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🎁 J’ai surpris des streamers avec des skins Fortnite introuvables ! 😱 Pour ce premier défi, Skydeun doit prouver son skill à la batte pour tenter de repartir avec un skin à 1000€… Va-t-il réussir ou tout perdre ? 🔥🎮

🟨Code MAP Super Pit : 8068-9359-0183
Code MAP SUPER MAMMOTH : 1699-5054-8430
Code MAP Red vs Blue : 8970-6014-8339

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#epicpartner #unchained #fortnite
00:00I put my hand on skins that are extremely expensive on Fortnite
00:04And today I'm going to surprise Fortnite streamers with a challenge
00:08If they succeed in my extreme challenge, I will offer them a skin of enormous value
00:13And I don't think it will be that simple
00:15So friends, we meet on Twitch and Skyden is live on his channel
00:19We will start with him because they will have only one chance
00:21If he misses, I will change streamer, etc, etc
00:24Hi Skyden, I have a skin for you worth 1,000 euros
00:27But if you want it, here is the challenge
00:28I have to make you 5 kills, including the last one with the baseball bat
00:30And you have only one try
00:31Do you want to try this challenge?
00:33I just sent him the message
00:34We'll see if he accepts my challenge guys
00:361,000 balls, the skin is 1,000 euros
00:38Hi Skyden, I have a skin for you worth 1,000 euros
00:41I have to make you 5 kills, including the last one with the baseball bat
00:44And you have only one try
00:45Do you want to try this challenge?
00:46Skin at 1,000 euros
00:48I take up the challenge
00:49Challenge accepted
00:50Well, man, thanks for accepting, it's nice
00:52I have to make you 5 kills with the bat?
00:54Yeah, you see the baseball bat
00:55If you manage to make 5 kills in one try
00:58And the last one you finish with the bat
00:59I offer you a skin worth 1,000 euros
01:01And the skin, I'm not allowed to know what it is
01:03It's a 1,000-dollar skin
01:04I'll tell you if you win
01:05Ok, ok
01:05I can give you the sum
01:06Well, let's go
01:07Go ahead, good luck man
01:08Take one try
01:09If you don't make it, bro, I'm leaving the stream
01:11You're leaving?
01:12I'm going to see someone else
01:13Come on, let's go
01:14What do you mean Codename?
01:15Codename Skyden
01:16It's my stream here
01:17Hey guys in the chat
01:18A skin worth 1,000
01:20You're going to be pissed
01:21Imagine you respawn me, bro
01:22I'm going to respawn
01:23Where am I going to spawn?
01:25I'm afraid I won't find a bat quickly
01:27Maybe you have to find something special for a bat
01:30Yeah, but I don't know
01:31There's no 100% bat
01:32Guys, are there 100% guaranteed bats for some spawns?
01:35I don't think so
01:35I can go to a spawn where there's a Volt
01:37But I'm not even sure I have one
01:39A bat for the turtle?
01:40For real?
01:41I don't even want to listen to him
01:42The turtle?
01:42Oh yeah, the turtle for sure
01:43Everyone tells me
01:44Where is it?
01:44Is it here?
01:45Is it here, Simpson?
01:46Ok guys, I'm listening to the chat
01:47I hope he doesn't tell me anything
01:49There are two guys who told me
01:50Good luck, bro
01:51Let's go
01:51Let's go
01:52The game is on
01:53Skyden, you only have one chance
01:55Thank you for accepting
01:56Guys, if he dies, we're going to have a streamer
01:58Is the strat to spawn directly at the turtle?
02:01I don't know
02:01For you to understand
02:02You have to do 5 kills at the bat
02:04You have to kill them
02:04Including the last one, you have to kill it at the bat
02:06If you want to win the skin for 1000€
02:07Ok, ok
02:08Your glider is nice, I like it
02:09Yeah, but are they not going to the turtle?
02:11Or is there a guy...
02:13Wow, everyone is going to the turtle, bro
02:16You already have a kill
02:17Good, I'm going to kill him
02:18I'm the second one who was at my spawn
02:19Ok, where is the bat now?
02:20You have to find it, maybe a mythical chest or something like that
02:22The other turtle at the bat
02:24There is loot already
02:25I can put the little chug chug
02:27Guys, I have to stay on live
02:29Because I have to check
02:30A skin for 1000€, guys
02:31I can't lie to you
02:34And I don't have a bat
02:34Oh my god, you don't have a bat
02:36Speaking of the baseball bat
02:38I added an event on my superpeat map
02:40If you go to the special event
02:42And you click directly on this distributor
02:44It's going to change the game
02:45All the players of the game are going to have a baseball bat
02:48If you haven't tried this event yet
02:49It's too fun
02:50You click on the search bar
02:51You type UNC
02:52And here is the superpeat
02:53I try to update you every week
02:55And here is the event this week
02:56Can we have bats on the market maybe?
02:59On the ground, yeah, I think
03:00But my strat is going to be what?
03:01It's going to be to kill guys
03:02And among the guys I'm going to kill
03:03It's sure there will be one who will have a bat
03:05And so
03:07I'm going to have them like that
03:07Or maybe in the train, you know
03:09If you fight the train
03:10There is a legendary tank
03:11Yeah, but the train, I'm far from the train
03:13Oh, there are footsteps
03:17What does he want?
03:19The bambino
03:20It's a little bambi, he didn't have a bat, unfortunately
03:22Too bad, too bad
03:23There's another one there
03:25Oh, bat distributor, man, can you imagine?
03:27Is there one?
03:28I don't know
03:28No, no
03:29Ah, ok
03:30Damn, he baited me
03:31Oh no, and otherwise you have to know the bot who has the bat
03:33100% there is a bot who has
03:34You can buy him the bat
03:35Do you think?
03:36Do you think it exists?
03:37Yeah, yeah, it's a new season
03:38I don't know
03:39And he keeps going, he keeps going
03:40The problem is that guys, I admit he does a kill skyden
03:42Well, in the end he must kill 5 with the bat
03:44It's complicated all that
03:46Still no bat, but I do splashes
03:49But there is no one who has a bat
03:51Ah, it's complicated
03:52The bat guys, it's a little bit like the saber
03:54The saber that was available the previous season
03:56Which was extremely cheated by the way
03:57But the bat you can play tennis with, against the player
03:59I'm going to go to the basketball field, there's a safe there
04:01So maybe a bat there
04:02Good idea bro, good idea
04:03So it's an epic rarity weapon
04:05Very appreciated by players
04:06Yeah, well, it's strong
04:07You can rotate, you can do
04:08It's very strong
04:09You can hit people
04:10You go faster with, yeah
04:11You save yourself from damage as well
04:12Yeah, yeah, and you don't take damage when you jump
04:14No, it's not the 5th kill with the bat
04:15I have to make 5 kills with the bat
04:17Including the last one with the bat
04:18Basically, that's it
04:19Well played Sky, that's it
04:20We're going to take the safe
04:21There seemed to be no one
04:22But then it's going to make me waste a lot of time
04:24Ah, but as long as there are 5 people
04:26You still have your chances bro
04:28Yeah, that's true
04:29But if you don't make it
04:30I'll see you another day pro Fortnite
04:31I'm going to try to open the safe
04:32We'll see
04:33Oh, already a little legendary safe there
04:34Not even in the safe
04:35Is there a...
04:36No, no bat
04:37Ah, it stings for Sky
04:38Any safe can give you some
04:40As well as players too
04:41Be aware that the bat, if you find one
04:42You know it has HP, the bat
04:44So you have to find one that is also full HP
04:46You know some skins bro
04:47That are worth 1,000 euros
04:49Yeah, I think they're in these waters
04:51There's Wildcat
04:52And then the others, I don't really know them
04:54You know some in the chat
04:55That are worth 1,000 euros guys
04:56Skins worth 1,000 bucks
04:57Ah, it opens the safe
04:58Give me a bat
04:59No bat, no bat
05:00Well, there's no bat
05:01Ok, it's fine
05:02No, no bat in the safe
05:04Oh, it's fine
05:05There are 40 lives left
05:06I'm going to take a car
05:08No bat in the safe
05:09Can you imagine or not guys
05:10Actually, the bat is quite rare
05:11It's not something you find everywhere
05:13It's like a saber in real life
05:14It's weird
05:15We've had two legendary safes
05:17Plus the ones you had at the beginning
05:18No bat for now
05:19I'm going to go get the guy with the medallion
05:21I think he must have a lot of loot
05:22I'm going to throw a bat
05:23Because it's fighting right in front of us
05:27If there was water
05:28Do they have bats?
05:29It doesn't look like they have bats
05:30I'm going to go get the medallion
05:31You're in trouble
05:32I have to hurry
05:33No stuff unfortunately
05:35Oh, I killed him
05:36I put water
05:37Well done bro, well done
05:40But there's everything, there's no bat
05:41I have the medallion
05:42I have a chick chick
05:43If I had done those kills with the bat
05:45It would have been done
05:47Yeah, but look, it doesn't matter
05:48It was close
05:49Well done
05:51But how is there no bat?
05:52It's crazy
05:54I even have the medallion
05:55I have all the loot in the game
05:56But I don't have the bat
05:57Don't tell me my challenge is too difficult bro
05:59It's not possible
06:02How is it possible guys?
06:03But I have 9 kills
06:04Ah, the players don't have it
06:05I think
06:06I think we might have to loot
06:07Look if there's maybe a safe
06:08Still available on the map to open
06:10We all did it
06:11But it doesn't matter, there's a guy
06:12Tell me you have a bat
06:14He doesn't have a bat
06:15That's the big stress for him bro
06:16Plus he's on live stream
06:17There's the pressure showing
06:18It doesn't matter, as long as there's 5 guys alive it's possible
06:20I hope for you bro
06:21How do you find the mythical mammoth?
06:23The mammoth is good
06:24He has 2 bullets, 2 gloves
06:25I think he deleted
06:26He deleted tournaments
06:28Yeah, there's no tournament
06:29Are you happy or are you sad that there's no tournament?
06:32Come on, tell me you have a bat
06:33Actually I'm happy
06:34Because it was a bit cheated
06:35Wait, I see a purple item
06:37No, what is it?
06:38It's the gloves
06:39Too bad
06:40Too bad
06:41Let's wait for a bat
06:42Guys, there's not a lot of possibilities left
06:46It's annoying
06:48Top 24 already
06:49What do you think you should do?
06:51Why are you doing the kills?
06:52I think you should open the bat without doing the kills
06:54Maybe the strat
06:56Maybe it's the strat bro
06:59It was close
07:02There's a bat
07:03Let's go, there's the bat
07:04Wait, he's under pressure
07:05He's crazy
07:06Maybe he's the first one with the bat
07:07SkydonK left directly
07:08He has the deathball bat
07:09In his inventory
07:11The first one
07:12Good job!
07:13The first one with the bat
07:14That's not bad
07:15Guys, it's annoying
07:16There's not a lot of players left in life
07:18You can do it
07:19SkydonK has 1,000 euros
07:20It's on point
07:21I have good weapons
07:22Very well done
07:24It does 60 damage when you shoot with it
07:25But I think if you reload the bat for a bit longer
07:28It can do up to 90 damage
07:30And the guy flies like a bullet
07:32SkydonK dodges
07:40He's not dead
07:41He's dead, that's good
07:432 kills already with the bat
07:45We don't forget
07:46You have to do 5
07:47Too bad
07:48He missed a kill guys
07:49You have to go up to 5
07:51Including the last 100% with the baseball bat
07:53If you want to skin him, 1,000 euros on your safe
07:59And 2-3
08:00Ok, I only need 2 more
08:01Guys, it's going too fast
08:02I only need 2 more
08:03It's going too fast
08:05How did you manage to find the bat when you were in the top 20
08:07And you already did 3 kills with it?
08:09Can I do more than 5 kills?
08:11Of course
08:12But be careful
08:13You have to be with the bat
08:14Keep the energy
08:15Because you have a final
08:16You have to be with the baseball bat
08:17I still have a lot
08:18It's almost full
08:19Guys, it's crazy
08:20Because normally I had to go around the streamers
08:21No, I one-shot him
08:23Come on, one kill
08:24And SkydonK is off to a good start
08:28But against a guy with a pump
08:29He can also die
08:30And it's over for him
08:32He's not dead
08:33Tell me in the comments guys
08:34What is your favorite weapon of this season 2?
08:37It's the pistol Mammoth
08:38Because it's the 4th kill with the bat
08:40You already have 4 kills
08:42Yes, 4
08:43Oh my aim
08:44I missed everything
08:48Guys, the chat
08:49It's 3
08:50It's 3
08:51It's 3?
08:52It's not 3
08:54I'll do it again if you want
08:55Please guys
09:00Someone said you're going to lose because you suck
09:03Someone said that, I swear
09:08Ok, be careful guys
09:09I don't forget
09:10The last player 100% with the bat
09:12Skydon, ok?
09:13Otherwise it's too easy
09:14Don't worry
09:15Have you ever played baseball in your life or what?
09:16You're too hot
09:17Where are the last ones?
09:18I have to find the last ones
09:19Already 23 kills
09:20It's not possible
09:21But be careful
09:22If the last one doesn't die with the bat
09:23No, no, no
09:24It doesn't count
09:25And the last one
09:26You really have to hit him
09:27Max power
09:28With the bat
09:30Let's go
09:31There are only 2 guys left
09:32How many kills did you make in this game?
09:34It's almost a record
09:35I'm at 24
09:36It's going fast
09:37No, but guys
09:38I should have contacted Natmore to make this video
09:42You already reached your kill quota
09:43Well done
09:44Skydon, it's going to be a lot of liquid money
09:46It's going to be a skin
09:47It's going to be a skin
09:48By the way, tell me in the comments
09:49With which other streamer you want me to do a challenge like this
09:51Where I give them an extreme challenge
09:52And I give them an extremely exclusive skin
09:55If I can
09:56Ok, there's one there
09:57Ok, there's only one guy left
09:59I'm going to use the splash to heal myself
10:01So the last one is with the bat
10:02Skydon, the last one
10:03Max power with the bat
10:04You charge your bat to infinity
10:05Big bat shot
10:06But guys, he's going to make 26 kills if he makes it
10:08I'm going to distract you
10:09It's not possible
10:10Skydon, it's bugging
10:11Your stream is bugging
10:12Look at the chat
10:13They say it's spamming bug
10:14No, it's bugging
10:15It's wrong
10:16It's dead
10:17Sprint with the bat
10:18I won't let you distract me
10:19But wait, where is the last one hidden?
10:21If you don't find him, you don't win for now
10:24I admit, if you don't find him, you don't win for now
10:26Imagine, he loses zones
10:27You have to find him
10:28To put damage to him with the bat
10:30Otherwise, it's useless
10:32If you don't find him, you're done
10:34Nowadays, it costs 1000 euros
10:35At the time, it didn't even cost 20 euros
10:37But now, it's extremely rare
10:38It's screwed
10:39For me, he went in invisible skydive
10:41Where he does a zone glitch
10:43And if it's the case, you can't finish him with the bat
10:45And it's over for you
10:46Come on, focus Skydon
10:47Are you going to find him or what?
10:48The push zone
10:49It's because of Beans
10:50He's invisible
10:51Is there an invisibility medallion?
10:52No, he was removed
10:53It's weird
10:54What is that?
10:55What could it be?
10:56Ok, he's invisible
10:57I see him
10:58I see him
10:59He saw him
11:00Ok, wait
11:01I have a strat
11:02I have a strat
11:03How is he going to do it?
11:04Guys, be brave
11:05For Skydon
11:06Maybe you'll win a 1000 euros skin
11:07Look at me, it's Bambinos
11:08I'm sending you the code
11:09That's the little skin
11:12Are you doing the maxing?
11:13Yeah, he's waiting for me
11:14I'm a little scared
11:15Send him to the zone
11:21He was low
11:22He was a little noob
11:23The last one
11:26He was well hidden
11:27He was well hidden
11:29Let's go, first try
11:30I swear that in my head
11:31For me, it was a difficult challenge
11:335 kills with the bat
11:34You should have done that with NathMore
11:36If you wanted it to be difficult
11:37Not with me
11:38You didn't do too well for him
11:39I'm sending Skydon directly
11:40The code
11:41I'm going to lose 1000 euros
11:42I'm losing 1000 euros
11:44Don't show it on live
11:45Otherwise, it's over
11:46Redeem code
11:47I'm holding my word
11:48I got destroyed
11:49For this challenge
11:50Please, guys
11:51Leave a like on the video
11:52Subscribe to the channel
11:53It would make me so happy
11:54And give me a subscriber
11:55In the comments
11:56And look at the skin you're going to get
11:58What skin do you think
11:59Skydon is going to get?
12:03The Borderlands skin
12:04Do you have it?
12:06Boom, guys
12:09With your locker, bro
12:10It's worth 1000 euros
12:11If one day you sell it again
12:12Angry or not, bro?
12:13Bandit sadist
12:14I'm going to test it
12:15In live BF
12:16Guys, I bought it a year ago
12:17It was worth 800 euros
12:18And now, it's worth 1000
12:19Maybe in a year
12:20Maybe in a year or two
12:21It will be worth 1500
12:22Etc, etc
12:23It's stylish
12:24Guys, look at the skin
12:25Isn't it incredible?
12:26I hope you liked the video
12:27Honestly, I like it a lot
12:28Guys, less than 1000 euros
12:29On my bank account
12:30But it's nice
12:31Guys, let's skip
12:32On the super pit
12:33Research bar
12:35Boom, super pit
12:36To do a maximum of XP
12:37And on that, I invite you
12:38Just to click here
12:39If you want to see another video
12:41On the channel
12:42It was Neshane
12:44See you
