General Hospital March 13, 2025 | Full Episode HD | Drama and Intrigue
00:00I'm sure Charlotte's family's gonna want to see her as soon as possible.
00:05No, it can't be that simple.
00:07Why not?
00:09Can I use one of your phones?
00:11Uh, what for?
00:12To call my mom, I want her to know I'm coming.
00:14Sure, you can just call her.
00:15Hold on.
00:20Thank you girls so much for agreeing to meet with me.
00:22Oh my gosh, happy hour? You didn't have to ask me twice.
00:26Well, between, we'll call them difficulties, and deception, and James basically launching himself off of my roof, I really needed this.
00:33Welcome to my life.
00:35What are we getting to drink?
00:37Thank you for squeezing me in.
00:39Thank you. Well, I think you're the one who did the squeezing.
00:42This evening?
00:43I'm heading to a fundraising event this evening.
00:45Well, I don't want to keep you. How can I help you?
00:48I've been named the liaison to the WSB.
00:53Well, it's good to know that a relationship is desired.
00:56You didn't think one was?
00:58Well, let's just say I didn't think that Mayor Collins was my biggest fan.
01:02Well, you could go a long way to easing any tension between our offices if you could get a little better at sharing.
01:11Sharing is scary.
01:13Well, you possess some information that could be very helpful to us.
01:17And what would you like to know more about?
01:19Not what, but who.
01:23Jen said what?
01:25There has to be another way for me to help you.
01:28That doesn't involve me asking Curtis to write some sort of puff piece about you.
01:32Oh, I got it.
01:34You and I could do a press conference together.
01:36I'll discuss my new pediatric sports initiative, and then you could be right up there beside me, representing General Hospital.
01:44I just don't really see how that helps.
01:47Well, you being there with me would kind of force Curtis and Aurora to cover the story, which would paint me in a very positive light.
01:58What do you say?
02:03What the hell are you doing here?
02:06I was in the process of making a business proposal to your wife.
02:11Maybe you want to tell me what's going on?
02:14That article dropped today, and it made you realize that you have thrown your life away.
02:19You blew up your entire life and your family over a sleeve, and you can't admit that you were wrong.
02:26I was absolutely wrong to cheat on Michael.
02:29I have never said otherwise.
02:32But who are you to judge me?
02:34No one knows what led up to that affair besides me, Drew, and Michael.
02:39You sure about that?
02:42A refill?
02:44It's time for me to go back up to my room for all the blinds.
02:48Don't forget, this whole miserable shit never happened.
02:51But thank you for the company.
02:53You got it.
02:56I believe that's mine.
03:06Well, that was nice, getting to spend some time with your mom.
03:10It was a pleasant surprise.
03:13It was definitely a surprise.
03:16Are you expecting anyone else to pop in tonight?
03:26Just us.
03:27For the rest of the night.
03:30I really like the sound of that.
03:34Me too.
03:40Why can't I just tell her now?
03:43I just want to play it safe.
03:46You know, we're almost home.
03:49You're going to be seeing Lulu in no time.
03:52I know.
03:53I know.
03:54I know.
03:55I know.
03:56I know.
03:57I know.
03:58I know.
03:59I know.
04:00I know.
04:01I know.
04:02I know.
04:03I know.
04:04I know.
04:05I know.
04:06I know.
04:07I know.
04:08I know.
04:09You're going to be seeing Lulu in no time.
04:11Do you think those men are going to find Papa?
04:14Um, well, Valentin made the right call when he let you come with us.
04:19Yeah, you mean when he made me come with you.
04:21Well, he just wanted to make sure that you were safe and he can move a lot faster without you.
04:25I mean, I've never met anyone better at disappearing than your dad.
04:29You know, he's a curiating relief.
04:32Those men don't stand a chance.
04:34It's good to hear.
04:35I know it.
04:37It doesn't make it hard any less.
04:40Well, I can tell you this much.
04:41When Mr. Sidwell says that he deals in rare earths and minerals, he's not just speaking of gold and diamonds.
04:46Well, what does he mean then?
04:48We've come to learn that the minerals he speaks of are strictly regulated vital components for weapons manufacturing.
04:54Do you think that's why he's in Port Charles?
04:57So he can smuggle that stuff through our port?
04:59Well, we don't have evidence to suggest it yet, but it would be in both our best interest to keep an eye on Mr. Sidwell.
05:08So, what do you want to share with the class?
05:12Well, I do have one interesting tidbit.
05:15Do tell.
05:17Carly Spencer is making a valiant effort to not notice you.
05:23But she is failing.
05:27Carly, what is so fascinating about Jack Brennan's meeting with the Deputy Mayor?
05:33Then why do you keep staring at them?
05:35I'm not. I just stand in the room, looking at my patrons, making sure they're happy.
05:40It's the truth. It's a habit.
05:42Why do I care who Jack Brennan spends his time with?
05:48Excuse me.
05:50My congressional office is spearheading a pediatric sports initiative for kids in treatment.
05:56It's going to be very therapeutic, very morale boosting.
05:59I'm surprised Trina hasn't mentioned that to you.
06:03Yeah, her friend Kai Taylor is generously lending his local celebrity status to get the program off the ground.
06:10And you're my wife's office because?
06:13Well, she's the co-chief of staff in the initiative.
06:17It's going to be administered by General Hospital.
06:19It's going to look great for G.H. Dad, Portia.
06:21But they're right next to me during the press conference.
06:24In fact, she already agreed to do it, right?
06:26Drew, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't put words in my mouth.
06:34You have got to be kidding me.
06:37Is this Grand Central Station?
06:39Do you want me to get in?
06:40No, I'll get in.
06:48Is it okay if I come in?
06:50Actually, it's not the best time right now.
06:52It's going to take a minute, I promise.
06:54Good morning.
06:56Come in.
06:59And here I thought this night couldn't get any better.
07:04Hope I didn't interrupt anything.
07:07Have you ever said that in bed time?
07:11So, what brings you by, Rick?
07:14Uh, many things.
07:16But, uh, since Lucky is here already, I may as well start by saying thank you.
07:25He saw my credit card.
07:27Hold on, I can show you my ID from the firm.
07:29No, that's not necessary.
07:31I believe you are who you say you are.
07:35J. Austin Associates.
07:37Marco, it's just fine.
07:40I've been retracing my steps trying to find this thing.
07:44Can I show my appreciation by buying you a drink?
07:46Oh, no, there's no need.
07:48I just paid my tab.
07:50I'll open another one.
07:53I didn't walk away feeling like I left a good deed unrewarded.
07:57Something on the floor picked it up that hardly makes me a hero.
08:01Tell that to the guy who's been frantically looking for his corporate card.
08:05Listen, I either buy you a drink or I send over an order of calamari.
08:09Your choice.
08:11I'm allergic to shellfish.
08:13A drink it is, then.
08:20Anyone with eyes could see you mooning over Drew.
08:23Excuse after excuse, coming up with ways to be with him or to surround him.
08:29Even Michael noticed.
08:32My issues with Michael started way before you moved in.
08:36And guess what?
08:37We all made mistakes.
08:39Me, Drew.
08:41And Michael.
08:43I think the only mistake Michael made was trusting you to be faithful.
08:48Not just trusting you, period.
08:50When you told him that it was just a harmless crush, that your heart was still with him and the kids, he believed you.
08:59And when he found out that you had acted on those feelings, he was devastated.
09:04So, yes, I will judge you, and I will not feel bad about it.
09:09Remind me of your due date again.
09:13You got pregnant.
09:16Beginning of November-ish.
09:20Right around the time Jason was mourning Sam.
09:24Are you serious?
09:26I'm just doing the math, Sasha.
09:28Oh, wow. Oh, my God.
09:30Jason and Sam were not even together when Sam died, and they hadn't been for years.
09:35But everyone knows their love story was epic.
09:38Sam was an obstacle for anyone who wanted Jason.
09:42But with her out of the picture, you saw your opening, and you took it.
09:47Why didn't you want Charlotte to call Lulu?
09:50Well, I know I said that I didn't think the WSP would go after Charlotte.
09:53But why'd you change your mind?
09:55Those agents in Argentina weren't sent by Brennan, so that means someone, or multiple someones at the Bureau, have a vested interest in shutting Valentin off permanently.
10:06They've probably figured out by now that he handed Charlotte off to us.
10:09I mean, it would be a lot easier to grab Charlotte and use her to lure Valentin out than it would be to find him.
10:14They could attack Lulu's phone for all we know.
10:17They'd be waiting for us to contact her.
10:19But Lulu needs to know their daughter's coming home.
10:22She will. But in order to do that, and to get Charlotte home safely, we're gonna need to contact someone first.
10:31Is Miami home?
10:33I live up in Boar Harbor.
10:35I was just in the city for a client meeting.
10:37What about you?
10:39I'm here for a medical symposium.
10:41Are you a doctor?
10:42I am.
10:44That's impressive.
10:46So, how's the symposium going? Have you learned a lot?
10:50Um, well, that I'm destined to make the same mistakes forever, apparently.
10:58I'm sorry. I had a few drinks earlier. I am majorly oversharing.
11:03I don't mind.
11:05What kind of mistakes are we talking?
11:06Well, let me put it this way. Max is also on this trip, and, um, it didn't end well.
11:14I actually hadn't given Drew an answer on whether or not I would do the press conference.
11:19My bad. I was just wishful thinking.
11:23This program, it's your baby.
11:26When it finally gets announced, you should be the one to take all of that credit.
11:30It's a partnership with the hospital. With you, Portia.
11:33So what happens to one of us is gonna happen to the other.
11:37I am a huge proponent of that cause.
11:42Not the man spearheading it, I get it.
11:45But the good news is the intention here is obviously just to benefit the kids.
11:51Okay, then. I'll do it.
11:55Baby, you sure about this?
11:58On top of being a worthy cause, this could generate a whole ton of positive publicity for General Hospital,
12:03which could mean an influx of donors, which helps all the patients here at General Hospital, not just the ones in pediatrics.
12:11And finally, as co-chief of staff, bringing money in for the hospital?
12:15I mean, Portia, you know how quickly things can change with time.
12:19This could help keep you there.
12:21And maybe, just maybe, it'll help people forget about Congressman Cutthroat.
12:25Yeah. I don't really care what people call me, but since we're on the subject of publicity,
12:30I would like to offer you, Curtis, and Aurora the opportunity to cover the kickoff exclusively.
12:37What do you say?
12:40At least with Drew, I was acting on my sincere feelings. You acted on greed.
12:48Oh, come on.
12:50Jason's wealthy on his own. Add in that quartermain connection.
12:53Credit where credit is due, Sasha.
12:56This baby might have been the best con you've ever pulled.
12:59And what do you call telling Michael that you'd love, honor, and cherish him till death do you part? Huh?
13:08Think what you want about my choices, Willow. I didn't break any marriage vows or any hearts.
13:15Give it time.
13:17You will.
13:19Excuse me, I have to take this.
13:26Commissioner Devane. To what do I owe the pleasure?
13:30We have Charlotte Cassidyne.
13:32Excellent. I don't suppose you have Valentine as well?
13:38Where are you?
13:40On a jet. We'll be landing shortly.
13:42You are looping me in because?
13:44I need you to bring Luda there to meet us without alerting anyone.
13:48Is that something that you can do for us?
13:56Shouldn't be a problem.
13:58Thank you. See you soon.
14:01Brennan's going to meet us on the tarmac.
14:04I don't know.
14:06I don't know.
14:08I don't know.
14:09Brennan's going to meet us on the tarmac.
14:11I don't know.
14:13Are you sure about bringing Brennan into this?
14:15I mean, how do you know the guys weren't lying when they said they weren't acting on Brennan's orders?
14:19I can't be certain of everything.
14:21Yeah, exactly. So we could be delivering Charlotte right into the hands of a man who's going to use her as a means to eliminate Valentine.
14:32I'm sure Charlotte's family's going to want to see her as soon as possible.
14:35No. It can't be that simple.
14:37Why not?
14:39Well, can I use one of your phones?
14:41Uh, what for?
14:43To call my mom. I want her to know I'm coming.
14:45Sure, you can use my phone.
14:47Hold on.
14:50Thank you girls so much for agreeing to meet with me.
14:53Oh my gosh, happy hour. You didn't have to ask me twice.
14:58Well, between, we'll call them difficulties, at Deception, and James basically launching himself off of my roof, I really needed this.
15:04Welcome to my life.
15:05What are we getting to drink?
15:08Thank you for squeezing me in.
15:10Thank you. Well, I think you're the one who did the squeezing.
15:12This evening?
15:14I'm heading to a fundraising event this evening.
15:16Well, I don't want to keep you. How can I help you?
15:18I've been named the liaison to the WSB.
15:23Well, that's good to know that a relationship is desired.
15:27You didn't think one was?
15:29Well, let's just say I didn't think that Mayor Collins was my biggest fan.
15:32Well, you could go a long way to easing any tension between our offices if you could get a little better at sharing.
15:41Sharing is caring.
15:43Well, you possess some information that could be very helpful to us.
15:47What would you like to know more about?
15:49Not what, but who.
15:52Jim Sidwell.
15:54There has to be another way for me to help you.
15:57That doesn't involve me asking Curtis to write some sort of puff piece about you.
16:00Oh, I got it. You and I could do a press conference together.
16:04I'll discuss my new pediatric sports initiative and then you could be right up there beside me representing General Hospital.
16:12I just don't really see how that helps.
16:15Well, you being there with me would kind of force Curtis and Aurora to come up with a story which would paint me in a very positive light.
16:26What do you say?
16:27What do you say?
16:33What the hell are you doing here?
16:35I was in the process of making a business proposal to your wife.
16:40Maybe you want to tell me what's going on?
16:43That article dropped today and it made you realize that you have thrown your life away.
16:49You blew up your entire life and your family over a sleeve and you can't admit that you were wrong.
16:55I was absolutely wrong to cheat on Michael. I have never said otherwise.
17:01Finally. But who are you to judge me?
17:04No one knows what led up to that affair besides me, Drew and Michael.
17:09You sure about that?
17:11Have you felt?
17:13No. It's time for me to go back up to my room.
17:17For all the blinds.
17:19And forget this whole miserable trip ever happened.
17:21But thank you for the company.
17:23You got it.
17:26I believe that's mine.
17:36Well that was nice. Getting to spend some time with your mom.
17:41That was a pleasant surprise.
17:43It was definitely a surprise.
17:46Are you expecting anyone else to pop in tonight?
17:57Just us. For the rest of the night.
18:00I really like the sound of that.
18:03Me too.
18:25Why can't I just tell her now?
18:28I just want to play it safe.
18:31You know, we're almost home.
18:34You're going to be seeing Ludo in no time.
18:37Do you think those men are going to find Papa?
18:40Well, Valentin made the right call when he let you come with us.
18:45Yeah. You mean when he made me come with you.
18:48Well, he just wanted to make sure that you were safe and he can move a lot faster.
18:51I mean, I've never met anyone better at disappearing than your dad.
18:55You know, he's infuriating, really.
18:58Those men don't stand a chance.
19:00It's good to hear.
19:02I know it.
19:04It doesn't make it hard any less.
19:06Well, I can tell you this much.
19:09When Mr. Suitwell says that he deals in rare earths and minerals,
19:12he's not just speaking of gold and diamonds.
19:14Well, what does he mean then?
19:16We've come to learn that the minerals he speaks of
19:18are strictly regulated vital components for weapons manufacturing.
19:21Do you think that's why he's in Port Charles?
19:24So he can smuggle that stuff through our port?
19:27Well, we don't have evidence to suggest it yet,
19:30but it would be in both our best interest to keep an eye on Mr. Suitwell.
19:36So, what do you want to share with the class?
19:40Well, I do have one interesting tidbit.
19:43Do tell.
19:44Carly Spencer is making a valiant effort to not notice you.
19:50But she is failing.
19:54Carly, what is so fascinating about Jack Brennan's meeting with the deputy mayor?
20:01Then why do you keep staring at them?
20:03I'm not.
20:05I just stand in the room, looking at my patrons, making sure they're happy.
20:08It's the truth. It's a habit.
20:10Why do I care who Jack Brennan spends his time with?
20:12Why do I care who Jack Brennan spends his time with?
20:18Excuse me.
20:21My congressional office is spearheading a pediatric sports initiative for kids in treatment.
20:27It's going to be very therapeutic, very morale boosting.
20:30I'm surprised Trina hasn't mentioned that to you.
20:35Yeah, her friend Ty Taylor is generously lending his local celebrity status to get the program off the ground.
20:40And you're my wife's office because...
20:44Well, she's the co-chief of staff of the initiative.
20:48It's going to be administered by General Hospital.
20:50It's going to look great for G.H. to have Portia up there, right next to me during the press conference.
20:55In fact, she already agreed to do it, right?
20:57Drew, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't put words in my mouth.
21:00You have got to be kidding me.
21:02Is this Grand Central Station?
21:04Do you want me to get it?
21:06No, I'll get it.
21:13Rick, hi.
21:15Yeah, it's okay if I come in?
21:17Actually, it's not the best time right now.
21:20It's going to take a minute, I promise.
21:22I warned you.
21:24Come in.
21:25And here I thought this night couldn't get any better.
21:31I hope I didn't interrupt anything.
21:33Have you ever said that and meant it?
21:37So, what brings you by, Rick?
21:41Many things.
21:43But, since Lucky is here already, I may as well start by saying thank you.
21:48He found my credit card.
21:50Hold on, I can show you my ID from the firm.
21:53No, that's not necessary.
21:55I believe you are who you say you are.
21:58J. Austin Associates.
22:00Marco, it's just fine.
22:04I've been retracing my steps trying to find this thing.
22:07Can I show my appreciation by buying you a drink?
22:10Oh, no, there's no need for that.
22:12It's a pleasure.
22:15Can I show my appreciation by buying you a drink?
22:18Oh, no, there's no need.
22:20I just paid my tab.
22:22I'll open another one.
22:26I didn't walk away feeling like I left a good deed unrewarded.
22:28I found something on the floor and picked it up.
22:31That hardly makes me a hero.
22:33Tell that to the guy who's been frantically looking for his corporate card.
22:36Listen, I either buy you a drink or I send over an order of calamari.
22:40Your choice.
22:42I'm allergic to shellfish.
22:43What drink it is, then?
22:50Anyone with eyes could see you mooning over Drew.
22:54Excuse after excuse coming up with ways to be with him or to surround him.
23:00Even Michael noticed.
23:02My issues with Michael started way before you moved in.
23:06And guess what?
23:08We all made mistakes.
23:10Me, Drew, and Michael.
23:13I think the only mistake Michael made was trusting you to be faithful.
23:18No, just trusting you, period.
23:21When you told him that it was just a harmless crush,
23:25that your heart was still with him and the kids,
23:28he believed you.
23:30And when he found out that you had acted on those feelings, he was devastated.
23:35So, yes, I will judge you, and I will not feel bad about it.
23:40Remind me of your due date again.
23:44You got pregnant.
23:48Beginning of November-ish.
23:51Right around the time Jason was mourning Sam.
23:54Are you serious?
23:56I'm just doing the math, Sasha.
23:58Oh, wow. Oh, my God.
24:00Jason and Sam were not even together when Sam died, and they hadn't been for years.
24:05But everyone knows their love story was epic.
24:08Sam was an obstacle for anyone who wanted Jason.
24:11But with her out of the picture, you saw your opening, and you took it.
24:16Why didn't you want Charlotte to call Lulu?
24:19Well, I know I said that I didn't think the WSP would go after Charlotte.
24:23Why'd you change your mind?
24:25Those agents in Argentina weren't sent by Brennan,
24:28so that means someone, or multiple someones at the Bureau
24:32have a vested interest in shutting Valentino permanently.
24:35They've probably figured out by now that he handed Charlotte off to us.
24:38I mean, it would be a lot easier to grab Charlotte and use her to lure Valentino
24:42than it would be to find him.
24:44They could attack Lulu's phone for all we know,
24:46maybe waiting for us to contact her.
24:48But Lulu needs to know that her daughter's coming home.
24:51She will.
24:53But in order to do that, and to get Charlotte home safely,
24:56we're gonna need to contact someone first.
25:00Is Miami home?
25:02I live up in Boar Harbor.
25:04I was just in the city for a client meeting.
25:06What about you?
25:08I'm here for a medical symposium.
25:10Are you a doctor?
25:12I am.
25:14That's impressive.
25:16So, how's the symposium going?
25:18Have you learned a lot?
25:20Well, that I'm destined to make the same mistakes forever, apparently.
25:27I'm sorry.
25:29I had a few drinks earlier.
25:31I am majorly overshaving.
25:33I don't mind.
25:34What kind of mistakes are we talking?
25:36Well, if you put it this way,
25:38Max is also on this trip,
25:41and, um,
25:43it didn't end well.
25:45I actually hadn't given Drew an answer
25:47on whether or not I would do the press conference.
25:49My bad.
25:51I was just wishful thinking.
25:53This program, it's your baby.
25:56When it finally gets announced,
25:58you should be the one to take all that credit.
26:00It's a partnership with the hospital.
26:02With you, Portia.
26:04One thing's gonna happen to the other.
26:08I am a huge proponent of that cause.
26:11You're right.
26:13Not the man spearheading it, I get it.
26:16But the good news is,
26:18the intention here is obviously just to benefit the kids.
26:22Okay, then.
26:24I'll do it.
26:26Baby, you sure about this?
26:28On top of being a worthy cause,
26:30this could generate a whole ton of positive publicity
26:34for the hospital, which could mean
26:36an influx of donors, which helps all the patients here
26:39care a hospital, not just the ones in pediatrics.
26:42And finally, as co-chief of staff,
26:44bringing money in for the hospital?
26:46I mean, Portia, you know how quickly
26:48things can change with time.
26:50This could help keep you there.
26:52And maybe, just maybe,
26:54it'll help people forget about Congressman Cutthroat.
26:58I don't really care what people call me,
27:00but since we're on the subject of publicity,
27:01I would like to offer you, Curtis, and Aurora
27:04the opportunity to cover the kickoff exclusively.
27:07What do you say?
27:11At least with Drew, I was acting on my sincere feelings.
27:14You acted on greed.
27:18Oh, come on.
27:20Jason's wealthy on his own.
27:22Add in that quartermain connection.
27:24Credit where credit is due, Sasha.
27:26This baby might have been the best con you've ever pulled.
27:29And what do you call
27:31telling Michael that you'd love,
27:33honor, and cherish him
27:35till death do you part?
27:39Think what you want about my choices, Willow.
27:41I didn't break any marriage vows
27:43or any hearts.
27:45Give it time.
27:47You will.
27:57Excuse me, I have to take this.
28:02Commissioner Devane.
28:04To what do I owe the pleasure?
28:06We have Charlotte Cassidy.
28:10I don't suppose you have Valentin as well?
28:14Where are you?
28:16On a jet.
28:18We'll be landing at Sussex Airfield within the hour.
28:20And you are looping me in because?
28:22I need you to bring Luda there to meet us
28:24without alerting anyone.
28:26Is that something that you can do for us?
28:34Shouldn't be a problem.
28:38See you soon.
28:40Brennan's gonna meet us on the tarmac.
28:42I don't know.
28:44Are you sure about bringing Brennan into this?
28:46I mean, how do you know the guys weren't lying
28:48when they said they weren't acting on Brennan's orders?
28:50I can't be certain of everything.
28:52Yeah, exactly.
28:54So we could be delivering Charlotte
28:56right into the hands of a man
28:57who would eliminate Valentin.
29:02I'm sure Charlotte's family
29:04is gonna want to see her as soon as possible.
29:08It can't be that simple.
29:10Why not?
29:12Can I use one of your phones?
29:14What for?
29:16To call my mom.
29:18I want her to know I'm coming.
29:22Hold on.
29:24Thank you girls so much for agreeing to meet with me.
29:25You didn't have to ask me twice.
29:29Well, between, we'll call them difficulties at Deception
29:31and James basically launching himself off of my roof,
29:33I really needed this.
29:35Welcome to my life.
29:37What are we getting to drink?
29:39Thank you for squeezing me in.
29:43Well, I think you're the one who did the squeezing.
29:45This evening?
29:47I'm heading to a fundraising event this evening.
29:49Well, I don't want to keep you.
29:51How can I help you?
29:53I've been named the liaison to the WSV.
29:55I wanted to know that a relationship is desired.
29:57You didn't think one was?
29:59Well, let's just say I didn't think
30:01that Mayor Collins was my biggest fan.
30:03Well, you could go a long way
30:06to easing any tension between our offices
30:09if you could get a little better at sharing.
30:12Sharing is scary.
30:14Well, you possess some information
30:16that could be very helpful to us.
30:18What would you like to know more about?
30:20Not what, but who.
30:23Jim said well.
30:26There has to be another way for me to help you.
30:29That doesn't involve me asking Curtis
30:31to write some sort of puff piece about you.
30:33Oh, I got it.
30:35You and I could do a press conference together.
30:37I'll discuss my new pediatric sports initiative
30:40and then you could be right up there beside me
30:42representing General Hospital.
30:45I just don't really see how that helps.
30:48Well, you being there with me
30:50would kind of force Curtis and Aurora
30:53to come up with a story
30:55that would give you a little bit more
30:57positive light.
30:59What do you say?
31:04What the hell are you doing here?
31:07I was in the process of making
31:09a business proposal to your wife.
31:12Hey, do you want to tell me what's going on?
31:15That article dropped today
31:17and it made you realize
31:19that you have thrown your life away.
31:21You blew up your entire life
31:23and your family over a sleaze
31:25and you had to admit that you were wrong.
31:28I was absolutely wrong to cheat on Michael.
31:31I have never said otherwise.
31:35But who are you to judge me?
31:37No one knows what led up to that affair
31:39besides me, Drew and Michael.
31:41You sure about that?
31:43Have a refill?
31:47It's time for me to go back up to my room
31:49for all the blinds.
31:51I don't want to let this whole miserable trip ever happen
31:53but thank you for the company.
31:56I believe that's mine.
32:06Well, that was nice.
32:08Getting to spend some time with your mom.
32:11It was a pleasant surprise.
32:13It was definitely a surprise.
32:16Are you expecting anyone else
32:18to pop in tonight?
32:27Just us.
32:29For the rest of the night.
32:31I really like the sound of that.
32:34Me too.