• il y a 3 jours
Will Stoneman, 17 ans, vit dans l'Etat américain du Dakota, dans l'exploitation agricole familiale. Il distribue le courrier avec un attelage de huskies, qu'il dirige comme un véritable professionnel. Mais un jour, son père se noie. L'adolescent et sa mère se retrouvent seuls et désargentés. Le jeune homme décide alors de participer à un marathon à traîneau, récompensé d'un prix de 10 000 dollars. Par un froid glacial, la course conduit les participants de Winnipeg, au Canada, jusqu'à Saint-Paul, dans le Minnesota. Le périple est éprouvant, mais Will est bien décidé à le terminer, si possible en tête...
00:30I'll last as long as any man here, including you, mister.
00:34522 miles.
00:36This is the meanest stretch of land that God ever put together.
00:39Ten thousand dollars, really?
00:41You don't have to die for it.
00:44I'll wager five thousand dollars he doesn't make heartbreak.
00:49You've got one chance. You must run at night when the others have stopped.
00:52You ever had frostbite? You will.
00:55Your fingers and toes, they're gonna look like this.
00:58I'm not quitting.
00:59A challenge as deadly
01:02as nature's fury
01:04and man's greed.
01:09What's the matter, kid? You scared?
01:12A will as strong as iron.
01:15The kid's in the lead.
01:16The whole country's rooting for you.
01:17I'm in the wheel of stone!
01:19Why is the heart of a bear?
01:22You've got to stop him.
01:27You tried to kill my dog!
01:30In the classic tradition of Walt Disney Adventures
01:33comes the incredible story
01:36They're coming!
01:37Let's go! Let's go!
01:39of a boy who faced his fears
01:41Come near me or my team again, I'll kill you outright.
01:45and rallied a nation
01:47It's not possible!
01:49to believe
01:51Atta boy! We're getting something to talk about back home!
01:54in a dream.
01:55Iron Will
