
15:42The bicycle.
15:43It happened to me once that I said, ah, I'm going to go running.
15:49Because I had heard that I run 10 kilometers, that I run 15 kilometers.
15:53And I threw myself, I ran 10 kilometers.
15:57He almost died.
15:58The spoon, I tell you.
15:59Listen to me, how did it go?
16:00How did you stay?
16:01I was hit, because I had a 5-luck bill here in the trunk.
16:06And I came in a taxi.
16:12So you ran 5 kilometers.
16:14And a friend came and told me, but little dog, one has to go like a father.
16:19But what's going on?
16:20I want to ask another question, doctor.
16:22Can you put the symptoms again?
16:25Because in particular with a symptom.
16:28For example, decrease in cognitive function, depression.
16:32That I, maybe we, we could relate it to the change of mood or attitude of people.
16:43Because it turns out that a lot is spoken, and almost as well as the chacota, of the crisis of the 40s,
16:47of the 50s, when men start to worry, or suddenly they start to put on more fit,
16:52or suddenly they start buying sports cars, or a motorcycle.
16:56A motorcycle.
16:57They start to believe, they start to believe younger, and they start to find themselves more colorful.
17:03That's called...
17:04Like a new air.
17:05Do you know what that's called?
17:07I've seen it with a friend of mine.
17:10Because they were never like that, because the 40s get like that.
17:12I haven't lived it, I haven't lived it.
17:14What do you mean?
17:15I mean, you say because of the bracelets I have.
17:18What's it called?
17:19Peter Pan syndrome.
17:21No, no, no.
17:22It's just that it's different.
17:23Because I feel that the Peter Pan syndrome, you were always like that, you never grew up.
17:26Forever young.
17:27Always a young boy.
17:29But it turns out that they could have had a kind of maturity in between, 30, 35, they had children,
17:34and suddenly they find themselves at 40, 45, 50.
17:39In your best moment.
17:40When they are older.
17:41And they have that new air.
17:42They give themselves as young rockers.
17:45But that happens a lot in the segment...
17:47With that music.
17:48It's true.
17:49In fact, if you look, the coolest motorcycles, the coolest that are on the street,
17:54they are 50, 60-year-old men, right?
17:56That happens a lot, I think, in the segment of separated men.
17:59It would be important to call a psychologist at this time.
18:01I don't know if...
18:03Let's make a whole meeting of specialists, but...
18:06I don't know if it happens to you, but I also have separated friends who were married for 15 years.
18:1020 years.
18:11But they are not separated.
18:12No, no, yes, but today I see them riding, I see them in teenage carts,
18:16I see them riding in teenage places, and I see them very cool, like when one was 25 years old.
18:23And in fact, this segment is what you said too.
18:25I think it's probably like that.
18:27Could it be associated, perhaps, with this period of andropause?
18:30Well, there are different ways to react to the changes that are happening with age.
18:35And one of the ways, when an adult person has lived for years,
18:41committed to their family, to their children,
18:44and sees that they begin to have the first symptoms of youth loss...
18:49The children begin to grow up, they begin to fish less...
18:52Look, the symptoms of youth loss...
18:54The symptoms of youth loss...
18:56Yes, when I'm not so young anymore.
18:58The famous sehuela.