Magic Race for Children + MORE Funny Stories for Kids | Learn Wow English TV With Maggie And Steve
Maggie And Steve race again! Who’s going to win the race this time? After that, Steve would like to go to school, but he can’t find his things for school. Finally, Steve and Maggie sing about the weather. Let’s jump into this English collection for children with Steve and Maggie. Steve repeats words such as a skateboard, inline-skates, a bike, a car and a helicopter. HAVE FUN with our magic English story! Learn English with Maggie And Steve. English esl lesson is easy.
#KidsToys #MaggieAndSteve #MagicForKids #RaceForKids #WowEnglishTV #SteveAndMaggie #LearnEnglishSpeaking #MaggieAndSteveStories #EnglishStoriesForChildren #ShortStoriesForKids #EnglishStoriesForKids #StoriesForKids #KidsShortStories #StoriesForChildren #MagicEnglish #EnglishForChildren #LearnEnglishKids #KidsStories #LearnEnglish #SpeakEnglish #WowEnglish #LearningEnglish #EnglishSpeaking #ESLEnglish #EnglishLesson #StoriesForKidsInEnglish #EnglishStory #EnglishWord
Maggie And Steve race again! Who’s going to win the race this time? After that, Steve would like to go to school, but he can’t find his things for school. Finally, Steve and Maggie sing about the weather. Let’s jump into this English collection for children with Steve and Maggie. Steve repeats words such as a skateboard, inline-skates, a bike, a car and a helicopter. HAVE FUN with our magic English story! Learn English with Maggie And Steve. English esl lesson is easy.
#KidsToys #MaggieAndSteve #MagicForKids #RaceForKids #WowEnglishTV #SteveAndMaggie #LearnEnglishSpeaking #MaggieAndSteveStories #EnglishStoriesForChildren #ShortStoriesForKids #EnglishStoriesForKids #StoriesForKids #KidsShortStories #StoriesForChildren #MagicEnglish #EnglishForChildren #LearnEnglishKids #KidsStories #LearnEnglish #SpeakEnglish #WowEnglish #LearningEnglish #EnglishSpeaking #ESLEnglish #EnglishLesson #StoriesForKidsInEnglish #EnglishStory #EnglishWord