00:00The games to focus in on here USC Purdue. Let's go over the number of 148 and a half. I already got the over
00:05But I think it's gonna get there
00:07You know, I was just telling you that Purdue was four and a half and I think they're gonna they will cover that number
00:13It's six and a half right now
00:14So obviously somebody agreed with me because they just bumped it up two points
00:18Mine is six and a half Colorado State and Nevada in action right now
00:22The second half has just started there as well. This game has been super close the entire game
00:27It's five and a half right now pretty much what it was before tip-off
00:31You're getting five and a half with the wool pack down for totals 125
00:36And a half in this game that feels light doesn't it? I'm looking at what jumps off the other page
00:42That's a pretty low number considering the second half has just started and they're at 62 already right now
00:48So one twenty eight and a half is the endgame of Nevada and Colorado