• 18 hours ago
A home cooked diet is the best diet for your dog - hands down.

You wouldn't feed your kids Burger King, Wendy's and McDonalds everyday. So why would you do the same for your dog?

A home cooked, whole food diet is full of everything your dog needs to live a healthy and long life. Full of natural vitamins, minerals and proteins - none of the synthetic stuff you find in processed foods like kibble.

In this video Charlie will explain the 5 main food categories and why each food is important for your dog. With years worth of research, testing and creating our own dog food we can confidently say that we know exactly what your dog should be eating.

Who doesn't want their dog to love mealtimes?

For more information on our eBook - the comprehensive, ever evolving guide to everything dog food and nutrition - check out the link below....

00:00So how's a home cooked for your dog as a whole food diet? Here at Cherry Hogs we
00:04believe that a whole food diet for your dog is superior. Why is that?
00:08Through the genetic mutations and through the genetic selection of breeding your
00:12dog after 40,000 years your dog is no longer a wolf. As a result they're no longer a carnivore, they're an omnivore.
00:19However the 40,000 years of domestication and us having these
00:23dogs as pets, what were we feeding them over the years? A home cooked
00:27human grade diet. Typically they're just at our table scraps so they have the
00:32digestive enzymes AMY2B which basically is the digestive enzymes that
00:37can break down starches which is amylase which can break down starches and
00:41plant matter. They are true omnivores and if you do your due diligence, your studies
00:44and your research you will find that the longest lived dogs on planet Earth were
00:48fed a whole food diet which was a human grade diet. Of course the raw food diet
00:53is great, it's fantastic. It kind of focuses more on the anatomy and
00:58the biology of the ancient ancestor wolf but guess what? Over 40,000 years of
01:02domestication and the digestive enzymes have changed, a whole food diet is
01:06superior. How do we know all of this information? Here at Cherry Hogs we have
01:10spent tens of thousands of dollars on testing over a hundred different recipes
01:14and formulas to meet AFCO regulations and also to abide by the FDA
01:18regulations and through our vigorous testing we have created multiple
01:22recipes and multiple formulas that I'm going to share with you right now which
01:26is very quick, very easy. I'm going to show you a step-by-step guide of
01:30how to do it in about 10 minutes. You're going to do this on a much bigger scale
01:34so then you can start to freeze it, you have a month worth of supply and this is
01:38all going to take you about 15 to 20 minutes and it honestly runs you through
01:42for the whole month. So firstly our meat sources, we prefer these
01:46gamey meats such as phyton, such as venison, elk and these types of gamey
01:51meats. Why is that? Typically, especially bison, it is illegal here in America to
01:56inject the animal with antibiotics and growth hormone so you know that you're
02:00going to be, you're actually going to be getting a higher quality meat source. Why
02:04is that? Also they're not typically conventionally farmed and what do we
02:08mean by that? They're not normally fucking filled with grain, antibiotics,
02:11growth hormone, they're in a tiny little pen, it's inhumane. Typically bison live
02:16a much more natural lifestyle, they are grass-fed and grass-finished, they
02:19live a natural lifestyle where they can roam and live a very, very, very normal
02:23natural lifestyle. They're also fed a natural diet, which like I said, they're just
02:27grazing on pastures. If you do live in a bit more of the Midwest and the
02:31weather does become a little bit cold, they will sometimes feed them like dry
02:35forage such as hay and they sometimes will have to feed the animal grain just
02:40to beef the animal up over the winter. So if you can opt for a grass-fed and
02:44grass-finished bison or any type of meat product, that is going to be superior for
02:49you. We're not really a big fan of chicken just for multiple reasons. If you
02:53do look at the nutritional profile of a lot of the meats, these game-fed meats are
02:58much superior, they are so much more superior and they're a lot healthier for the dog.
03:03So here from the oven I have literally just taken out our bison which we cook
03:07in coconut oil. Coconut oil has a high smoke point, as a result it's great to be
03:12fed, it's great in cooking in your meat sources. We love that extra
03:16triglycerides, that extra fat content and it's just a real healthy way to
03:19incorporate a real healthy fat into the diet of the dog. Once again, I know the
03:24coconut oil is extremely good for the skin, extremely good for the fur and it
03:27has anti-inflammatory effects. So what I'm going to just do here is just start
03:31putting a bit of the bison into the bowl and what I like to do is I
03:36like to just pour a couple of the juices in there just for that extra flavour. So
03:41while I put this in there, the next thing that we really like in our diet and do
03:46not be fucking, do not listen to all the bullshit research because there's a
03:50publication in 2022 that counteracted the DCM, which basically they were
03:55claiming that heart disease is caused by grains and legumes. They've proven now
03:59that's not the fucking case. So here we have pre-cooked our chickpeas, black
04:04beans and kidney beans, complex carbohydrates, a fantastic source of
04:08fibre. Fibre is deficient in a lot of dogs diets. Why is that? Because most
04:12people try and feed their dog a carnivorous diet. Remember, they are a
04:17true omnivore now with the digestive enzymes A and Y2B. Kidney beans actually
04:22have more protein per gram than beef so it's also a great source of protein and
04:26the mineral content in them legumes are astronomically high. So I'm just going to put the
04:31legumes in here, start fucking mixing that up a little bit and then we're
04:34going to move on to the grains. Here what I have over here is I have our
04:39wild rice, native to Minnesota where we live and also a tricolour quinoa, a full
04:45amino acid profile and I also believe wild rice is a full amino acid profile.
04:49Once again, a great source of fibre. The majority of health concerns that a lot
04:53of these dogs have is due to a lack of fibre. Remember, fibre is prebiotics. It's
04:58going to feed the gut microbiome and this is ultimately going to stimulate
05:02the fucking animal into being a lot more healthy and it's going to increase
05:05that longevity and it's just going to give it all the nutrients and all of the
05:09immune system properties in order to stay nice and healthy and you're not
05:12going to have enough fucking trips to the vet. So what I've done over here is I've
05:16actually cooked the quinoa and the wild rice here so again what I'm
05:25going to do, I'm just going to fucking put a little bit of that in there. Again, more
05:30protein, more minerals, more vitamins. So now what I'm going to do is our next thing is my
05:36favourite ingredient of them all and I can speak for fucking days about this,
05:40hemp hearts. The only hemp hearts you should be buying is from Kirkland's
05:44because you're going to save yourself a lot of money. I believe the majority of
05:47health food stores are selling hemp hearts around the $25 mark per pound.
05:52Here you get for $14, 2.2 pounds so it's four times cheaper. More protein per gram
05:58than any meat source on planet Earth. I think it's one of the third highest, I think it's the
06:02second highest sources of omega-3 fatty acids. It's an unbelievable source of
06:07omega-3 fatty acids. You really do actually do not need a lot for them to
06:10get their daily amount. It's got astronomical amounts of B vitamins
06:13apart from B12, we're going to go on that in a minute, but it's very high in zinc,
06:17very high in iron, very high in magnesium. This is nature's multivitamin. People
06:23always say what is the best supplement to feed my dog? The powders, the grasses,
06:26the algae, the mushrooms. This trumps absolutely everything. I love to go
06:31heavy on it because the bioavailability of it is also extremely high. So again, I
06:36just have a little, a very generous sprinkle on because again, I've just put
06:41the bison in the bowl. This has more protein than the bison. So to all of them
06:46individuals who think well the dog's diet needs to be predominantly meat-based, no
06:49it doesn't because what are you saying? That they need a high protein diet. And a
06:53little fucking trick for you is that protein in a puppy is 25% of their diet.
06:58When they become an adolescent after the 18 month mark, they actually only need
07:0318% of, they only actually need 18% of their diet being protein. So regarding
07:09that, that is actually an extremely small amount of beef, extremely small
07:13amount of meat and this is why you need to have an equilibrium of the five food
07:17categories in order to get the equilibrium, get the antioxidants, get the
07:21polyphenols, get the fibers, the complex carbohydrates, the omega-3 fatty acids
07:26and also the hemi-dense proteins. What I also really like in the diet is I love
07:31these black sesame seeds. Why is that? Calcium is the one thing you're going to
07:36fucking really struggle with with your dogs. Sesame seeds, I've got, especially
07:40you have brown, you have white and then you have the black. These black sesame
07:44seeds have a very, very high level of calcium. Again, but they're also very high
07:48in omega-3 fatty acids. I think she's looking at the back here, good source of
07:52iron, good source of magnesium and as a result, they're just a really good source
07:57of nutrients. You've got macros and micronutrients as well. So again, sprinkle a
08:01couple of them in. Fish-bash-bosh, more fiber. So now what I'm going to go on to is my
08:08favourite, one of my other favourite multivitamin supplements is pasture
08:12raised eggs. They have to be organic and they should be
08:16pasture raised and as a result, that means you're going to get the highest
08:20quality, highest quality version of them eggs. Here, what we do is actually, normally
08:27depending on how you are, you can either fry it, you can either cook it or you can
08:30just crack it in there. Even though I cook the meat, when it comes to the
08:34egg, I actually just crack it in there, I do. Why is that? My dog really does well
08:39with it. I actually have to cook it for my cats and I do have to cook it for
08:42other dogs, just dependent on the gut microbiome, just
08:46dependent on the digestive tract of the animal. Some dogs don't like it, some
08:49dogs do. So what I'm going to start to do now is just for you people that are a
08:53little bit concerned about the raw diet, I'm literally just going to cook it now
08:57while I'm talking about the other ingredients. So what I do is,
09:01again, once again, coconut oil. Put a little bit of that in. I actually have
09:07this little cute little fucking iron skillet here, which is actually an egg
09:10fryer. So what I'll do is I'll put the coconut oil in there, I'll crack the egg
09:16on top of the cooker and I'll let that just sit for about just a minute or two,
09:24just until it's nice and cooked. So do not though chuck that egg away, throw that egg
09:29shell away. This is 98% calcium carbonate. Like I said before, calcium is the one
09:34mineral that your dog is going to be very deficient in. That is why a lot of
09:38dog food companies will actually go and get the rendered part of the meat source
09:42of the animal and they will grind the bones into mush. It is because of the
09:46calcium within it, because it's very hard to get calcium. Even in a human diet, it's
09:51extremely difficult. So what I'm going to go on to next is I'm going to go on to
09:56while that egg is cooking, I'm going to go on to adding, I'm going to go on to
09:59preparing the vegetables. We like dark leafy greens because they're
10:04extremely high in B vitamins, they're extremely high in chlorophyll, they
10:07detoxify the body and they're an alkalizing effect. I have pre-washed these with
10:12lemon juice, vinegar and salt. Put it for 20 minutes, rinse it off. They've now
10:17dried while I've been chatting to you. So I'm using a food processor. This looks like a lot of egg
10:23gel. I can assure you it's not. So I also really like the cucumbers, hydrate the
10:29animal, H3O. As a result, we also like the red bell peppers.
10:35They're a fairly good source of vitamin D, if you individuals who don't actually
10:39live in a sunny climate. The other ones that we really do like, which I just am
10:43not going to prepare right now because this is only a little fucking five minute
10:46video, butternut squash. We haven't got any sweet potato and we like these
10:50carrots. I'm going to take some of these carrots over because carrots we actually
10:54just do feed raw. And what you're going to notice with this diet is there's an
10:58equilibrium of cooked ingredients and raw ingredients. The legumes are
11:03cooked, the grains are cooked, the meat is cooked. The seeds are not cooked. The egg
11:08doesn't need to be, but it can be. The vegetables are not cooked, the fruits
11:11aren't cooked. So you are actually getting an equilibrium of all the five food
11:15categories and you're actually increasing the digestibility of some
11:18foods that actually benefit from the cooking process and then some foods
11:22that you get the digestive enzymes and the live bacteria that are going to feed
11:25that gut microbiome. So that egg is literally sizzling right now, so I'm going to go get it.
11:33And now what I'm going to do is literally, for you lot who don't want to do the goreg,
11:38whack that in. Got a bit over the kitchen counter, but whatever.
11:42This stuck to the thing, didn't get enough coconut oil on it, but what you just do, whack that in there right now.
11:50So now what I'm going to do is I'm going to just prepare the vegetables.
11:55So what you do is that you have to get a food processor. Chopping the vegetables
11:59is just absolutely pointless. Your dog's never going to eat it, they get cut in the back of their throat.
12:05I'm a vegetarian and I wouldn't fucking eat kale like that, put it that way.
12:09So what you're going to do is you're just going to hand, just rip the vegetables in the food processor.
12:17And what you're going to do is a couple of them like that, whack it on for literally like 15 seconds, 20 seconds.
12:25And just like that, what you do is you put the vegetables in at the food processor.
12:31And what it starts to come out like is a mush like consistency.
12:35You can see all of that vegetables condensed down to that little amount.
12:38So then what you just start to do is you just get a little portion out, really good higher fibre, prebiotics.
12:47And just like that, that's kind of what your vegetables are like.
12:50And what you're going to do is that what you can do is if you get too many green vegetables or whatever you're going to do,
12:55you get too much raw vegetables, what you can do is just steep the vegetables in hot water.
13:00You get the hot water in with a sieve, shove it in it, I believe it's like 10 seconds.
13:04And as a result, then you can freeze it without it watering.
13:07So that's a little trick for you.
13:09So now what we're going to go on to is we're going to quickly go look onto the fruit.
13:12I'm not going to go into the fruit too much.
13:14The fruit is pretty much just for the antioxidants.
13:17We only go for frozen berries.
13:19What we just do is get a frozen pack, like a pound or two a week.
13:22And I literally just put a half a cup in that.
13:25That's all I do. Put it in there.
13:27It's just a great source of antioxidants.
13:29The other seeds that I didn't mention were sunflower seeds, very high in B5 and flaxseed.
13:37More omega-3 fatty acids than the hemp hearts.
13:40These are another great source of protein, fibre, minerals and vitamins.
13:46So now what I'm going to go moving on to, coming into the end now, is that I love olive oil.
13:51I like to dress it in olive oil. There's so many good benefits of it, so many healthy fats.
13:56I like this brand. It's fucking brilliant.
13:58I love the taste of it. So does my fucking dog.
14:00So I just drizzle that in there.
14:02Typically what we do is we cook with coconut oil and then we like to dress with olive oil.
14:08That's typically how we go it.
14:10You shouldn't really ever cook with fucking olive oil, even though this one does say this is olive oil.
14:15If you want to do a little bit of it, this one actually has riper olives.
14:18So it actually has a higher smoke point. We still don't fucking use it for that point.
14:23Instacar just got us the wrong fucking one.
14:25So before we move on, I do like to just sprinkle it with a little bit of salt.
14:30Sodium. After testing vigorously, what always came under was sodium.
14:34There's no sodium in the food no more. And lastly, what we're going to do is add in some black pepper.
14:39Black pepper actually increases the absorption rate of all the food
14:43and all the ingredients by astronomical amount.
14:45There's a study done that if you actually combine pepper with turmeric,
14:48the curcumin, the digestibility and the absorption rate, I believe, six folds.
14:53So very lastly is the supplement. So people always go,
14:57do you know what, I can get the macronutrients sorted out.
14:59I understand the meat sources, the organs, the eggs, the green, the ancient grains,
15:05the vegetables, the fruits, the legumes, the seeds, but the supplements, the micronutrients, Charlie,
15:10I'm really struggling. I will tell you a little fucking secret.
15:14You actually do not need too many after feeding that diet.
15:18This diet pretty much, from what I've just showed you, is about 90%
15:22of what you need actually in the dog's diet. Probably more to 95%.
15:27One of the ingredients, which is actually not allowed in dog food yet,
15:30but it probably will be approved in the next six months, is hemp heart.
15:33So we actually need to use more supplements in our Posh Nosh,
15:36which is our company, which we'll be actually selling our all-organic grass-fed products in.
15:41We actually currently can't be using hemp heart
15:43because some silly regulations have not been enough vigorous testing,
15:47but I can assure you hemp hearts are the best food out of all of these combined together.
15:52So if you lot that are struggling with the micronutrients.
16:00Here what you're seeing is our fantastic Posh Nosh mold,
16:03which you'll be able to buy it in three weeks time.
16:05We're actually waiting for the bigger bowl to be available.
16:08So I've kind of overdid it. I got a little bit excited.
16:10And now what I'm going to do, so mix it up, mix it up, mix it up.
16:14And that is pretty much it. That is your whole food diet wrapped up in one.
16:18This is hitting all the micros and all the micronutrients.
16:21I know you've seen all them crazy people with rabbit heads
16:24and all these different organs and I can tell you that is not the healthiest diet for their dog.
16:28Only time will tell. And the dogs that I've fed a whole food diet compared to this raw diet,
16:33I'd love to see the results.
16:34I know with the research, I know with the studies,
16:37I know just from personal experience training 2,000 dogs,
16:40that this is definitely the most superior diet for your dog.
16:43And just lastly, before we close up,
16:45what we do here at Cherry Hoss is that I will prepare the vegetables,
16:48the legumes, the grains, the meat in big quantities.
16:51I'll put them in a big mixing bowl, mix it all together,
16:54individually pack it into little Ziploc bags and freeze it.
16:57I only do a week at a time because I've got five animals living in my house.
17:00But if you've got a medium to a small sized dog and you've got a big freezer,
17:04I just do a month's worth of food in one hour.
17:06And then you've just sorted it out,
17:08you've just sorted it out literally in an hour within one month.
17:11So this is pretty much it as a general consensus.
17:14Start home cooking for your dog.
17:15If you want to learn more about how to home cook for your diet,
17:18if you're a bit concerned with the macros and the micros,
17:20just a little bit worried and not hitting the nutritional adequacy,
17:24if you're struggling with the calorie requirements,
17:26we have a built-in calorie calculator in our online ebook,
17:29which is backed by peer-reviewed studies and a lot of research
17:33backing up these claims of why the whole food diet is superior.
17:36We go over all the five, over the five food categories.
17:39We go over the supplements, the ingredients, the micros, the macros.
17:42We have absolutely everything covered in this comprehensive guide.
17:46So if you want to learn more, go ahead and go buy that to go get access towards it.
