(Adnkronos) - “Abbiamo portato qui a LetExpo la nostra unità mobile e stiamo anche facendo delle visite di monitoraggio per far apprezzare la qualità di questa unità mobile e il servizio che possiamo dare alle aziende della logistica”. A dirlo all’Adnkronos Gianni Polizzi, presidente Promotergroup SpA, alla giornata di apertura di LetExpo - Logistics Eco Transport, il grande evento fieristico per i trasporti, la logistica e i servizi alle imprese, con attenzione alle attuali dinamiche geopolitiche e alla sostenibilità ambientale, economica e sociale, giunto alla quarta edizione.
00:00We are here today not only because we are Alesse's partners and we are proud to be part of this
00:10productive ecosystem, but also because here we are presenting our patent, which is the
00:15mobile unit of telemedicine at work, because transport companies have workers around
00:22in mobility, they have an obligation with people, which is the legislation 81 on safety
00:27of the employee, which is the medical visit. We have patented a mobile unit that is able
00:31to reach the workers in every construction site, in every headquarters, therefore ensuring
00:36the company's monitoring of the health of the worker, avoiding unnecessary costs of
00:41movement of people and absenteeism in the workplace. So our presence is here today
00:46because we have brought our mobile unit and therefore we are also doing monitoring
00:51visits to make them appreciate the quality of this mobile unit and therefore the service
00:56that we can give to the logistics company.