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Thor 5 And The Legend Of Hercules - Official Trailer | Chris Hemsworth & Marvel Studios | 2025 (4K)

Previously, Hemsworth had stated that he was open to doing Thor 5, but the Australian actor has also expressed that whatever his next appearance ends up being, he would like for it to be the last one. With someone as powerful as Hercules, he would be the type of antagonist that could fit Hemsworth's Thor 5 idea of what he would want to see as a story, as he wants a "drastically different tone" from Thor: Love and Thunder. Even Waititi seems to have different ideas from Hemsworth in what he would want to do if he directed Thor 5.

It's imperative to remember that after learning he has a higher chance of developing Alzheimer's disease, Hemsworth has been open about the possibility that he'll be taking on fewer projects. That could potentially mean that he may not be back as Thor for the foreseeable future as his health, for absolutely understandable reasons, comes first. Time will tell if Thor 5 will ever happen or if Hemsworth will at least be back in the MCU in either Phase 5 or 6 in some capacity

Music From suno.ai Created
Website: suno.com

About Start Breaker

On our channel we create а trailer mashups ▷
Also known as recut trailers, involve collecting multiple pieces of film footage from one or multiple movies and Add Our Own Dialogues To Make A New And Fresh Story, editing them to create a new trailer. Trailer mashups are often created for a movie that does not exist now or to change the genre of an existing film. These are derivative works as defined by the United States Copyright Act 17 U.S.C. § 101, and as such, may find protection from copyright claims under the doctrine of fair use.

The trailer mashups are not only a user generated form of digital creativity but a way to create anticipation for future releases, working in tandem with current movie trailers. Movie trailers are designed to give minimal plot detail and to create hype and anticipation. Fan made trailer mashups allow the audience to perform their own cinematic spin on current movie footage. This allows the trailer to focus on a specific actor or portion of the film. It could even change the plot ocr genre of the film entirely.

This video is a parody DUE to its derivative/ transformative nature this video is covered as a Fair Use of material.
