Bienvenido a Watchmojo Español, hoy conocerás nuestras selecciones para el peor de los peores animes, algo difícil de ver.
00:00Multiple realities are progressing at the same time.
00:03It's a doozy.
00:05Never thought I'd actually see you again.
00:08Hey, hola and welcome to WatchMojo Español.
00:11I'm G, and today you're going to see our selections for the worst of the worst of anime.
00:16Something pretty hard to watch.
00:19It's disgusting!
00:20It's disgusting and it's exploding!
00:22It's disgusting, and as a Guinness record holder, I'm proud to say that it's disgusting!
00:27Number 10, Listeners.
00:29There's a hole in here?
00:31Oh, you're awake.
00:33How do you feel?
00:37In a post-apocalyptic world where there's no music,
00:40the young Echo Rec discovers the joy of a good rhythm when he finds an audio port in a... girl?
00:47Yes, that's right, he puts a cable to help the Apnesicamu and no, no, no, it's a double meaning.
00:52It's literally the plot of the series.
00:54Oh, and there are also mechas.
00:56Don't ask us why.
00:58That implies that there's a reason for anything that happens in Listeners.
01:01Oh, it's disgusting!
01:04Wake up!
01:05The characters love to release names of classical music artists, but for the rest,
01:10it's a boring anime that wastes its potential with bad jokes and a pointless plot.
01:16Are you interested?
01:17Calm down!
01:19Oh, sorry.
01:20Number 9, Handshakers.
01:22If it's a dream, I want it to wake up.
01:25As more and more battle animes come out of nowhere,
01:29it's increasingly difficult for anyone to stand out among the crowd,
01:32but will it force your protagonists to always go hand in hand?
01:35Is it really the best argument that could come up to Handshakers?
01:39If this were a comedy or even an angry isekai, it would be funny, but... it's uncomfortable.
01:45On the other hand, the story doesn't matter when the visual effects alone are enough to discourage most people.
01:53Studio GoHands has a history of producing some of the ugliest animes that exist,
01:57and the CG attacks of Handshakers are no exception.
02:01Trust us and stay very, very far away from this series.
02:06I know, but I won't explain!
02:08I'm so embarrassed, I'm going to explode!
02:11Number 8, Try Nights.
02:15Whether you play basketball, volleyball, football, or something else,
02:19there's a good sports anime out there made just for you.
02:22Rugby players, on the other hand... well, they have Try Nights.
02:26It's a lifeless and stereotypical story full of lifeless and stereotypical characters.
02:31Even worse, everything is overshadowed by one of the worst animations we've ever seen.
02:37There's no speed or impact on anything that happens on screen,
02:40which makes this anime impossible to take seriously.
02:44To be by your side, I have to polish myself.
02:49Thanks to the lifeless plot, we don't blame the animators if they just cut it out.
02:55Seriously, don't bother watching Try Nights.
02:58Don't fuck with me!
03:13And... Seventeen?
03:18It's kind of tangled up...
03:21It's blurry...
03:22The original FLCL is a timeless classic, we all agree on that.
03:28But instead of leaving it alone, Adult Swim had to squeeze the brand to the limit.
03:33Three different sequels came out, Progressive, Alternative, and Range,
03:37each one worse than the previous one.
03:39Not to mention the poor quality of the animation,
03:42the exaggerated stories give the feeling that they lack the intimate heart that FLCL put on the map.
03:56It's not just that they're disappointing,
03:58but that these sequels actively disdain the legacy of the original.
04:02If we have to choose between The Shower or Adult Swim, we always choose The Shower.
04:12Number 6, Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer.
04:15I'm going to die.
04:23Let's be clear, Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer is not a bad manga.
04:28In fact, it's very good, especially when it begins to reveal the dark layers of its disastrous characters.
04:35That's why it's a shame that the best of the series is left on the page.
04:39At some point in the translation, the anime lost sight of its original material,
04:43and instead duplicated the bad fan service and the cliché jokes.
04:48The bad adaptation hurts even more because the readers of the manga know that if it had been in other hands,
04:53this series could have been great.
04:56Unfortunately, it could have been, it's the closest it will be to greatness.
05:01I won't let you destroy the Earth!
05:03Because I'll be the one to destroy this planet!
05:09Number 5, Ninja Kamui.
05:17Adult Swim attacks again.
05:19Instead of spitting on a very dear proposal, this time they bet on an original idea.
05:24Although things didn't turn out better anyway.
05:27The whole plot of Ninja Kamui is the same old and used revenge story that has been seen a thousand times before in a thousand better animes.
05:35Well, instead of doing something new with such a familiar argument,
05:39the series launches anguishly boring fights to the screen and goes to sleep.
05:43It's a insipid fiction that seems to exist only to take advantage of the success of other better action series.
05:49I have no choice but to bet on your physical ability.
05:52Based on the negative reception, we would say that it failed epically.
05:57If this ninja messes up my room, I'll kill him.
06:02Number 4, Tesla Notch.
06:12Saving the world with the lost artifacts of Nikola Tesla is a pretty serious job.
06:16So it's a real headache because Tesla Notch can't spend more than 60 seconds without throwing another bad joke.
06:29Every interesting development of the plot is almost immediately put aside in favor of more comedy attempts.
06:36Although, given the horrible 3D animation, it is likely that Tesla Notch would have failed if it had been a drama anyway.
06:43You might think that combining espionage, action and extravagant characters is an infallible move.
06:50But this anime is much less than the sum of its parts.
07:06Number 3, Uzumaki.
07:13The only entertaining thing about Uzumaki is to find out what the hell happened behind the scenes.
07:19Announced in 2019, the 4-episode miniseries suffered a delay after another, before finally reaching the screens 5 years later, in 2024.
07:30After all the wait, the manga fans tuned in to the anime to see a presentation of PNG slides that barely qualifies as animation.
07:38Although the first episode was pretty good, the next three fell through a cliff.
07:43To decide that the fans were disappointed would be to stay short.
07:47We want to know, what the hell were they doing for 5 years? Because they clearly weren't working on Uzumaki.
08:00Number 2, X-Arm.
08:02Some series can't be seen because they are boring, others because they take advantage of their potential.
08:12Some are just stupid, but when we say that X-Arm can't be seen, we don't even mean its confusing plot, wrong changes or shameless fanservice.
08:22No, it's impossible to see from the purely visual point of view.
08:33It's more likely that the dizzying camera and the atrocious 3D animation make you sick than keep you entertained.
08:39There's no way to sweeten it, X-Arm is a show of loyalty.
08:44It's such a monumental failure, that at this point it's practically the representation of bad CGI and bad anime.
08:51Manga fans, we feel it.
09:02Hey, we're not done yet, but almost.
09:05Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our most recent videos.
09:11You'll surely like them.
09:13Now, let's go to the end.
09:16Number 1, Rick and Morty, the anime.
09:19Sorry, but I'm not your normal Rick, kid.
09:22And my Morty is already dead.
09:24It turns out that naming a popular show to a cheap anime spin-off doesn't automatically make it good, funny or worth it.
09:32But we shouldn't be surprised if we consider that this ramification of Rick and Morty was produced in part by,
09:38you heard it and guessed it, Adol Swim.
09:42Most of the problems of the show can be summed up in the fact that none of the original actors repeated their roles for the dubbing in English.
09:50That's right, they couldn't even get the original Rick and Morty back for Rick and Morty the anime.
09:55This is the little care they put in the production, and it can be seen reflected in every painful corner, without grace, of this disaster.
10:04So you finally getting tired of being a pathetic sack of crap?
10:10What is the anime that everyone loves but you can't stand?
10:13Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other videos of WatchMojo en Español.