• 2 days ago
USC, UCLA Promising Final Four Contenders In NCAA Tournament
00:00Women's basketball with you and UCLA you're very promising final four contenders
00:04How is this conference prepared you for a deep run like that that maybe other conferences don't?
00:10Yeah, I mean with the with the depth of talent in the league and you know
00:14I think there'll be 12 or 13 NCAA tournament teams. We've faced
00:20NCAA tournament caliber teams night in and night out all of whom have different styles and then obviously we challenge ourselves in a non-conference
00:26You know with UConn and Ole Miss and Notre Dame to get ready
00:31So, you know, it's still one game at a time
00:34But we definitely feel like you know
00:36Our preparation is there based on on the competition we faced both in the Big Ten and in our non-conference
00:42Coach again
00:44talking about runs that during the ballgame the 12 will run the 9-0 run and a cup another run there and that
00:51Second quarter got you up by 10 and there's the end of the game who's involved in it, but juju she she's involved in all
