• 2 hours ago
Bungee fitness is a dynamic workout that incorporates the use of bungee cords to add resistance and create a unique, low-impact exercise.


00:00We all know that working out is not a one size fits all, you've got to find that fitness activity which you enjoy the most, that way you're more likely to stick with it.
00:10Whether that be swimming, running, Pilates, it's great to get your body moving.
00:15I have come to Bungee Fly Fitness on Bolt Street, where another way of working out awaits me.
00:22It's a simple way of getting fit and having fun at the same time.
00:27As a PT, when I saw it, I could see the benefits of it being a hard workout from a PT's perspective, but also fun from a client's.
00:38Because when you actually get used to the bungee taking your weight, it's very good.
00:44So it's very good for anybody with bad knees, bad ankles, any issues like that, it's fantastic for.
00:52So it's very low impact, but high cardio.
00:56Just be open to me taking the mickey out of you, because that's what I'm going to do.
01:05Well, some great advice from Elaine there about what to expect for my first time.
01:11Let's go and get myself strapped in.
01:14We've had people in the 70s, it's right across the board.
01:20It's good fun, because every session is different, because everybody's different.
01:26So it takes a while for people to get used to it, and they're laughing.
01:32So I'm laughing at them, because I know what's coming next.
01:35So it's good, we have a good banter going on.
01:38Britons who regularly exercise are happier, less stressed and more energetic.
01:43According to data from YouGov, the more days a week someone does 30 minutes or more of physical exercise,
01:50the more likely they are to say they're happy and feel energetic and less likely to be stressed.
01:56They laugh all the way through, and they go away with a big smile on their face.
02:01And they actually don't realise that they've worked out.
02:04So that, for me as a PT, is great, because they're coming and having a great time.
02:10But also I can see that they're actually working at the same time.
02:14So, yeah, for somebody to walk out the door and have a laugh, that's the best thing for me.
02:20Oh my gosh, that was so much fun. I didn't know what to expect.
02:25I thought I might enjoy it, but honestly I didn't expect to be pretty much crying, laughing throughout the whole thing.
02:33Honestly, I don't know if you can see, I'm quite sweaty as well.
02:36And that was only a small amount of what you do in a full class.
02:40I didn't realise it could be such a good workout, as well as having so much fun.
02:46I can imagine this really is for everyone.
02:50I can't imagine someone who wouldn't enjoy it.
02:52Just let yourself go, feel free and soar like a bird.
