• 2 days ago
Interviews with big stars like Kevin Hart , David Banner , Alfre Woodard and more.
00:00This is a good moment for the culture, for the story of so many successful people in our culture.
00:05To pretty much celebrate them correctly, but show that they all like to celebrate one another.
00:10It's informative, it's necessary, I think it's something that we're going to realize has a major impact immediately after it drops.
00:21You know, it's been a long time coming. I mean, we've been, you know, the idea to make these films actually started with me.
00:32And I called Reggie and called my partner, Jamie, obviously, and then Kevin.
00:37And, you know, we sold these movies, I want to say, in 2020.
00:42So it's been five years since we've been making these movies.
00:45So it's really great to see an idea, you know, just come to life.
00:50To where we have two films and all of the greatest black movie stars of the last 70 years in the movies.
00:56To be working directly with Terrence Howard, you know, the ferociousness from Taraji.
01:03Sam Jackson was actually my first acting coach in my first movie.
01:07You know, so for me to be around all of that greatness, you know, to watch how Will Packer handled the whole entire setting.
01:14You know, I'm going into a banner vision, you know, and making my own movies.
01:17It was just, it was great all around. And to pick one, I would think would take away from my blessing as a whole. Wouldn't you agree?
01:23I'm here tonight supporting the leading men because, you know, you can't live with them, you can't live without them.
01:30But I just, it feels, it feels like a good celebration.
01:36So it feels good to come together and celebrate creativity, celebrate resilience, celebrate the fact that you can't put out our light.
01:48I think the biggest fight for me was proving that comedy, you know, from a star of color is international or can be international and shouldn't be perceived as one way.
02:02You know, with the right support and the right opportunity to gain that bandwidth, you'll get it and you'll flourish in it.
02:07So over the years, that was my push. And I got support from a number of studios.
02:13Uni, I mean, being one that was first at the table.
02:17Sony being one that was first at the table.
02:21Screen Gems back in the day being first at the table.
02:25There were so many parties that I had that were very bullish and saying, we do believe that Kevin can get across that water and that he can bring eyeballs.
02:33Well, one of the actors I grew up with, you know, being from London, of course, we looked up to the Will Smiths and the Samuel Jacksons and the big guys.
02:40But there was a kid called Melamine, who I was personally inspired by.
02:45He was the star of Kiddle Hood, which was one of the first black British kind of like hood films from like art areas that came out.
02:53And overnight he became like a phenomenal star, came over to the States and he'd done projects with Kathy Bates.
02:58And I always looked up to him because I always found his energy to be Will Smith-esque.
03:03But he was just from our side of the pond and had aspirations to do, you know, such big things.
03:08And so when I first found out my first acting job and it was with him starring alongside him to watch him work and see how the ethic was, how committed he was to it.
03:17Then to hear his personal views on his career and stuff, much like we're hearing in this documentary, was really, really inspiring to me, man.
03:23So, yo, Melo, man, shout out to G.
