Maria de Fátima, from Tocantins, watches the Portela parade from a box seat 2025 - P.2
Maria de Fátima, from Tocantins, watches the Portela parade from a box seat 2025 - P.2
Maria de Fátima, from Tocantins, watches the Portela parade from a box seat 2025 - P.2
Maria de Fátima, from Tocantins, watches the Portela parade from a box seat 2025 - P.1
Maria de Fátima, from Tocantins, watches Portela parade from a box
At 70 years old, she came alone, the school gave her an invitation on her birthday. A woman leaves Tocantins to see Portela on her 70th birthday. Maria de Fatima traveled 2,400 kilometers by bus to see Portela on the avenue, a dream she had cherished for years. Contrary to what she imagined, she would not see the parade from the public grandstand
Maria de Fátima, do Tocantins, vê desfile da Portela de camarote
Com 70 anos, ela veio sozinha, escola deu convite no dia do aniversário. Mulher sai do Tocantins para ver Portela no seu aniversário de 70 anos.Maria de Fatima percorreu 2,4 mil quilômetros de ônibus para ver a Portela na avenida, um sonho acalentado há anos. Ao contrário do que imaginava, ela não veria o desfile da arquibancada popular
Maria de Fátima, from Tocantins, watches the Portela parade from a box seat 2025 - P.2
Maria de Fátima, from Tocantins, watches the Portela parade from a box seat 2025 - P.2
Maria de Fátima, from Tocantins, watches the Portela parade from a box seat 2025 - P.1
Maria de Fátima, from Tocantins, watches Portela parade from a box
At 70 years old, she came alone, the school gave her an invitation on her birthday. A woman leaves Tocantins to see Portela on her 70th birthday. Maria de Fatima traveled 2,400 kilometers by bus to see Portela on the avenue, a dream she had cherished for years. Contrary to what she imagined, she would not see the parade from the public grandstand
Maria de Fátima, do Tocantins, vê desfile da Portela de camarote
Com 70 anos, ela veio sozinha, escola deu convite no dia do aniversário. Mulher sai do Tocantins para ver Portela no seu aniversário de 70 anos.Maria de Fatima percorreu 2,4 mil quilômetros de ônibus para ver a Portela na avenida, um sonho acalentado há anos. Ao contrário do que imaginava, ela não veria o desfile da arquibancada popular