• yesterday
00:00There's a new poll out today, it shows Trump's approval rating is quite significantly down now
00:05on inauguration day, notably amongst young men who turned out in massive numbers to vote for him,
00:10notably because of concerns about the economy, plus the stock market is, I wouldn't say tanking,
00:17but it's certainly taken a big hammering in the last week or so. He's got to be careful, Trump.
00:24In this clip from Piers Morgan Uncensored, Piers actually turns on one of his MAGA guests who was
00:29so shamelessly dishonest in her defense of Trump that even Piers, who usually gives Trump a massive
00:35free pass, had to step in and shut it down. We've got Joe Walsh, a former Republican congressman
00:41turned never-Trumper, and Emily Austin, your typical die-hard Trump apologist who will
00:47literally bend reality to make Trump look like a hero. But the real gem here is Piers Morgan himself,
00:54who, despite his usual pro-Trump bias, couldn't stomach the sheer level of nonsense coming from
00:59Emily and the result, brutal humiliation. All right, folks, brace yourselves. But there was
01:05a moment on the most recent episode of Piers Morgan Uncensored where one of Morgan's MAGA
01:10guests was so flagrantly dishonest in her cultish defense of Trump and her attacks on President
01:15Biden that even the notoriously Trump sycophantic Piers Morgan himself felt the need to intervene
01:22and call it out to her face. And we have to talk about it. And that's when you know it's bad,
01:28like seriously. If you manage to say something so delusional that even Piers Morgan, a guy who's
01:34basically been on Trump's payroll for years, feels the need to correct you, you know you're
01:39completely off the rails. The mental gymnastics that MAGA people do to defend Trump no matter what
01:46is just absurd at this point. But before we do, if you end up liking this video and you want to
01:50support the channel, please be sure to hit the like, subscribe, and alert bells before you go.
01:56All right, friends, we've got several clips to look at from the most recent episode of Piers
02:00Morgan Uncensored. As you know, Morgan presents himself, he claims to be, I should say, a nonpartisan
02:05principled journalist, right? He tells it like it is. He calls it like it is. He calls balls and
02:10strikes, right? Except, of course, in practice, we know he grades Donald Trump on a curve and
02:16it might be due to their longstanding personal friendship. It could be because he believes that
02:20is in his financial best interest, right, to own the libs, right? It's very monetizable.
02:25But every now and then you get a moment where even Piers Morgan, who grades Trump and MAGA
02:29on a curve, will call out one of his MAGA guests when they reach a certain level of ridiculousness
02:35and that happened here, okay? We're going to play the clip. We're going to start with
02:38Joe Walsh, a former Republican congressman turned never Trump critic, where he makes a claim about
02:43Donald Trump's current administration and then we'll play the MAGA response and then we'll play
02:48Piers intervening. We talk, and last thing I'll say, Piers, we talk about the economy.
02:54By all indicators, Trump was given the strongest economic recovery since COVID.
03:02You got to break a few eggs to make an omelet. I don't know what kind of omelet he's making.
03:07We talk about the tariff thing. Today's Monday, are tariffs on? Are they off? I think the chaos
03:14economically of the first seven weeks, Trump and not knowing what he's doing with his tariffs,
03:21I think you've pissed off and confused everybody and has begun to damage the economy he was given.
03:27Okay. Fantastic point. We've been making this case here at Pondering Politics, which is Trump's
03:34economic stewardship has been so terrible that even MAGA Fox News hosts have been publicly
03:42panicking in the past week or so about a crashing stock market, skyrocketing inflation,
03:48low consumer confidence, signs of an increasingly probable recession on Donald Trump's watch.
03:56They understand that Trump and the Republican Party could be politically punished as a consequence of
04:00it. Even though they are ideologically devoted to this man, they want him to succeed and are
04:05rational enough to recognize that many of his economic plans will actually crater the economy
04:10and voters might punish him and the party in the next election, perhaps the midterms.
04:15Okay. So again, all well said by Joe Walsh. And we'll go back and do a retrospective about the
04:19Biden economy during this, but we'll get to the next clip in which conservative commentator Emily
04:24Austin jumps in, tries to rush to Trump's defense. Oh, God, Emperor Trump is so perfect. It's just
04:30the problem was he inherited such a shitty economy from the heathen communist Marxist
04:35tyrant dictator Joe Biden. And Joe, I just want to go off of what you said about the economy,
04:41because the truth is we're not coming off of the best economy since COVID or whatever you
04:46wanted to call it. But in fact, we're still facing the consequences of what Joe Biden did
04:50from his first in office as president. And now I don't want to repeat the repetitive rhetoric of,
04:55you know, it's Biden's fault. It's Biden's fault because Trump is in the process of fixing it.
04:59But the truth is, because of his actions and the prime example is cutting off the pipeline in
05:04Canada, the oil pipeline and skyrocketing oil prices, which then inevitably leads to every
05:09single price skyrocketing the United States. Oh, here we go. The pipeline myth. Every time
05:15these people get backed into a corner, they start screaming about the Keystone pipeline like it's
05:19some magic wand that controls the entire economy. Let me break it down. The pipeline wasn't even
05:26operational when Biden shut it down. Energy production under Biden actually surpassed what
05:32it was under Trump. And despite their crying about gas prices, the global market determines
05:38gas prices, not Biden. But watch how Emily Austin just boldly ignores reality and pushes this pipe
05:45dream as fact. And this is where Piers Morgan, yes, Piers Morgan actually steps in to check her.
05:53States, we're still coming off of that. We're still coming off of consumers lack of confidence
05:57under Joe Biden. There were two what could possibly lead to world wars that broke out
06:02under America's weak leadership that now consumers are spending very conservatively because we don't
06:07know what the trajectory looks like now under Trump. We're gaining our confidence back. But
06:11we are coming off of the worst economy because of Joe Biden. Now, Trump doesn't have this magical
06:16wand that within the first 50 days of office, he can fix it. But he's implementing the right
06:20policies on getting us on the path to fix it. So, again, a lot of stupidity and dishonesty
06:26from a predictably stupid and dishonest MAGA commentator. Number one, Donald Trump repeatedly
06:31on the campaign trail said he had a magic wand. He said he could snap his fingers and end inflation
06:36on day one, that he could reduce the cost of living, cost of groceries, cost of gas. He could
06:42end it on day one. He repeatedly campaigned on it. We have the clips. You're just objectively wrong.
06:46Now, Emily Austin could be so stupid as to deny reality or perhaps she'd say, well, he was
06:51exaggerating. Well, it doesn't matter because Trump made the claim. He made that commitment
06:56when canvassing and asking people for their votes. So he set the standard. And we are
07:02perfectly entitled to judge him by the standard he created for himself. And he failed, objectively so.
07:07And there's nothing that any MAGA conservative can say to contradict that. Number one. Number two,
07:12the standard when Biden was in power was that anything bad that happened under President Biden's
07:17watch or on his watch was his fault. And therefore, he should be held morally and politically
07:22culpable for it. And therefore, we have every right to apply that same standard for Trump,
07:26no matter how much it hurt your feelings, that we don't grade him on a curve like you. What's
07:30good for the goose is good for the gander. Number two. But number three, a couple of other things.
07:35The Keystone XL pipeline that President Biden shut down was inoperable at the time it was shut down.
07:40Energy production under President Biden reached heights it never achieved under Trump. We were
07:44actually producing more energy, both in terms of not just green and renewable energy, but also
07:50oil and fracking and other things as well than we ever were under Donald Trump. So this idea that
07:55we were no longer energy independent or particularly robustly energy productive under Biden is just not
08:01true. And again, the pipeline that he canceled wasn't productive in producing oil coming into
08:05the United States in the first place. Number three. Number four. Again, this idea that it's
08:13because we're more or we're feeling Americans are feeling more confidence now than they ever
08:17have. It's again, it's not reflecting the polls. Donald Trump is underwater,
08:21not just in terms of his approval rating, but also in terms of his management of the economy.
08:27He's actually underwater, used to be one of his strongest suits, at least with respect
08:31to polls and perception. And now he's underwater on it because people are not happy that he's not
08:36living up to his promises, his commitment. So again, basically everything she said there was
08:40wrong. But you tend to expect that, again, from a diehard MAGA Republican.
08:44And so this is where Piers Morgan starts to step in.
08:48And fix itself overnight. But we are coming off of the worst economy.
08:53Well, I think I would say, well, I would say on that it wasn't the worst economy. America's
08:58economy has actually outperformed pretty much everybody else's since since the pandemic ended.
09:04So it's all a question of degree. I mean, compared to the UK's economy.
09:07Oh, did you catch that? Piers Morgan, the same guy who spent years defending Trump,
09:14just admitted that the economy under Biden has outperformed most major economies worldwide.
09:20And guess what? He's absolutely right. The U.S. had record low unemployment, historic GDP growth,
09:28a faster post-COVID recovery than most major countries. But Trump fans can't handle that
09:33truth. So they just keep recycling the same tired talking points like Biden killed the economy.
09:40When in reality, Biden actually kept the economy from completely collapsing.
09:44America's been on fire the last few years. However, Trump has been persistent in saying
09:49it could be doing a lot better. And now it's incumbent on him to actually prove that.
09:55Let me bring in Brianna. He's been waiting. So again, I love it. I mean, do you recognize
10:00how dishonest you have to be for someone as partisan as Piers Morgan in favor of Trump to
10:05say something like that? Basically, in so many words, to vindicate, you know, President Biden
10:12in the sense like, no, no, no, it really wasn't that bad. And he's right in the sense that
10:15America's economy and their economic recovery from COVID was greater than anywhere else in
10:20the world compared to even other advanced economies, other G7 economies, including
10:25China, including the European Union and its constituent countries, including Great Britain.
10:29We managed inflation and had a soft landing without recession, which is something that,
10:34quite frankly, you know, again, that that people like Emily Austin and other Magga Republicans
10:41simply won't acknowledge because they're desperate to do anything to say, OK, my God,
10:44the economy must be in the toilet because that's why, you know, that's why Donald Trump is in this
10:50mess. Well, no, no, no. Again, by most macroeconomic indicators, the fact of the matter is
10:54the Biden economy was pretty good. And we'll come back to that. But while she was talking,
10:58it occurred to me, I remember something else about this episode as well, which is that
11:03Piers Morgan finally addressed the elephant in the room with respect to Trump's approval
11:08and popularity and that he acknowledged the reality that Trump is not particularly popular.
11:12Himself has tweeted out Latin X. Your people can check it right now. Fact 100 percent.
11:18Yeah, I mean, David, before you go to the others, the thing that would slightly concern me as if I
11:23was a pro-Trumper American would be there's a new poll out today shows Trump's approval rating
11:29is quite significantly down now on inauguration day, notably amongst young men who turned out
11:36in massive numbers to vote for him, notably because of concerns about the economy. Plus,
11:40the stock market is, I wouldn't say tanking, but it's certainly taken a big hammering in the last
11:47week or so. It's got to be careful, Trump. It's all very well saying that there's going to be
11:52some pain, but. But he actually promised there would be no pain on the campaign trail. And again,
11:57I just got to say, it says something that even Piers Morgan is fine. I mean, because Piers Morgan
12:02has been saying, quite frankly, for weeks longer than expected, that Trump is a popular figure.
12:07Again, Trump won the popular vote by a plurality, meaning more people voted against him than voted
12:12for him, number one. Number two, he's had the shortest honeymoon period of any modern president.
12:18Number three, the honeymoon itself was not particularly impressive, right? The best he
12:23could crack was the low 50s, which is substantially lower than Presidents Obama, Bush, including
12:29President Biden as well, President Clinton. Donald Trump is the least popular modern president,
12:34rivaled only by himself in his first term. And it's gotten so bad that even Piers Morgan is
12:39publicly acknowledging that, which will no doubt piss off Donald Trump and MAGA loyalists when
12:45they see and hear these things. But again, I just want to point out that, and we discussed it all
12:50while President Biden was in office, and I don't want to spend too much time relitigating the past,
12:55but Donald Trump inherited a strong economy. He did. The macroeconomic indicators of the Biden
13:00economy were very good, especially when you consider the global pandemic. We actually
13:06navigated a soft landing without hitting a recession. There was a recession under Trump
13:10because of COVID. It looks like there may very well be a recession under Trump. Now Biden had
13:14no recession. The macroeconomic indicators were really, really good, all things considered. And
13:20as I pointed out and as others have pointed out, it's kind of deja vu all over again, which is
13:26the problem isn't just that Republicans are rewriting history. It's also that they feel
13:29like they have to. The party seems to realize the more the public knows about the facts,
13:33the worse it will be for GOP officials and candidates. And with 2025 underway amid talks
13:38of a possible recession, the pattern is holding. Trump inherited another healthy economy, which
13:42he's again putting in jeopardy, right? Stepping back, it's worth appreciating the recent pattern
13:47of events. In 2017, Trump inherited a healthy economy from a Democratic president and falsely
13:52told the public, I inherited a mess. And in 2021, Trump acquitted an actual mess for his
13:56Democratic successor and falsely told the public the conditions were perfect. So again, think about
14:01that. President Obama passes off a pretty good economy to Donald Trump. Donald Trump tanks it
14:06within four years. A Democratic president, President Biden steps in, cleans up the mess,
14:11passes off a recovered economy, a healthy economy, a good economy to Donald Trump.
14:16And Donald Trump seems to be on trajectory to drive it into the ground once again. And that's
14:20the sort of thing that Piers Morgan is talking about. So again, folks, pretty devastating that
14:25Donald Trump's position is so precarious that even Piers Morgan of all people is finally publicly
14:29calling it out. And one of his MAGA guests is so dishonest in her defense of Trump
14:34that Morgan feels the need to call that out as well. Pretty bad. In the meantime,
14:38let me know what you think in the comments.
