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Looking back, these creepy movie reveals were hiding right under your nose all along.


00:00From easily overlooked frames that tease the reveal of the real big bad, to throwaway lines
00:06giving away the twist early, these are those creepy movie reveals you only notice when
00:11sitting down for a rewatch.
00:13Gareth here from WhatCulture.com and here are 10 disturbing movie reveals you only notice
00:19Oh yeah, and spoilers incoming.
00:23You can briefly see Duke's phone is in Miles' back pocket.
00:26Glass onion a knives out mystery.
00:29The billionaire alpha co-founder known as Miles Braun didn't do the best job of covering
00:34his tracks during Glass Onion.
00:36As revealed by the brilliant Benoit Blanc, not only did Miles murder his ex-business
00:41partner Andy, Braun was also responsible for killing his pal Duke on his island.
00:46Blanc deduces that Duke must have discovered the truth about Andy's death before his own
00:52Braun then seized his phone and gun after poisoning the big lad with pineapple juice,
00:56something he was deathly allergic to.
00:59Leaving the former in a bid to keep the gang from learning Duke knew of Andy's end via
01:03Google Alert before his own sudden death.
01:06And what do you know, when you revisit the shocking moment Duke surprisingly drops, get
01:11a good look at Edward Norton's behind.
01:14No not for that reason, get your head out the gutter.
01:16As he darts away from the group searching for Duke's phone on his person, said object
01:21can very much be seen in his back pocket long before Blanc discovers it in the film's closing
01:27Just like Miles being an idiot throughout, this now rather obvious hint at him being
01:32behind the disturbing death was staring both the audience and Blanc in the face.
01:38No incoming calls allowed hints at one hell of a twist, Fight Club
01:421999's classic David Fincher flick, Fight Club, eventually sees the reveal of the narrator
01:48and Tyler Durden surprisingly being the same person all along.
01:53This meant that the narrator was actually the one sleeping with Marla, and the mind
01:57behind Project Mayhem.
01:58However, on a number of occasions over the course of this cult hit, Fincher definitely
02:03made it clear that something rather strange was going on underneath the surface.
02:07Things like the odd flash of Durden, and the narrator being pulled out of the driver's
02:11side post car crash.
02:13Despite Tyler initially being seen driving, all alluded to the aforementioned big reveal.
02:18But perhaps the most freaky clue comes during the moment the narrator opts to give Durden
02:23a call on a payphone, after his apartment blows up.
02:26Durden initially doesn't pick up, but said phone then suddenly begins to ring and the
02:30narrator answers.
02:32A closer look at said box on a rewatch though, reveals the words No Incoming Calls Allowed
02:37written in bold on it.
02:38Though you likely missed it during your first viewing of the controversial 90's project,
02:42Fincher was letting you know once again that there was more to this disturbing story than
02:47meets the eye.
02:48Did you spot any of the other Tyler narrator twist clues sprinkled in the Fight Club chaos?
02:53Well drop your favourites in the comments section down below, my friends.
02:58The real reason Adelaide didn't want to go to the beach – Us
03:02After wandering around a spooky house of mirrors at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, a young
03:06Adelaide suddenly comes face to face with her doppelganger, and looks understandably
03:11a little shook up.
03:12However, it's only revealed later on that the young girl we're initially introduced
03:16to here, ended up being forcibly replaced by said double Red.
03:20At about an hour or so before that creepy development is confirmed on screen, the apparent
03:25Addy gives off a few clues as to who she really is, that are only detectable on a rewatch.
03:31With the family planning on heading to the Santa Cruz Beach during their vacation, fake
03:35Addy clearly isn't into the idea.
03:38Eventually her hubby Gabe is able to convince her it's a good call, but only if they leave
03:43before dark.
03:44When revisiting Jordan Peele's eerie masterpiece, this reluctance to return to the scene of
03:49her swap, acts as the first delicious breadcrumb on the road to learning the Red Truth.
03:55Emil Mondevarious Itches Suggests A Big Reveal Is Coming – Scooby-Doo
04:01While still technically a family film, the late reveal of Scrappy-Doo being the evil
04:06pup sitting within a mechanical Emil Mondevarious is still a little disturbing to watch all
04:11these years later.
04:12But that hilariously shocking turn of events was actually hinted at a little earlier in
04:17the 2002 live action Scooby-Doo Madness.
04:20When the spooky island owner is spotted wondering what spooked the titular canine after a mid-film
04:25piano performance, Mondevarious does something that pretty much gives away the twist there
04:29and then.
04:30The way he scratches behind his ear here is pretty similar to the way a dog would do that
04:35very same thing.
04:37But when taking in the flick for the first time, you'd be forgiven for thinking Rowan
04:40Atkinson's character just had a nervous tick he couldn't control in the moment.
04:45And most weren't exactly quick to jump to the conclusion of the little egomaniac being
04:49the one behind the soul-stealing plot on the island.
04:52However, once you learn exactly which irritating pooch was sitting within this villainous bot
04:57all along, this initially missed puppy-powered hint sticks out like a Scooby snack in the
05:01middle of a bag of chips.
05:04A Piece of Grandma Armitage Is There For All To See – Get Out
05:09Long before the Armitage's sinister brain-swapping scheme is revealed, Chris is given a tour
05:14of his girlfriend Rose's family home by her father Dean in Get Out.
05:18And it's during this wander around the house that Chris is shown everything from family
05:22photos to souvenirs a gracious Dean has picked up on his travels.
05:27But it's the kitchen stop on the journey that brings with it a staggering reveal on a re-watch.
05:32Dean explains to his daughter's partner that his mother loved her kitchens, so they keep
05:37a piece of her in here.
05:38The camera then lingers rather uncomfortably as Georgina, one of the Armitage's housekeepers,
05:43greets Chris.
05:45It eventually becomes known that not only had the Armitage's been offering their creepy
05:49service to people outside of the family, but Rose's grandparents had also both undergone
05:53this procedure.
05:54And none other than Georgina was actually possessed by Rose's grandmother, Marianne.
05:59So when Dean was talking about keeping a piece of his mother in her beloved kitchen, fans
06:03initially didn't realise just how accurate this disturbing statement really was.
06:09A random message from Sev Ohanian reveals the disturbing twist missing.
06:14Following on from the success of their last screen life slice of thriller action known
06:18as Searching, Anish Chuganti and Sev Ohanian once again help bring another screen stuff
06:23mystery to life this year by the name of Missing.
06:26And as with that prior entry, the gang simply could not resist dropping a blatant ending
06:31spoiler right in the middle of the action for all to see.
06:34But with so much information often being thrown at audiences whenever a social media or messaging
06:39app springs up on screen during these unique flicks, the average Joe or Jane regularly
06:44doesn't stand a chance of clocking one of these secret revelations on a first viewing.
06:49During Searching, an email sent by Ohanian himself in David Kim's inbox suddenly reveals
06:54that his daughter was likely being catfished by the Fish and Chips character.
06:58And just like that turned out to be the case, Ohanian once again dropped an easily missed
07:03twist reveal in Missing.
07:05With his text message to June midway through the film explaining that her mom had been
07:09lying to her and her father was not dead at all.
07:12Sure enough, that disturbing detail turns out to be the truth later down the road, as
07:17it's explained that June's mom Grace had been trying to protect her daughter from the truth
07:21of her perhaps actually being an abusive piece of work.
07:24Simply put, if you see Ohanian's name pop up on screen, there's a good chance a monumental
07:29spoiler is heading your way.
07:32Tess Was Warned By Some House Graffiti Barbarian
07:36After making it to the rental house she was staying at before her job interview the next
07:40day, Tess Marshall eventually ends up spending the night in the place with a stranger called
07:44Keith Toshko.
07:46Despite being a little concerned about the idea of entering the place and sleeping in
07:50the same building as a man she's only just met, Tess just about gets through the night
07:54early on in Barbarian.
07:56When she finally sets out for her interview the following morning though, her bedroom
08:00door randomly opening in the middle of the night turns out to be the least of her troubles.
08:04The entire neighborhood around the home is completely battered and abandoned, and Tess
08:09is soon informed at her interview that this area of Brightmoor is not safe at all.
08:14It's eventually revealed that a deformed woman has been living beneath the house in a tunnel,
08:19with this mother being the result of a man known as Frank abducting, raping and then
08:23keeping various women captive underground over the years.
08:27Said shocking reveal of the mother hiding below was actually hinted at all the way back
08:31when Tess first stepped outside of the home in the morning however.
08:35Though easily missed on a first time viewing, one of the buildings opposite clearly having
08:39the words DEATH FROM BELOW spray painted across it, stands out that little bit more on a rewatch.
08:45The lesson here, do your research before committing to your Airbnb folks.
08:50Mother's Unmoving Body Reveals That Ending, Psycho
08:54And while on the subject of mothers, one of the most famous and disturbing twists of all
08:59time is actually displayed for all to see earlier in the psycho drama.
09:03Not too long before discovering that Norman Bates killed his mother 10 years ago, and
09:08had been treating her corpse as if it were alive ever since, the disturbed man can be
09:12heard having an argument with her inside her bedroom.
09:15And after squabbling a while, Norman eventually carries his frustrated mother, who can be
09:19heard telling him to let go of her, down to the fruit cellar.
09:23Though it's evident here that said mother had been replaced with a mannequin for this shot.
09:27On a first watch, your mind simply assumes Alfred Hitchcock had Anthony Perkins carry
09:31a dummy down the stairs, as it would have likely been easier than trying to have him
09:35lug an actual human for a few takes.
09:38But when revisiting this particularly surreal beat, it soon becomes clear that this was
09:43anything but a botched attempt at disguising a life-sized doll.
09:47It was actually a subtle way of telling the audience that this rather stiff-looking mother
09:52was indeed very much not alive at this point.
09:56A visible glass of water hints at things not being as they seem, Shutter Island.
10:02It's ultimately revealed that Shutter Island's central figure Edward Teddy Daniels is actually
10:06Andrew Laeddis, with the US Marshal being imprisoned on the titular island for killing
10:11his mentally ill wife after she murdered their children, and creating said other persona
10:16out of guilt.
10:17And while this may come as quite the shock as you come to the end of your first watch
10:20of the 2010 masterpiece, the clues are definitely all there during a revisit.
10:25Perhaps the most blatant hint at things not being what they seem in Ashcliff Hospital
10:29for the Criminally Insane comes during Daniels and partner Chuck's interviews with various
10:34patients and nurses about the disappearance of Rachel Solando.
10:38With Chuck actually being Teddy's primary psychiatrist, Dr. Sheehan, the way one particular
10:43nurse glances at Chuck when discussing Sheehan with Daniels, and Chuck's awkward reaction
10:48in the moment, both stand out on a rewatch.
10:51Not long after that, guards are also visible behind Teddy and various inmates during their
10:56interview sessions, whilst no one appears to be stood over Chuck's shoulder.
11:00A coincidence?
11:01I think not.
11:02And the fact another patient proceeds to drink an invisible glass of water before she places
11:07an actual glass down in the next shot, also subtly tells viewers that there's something
11:11off about this particular investigation early on.
11:16Screams suggest something creepy is going on in the house, The Girl With The Dragon
11:22During the 2011 big screen adaptation of Stieg Larsson's The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo,
11:27there comes a moment when investigative journalist Mikael Blomqvist visits the home of the missing
11:32Harriet Vanger's brother, Martin, and it's here when a sharp noise is briefly heard mid-dinner,
11:37with everyone acknowledging the odd sound before Martin references a window being left
11:42Martin then disappears as a few other whistling noises echo around the house, and is heard
11:47shutting something in the distance.
11:49Later on in the film, though, the source of said noises is finally and quite disturbingly
11:55On the back of learning that Martin and his father were behind a string of murders over
11:58the last few decades, Blomqvist is captured by the former, and eventually wakes up inside
12:03of a basement.
12:04Here, Martin explains that the screams heard during the pair's dinner actually belonged
12:08to his next victim.
12:10He was locked in that very same basement at that exact moment.
12:13Just like that, a weird but not all that shocking sound is given a whole new meaning when choosing
12:18to re-watch David Fincher's Disturbing Thriller.
