• 4 days ago
Suresh Gopi Response after Pongala 2025 | 'മറ്റു ചില സൗകര്യങ്ങൾക്ക് വേണ്ടി, അത് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നില്ല'; സുരേഷ് ഗോപി


00:21thank you
01:00I have a special happiness that everyone has the strength to pray.
01:09I don't have that happiness.
01:12The strength to pray.
01:14That's what I want to tell you.
01:17You can pray for anything you want.
01:22God knows what you want to give.
01:25The strength to pray is to create a good atmosphere.
01:29It is the strength to pray that the mothers in the society should have.
01:35It is the strength to pray that the women should have.
01:39It is the strength to pray that the men should have.
01:44When we see the atrocities done by women against women's rights in our society,
02:00you can put an end to the suffering of children.
02:06you will see and understand that it is your own experience.
02:13That is why you should not doubt it.
02:17There are many mediums.
02:21If you ask me, the most advanced medium is to find fault.
02:27It is not to find fault.
02:30It is not to raise allegations.
02:33It is not to spoil the gravity of the subject.
02:41It is a medium.
02:43It is not only for sharing,
02:48but also to help the education system.
02:56We have read a new journalistic text on this.
03:03You will not get it in the educational centres of the past.
03:10Because we are teaching new lessons to the society.
03:14Through these lessons, we will be able to
03:17protect women's rights and the security of a house.
03:23We will not allow any country to take away the assets of our country.
03:35We have to protect our country to protect our houses.
03:42We have to do it.
03:44This is what I am saying from the perspective of the society.
03:50There are many misunderstandings.
03:54To protect a house, we need to protect the children.
04:01There are many people who do it for pleasure.
04:06Some people do it for money.
04:14Some women do it for money.
04:17I am not saying what it is.
04:19It is for the society.
04:21We have to do it for the society.
04:28We have to do it for the society.
05:07We have to protect the women's rights.
05:09Last time during the elections, there were many women...
05:12Jayaramettan told me that he would come.
05:15Ashwathi has come.
05:17She has come?
05:18She has come.
05:19She has come?
05:20She has come?
05:21She has come?
05:22Do you want to go?
05:25You can leave.
05:28Are you going?
05:29Yes, I am.
05:30Where is it?
