• hace 14 horas
Mommy’s Little Star 2025 | New Lifetime Movie | Based on a True Story | Full Movie HD
00:00:00I can walk to school, you know, it's only five blocks away.
00:00:13I prefer to take you.
00:00:14That way I know you get there safe.
00:00:15Mom, you're going to have to let me go at some point.
00:00:16I'm turning 18 in a few months.
00:00:17I'm almost an adult.
00:00:18Oh well, turning 18 doesn't give you automatic good judgment and experience.
00:00:19You have to learn those things.
00:00:20How am I supposed to if you never let me do anything on my own?
00:00:36Honey, the world is full of dangerous people.
00:00:41I just don't think you're ready to deal with it all yet.
00:00:45Maybe you're the one not ready to deal with it.
00:00:49Just call Dad.
00:00:50Honey, I don't know if his plane has landed yet.
00:00:52Hey Dad.
00:00:53Hey kiddo.
00:00:54Say hi to Mom.
00:00:56Hey babe.
00:00:57How's everything?
00:00:58Yeah, it's fine.
00:00:59I just checked into the hotel.
00:01:00I got a meeting in like an hour.
00:01:03Sounds good.
00:01:04Let me know how it goes.
00:01:05Oh, the permit office called.
00:01:08They weren't too thrilled with the blueprints we submitted last week.
00:01:11Dad, can I go to a party in Nicole's tonight?
00:01:13I already told you no.
00:01:14But why?
00:01:15My grades are almost all A's except for math.
00:01:16I finished all my college essays and I'm two sections ahead in my SAT prep.
00:01:19Because I know for a fact that Nicole's parents are in the Bahamas and you are too young to
00:01:22go to a party that's unsupervised.
00:01:25Being a cop made you paranoid.
00:01:28Listen, um, honey, can you handle that?
00:01:30Um, since you're there and you're the one that said no.
00:01:32Okay, just don't forget to ask them why the materials are so cheap.
00:01:36The permit office is worried that they're subpar.
00:01:38You got it.
00:01:39I'll do just that.
00:01:40All right?
00:01:41I'll talk to you guys later.
00:01:42Hey Maddie, listen to your mom.
00:01:44Yeah, whatever.
00:01:46Bye, Dad.
00:01:47I was a hostage negotiator, not a cop, and I'm protective of you because I know what's
00:01:51out there.
00:02:00All right, so I will meet you at four for your meeting with Mr. Hammer.
00:02:07I love you.
00:02:08So that's why you embarrassed me by dropping me off at school like I'm a freshman?
00:02:13I liked you a lot better when you didn't talk back.
00:02:16I'll never talk to you again.
00:02:18Ha ha.
00:02:19Very funny.
00:02:20Laughing all the way to work.
00:02:45Good morning.
00:02:47Oh, wait.
00:02:48She just walked in.
00:02:49Good morning, Alice.
00:02:50I have Tony Motorelli on the phone for you.
00:02:53What's his deal?
00:02:54Uh, rhetorical question.
00:02:56I'll put her through.
00:03:00Hey, Tony.
00:03:06I'm sure he will be there.
00:03:09Yes, he has other meetings today.
00:03:13All right.
00:03:14All right, will do.
00:03:15I'm sure he will be there.
00:03:16Talk to you later.
00:03:19Everything okay?
00:03:22Tony from the construction company called.
00:03:24Said he went to pick up Brent at the airport and he wasn't there.
00:03:27Well, he already checked into his hotel.
00:03:29He doesn't meet with them until tomorrow.
00:03:32Did he call you?
00:03:34I called him.
00:03:35I had a question about the electrician.
00:03:38Well, he seemed very worried.
00:03:40Like Brent didn't actually make the meeting.
00:03:43I don't know.
00:03:47Hey, I'm sorry you didn't get to go.
00:03:50I know you were counting on it.
00:03:52It's just, I have so much work here while Brent is in New York.
00:03:56I totally understand.
00:03:57That's what assistants are for.
00:04:13A large skinny latte with two shots for Alice.
00:04:18Oh, geez.
00:04:19I'm so sorry.
00:04:23It's not the first time you spilled coffee on me.
00:04:26I'm so sorry.
00:04:27Did I get you?
00:04:28No, it's fine.
00:04:29Let me call you back.
00:04:31How are you?
00:04:33I'm great.
00:04:35It's good to see you.
00:04:36Yeah, you too.
00:04:37You got a minute?
00:04:38You want to sit?
00:04:39Yeah, sure.
00:04:41So, I see you can't get away from uniforms.
00:04:45Yeah, it's my calling, you know.
00:04:47How's civilian life treating you?
00:04:49It's good.
00:04:50Three years have flown by.
00:04:52Three years.
00:04:54And Maddie must be a what?
00:04:55A junior now?
00:04:56She just started senior year.
00:04:57Senior year.
00:04:58That was fast.
00:04:59Can I get you something over here?
00:05:01Oh, yeah.
00:05:02Can I get a double espresso?
00:05:03Come here.
00:05:05And how's Brent?
00:05:06Yeah, he's Brent.
00:05:08A mover and a shaker.
00:05:10We are trying for a new development deal on the strip,
00:05:13so he's in New York meeting with contractors and investors.
00:05:17Some things never change.
00:05:20Some things do.
00:05:25It was good to see you, Steve.
00:05:26Yeah, it was really good to see you, Alice.
00:05:30Hey, Alice, listen, if you ever need anything, I'm around.
00:05:34I know.
00:05:40So, as you can see, she's right on track.
00:05:44But the math?
00:05:46It's not that important when you're applying for creative writing programs.
00:05:51Can we talk about the practicalities of this major?
00:05:53Mom, I want you to be able to get a job when you graduate.
00:05:57There are many options.
00:05:59Most students that graduate from Ainslie, they already have books commissioned.
00:06:05As in Ainslie College in New York City?
00:06:07Yes, well, technically Brooklyn, but...
00:06:11Mom, just...
00:06:12We'll talk about this when we get home.
00:06:13Yeah, right.
00:06:15I believe in Maddie.
00:06:17She'll be fine no matter what she does.
00:06:22You're not ready to be on the other side of the country.
00:06:26Dad is there for work, literally all the time.
00:06:29What if...
00:06:31What if you need us and we...
00:06:33We can't get to you?
00:06:35Plus, there are plenty of excellent schools here.
00:06:39So, one, I'm not going to be a teacher.
00:06:42I'm not going to be a teacher.
00:06:44I'm not going to be a teacher.
00:06:46I'm not going to be a teacher.
00:06:48I'm not going to be a teacher.
00:06:50I'm not going to be a teacher.
00:06:52I want to go to...
00:06:54Josh says I'd meet the right people.
00:06:58First name basis.
00:07:00What? He's nice.
00:07:02I bet.
00:07:03Hey, kiddo. How was your day?
00:07:05Awful. Mom won't let me go to the college I want to apply to.
00:07:08Okay. Well, uh...
00:07:10Look, I've actually had a really long day myself and, um...
00:07:14I've got a lot of meetings tomorrow, so can we talk about this when I get home?
00:07:17Did you even hear what I said?
00:07:18Yes, I did.
00:07:19Uh, college and your mom and I will discuss.
00:07:23Fine. No one cares what I want.
00:07:25I care.
00:07:27Yeah. About work and money.
00:07:44Can you lighten up on her a little bit, please?
00:07:45She's not ready to be in New York City all by herself.
00:07:49You've always been overprotective, but honestly, it's getting to a point where it's ridiculous.
00:07:53Kid doesn't even have a chance to breathe.
00:07:55New York? No way.
00:07:57L.A. is not much better than New York.
00:07:59You know what? Let's sidebar this.
00:08:01Whatever you say.
00:08:03I'm just trying to get her to adulthood safely.
00:08:07And alive.
00:08:09Tony Mattarelli called the office today.
00:08:11What did he want?
00:08:12He said he went to pick you up at the airport and you weren't there.
00:08:15He said that?
00:08:17Yeah. Something about wanting to show you around New York.
00:08:19Like you haven't been there before.
00:08:21You are in New York, right?
00:08:23Where else would I be?
00:08:25I don't know. You don't have the best track record of telling me the truth.
00:08:27Okay. Tony's Tony. He's...
00:08:29He's a shady guy, is what he is.
00:08:31Who's paying us a lot of money.
00:08:33Yeah, money coming from God knows where.
00:08:35You really want to do this now?
00:08:37You know what?
00:08:39It's late.
00:08:40It's late.
00:08:42You should get some rest.
00:08:44We'll talk about this tomorrow.
00:08:46Just don't forget to tell them to...
00:08:48I know. I know. Check the materials.
00:08:50I got it.
00:08:52I'm just trying to help.
00:08:54I know you are. Okay? I'll handle everything here.
00:08:56You handle Maddie.
00:08:58I love you.
00:09:00I love you too.
00:09:10Large cheese and extra pepperoni.
00:09:14You got it.
00:09:40Pizza's here.
00:09:42I'm not hungry.
00:09:44What did you eat today?
00:09:46Nine cheeseburgers, a box of cookies, and not a single vegetable.
00:09:50You want to see the receipts?
00:09:52Did you do your homework?
00:09:58Mom, yes. That was a joke.
00:10:00Very funny.
00:10:02I love you.
00:10:10I love you.
00:10:40I love you.
00:11:00What did Josh say to your mom?
00:11:02He told her he thought I could get into Ainsley.
00:11:04She, like, freaked out.
00:11:06Of course she did.
00:11:08Tell her to take whatever's locked up her ass out.
00:11:10It's so annoying.
00:11:12She wants me to be able to get a stable job.
00:11:16That school's amazing.
00:11:18My dad would be so happy if I could even get in there.
00:11:20I don't know.
00:11:22She thinks I should stay home for college because she doesn't think I'm ready to go out on my own.
00:11:24What are you, 12?
00:11:26No, she thinks I'm 10.
00:11:28Man, your mom's got issues.
00:11:30Hey, Nicole, can I have some of this?
00:11:32Yeah, go for it.
00:11:34Let me get some of that.
00:11:36Come on, Maddie.
00:11:38Is that you saying no or your mom?
00:11:40No, I'm thirsty.
00:11:42Oh, it's tasty.
00:11:44Next time, I promise.
00:11:46Yeah, right.
00:11:48I think I'm gonna go, though.
00:11:50See you tomorrow.
00:11:52Be safe.
00:11:54Text me when you get home.
00:11:56I can't believe it.
00:11:58I know.
00:12:03Good night, honey.
00:12:10Good night.
00:12:40Oh, my God.
00:13:10Oh, my God.
00:13:40Oh, my God.
00:14:10Hey, cutie.
00:14:12You're at the office early.
00:14:14I wanted to make sure to be here in case you needed anything.
00:14:17What would I do without you?
00:14:19I don't know.
00:14:21You haven't been spending much time with me lately.
00:14:24Is this about you not coming to New York?
00:14:26We were gonna have a romantic week together.
00:14:28Champagne, hot tub.
00:14:33I know, I know.
00:14:35But, you know, things came up.
00:14:37You said that last time.
00:14:38Look, it turned out to be a very busy trip.
00:14:41Back-to-back meetings.
00:14:43We wouldn't have any time to spend together anyway.
00:14:45And besides, Alice is in LA.
00:14:49Can she do anything herself?
00:14:51You are our assistant.
00:14:55Yes, really.
00:14:57You're never gonna leave her.
00:14:59Brent, are you or are you not?
00:15:02I'm so tired of this back and forth.
00:15:05I will, okay?
00:15:06And then you and I can run the business together.
00:15:08But it's not the right time right now.
00:15:10It's never the right time.
00:15:12I knew when you canceled my ticket to New York
00:15:14that you weren't gonna follow through with any of your promises.
00:15:17Victoria, listen to me.
00:15:21I will not listen to any more of your lies and broken promises.
00:15:24Okay, so Costa Rica?
00:15:26Costa Rica was a lie?
00:15:28I remember that being a very good time.
00:15:30That was two years ago.
00:15:32Look, I have to go.
00:15:34I gotta get to a meeting.
00:15:42Yes, I'm en route.
00:15:44I'll be there in 15 minutes.
00:15:46He said what?
00:16:01You're gonna be late!
00:16:15Matty, why are you still in bed?
00:16:18Matty, wake up, honey.
00:16:23Matty, we don't have time for this today.
00:16:37Are you trying on those shoes again?
00:16:41Where are you?
00:17:25Matty, where are you?
00:17:30Are you okay?
00:17:32What's wrong?
00:17:34Someone has me.
00:17:36What do you mean someone has you?
00:17:39I was kidnapped.
00:17:42What are you talking about?
00:17:43Who took you?
00:17:45I don't know.
00:17:46They had a knife to me.
00:17:48Oh my God.
00:17:53Matty, listen to me.
00:17:55Everything is gonna be okay.
00:18:00Ask him how much he wants.
00:18:02How much do you want?
00:18:04He says don't call the police.
00:18:09Matty, listen to me.
00:18:11Your job right now is to do whatever you can to stay alive.
00:18:16Do you understand me?
00:18:20Now put him on the phone.
00:18:23She wants to talk to you.
00:18:27I don't know who you are or what you want, but you better be ready.
00:18:32You better be ready.
00:18:34Because I'm coming for my girl.
00:18:39Do you hear me?
00:18:42No, please.
00:18:44Please just let me go now.
00:18:45I won't say anything.
00:19:02Come on, come on, come on, come on.
00:19:05Come on, pick up.
00:19:11Pick up.
00:19:13You've reached Brent Gould.
00:19:14Leave me a message.
00:19:16Brent, you need to call me back as soon as you get this.
00:19:18Gould, leave me a message.
00:19:20Brent, you need to call me back as soon as you get this.
00:19:38The car.
00:19:48The car.
00:20:03Hi, it's Alice Gould.
00:20:04Hi, Alice.
00:20:05How are you?
00:20:07How are you?
00:20:08I'm good.
00:20:09Hey, I have a favor to ask you.
00:20:11I know I shouldn't be doing this, but there was a car parked in my neighborhood last night
00:20:15and I was just wondering if you could run the plates for me.
00:20:18You know I can't do that.
00:20:19You know how jobs live.
00:20:21Yeah, I know.
00:20:22I just don't want to get the police involved in case it was just a neighbor or something.
00:20:27I don't want to seem paranoid.
00:20:31Don't tell anyone.
00:20:32Just this once for you.
00:20:36That would be fantastic.
00:20:38Thank you so much.
00:20:40I will send the image right over.
00:20:54Okay, this is so not like her.
00:20:56It's really weird.
00:20:58I'm going to call her.
00:21:05Hey, I've texted you like a thousand times.
00:21:08We've been waiting for you and school's about to start, but you're not here.
00:21:11I wanted to make sure that you got home okay.
00:21:15Anyways, text me back.
00:21:17I'm kind of worried.
00:21:41Cheryl, thanks for getting back to me so quick.
00:21:43Any hits?
00:21:44Yeah, I got Steve Jenkins.
00:21:48Are you sure?
00:21:51Absolutely positive?
00:21:52One thousand percent.
00:21:53Give me his address.
00:21:55Twenty-nine, twenty-eight, Meadowlark Lane.
00:22:00Thank you, Cheryl.
00:22:01I owe you.
00:22:40Call Victoria.
00:22:45Good morning, Alice.
00:22:46Hi, good.
00:22:48Okay, good.
00:22:49You're in already.
00:22:50Yep, I got here early.
00:22:51I had to take care of a few things.
00:22:52What time will you be here?
00:22:53That's actually why I'm calling.
00:22:55I'm not going to be in today.
00:22:57You have the meeting with the potential new tenants today.
00:23:00You have to be here.
00:23:01Maddie's sick, so I need you to actually reschedule those meetings for me today.
00:23:05No offense, Alice, but she's seventeen.
00:23:07She can stay home by herself.
00:23:09Don't tell me how to raise my daughter.
00:23:11Sorry, that wasn't what I intended.
00:23:14I didn't realize it was so serious.
00:23:17Do you want me to call Brent and get him out of that meeting?
00:23:20No, I'll deal with Brent.
00:23:21I don't want to worry him.
00:23:23Go ahead and cancel my meetings, all of them, for the whole week.
00:23:25For the week?
00:23:27Maddie's got something and I need to be with her.
00:23:30Okay, sure.
00:23:31I hope she feels better.
00:23:41I'm sorry.
00:24:11Who are you?
00:24:13Why are you doing this?
00:24:16I could scream.
00:24:18Someone will hear me.
00:24:26I won't.
00:24:28I'm sorry.
00:24:30I'm sorry.
00:24:32I'm sorry.
00:24:34I'm sorry.
00:24:36I'm sorry.
00:24:38I'm sorry.
00:24:39I won't.
00:24:42But my mom meant what she said.
00:24:46She's going to find me.
00:24:48She was a hostage negotiator, so she knows how to do these things.
00:25:09Come on.
00:25:39Wait a minute.
00:25:41Wait a minute.
00:26:09Come on.
00:26:39Come on.
00:27:09Come on.
00:27:39Come on.
00:28:11Maddie, are you in there?
00:28:16Maddie, are you in there?
00:28:22Alice, what are you doing?
00:28:24Where's my daughter?
00:28:26Where is Maddie?
00:28:28Is she in there?
00:28:29What are you talking about?
00:28:30Is she in there?
00:28:32Why would she be in my garage?
00:28:33You took her last night, didn't you?
00:28:36You took her last night.
00:28:38You took her last night, didn't you?
00:28:40You kidnapped her.
00:28:42Tell me!
00:28:43Whoa, whoa.
00:28:45I didn't kidnap Maddie.
00:28:47You're lying.
00:28:48Where is she?
00:28:50Open it.
00:28:51Open it.
00:28:52Right now.
00:28:53All right, all right, easy.
00:29:09She's not in here.
00:29:10I don't understand.
00:29:12I don't understand.
00:29:14Who took her?
00:29:15What's going on?
00:29:17What's going on?
00:29:18Talk to me.
00:29:24What's going on?
00:29:25I don't understand.
00:29:29Talk to me, talk to me.
00:29:31Hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:29:33Come here, come here.
00:29:35It's all right, it's all right.
00:29:38It's all right.
00:29:46How long has she been gone?
00:29:48I don't know.
00:29:52Since sometime last night.
00:29:54The kidnapper didn't say what he wanted?
00:29:56No, Maddie asked him and he just said,
00:29:58don't call the police.
00:30:00No money?
00:30:03You know what that means?
00:30:05It's personal.
00:30:06Why were you outside my house last night?
00:30:10I don't know, I was,
00:30:12you know, after I ran into you yesterday
00:30:14and you told me Brent was out of town,
00:30:16I got a little worried.
00:30:18I knew you and Maddie would be home alone.
00:30:20Have you done that before?
00:30:22Maybe once or twice.
00:30:24Sounds stalkerish.
00:30:26I just wanted to make sure you're okay.
00:30:28I know Brent's business dealings
00:30:30haven't always been on the up and up.
00:30:32Steve, he promised me that that's all over with.
00:30:34Yeah, right.
00:30:37Look, the cop in me won't go away,
00:30:39what can I say?
00:30:41Once a cop, always a cop.
00:30:43Though not anymore.
00:30:46I still feel responsible for that.
00:30:48Yeah, well, you're not.
00:30:50But it's weird,
00:30:52you're in a very similar situation now.
00:30:54I just hope that it turns out differently.
00:30:56Hey, hey, listen to me.
00:30:58This will turn out differently.
00:31:00I promise you.
00:31:02I don't even know what to do.
00:31:04I don't know where to begin.
00:31:06I only negotiated the releases,
00:31:08where do I even start?
00:31:10Let's just break it down one step at a time.
00:31:12Can you think of any reason
00:31:14someone would want to hurt any one of you?
00:31:18Is Brent in debt again?
00:31:20No, I keep a close watch on the books.
00:31:22What about you?
00:31:24Have you been contacted by anyone
00:31:26from your days with the police?
00:31:28How about Nick?
00:31:32No emails, no letters?
00:31:33Maddie, Maddie's just, she's a kid.
00:31:35Who would go after her?
00:31:37Kids get mixed up in all sorts
00:31:39of bad stuff these days.
00:31:41Do you think it was someone at the party?
00:31:43No, this doesn't feel like
00:31:45within the capabilities of a teenager.
00:31:47I mean, I don't know.
00:31:49There could have been older kids there,
00:31:51plus Nick was 23,
00:31:53barely older than a teenager.
00:31:55Whose party was it?
00:32:03I have to go to the bathroom.
00:32:20No, like, I have to go, go.
00:32:33Okay, now, you know you need
00:32:35to stop by the front office
00:32:37for a pass.
00:32:39Absolutely, absolutely.
00:32:50Mrs. Gould, how's Maddie feeling?
00:32:52Josh said that she was sick.
00:32:54She's really sick.
00:32:56Yeah, she's never been texting.
00:32:58She's sleeping right now,
00:33:00so she doesn't have the energy for that.
00:33:01Oh, well, tell her
00:33:03that I hope she feels better.
00:33:05Do you mind?
00:33:07Can you give us a moment?
00:33:15Nicole, Maddie told me
00:33:17she went to your party last night.
00:33:22Are you a cop?
00:33:24Who are you?
00:33:26I know that you used to work in the police.
00:33:28I'm not a cop.
00:33:29Was Maddie your friend in the school?
00:33:31He's definitely not a cop.
00:33:33Was she at the party?
00:33:35I... I don't know. I didn't...
00:33:37Nicole, cut the crap.
00:33:39Was she at the party?
00:33:41Maddie left as soon as
00:33:43everyone started drinking.
00:33:45Maddie doesn't drink.
00:33:47Please don't tell my parents.
00:33:49I'll get in so much trouble
00:33:51and they promise to take me
00:33:53to Paris for my birthday.
00:33:55And if they find out,
00:33:57then they'll cancel the trip.
00:33:59Why didn't anyone else leave
00:34:01after you guys started drinking?
00:34:05Yeah, he...
00:34:07Yeah, yeah, he left
00:34:09pretty soon after Maddie left.
00:34:11His parents are really strict, too.
00:34:13No offense.
00:34:15And do you know where we could find him?
00:34:17He and his friends sometimes
00:34:19hang out at a coffee shop
00:34:21around the corner after school.
00:34:23I see them there sometimes.
00:34:25Okay, I think I've seen them.
00:34:27Maddie's talked about him
00:34:29a couple of times.
00:34:31Let's go.
00:35:31I think she wore them
00:35:33to the party and one came off
00:35:35when he took her,
00:35:37apparently because
00:35:39they found it in the street.
00:35:41Like Cinderella?
00:35:43More like Rapunzel.
00:35:45We're going to find her.
00:35:47I just...
00:35:49It's my fault.
00:35:51It's not your fault.
00:35:53It's not your fault.
00:35:55It's not your fault.
00:35:57It's not your fault.
00:36:00What is?
00:36:01All of this.
00:36:02This whole thing.
00:36:03I'm so overprotective of her
00:36:05and I don't trust her
00:36:06to make the right decisions
00:36:07but she did.
00:36:09She made the right decision.
00:36:11She left the party
00:36:12when they started drinking.
00:36:14You got a great kid there.
00:36:17She's the best.
00:36:19I got to take this.
00:36:22Hey, what's going on?
00:36:23Where have you been?
00:36:24Your message sounded
00:36:25kind of urgent.
00:36:26I have something very...
00:36:27very difficult to tell you.
00:36:28Sit down, please.
00:36:33Is Maddie okay?
00:36:34She's alive.
00:36:36She's been kidnapped.
00:36:39I know.
00:36:40Kidnapped by who?
00:36:42I don't know.
00:36:44Did you call the police?
00:36:46Whoever took her
00:36:47said not to call the police.
00:36:48Of course he said not to call them.
00:36:49Brent, please.
00:36:50What does he want?
00:36:52No, I don't think so.
00:36:53What else could he want, Alice?
00:36:54What did he say?
00:36:55He didn't say anything.
00:36:56You know what?
00:36:57I'm getting on a plane
00:36:58and I'm coming home right now.
00:36:59Okay, have Victoria
00:37:00book you a flight out.
00:37:01What are you gonna be doing?
00:37:02I'm trying to find her.
00:37:05Who was that?
00:37:06I thought you just said
00:37:07you didn't call the police.
00:37:08Steve's here with me.
00:37:11Hey, Brent.
00:37:12Listen, we're gonna do
00:37:13everything we can
00:37:14to get her back, okay?
00:37:15Yeah, I'm sure you told
00:37:16a lot of people that, Steve.
00:37:17Didn't always work out
00:37:18the way you planned, though,
00:37:19did it?
00:37:20You know what, Brent?
00:37:21I'm here to help.
00:37:22That's it.
00:37:24Sorry about Brent.
00:37:25Oh, he's under
00:37:26emotional distress.
00:37:27That's quite a shock.
00:37:29Do you see this kid?
00:37:32Yeah, I think that's him.
00:37:34Order for Hunter?
00:37:36Yep, that's him.
00:37:37Let's go.
00:37:41Hey, hey.
00:37:42What the f*** you doing?
00:37:43I need to have
00:37:44a couple words with you.
00:37:45It's all right.
00:37:46Terrible report card.
00:37:50What are you doing?
00:37:51Just have a couple questions.
00:37:52Hey, you're one of the
00:37:53guys that was
00:37:55with Maddie last night.
00:37:56Hey, you're Maddie's
00:37:57mom, right?
00:37:58That's Maddie's
00:37:59mom, all right.
00:38:00And you're gonna tell us
00:38:01what happened
00:38:02to Maddie last night.
00:38:03What do you mean
00:38:04what happened with her?
00:38:05Nothing happened.
00:38:06You left the party
00:38:07after her.
00:38:08Did you follow her?
00:38:10Where'd you go
00:38:11after the party?
00:38:12I just went home.
00:38:13Why did you leave
00:38:14right after she did?
00:38:15Dude, if my parents
00:38:16caught me underage
00:38:17drinking, they'd kill me.
00:38:18It's gonna jeopardize
00:38:19me getting to Harvard
00:38:20or so they say.
00:38:21You followed her
00:38:22last night, didn't you?
00:38:23Where is she?
00:38:24She doesn't even do that.
00:38:25Oh, come on, Hunter.
00:38:26You know,
00:38:27she's a cute girl,
00:38:28and you,
00:38:29you obviously
00:38:30think a lot of yourself.
00:38:31No, man,
00:38:32it's not even like that.
00:38:33Plus, she's not even
00:38:34into me.
00:38:35She likes Josh.
00:38:37His name keeps coming up.
00:38:38Who's this Josh kid?
00:38:40It's a teacher.
00:38:41Excuse me?
00:38:42Mr. Hammer?
00:38:48Hey, man,
00:38:49thanks for your time.
00:38:50Sorry to interrupt you.
00:38:51All right.
00:38:53Have a good day.
00:38:56You, too.
00:39:00We're gonna kill him.
00:39:01What are you thinking?
00:39:24Don't act so excited
00:39:25to hear me.
00:39:26I have a lot
00:39:27on my mind right now.
00:39:28Yeah, I know.
00:39:29That conversation we had
00:39:30was really unpleasant.
00:39:32No, no,
00:39:33it's other things.
00:39:34What is it, Brent?
00:39:35You seem upset.
00:39:36No, I can't, all right?
00:39:37Look, there's some stuff
00:39:38going on with Maddie and Alice.
00:39:41you can tell me.
00:39:42That's what I'm here for.
00:39:44Yeah, I can't get into
00:39:45this with you right now.
00:39:46Did you book my ticket?
00:39:48I was just forwarding
00:39:49you the information now.
00:39:50A car will be there
00:39:51in 15 minutes.
00:39:52I'll be there in 15 minutes
00:39:53to pick you up
00:39:54and take you to the airport
00:39:55and you should be back
00:39:56in town by 10.
00:40:00come and see me
00:40:01when you get back.
00:40:02I'll help you cope
00:40:03with whatever is going on
00:40:04at home
00:40:05and we can work out
00:40:06our problems.
00:40:08I just need to be
00:40:09with my family.
00:40:12I'll talk to you later.
00:40:14Here you go.
00:40:16I grabbed it
00:40:17before I left.
00:40:18I don't even know
00:40:19why I did it.
00:40:20Good instincts.
00:40:21Do you know
00:40:22her password?
00:40:23I can guess.
00:40:24Angie Avani?
00:40:25The sparkly shoes.
00:40:26She's obsessed
00:40:27with that brand.
00:40:28All right,
00:40:29let's look
00:40:30at her search history.
00:40:31All right.
00:40:32I'm going to look
00:40:33for her.
00:40:34I'm going to look
00:40:35for her.
00:40:36I'm going to look
00:40:37for her.
00:40:38I'm going to look
00:40:39for her.
00:40:40I'm going to look
00:40:41for her.
00:40:42I mean,
00:40:43why if it's Gerald?
00:40:44A pretty smart kid.
00:40:46How to sneak out
00:40:47without your mom
00:40:48finding out.
00:40:49And there's
00:40:50the teenager.
00:40:52here's something.
00:40:53How to tell
00:40:54if an older guy
00:40:55likes you.
00:40:56Oh, my God.
00:40:57At least we know
00:40:58we're on the right track.
00:40:59Any addresses?
00:41:00Maybe she was trying
00:41:01to find out
00:41:02where he lives.
00:41:04Let's check
00:41:05her emails.
00:41:08open up.
00:41:10Oh, no.
00:41:12He's sending
00:41:13her poems.
00:41:16Your hair
00:41:17is like a gleaming
00:41:18chestnut in the sun.
00:41:20She's 17.
00:41:22I'm going to
00:41:23kill him.
00:41:24What does
00:41:25the latest email say?
00:41:28here's one
00:41:29from three days ago.
00:41:31Can't wait
00:41:32to talk in person.
00:41:34Let's meet
00:41:35in my office.
00:41:36Best not
00:41:37to tell your mom
00:41:38for now.
00:41:39What a creep.
00:41:42do you really keep
00:41:43her at the school?
00:41:45let's go find out.
00:41:47Come on, man.
00:41:49we're going to
00:41:50talk about this.
00:41:51I'm going to kill her.
00:41:52Calm down,
00:41:53calm down.
00:41:58you've got
00:41:59nowhere to go.
00:42:00Easy, easy.
00:42:01Come on,
00:42:02think about this.
00:42:03Think about this.
00:42:04Don't do it.
00:42:06come on,
00:42:14put the knife down.
00:42:16I can't,
00:42:17I love her.
00:42:18Is this how you
00:42:19show people love, Nick?
00:42:21By abducting them
00:42:22and holding them
00:42:23at knife point?
00:42:24Don't come any closer!
00:42:25Okay, okay.
00:42:26Don't do it, man.
00:42:27Come on.
00:42:28We just want her
00:42:29to return Lily safely
00:42:30to her parents,
00:42:31that's it.
00:42:33They don't love her?
00:42:34They wouldn't even
00:42:35let her see me.
00:42:36They kept answering
00:42:37the phone for her,
00:42:38it's all lies!
00:42:40don't, man.
00:42:41Think about this.
00:42:42Think about it.
00:42:44we'll talk to her parents.
00:42:45We'll let them know.
00:42:46Why should I believe you?
00:42:47We'll tell them
00:42:48that you need to be able
00:42:49to see her.
00:42:50Just put the knife down, Nick.
00:42:53will you tell them
00:42:54that you want to be with me?
00:42:59I'm putting my gun away, okay?
00:43:00The gun's going away.
00:43:01Stay calm.
00:43:02Stay calm.
00:43:03I won't,
00:43:04I won't abuse you.
00:43:05I love you.
00:43:06You don't want to do this,
00:43:07do you?
00:43:08I swear.
00:43:10Don't do it,
00:43:11don't do it.
00:43:12I love you.
00:43:13I swear!
00:43:14No, no, no, no!
00:43:15Don't do it!
00:43:16Don't do it!
00:43:24You all right?
00:43:26I'm fine.
00:43:27I think I just drifted
00:43:28off there for a second.
00:43:29All the doors are locked,
00:43:30there's cameras everywhere.
00:43:31I don't think
00:43:32we're going to have
00:43:33any luck breaking in.
00:43:34So what do you think
00:43:35we should do?
00:43:36Just sit out here
00:43:37all night
00:43:38until he comes out?
00:43:40it's getting pretty late.
00:43:41You sure
00:43:42that's his car over there?
00:43:44I mean,
00:43:45it's the description
00:43:46that Nicole gave us
00:43:47and he wasn't at his house.
00:43:48He's got to be here.
00:43:49Who's there?
00:43:52you again.
00:43:53Can I help you?
00:43:54Help me?
00:43:55You're the ones
00:43:56trespassing on school grounds.
00:43:57My daughter
00:43:58goes to school here.
00:44:00I know,
00:44:01Mrs. Gould.
00:44:02That doesn't give you
00:44:03the right to be
00:44:04on premises.
00:44:05What's your name again?
00:44:08do you think
00:44:09you could do us
00:44:10a huge favor?
00:44:11Mrs. Gould's daughter
00:44:12is very sick
00:44:13and we need to get
00:44:14into her locker
00:44:15to get her
00:44:16college application
00:44:17so she doesn't
00:44:18miss the filing deadline.
00:44:19Do you think
00:44:20there's any way
00:44:21you can help us out
00:44:22with this?
00:44:24It's very smooth,
00:44:25you had her
00:44:26eating out of your hands.
00:44:28I have that
00:44:29effect on women.
00:44:32All right,
00:44:33I think
00:44:34his office
00:44:35is right around here.
00:44:36A struggle,
00:44:37you think?
00:44:40Looks like
00:44:41he just freaked out
00:44:42and tossed the place.
00:44:43He obviously
00:44:44isn't keeping her here.
00:44:45Look at this.
00:44:48I don't know.
00:44:49I don't know.
00:44:50I don't know.
00:44:51I don't know.
00:44:52I don't know.
00:44:53I don't know.
00:44:54I don't know.
00:44:55I don't know.
00:44:56I don't know.
00:44:57I don't know.
00:44:58I don't know.
00:44:59I don't know.
00:45:00I don't know.
00:45:01Look at this.
00:45:05That might
00:45:06explain something.
00:45:07A motive
00:45:08for despair?
00:45:13I think
00:45:14I know.
00:45:22How do you know
00:45:23about this place?
00:45:24I helped Maddie bring
00:45:25chairs down here
00:45:26after one of her readings.
00:45:27You really think
00:45:28he's holed up here?
00:45:29He could be anywhere
00:45:30This is definitely
00:45:31the place.
00:45:32He keeps all
00:45:33of his equipment
00:45:34in there.
00:45:38It was his fault,
00:45:39not yours.
00:45:40What are you
00:45:41talking about?
00:45:42You said you felt
00:45:43bad about ending
00:45:44my career.
00:45:45You didn't.
00:45:46Nick did.
00:45:47I pulled the trigger.
00:45:48I shouldn't have.
00:45:49I was never a great shot.
00:45:50He made the first
00:45:51move towards violence.
00:45:52We did what
00:45:53we were trained to do.
00:45:54I should have
00:45:55gone for her,
00:45:56not the gun.
00:45:57Your bullet only
00:45:58grazed her leg.
00:46:00It's not
00:46:01going to happen
00:46:02this time.
00:46:04it's not.
00:46:09Where is she?
00:46:10Where is she?
00:46:11Who are you?
00:46:12Mrs. Cole,
00:46:13what are you doing?
00:46:14Where is she?
00:46:15Where is Maddie?
00:46:16She's at home.
00:46:17She was sick,
00:46:18I thought.
00:46:19You flirt with
00:46:20all the 17-year-old
00:46:21girls or just Maddie?
00:46:22What are you
00:46:23talking about?
00:46:24Come on,
00:46:25cut the crap.
00:46:26I saw the emails
00:46:27that you sent her.
00:46:28Romantic poems.
00:46:29It was a critique
00:46:31You've been to
00:46:32the readings.
00:46:33She was in the
00:46:34process of submitting
00:46:35something to Ainsley,
00:46:36which you didn't
00:46:37approve of.
00:46:38They were her poems.
00:46:39I just critiqued
00:46:42I'm sorry,
00:46:43but she's got
00:46:44a lot of passion
00:46:45and talent,
00:46:46and I'm not
00:46:47going to let you
00:46:48stifle that.
00:46:49He's lying,
00:46:50trying to throw
00:46:51us off the scent.
00:46:52You're too
00:46:53close to these kids.
00:46:54Josh this,
00:46:55Josh that.
00:46:56I learned
00:46:57from my mistake
00:46:58and I'm going
00:46:59to tell you what.
00:47:00They're going
00:47:01to start calling
00:47:02me Mr. Hammer.
00:47:03He's telling
00:47:04the truth.
00:47:05Did you go
00:47:06in my office?
00:47:07We did.
00:47:08So you saw it.
00:47:09A rejection
00:47:12you're young
00:47:14You'll write
00:47:15a book one day
00:47:16worth publishing.
00:47:17Let's get
00:47:18him out of here.
00:47:19Mrs. Gu.
00:47:20Watch your step.
00:47:21Mrs. Gu,
00:47:22I'm really
00:47:23sorry about
00:47:24what I said
00:47:25to you earlier.
00:47:26I really
00:47:27need to talk to you.
00:47:28What's up girls?
00:47:29How's it
00:47:31You good man?
00:47:32You got him?
00:47:33Hey Tony,
00:47:34I'm sorry.
00:47:35We've had
00:47:36a bit of an emergency.
00:47:37Brent had to fly back
00:47:38to be with our daughter
00:47:39who's very sick.
00:47:41he will reschedule
00:47:42when she's feeling better.
00:47:43I am sure.
00:47:45we are not
00:47:46going with another
00:47:47construction company.
00:47:48I promise.
00:47:51I gotta go,
00:47:52but we will be
00:47:53in touch, okay?
00:47:55I promise.
00:47:56Who's that?
00:47:58the owner of the
00:47:59construction company
00:48:00that Brent was
00:48:01supposed to meet
00:48:02with in New York.
00:48:03He keeps texting me
00:48:04about this,
00:48:05thinking we're
00:48:06replacing him.
00:48:07He's trying
00:48:08to get on my nerves.
00:48:09Did you look
00:48:10at Maddie's email again?
00:48:12I think we've
00:48:13exhausted everyone
00:48:14in her life
00:48:15at this point.
00:48:16It might
00:48:17be time to visit
00:48:19Who is this?
00:48:21Put him through.
00:48:22What was that?
00:48:25I know
00:48:26you're trying
00:48:27to get on my nerves,
00:48:28but we've
00:48:29exhausted everyone
00:48:30in her life at this point.
00:48:31It might be time
00:48:32to visit
00:48:34Who is this?
00:48:36Put him through.
00:48:37I'm sorry.
00:48:38I don't know
00:48:39who he is.
00:48:40I don't know
00:48:41what's going on.
00:48:42I don't know
00:48:43what's going on.
00:48:44I don't know
00:48:45what's going on.
00:48:46I don't know
00:48:47what's going on.
00:48:48I didn't believe them when they told me who was here to see me.
00:48:58It's been a while, Nick.
00:49:01Well, time flies and you have nothing left to live for.
00:49:04You did that to yourself.
00:49:05No, I did not.
00:49:07You did this to me.
00:49:09And you.
00:49:10But mostly you.
00:49:12Well, anyway, I've enjoyed this jaunt down memory lane.
00:49:17But I'm in for life and time's a-wasting, so unless you have anything else you'd like
00:49:20to say, I think I'll be going.
00:49:23Sit back down.
00:49:24I'm not finished with you yet.
00:49:29Well, enough of the niceties.
00:49:36Let's get down to why you're both here.
00:49:38We find ourselves in a very similar situation that we were in three years ago.
00:49:42Someone ran away from their parents to be with the man she loves?
00:49:44Nick, we know that's not what happened.
00:49:47So what do you want from me?
00:49:50Wanted to get some insight from you.
00:49:53See what it's like to be inside the head of a kidnapper.
00:49:56Oh, Alice.
00:49:57I can call you Alice, right?
00:50:00You know better than me for two reasons.
00:50:03First of all, you're the professional.
00:50:05Second of all, I don't know how many times I need to tell you this, but I did not kidnap
00:50:10She ran away to be with me.
00:50:11I don't care about your opinions.
00:50:12Just want to know why you did it.
00:50:14Well, love of course.
00:50:16You didn't love her.
00:50:17You didn't even know her.
00:50:18Of course I knew her.
00:50:20She was my girlfriend.
00:50:21We were to get married, have kids, a family, and you two messed it up.
00:50:25Ruined my life.
00:50:27Thank you for that.
00:50:28She was a girl that worked in a coffee shop that you became obsessed with and you stalked
00:50:32her like you did to many other young women we came to discover.
00:50:36Our relationship was special.
00:50:38We've heard you have a pretty keen interest in keeping up with who's in and who's out
00:50:41and have plenty of phone calls with the outside.
00:50:44Well, that isn't a crime, is it?
00:50:46No, certainly not.
00:50:48But if you asked any of your little buddies you made in prison to do anything, say, kidnap
00:50:54another little 17-year-old girl, now, that would be a crime.
00:51:01Are you accusing me of conspiring to kidnap a sweet, innocent little girl?
00:51:09I want my lawyer.
00:51:12You're not entitled to one.
00:51:13Uh, yes, I am.
00:51:14I know my rights.
00:51:15We're not working for the police and this isn't an interrogation.
00:51:19This is just us coming in here as civilians having a friendly conversation.
00:51:24Oh, this is so friendly.
00:51:27Accusing me of conspiring to kidnap a sweet, innocent girl?
00:51:30That's exactly what friends do.
00:51:32Are you involved?
00:51:33What if I am?
00:51:35Answer the-
00:51:36Are you?
00:51:38Answer the damn question or I will kill you right now.
00:51:41No, I'm not.
00:51:43You haven't asked anyone to kidnap someone, hinted they might do it, told them how you
00:51:48abducted Lily.
00:51:49What would I get out of it?
00:51:51I'm stuck in here for life, remember?
00:51:55Oh, you think I did it out of revenge.
00:51:59Whose is it?
00:52:03You had a kid, didn't you?
00:52:04She's 17, just like Lily.
00:52:07Someone has abducted her.
00:52:08What do they want?
00:52:09I don't know.
00:52:10There's no money involved?
00:52:12Sounds very personal.
00:52:13Let me assure you that I am absolutely no way involved, but I am absolutely no way involved.
00:52:27Well, y'all have a nice life now.
00:52:30Oh, and tell your daughter, if you ever see her again, come by and say hi.
00:52:36Love to meet her.
00:52:42Enjoy your time here.
00:52:45Have a nice life in prison.
00:53:09It would be a lot easier to eat if I could use my hands.
00:53:30Come on.
00:54:01What do you think?
00:54:03It's definitely not him.
00:54:07Back to square one?
00:54:09Steve, I don't understand.
00:54:11It's obviously personal, but we've gone through everyone in our life and it's not any one of them.
00:54:16And even Nick, he was a long shot, but it's not him.
00:54:20There's only one person left in the family to check out.
00:54:28No, it's just this Tony guy wondering when Brent is going to reschedule the meeting.
00:54:33It's almost midnight there.
00:54:34Why is this guy so desperate?
00:54:36How well do you know this guy?
00:54:38Not very well.
00:54:39Our assistant, she made the introduction between Tony and Brent, but I didn't have anything to do with it.
00:54:45Sounds fishy.
00:54:47No, Brent wouldn't go there.
00:54:49But he did.
00:54:51Steve, no.
00:54:53I think it's time we take a look into Brent's financial activities.
00:55:09I don't want this to be over.
00:55:13I know you've been distant lately, but I love you so much.
00:55:17And you said that you would leave.
00:55:20And she's still your wife, not me!
00:55:31You are going to have to hold up your end of the bargain.
00:55:37Or there's no telling what I'll do.
00:55:50I don't understand why he doesn't keep this stuff at the office.
00:55:53He's paranoid about our employees having access to too much information.
00:55:57It seems like access to information is necessary to run a business.
00:56:01When your own employee turns you into the FBI, you're going to take a few more precautions.
00:56:07And if you're not doing anything wrong, you've got nothing to hide.
00:56:11Spoken like a true cop.
00:56:14And he was never charged.
00:56:16Doesn't mean he didn't do it.
00:56:18Look, he hid some things from me, and he got involved with the wrong people, but...
00:56:24I don't think he set out to do anything wrong.
00:56:29Steve, there's no way.
00:56:31Wait, what are these deposits from?
00:56:34It's payments from apartment buildings we manage in New York.
00:56:37I thought you guys just developed property.
00:56:39I convinced Brent that we needed more dependable streams of income in case our development deals failed.
00:56:45Okay, very practical.
00:56:47Looks like a good decision, too. He's just breaking even at the moment.
00:56:50Yeah, that'll change once we get the funding for the new building.
00:56:53And who's handling that?
00:56:55Brent. He'd prefer I deal with all the property management since it was all my idea.
00:57:00Why is he trying to cut you out of everything?
00:57:02It sounds like he doesn't trust you, or he's hiding something.
00:57:06No, he trusts me. I have access to everything.
00:57:10Here, look.
00:57:12Here's our agreement with the investor.
00:57:16That seems like an awfully large percentage this investor gets when the building produces profit.
00:57:20No, it's just the standard.
00:57:29Wait, somebody changed this after I saw it.
00:57:32This is not what we agreed on.
00:57:35Who's this company again?
00:57:37M&G Holdings.
00:57:39M&G Holdings.
00:57:40I don't know much about them.
00:57:42There's not much on the internet about them either.
00:57:45They don't even have a website.
00:57:47Let's see if there's any owners of the company listed.
00:57:52No, nothing.
00:57:54Just a P.O. box in Delaware.
00:57:57It's not unusual.
00:58:03My partner joined the FBI when I retired.
00:58:06Why don't I call her and see if she knows anything?
00:58:10But just don't say anything about Maddie.
00:58:12No, of course not.
00:58:16Who changed this?
00:58:21Yeah, Dana Cohen.
00:58:25She knows who it is.
00:58:27Yeah, have her call me back.
00:58:29Okay, thanks.
00:58:32She didn't call me back.
00:58:34I don't know what to tell you, Alice.
00:59:04Thanks, Dana.
00:59:05Yeah, sorry for calling so late.
00:59:07Say hi to Dan and the kids.
00:59:11It's not good.
00:59:13Just tell me.
00:59:14It could be linked to Maddie.
00:59:15The feds have been looking at M&G Holdings for a while now.
00:59:18So they survey a lot of companies.
00:59:20There's all sorts of nefarious activities.
00:59:22Loan sharking, drugs, trafficking.
00:59:27With ties to the mafia.
00:59:29Run by...
00:59:31Tony Mattarelli.
00:59:40Do you think Brent knew?
00:59:42Out of nowhere, he couldn't have.
00:59:44Dana says they're investigating Brent as well.
00:59:46And she thinks he's been laundering money for them.
00:59:50I don't believe it.
00:59:51She has surveillance photos she's going to email me.
00:59:55He promised me that he wouldn't do this again.
00:59:58I don't want to get involved with people like this again.
01:00:01You broke that promise, Alice.
01:00:03If he lied to me again, I am going to kill him.
01:00:06Listen to me.
01:00:07You need to just chill out for a minute.
01:00:09And take a breath and get some food in you.
01:00:12Get some food?
01:00:17I need to find her.
01:00:20I'm sorry.
01:00:24It's okay.
01:00:25It's all right.
01:00:26It's okay.
01:00:28You're okay.
01:00:30Come on.
01:00:31Come on.
01:00:57Come on.
01:01:10This is good.
01:01:12You keep very nice ingredients in your house.
01:01:15They have very expensive grocery stores in Beverly Hills.
01:01:20I wonder if she's hungry.
01:01:23It's been almost 24 hours.
01:01:29We'll get her whatever she wants to eat when we find her.
01:01:32All right?
01:01:39I've really missed you.
01:01:41We became pretty close during Lily's case.
01:01:45Did Brent ask you to cut off contact with me?
01:01:50He did.
01:01:52Yeah, I figured.
01:01:54He always seemed to try and control you too much.
01:01:57Sometimes he disregards my feelings, but he's not controlling.
01:02:02But he stopped returning my calls.
01:02:04Yeah, not because he asked me to, but because I knew we were getting...
01:02:13I would be risking my family and my marriage if I was to stay in contact with you.
01:02:22It's very noble of you.
01:02:24I'm sorry. I better hurt your feelings.
01:02:26No, no, listen. It's understandable.
01:02:29Especially now that I know the reason.
01:02:34W. Dana.
01:02:35What did she say?
01:02:38Do you know where these were taken?
01:02:42Victoria and Brent went to meet with the investment company last month.
01:02:55Alice, it's...
01:03:12Joey's a liar and a cheater.
01:03:36I can't believe this.
01:03:39He's cheated on me with our assistant.
01:03:43Who introduced him to this man with mafia connections.
01:03:48Who probably abducted our daughter in order to force Brent to go through with the deal or to sell her to some sex trafficker.
01:03:55Do you know where he is now?
01:03:58He should have landed by now.
01:04:02I'll tell him to meet us at the office.
01:04:04Yeah. Let's go.
01:04:18I don't care if you kill me. I'm not going back in that room.
01:04:25It's you.
01:04:29What are we looking for?
01:04:30Anything having to do with Tony's company.
01:04:32A receipt, an invoice, something that has an address on the west coast.
01:04:37You gonna make him sleep in the office?
01:04:39Done it plenty of times before when he's pulled all-nighters.
01:04:42Oh, God. That's why he didn't come home.
01:04:48Any idea where she is?
01:04:52What the hell, Alice?
01:04:53This is all your fault. You did this with you and your little girlfriend.
01:04:58What the hell are you talking about?
01:05:00Stop. I've seen photos of you kissing Victoria outside of Tony's office.
01:05:06Where did you see these photos?
01:05:09Steve has a contact in the FBI.
01:05:12Turns out Tony owns both the construction company and the investment company.
01:05:16But you knew that, didn't you?
01:05:18We are in debt, Alice.
01:05:20In order to make this project work and get us out, I had to make a lot of money.
01:05:24We are not in that much debt.
01:05:26I keep track of the books. I know exactly how much money goes in and out.
01:05:30No, you don't.
01:05:31I had to borrow a lot of money and open up credit cards that you don't know about.
01:05:36To keep us afloat, to build the business, to provide for us.
01:05:40How bad is it?
01:05:42We could have just declared bankruptcy.
01:05:44No. I was not going to fail for a second time.
01:05:47We are going to finish building this condo building and it's going to be a success.
01:05:51Yeah. With dirty money.
01:05:56You didn't think I tried to find funding from any other source?
01:05:59No one would touch me, Alice.
01:06:01I got a failed project, debt up to my eyeballs.
01:06:04Tony was the only person that was going to lend me anything.
01:06:07Debt up to my eyeballs. Tony was the only person that was going to lend me any money.
01:06:10People like Tony prey upon people in a situation like yours.
01:06:14And by associating with him, you put your daughter in danger.
01:06:17There's Steve, lurking in the shadows, huh?
01:06:20I'm sure you're loving this man, just ready to walk in here and make me look like the bad guy so you can save Alice.
01:06:24I don't need saving.
01:06:25Steve has been present in our relationship for a long time.
01:06:31Brent, Alice and I were only ever friends, alright?
01:06:36But you have feelings for my wife.
01:06:38No, I want to hear him say it!
01:06:41Do you have feelings for my wife, Steve?
01:06:44Well, there it is.
01:06:46At least now it's out in the open after all this time.
01:06:49None of this is important right now!
01:06:51Our daughter has been kidnapped!
01:06:54And Tony's cronies probably abducted her in order to force you to go through with the deal!
01:06:59Brent, is there any place they would have taken her? A west coast office? A warehouse? Anything, man.
01:07:04No, I don't know any of Tony's contacts out here.
01:07:07I think it's probably time we reach out to the police.
01:07:09We are not calling the police.
01:07:11Alice, it's been 24 hours!
01:07:13We don't have the skills or the resources to deal with Tony's people, alright?
01:07:17Despite Steve over there playing cops and robbers.
01:07:19Whoever took her said not to call the police and I am not letting what happened to Lily happen to her.
01:07:24At some point someone is going to realize she is gone.
01:07:27How are we going to explain that?
01:07:29Alice called the school and told them she was sick.
01:07:31I forgot to call them.
01:07:34But Joss said the secretary told them she was sick.
01:07:36No, I didn't call them.
01:07:38And her friend knew she was sick, too.
01:07:42Why would you do this?
01:07:44Two reasons, really.
01:07:46First, to test your father's loyalty to me.
01:07:49His loyalty to you, but you're the one who works for him.
01:07:52His loyalty to me personally, not professionally.
01:07:55I don't understand.
01:07:58I needed to see who he would run to if something went wrong.
01:08:02You see, your father and I have been having an affair for over two years.
01:08:06I don't believe you.
01:08:08My dad would never cheat on my mom.
01:08:11He promised me he was going to leave your mother for me.
01:08:14And that we would continue to build this business together.
01:08:17He loves my mom and would never leave her.
01:08:22But lately, he's been distant.
01:08:25Cancelling dates.
01:08:27Spending more time with your mother.
01:08:30And cutting me out of meetings.
01:08:32He'd never leave me, either.
01:08:36And we were supposed to go to New York together.
01:08:39And meet with Tony about the building and have a romantic trip.
01:08:42But he cancelled!
01:08:47So, I decided to conduct a little experiment.
01:08:51If something traumatic in his life happened.
01:08:54Say, his daughter was abducted.
01:08:57Who would he run to for comfort?
01:08:59Me or Alice?
01:09:01That's sick.
01:09:03So, I'd have confirmation once and for all.
01:09:06And if he went to your mother instead of me.
01:09:09I'd be in the perfect position to hurt them fairly.
01:09:16She wouldn't do this.
01:09:18No, it's her. I know it's her.
01:09:20She's the only person that I told that Maddie was sick.
01:09:22Maybe there's something on her computer.
01:09:24Look for anything. Something.
01:09:25We need to call the police.
01:09:26Tell them what happened and let them take it from here.
01:09:29Password detected.
01:09:30Would she keep her at her home?
01:09:31No. She lives with two roommates. There's no privacy there.
01:09:34And she wouldn't do it.
01:09:37Do you have a key for this?
01:09:39Somewhere, yeah.
01:09:40And when we open it up and see there's nothing in there, we're calling the police.
01:09:42Just give me the key.
01:09:46You alright?
01:09:49Do you think we should call the police?
01:09:51The longer she's gone, the less likely we'll recover her alive.
01:09:55You know this better than me. You're the negotiator.
01:09:58I know.
01:10:00I just need to hear it from you.
01:10:03So, we agree? We're gonna call the police?
01:10:05Yeah, we agree.
01:10:08Why are you still here?
01:10:15It's my shoe.
01:10:17She was wearing this.
01:10:23Uh, don't tell Tony for obvious reasons.
01:10:26I don't want Brent to find out.
01:10:28Yeah, I'll be there in 30 with the merchandise.
01:10:31You're selling me?
01:10:34What choice do I have?
01:10:36You ruined my perfect plan.
01:10:38When your father came to me for comfort,
01:10:40I was going to dump you in the canyons for some early morning hikers to find,
01:10:43but you had to go and pull off my mask.
01:10:45No, you aren't taking me anywhere.
01:10:47I didn't know until I saw your face,
01:10:49but this is my parents' office building.
01:10:51One step closer and I'm screaming.
01:10:53Everyone's gone home for the day.
01:10:55And I bribed the security guard.
01:10:57Men won't do anything if you wear the right outfit.
01:11:00Come on.
01:11:02Help! Help!
01:11:07Victoria? Pick up the phone, please.
01:11:10Where the hell are you, Victoria?
01:11:13I'm sorry to call so late.
01:11:15It's just that she has these papers that I need tonight.
01:11:21No, she's not there.
01:11:25Hey, Cheryl. Thanks for calling back.
01:11:27Any luck tracking the phone?
01:11:30No worries. Thanks for checking.
01:11:32She must have disabled the GPS.
01:11:34She's got to be using a burner.
01:11:37Brent, where would she keep her?
01:11:40I don't know.
01:11:43There has to be some place that you can think of.
01:11:48I can't think of any place right now.
01:11:51Maybe some place you guys kind of went together,
01:11:53private and secluded?
01:11:55We were having an affair, Steve.
01:11:57Everywhere we went was private and secluded.
01:12:03We used to sneak off at lunch
01:12:05to a storage room in the basement.
01:12:07Let's go.
01:12:10I told you nobody's coming.
01:12:12My mom will.
01:12:14She'll find me and you're going to jail.
01:12:17You know, you're a handful.
01:12:19I don't think I want you for a stepdaughter after all.
01:12:28Too late, Brent.
01:12:30You landed over an hour ago.
01:12:33You made your choice.
01:12:35Now at least I'll make some money off of your brat.
01:12:39Let's go.
01:12:58Where is this room?
01:13:00It's right here.
01:13:02She's not in here.
01:13:04They were here.
01:13:06They were here!
01:13:09What was...
01:13:18Come back!
01:13:19Stay back.
01:13:23Let her go.
01:13:25I don't think so, Alice.
01:13:29Why are you doing this?
01:13:32Well, let's see.
01:13:34You've canceled how many dates recently?
01:13:36I could tell what was happening, Brent.
01:13:40I said stay back!
01:13:42What was happening, Victoria?
01:13:44You were breaking up with me!
01:13:47You promised me that you would leave Alice for me
01:13:49and that we would go on and build a life and this business together.
01:13:54And you're going back on your word.
01:13:56I'm not.
01:13:57He isn't.
01:13:59He told me before he left for New York that he was leaving me.
01:14:02You're both liars!
01:14:03Victoria, Victoria, listen to me.
01:14:05There's no way out of this.
01:14:07Just calm down.
01:14:09Calm down.
01:14:10Put the knife down.
01:14:13You can do it.
01:14:14Everything's gonna be fine.
01:14:18Just please.
01:14:20Just let her go.
01:14:22And everything will be okay.
01:14:26This was your test, see?
01:14:28If something went wrong, who would you run to for help?
01:14:31Me or Alice?
01:14:34Don't hurt my daughter, Victoria.
01:14:36This was your test.
01:14:38And you failed.
01:14:40And now I'm gonna hurt you like you hurt me.
01:14:44I left you that night.
01:14:52I told you I was coming for my girl.
01:15:01What time did you arrive?
01:15:03I got here early in the morning.
01:15:05How early? What's early?
01:15:067 a.m.
01:15:08I knew you'd find me.
01:15:10Maddie, I would go to the ends of the earth to save you.
01:15:14This is all my fault. I should have listened.
01:15:16No, you were right. I'm way too overprotective of you.
01:15:20I should have trusted you more.
01:15:22Yeah, but I lied and snuck out to go to the party.
01:15:24You did.
01:15:25But I heard you left the party when they started drinking.
01:15:28You can make the right decisions.
01:15:30But if you had known where I was, you would have known something was wrong when I didn't come home.
01:15:33I always say no when you want to do something that makes me nervous.
01:15:36But I want you to feel like you can tell me the truth no matter what I'm feeling.
01:15:40I will from now on. I promise.
01:15:43Then I promise to trust your decisions.
01:15:45I mean, after all, you're nearly an adult.
01:15:48Yeah, but I still need my mom.
01:15:54We should go out and take our statements so we can go home now.
01:15:57All right? Let's get a nice bath, cleaned up, some food. Does that sound good?
01:16:02How could you do that to Mom?
01:16:04Matty, I'm sorry.
01:16:06I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry.
01:16:09I'm so sorry and I just love you guys both so much.
01:16:14Okay. All I care about right now is that Matty gets home where she belongs.
01:16:18All right? We'll deal with all that later.
01:16:20All right.
01:16:21All right.
01:16:26Did she say anything?
01:16:28Lunch up.
01:16:35You're a real piece of work, Victoria.
01:16:38What do you got, Matt?
01:16:39All right, bring her down to the station, all right?
01:16:45Wow. What a crazy day.
01:16:52I don't know what I would have done without you.
01:16:54It's all you, Alice.
01:16:57You saved her.
01:17:00Oh, Victoria, you're fired.
01:17:29You want these photos?
01:17:30Lawyer said we had to turn over everything.
01:17:33I seriously doubt the FBI is going to want our family pictures.
01:17:45I'm sorry to see it go.
01:17:48Not as sorry as I am.
01:17:51For everything.
01:17:54I know you are, Brent.
01:17:57How's Matty coping?
01:17:59She's good.
01:18:01I think this experience has made her stronger, in a way.
01:18:06My apartment will be ready this weekend.
01:18:07You think it would be okay if she came over and spent a little time with me?
01:18:10If she wants.
01:18:12Well, she wanted me to check with you first and assure you that it was safe over there,
01:18:15considering that my past behavior put our family in danger.
01:18:20Just promise me that she won't get kidnapped and I'll agree.
01:18:27When's your hearing?
01:18:29Next week.
01:18:31Will you be there?
01:18:32I'll think about it.
01:18:35What did your lawyer say about jail time?
01:18:38He said I could probably avoid it, because no money had actually exchanged hands yet.
01:18:42That's good.
01:18:44For Matty's sake.
01:18:50I filed this morning.
01:18:51I'm sorry.
01:18:55I'm not going to be vindictive and go after everything you have.
01:18:58I want it to be a fair split.
01:19:01My priority is the health and happiness of our daughter.
01:19:05I appreciate that, Alice.
01:19:06It's more than I deserve.
01:19:13You ready?
01:19:14Yeah, let me just grab my purse.
01:19:19How's it going, Brent?
01:19:20You know, it's been better.
01:19:23You should keep your head up, man. Things will improve.
01:19:26Thanks for the words, Steve.
01:19:28You know, I want you to know I was telling the truth about Alice and I.
01:19:34I know.
01:19:36I was just jealous.
01:19:40Hey, listen, if I end up going to prison, will you watch my girls for me?
01:19:46Yeah, man. I'll definitely do that.
01:19:50Okay, you ready?
01:19:53See you later, Brent.
01:19:55See ya.
01:19:56So where do you want to go?
01:19:57Oh, I don't know. Maybe the coffee shop next door?
01:20:01Or do you think they'll remember that we roughed up some kid in their bathroom?
01:20:10Yeah, we had a lot of good memories here.
01:20:13But the new house is cute.
01:20:16It's kind of small, though.
01:20:17Yeah, we don't need a house this big.
01:20:20And with the business gone, it's a little much.
01:20:23So what are you going to do now?
01:20:25I think it's time for a new adventure.
01:20:29Like what?
01:20:31I don't know.
01:20:33There's plenty of possibilities.
01:20:36And do any of the possibilities include steam?
01:20:44We'll see how that goes.
01:20:45I like him.
01:20:47You do?
01:20:50So, speaking of new adventures, can I go to a party tonight at Hunter's?
01:20:55Absolutely not.
01:20:57No, you have to stay in and finish that poem so you can make the filing deadline.
01:21:03Yes, really.
01:21:04Oh my God, Mom. Thank you.
01:21:06It's going to be hard for me to let you go.
01:21:09Mom, you know, we could take a trip to New York to check out the security of the dorm.
01:21:12We can do that.
01:21:14And we need to have a weekly call scheduled so that you know that I'm doing okay.
01:21:19And Mom, maybe you could just, like, text me every night before I go to bed so that you know I'm home?
01:21:23Okay, I think you're going a little overboard.
01:21:25No, but Mom, there are frat parties.
01:21:27You need to periodically remind me about the dangers of underage drinking.
01:21:30Oh boy.
01:21:31You created a monster.
01:21:43Hello, viewers.
01:21:44Assalamu alaikum.
01:21:45How are you all?
01:21:46I hope you're all doing well.
01:21:47With the blessings of Allah, I'm doing very, very well.
01:21:49I'm Mahadi.
01:21:50Today, I'm here in front of you.
01:21:51Today, I'm going to read the poem that I'm going to read in front of you.
01:21:53I'm going to read the poem that I'm going to read in front of you.
01:21:55I'm Mahadi.
01:21:56Today, I'm here in front of you.
01:21:57I'm Mahadi.
01:21:58Today, I'm here in front of you.
01:21:59I'm Mahadi.
01:22:00I'm Mahadi.
01:22:01I'm Mahadi.
01:22:02I'm Mahadi.
01:22:03I'm Mahadi.
01:22:04I'm Mahadi.
01:22:05I'm Mahadi.
01:22:06I'm Mahadi.
01:22:07I'm Mahadi.
01:22:08I'm Mahadi.
01:22:09I'm Mahadi.
01:22:10I'm Mahadi.
01:22:11I'm Mahadi.
01:22:12I'm Mahadi.
01:22:13I'm Mahadi.
01:22:14I'm Mahadi.
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01:24:04I'm Mahadi.