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Rarah Alam (Meera)
Taqi Ahmed (Eddy)
Saima Khan (Mishi)

Written & Directed By: Arsalan Ali

#zabardastmovies #FutureBoyfriend #भावीप्रेमी #Love #couples #romanticscene #entertainment #Romance #comingsoon #bold #newshortfilm2025 #hdshortfilm #bestscene #bestromanticscenes #RarahAlamShortfilm
00:00Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed this video,
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01:21I have told you, focus on your life, freedom is the most important thing,
01:29now look at me, all the men in the world are standing with folded hands in front of me,
01:35yes, I can see that, because the empty vessels speak loudly,
01:39and I can't let anyone touch me, no way,
01:44such people should be thrashed,
01:47one more thing, make your career,
01:50have you heard the name of the bird named career, my love, make your career,
01:55look, men always run after the woman who has money,
02:00and you have money and beauty too,
02:03anyways, lodge your case tomorrow, okay,
02:07okay bye, love you,
02:09good morning ma'am,
02:10what are you doing here, haven't you got a divorce yet,
02:15ma'am, why do you want to get me divorced,
02:18oh god, how can you forget,
02:21one year back your husband pushed you, and you almost fell down,
02:25and you are taking his side,
02:27look Suhidhar, now your kids have grown up,
02:30now you don't need any man,
02:32your son is 12 years old, and Sania is 10 years old,
02:35what is the need of a man,
02:38you earn, you do a job, you are a working woman,
02:41there is no need to get married,
02:43end this story, get a divorce,
02:45I am telling you, listen to me, get a divorce,
02:48I swear, men will follow you,
02:51I don't like to be followed,
02:54and for your kind information,
02:56I don't have 2, I have 3 kids,
02:58one is of 8 months,
03:00what, when did this happen,
03:02you must remember,
03:03after 3 days of your marriage,
03:05when you had a fight with your husband,
03:07you went on a honeymoon alone,
03:09and when you came back after 8 months,
03:11Jimmy was in my lap,
03:13look at your condition,
03:15he has made you a machine to give birth to kids,
03:18Danish doesn't have the courage to call me a mother,
03:21I had told him,
03:23if it is a kid, it will be a surrogate,
03:25otherwise no, why should I spoil my figure,
03:28and you,
03:30I will definitely kiss against such a man,
03:33he will know when he will be in jail,
03:36it is better than filing a case against my husband,
03:39you resolve your case first,
03:41the news of your divorce has reached the media,
03:44what, I will deal with these press people later,
03:48someone has come to meet you,
03:50it must be a press person,
03:52let him come,
03:54today I will teach him a lesson,
03:56he will remember why he was born,
03:58call him,
04:27hello mister,
04:29on whose wedding have you come?
04:31Oh God,
04:33this man is the worst thing in this world,
04:38there is a limit to irresponsibility,
04:41there is no mic, no camera,
04:43you are walking with your face up,
04:45mic, camera, means,
04:47what have you come here to do?
04:49I understand everything,
04:51I will say something,
04:53you will write something,
04:55it is not possible for men to defeat today's women,
04:58wait a minute,
05:00you just tell me the name of your channel,
05:02see what I do,
05:04ma'am, you are misunderstanding,
05:06I have come to tell you something about you,
05:11now you will tell me about me,
05:13wait a minute,
05:15I will tell you now,
05:17ma'am, you try to understand,
05:19I am just a nurse,
05:21and I have come from the future,
05:23what rubbish,
05:25have you gone mad,
05:27come on, get out of my house,
05:28I have come from 2069,
05:30right now from your funeral,
05:37I am your future,
05:52can I have some more,
05:54yeah, sure,
05:59have you really come from the future,
06:04it is 2069,
06:06how did I die,
06:09so will I die in 2069,
06:14where are my cigarettes,
06:18you had asthma attack due to smoking too much,
06:22and then,
06:24enough, enough,
06:26but due to your death,
06:28not only asthma,
06:33loneliness has become the biggest disease of modern times,
06:37by the way,
06:39you have many friends on social media,
06:43but in reality,
06:45you have no one to share your pain,
06:47I had read in history books,
06:49man is a social animal,
06:52but now,
06:53it's a myth,
06:55wait, wait, wait,
06:57you have come from the future,
06:59so show me,
07:01where is your car,
07:03back to the future,
07:05or your time machine,
07:07or a watch,
07:09something like that,
07:11all that is there,
07:13but in the future,
07:15how can I show you here,
07:17see, science has progressed so much,
07:19that human body can be transferred,
07:21not its gadgets,
07:23and that too,
07:25only for 10 minutes,
07:27if you don't return it in 10 minutes,
07:29then it will remain the same,
07:34it's a very simple formula,
07:36made by Sir Albert Einstein,
07:38the theory of relativity,
07:40stop it,
07:42I am not good in maths at all,
07:44but this is physics,
07:48relax, relax,
07:50I can explain everything to you,
07:51don't tell me anything,
07:53just tell me,
07:55why have you come here,
07:57to change your future,
07:59future, how?
08:01to change everything,
08:03which is right from your point of view,
08:05I have come to change everything,
08:09so you think I am wrong,
08:11not completely,
08:13but yes,
08:15and what were you saying,
08:17loneliness and all that,
08:19I met you 4 years ago,
08:21that too,
08:23in a mental hospital,
08:27are you out of your mind?
08:29why am I in a mental asylum?
08:31that's what I came here to know,
08:33what was the reason,
08:35that a mental hospital bed,
08:37became your death bed,
08:39that's not possible,
08:41how can I be alone?
08:43and yes,
08:45my best friend Alia,
08:47she also said,
08:49she had promised me,
08:51oh yes,
08:55she got married in 2020,
09:01I am not scared,
09:03don't say bad things to the dead,
09:05what? she also died?
09:09I saw Alia's obituary status
09:11in your facebook account,
09:15how can I live alone?
09:17and who has my paintings?
09:19that was just your hobby,
09:21so what was I supposed to do?
09:23your brother,
09:25the one who is in US,
09:27I mean,
09:29he will be in 2050,
09:31he will look after you,
09:33so should I become an artist or a social worker?
09:35there is a consultancy firm,
09:37in your name,
09:39oh really?
09:41but now,
09:43some other people are running it,
09:45and they only get divorces,
09:49Meera Memorial Divorce Consultancy,
09:53in just 5 minutes,
09:55we guarantee,
09:57oh god,
10:00your interrogation plan
10:02didn't work,
10:04that woman ran away with the baby,
10:06and the money,
10:08you filed a case on her,
10:12why did you make madam cry?
10:14she will file a case on you,
10:18what? have you gone mad?
10:19you don't know me,
10:21but I know you very well,
10:23and let me tell you one thing,
10:25you look more beautiful than the photographs,
10:29thank you,
10:31but who are you?
10:33let it be,
10:35you won't believe me,
10:37I will just tell you that,
10:39you should stop eating madam's cookies,
10:41because you are going to get diabetes in a few days,
10:45you know everything,
10:46I hope you are not an astrologist,
10:48or an astrologer,
10:50or an astrologist,
10:52do this, look at my hand and tell me,
10:54how many kids will I have?
10:56oh, stop it,
10:58I am dead here,
11:00and you are worried about giving birth to kids,
11:04let's get straight to the point,
11:06I, Meera Mansha,
11:08am a single,
11:10mental woman in 2069,
11:14unfortunately right,
11:18you are the person,
11:20who is coming from my funeral,
11:22to change my future,
11:24but why?
11:28I truly love you,
11:31then don't go away,
11:33don't leave me and go,
11:35absolutely not possible ma'am,
11:37what are you saying?
11:39look, I just came to tell you that,
11:41the divorce papers that you have filed,
11:43you should get them back,
11:44Meera Mansha is a very good person,
11:46in fact, she has appointed me for you,
11:48don't forget Danish,
11:50you stay here,
11:52you don't go,
11:54I won't let you go,
11:56ma'am, this is not possible,
11:5830 seconds are left,
12:00I will get stuck here,
12:02tell the machine washman to close the doors,
12:04okay ma'am,
12:06no way,
12:08I won't let you go anywhere,
12:10how can you leave me and go?
12:11don't know, but you can't go,
12:41I won't let you go,
