• la semaine dernière
Peter et Emma se voient déjà embrasser la vie avec un grand V, prêts pour le mariage, les enfants et la jolie maison, lorsque leurs moitiés respectives, Anne et Noah, les plaquent. Terrifiés à l'idée d'avoir loupé le coche, les deux trentenaires découvrent avec horreur que leurs ex se sont vite consolés. Anne, dans les bras de Logan, et Noah dans ceux de Ginny. Convaincus qu'Anne et Noah sont leurs âmes soeurs, ils tentent de les reconquérir en mettant sur pied un plan original qui prend rapidement une tournure inattendue...
00:00I want to break up with you.
00:02I want you back.
00:03Oh baby.
00:04I want you back.
00:13Is everything ok?
00:14You have mascara all over your whole face.
00:17You actually have like a piece of toilet paper or something.
00:21Oh, do I really?
00:22Other side.
00:23There, yeah.
00:24Just got dumped.
00:25I want to break up with you.
00:27Oh, me too.
00:28I'm breaking up with you.
00:33Oh my God.
00:38How about this?
00:39Whenever we're feeling like we just can't take it anymore,
00:43let's call each other.
00:45We're each other's sadness sisters.
00:46Well, sadness sister sounds like you're Diane Keaton
00:49and I'm Meryl Streep and we're in a Broadway play,
00:51but I like it, yeah.
00:52That's a great cast.
00:54You should cast plays.
00:55Oh my God.
00:57And look at her with my boyfriend.
00:59This is bad.
01:01What the fuck?
01:03He was the love of my life.
01:05And Anne is the love of mine.
01:07But I'm not so sure that they're going to realize it,
01:09not with these shiny new people around.
01:11So what are we supposed to do?
01:13We have to break them up.
01:14That's crazy.
01:15We can't do that.
01:19How would we do that?
01:21How would we do that?
01:25I will seduce Anne's boyfriend.
01:26Am I doing this right?
01:27It's so wet.
01:29You just take your two fingers, let it drip out.
01:31Oh, thank you.
01:33I don't think we've met.
01:36You will friendship seduce Noah.
01:38What about your ex?
01:39Really funny.
01:40Was she funny?
01:41Pop that shirt off.
01:42I'd rather not.
01:43I'll tell you what, I'll take mine off too.
01:45That's not going to help me at all.
01:46Can I tell you a little secret about being an adult?
01:50We're just pretending that we know what we're doing.
01:52And we're hoping that we don't screw it up.
01:55Your stamina's really improved.
01:57It's the drugs!
01:58I find you both incredibly attractive.
02:00Oh, wow.
02:03Look at you, good work.
02:04Yeah, man, I'm a psycho.
02:06You are somebody that a person could fall very deeply in love with.
02:11But it's more like slowly, over five or six months.
02:15Or like a year.
02:17Two years tops.
02:18Do you realize the number's going up?
