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PO Box 392

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00:30Get in here Bryce, who the hell is Edward?
00:39Who is that?
00:40I wish I had time.
00:41Who is that?
00:42Oh yeah.
00:43What beret?
00:45I can't have a beret on.
00:47You need help?
00:48You need help?
00:49Yeah, can I come in?
00:50No, we're running a group here man.
00:51Um, I will deal with you in a second.
00:52How do I get trained?
00:53I will, I will deal with that in a second.
01:03So, you want to join, right?
01:09I'm going to let you in.
01:10I'm going to get you an avatar and I'm going to tell you what to turn on.
01:12Alright, come on.
01:13We're going to get here.
01:14So, you go from here to start, you'll finish this whole course, and then you'll get up
01:19there and drop down on the ropes.
01:21So, you've got to get down and crawl here.
01:23This is very exciting.
01:25Am I doing good?
01:26Good waving?
01:27Yes, man.
01:28Yeah, you're doing good.
01:30Alright, since you're on PC, um, when people tell you to do push-ups, can you just do them,
01:36like, is there room in your room to do them?
01:38Some people will tell you to do push-ups if you get in trouble.
01:41If you can do push-ups in your room, they prefer that.
01:44So, up and down.
01:45Like, physically do push-ups?
01:47That's why they prefer VR users, they can see you do push-ups.
01:51Up and go.
01:52He wants me to physically do push-ups.
01:54Jump down.
01:55You're on lap two.
01:56Now go.
01:57Do the whole thing again.
01:58I'll tell you when you're done.
02:00Why am I doing this?
02:01How many times have you gone up and down there?
02:04You're done on five.
02:05I've got to do it five times?
02:06Yeah, you're on your second, so you have three more.
02:07I've got to do chores before I can play.
02:10I'm not going to tell him you did it.
02:11I'm not going to tell him.
02:12I'm not going to tell him.
02:13I'm not going to tell him.
02:14I'm not going to tell him.
02:15I'm not going to tell him.
02:16I've got to do chores before I can play.
02:20I'm not going to tell him you did.
02:21But you got to go over every tire, so just...
02:23Oh, skipped a few tires.
02:26He was watching me.
02:27I thought he wouldn't notice.
02:29Okay, I did five.
02:35Well, you're dismissed.
02:37Give him the every day outfit.
02:39Come on, let's go watch this guy his punishment.
02:41What did he get punished for?
02:43Uh, he went into the office is what I've been told.
02:46So what does he have to do?
02:48Uh, he's just gotta walk around the statue 20 times, dude.
02:50How many times does this guy have to walk around the statue?
02:54Uh, 20.
02:55Morty's not the general, so I can say whatever I want about Morty, right?
02:58I didn't even say the whole curse word, I just said R-A-R.
03:00I said R-A-R. I don't know why I get 5 more laps for that.
03:03What'd you get in trouble for?
03:05For going in his office.
03:05He said, uh, oh yeah, and then he said the, uh, the R-word that rhymes with grit.
03:11I didn't say the whole word, I said R-A.
03:14What's going on, Ivy?
03:15I'm just teaching the way of the fist.
03:18Get your blue gun and run in the P-47.
03:19What did I do?
03:20You know exactly what you did.
03:22For you.
03:22What did I do?
03:23You're wearing something that's not your uniform on base.
03:26Get your rifle up, you're running the P-47 again.
03:29Yeah, you gotta wear your, yeah.
03:29So get your rifle up, you're running the P-47.
03:3110 more laps.
03:32Oh, I did nothing.
03:33Why were you doing Morty's skin in the cat hat?
03:35It is part of the rule.
03:36Look in the rules.
03:37Look at the rules.
03:38You're E1, the general.
03:40You just compared yourself to the general.
03:42Bro, what did I just walk into?
03:45Bro, you sure as fuck didn't take him on the Lord of the Skies, Xander.
03:49God, it's not even Xander.
03:50Rifle up.
03:51You're still doing laps?
03:51Rifle, out and up.
03:53Your lap starts right here.
03:54Your first lap starts right here.
03:55I just did my second lap.
03:58Second lap.
03:58Not one.
04:00There's some on four.
04:02This guy's a misbehavior, isn't he?
04:04Yeah, he's a troublemaker.
04:07Every time you pass me, say the lap you're on.
04:10This is hell.
04:11Why is this kid doing this?
04:15I think he skipped a lap.
04:17He did.
04:18I think he's got to do it again.
04:19Strike first.
04:20Strike hard.
04:20No mercy, sir.
04:23Nope, you got one more.
04:24You skipped one.
04:25Yeah, you skipped one.
04:26No, I didn't.
04:27You didn't say eight.
04:28Yeah, you did.
04:28Which one did I skip?
04:29You went from eight.
04:30You went from seven to nine.
04:33I just made that up.
04:34Now he's doing another one.
04:36We do not teach defeat in this dojo, Tom.
04:39We do not teach mercy in this dojo.
04:41Hold your rifle up in the air.
04:42Take your rifle back out.
04:43Hold it up in the air.
04:44Both arms, just like this.
04:46All the way in the air.
04:48Hold it.
04:49Does he have to physically do that?
04:51His hands should be up.
04:53Yeah, he has to hold his hands above his head.
04:55Is that another punishment?
04:56Yes, sir.
04:58If he's not cheating and he's just...
04:59Put the gun down.
05:01Gun with your hand.
05:03Put this hand on the end of the gun.
05:04Hold it up in the air.
05:05Yeah, usually we'll get them to hold their hands up,
05:07their rifles up in the air.
05:08See how long they can hold them up.
05:10A lot of physical punishment.
05:12Oh yeah, we do that a lot here.
05:14I gotta go.
05:15Uh-huh, yeah.
05:16Figured you didn't have to go.
05:18Yeah, it's just going on.
05:20Well, when you come back, you'll be doing that.
05:24Snitching on me, bitch.
05:26He didn't snitch on you.
05:27I've watched you change into your toka kai.
05:30Has not said anything to us.
05:32Don't you have to go?
05:32Don't you have to go?
05:33Don't you have to go?
05:34Be holding up your rifle if you're gonna sit here and talk to us longer.
05:36Hold up your rifle.
05:37Hold up your rifle, man.
05:40Both hands, both hands.
05:42This is awful.
05:43Why is this happening?
05:45Come back over here.
05:46Come back over here.
05:47All right, I'll see you guys tomorrow.
05:49It's a school night.
05:50He's trying to fall out of PT.
05:54He was up until like five o'clock yesterday morning,
05:57but now today he's got to go for some odd reason
06:00when he's told to hold up his rifle and do PT.
06:03I'm gonna do it tomorrow.
06:03It's kind of strange.
06:05All right, we'll see.
06:06Oh my god, you don't even go to school.
06:08Shut the f**k up.
06:10Make sure when you get on, you let me know so I can watch you do it.
06:13How many times do I have to tell you to put an uppercase E in your status?
06:17You haven't told me once, sir.
06:19Oh my god.
06:20I've told it a couple times.
06:21I didn't hear you then, sir.
06:24Wait, I'm gonna play Erica.
06:27What's up?
06:27What you need to talk about, nugget?
06:31I need to speak in a private, in a space with just you or whoever's in charge here.
06:36All right, well, let's go.
06:39What are we doing?
06:42S**t, I don't know.
06:44We're watching the gate.
06:52Run it through me.
06:53If you don't mind stepping out, please.
06:55I'm just mediating this conversation.
06:59No, no, step out.
07:06Things, but they're on the base, really?
07:08I mean.
07:10I mean, yeah, no, it's a video.
07:12You need to get out of here, man.
07:13You gotta go.
07:14I was called to come back in.
07:17I didn't call you.
07:18One of the guys out there.
07:19Who told you that?
07:20One of the guys out there.
07:23Get their username.
07:24I'll go get, I'll tell you.
07:25Get their username.
07:27Laco, Mr. Tuxedo wants to speak to you in there.
07:30Just a year ago.
07:31Hello, sir.
07:39Guys, stay out.
07:42Nobody told y'all to come in here.
07:43No, I didn't.
07:44That was him.
07:46And he said, hey, he said, you want me?
07:49Go outside.
07:50You two outside.
07:54I don't know what that was about.
07:55He asked me to bring you in.
07:56Oh, he got mad.
07:58He got mad at me because he said.
08:01He said, he told me to bring him in.
08:05He told me to go in.
08:06He said he wanted.
08:08Let's hope you don't get PTs though.
08:13Yeah, we might get paytas like.
08:16Kelsey, you're back.
08:17I just have to lift up my rifle.
08:19Wait, wait.
08:20Didn't he?
08:21Oh yeah.
08:21You were the one who was talking.
08:25This guy said the R word.
08:28I just said it.
08:29All right.
08:29And you said it fully.
08:31I heard you.
08:33I did not say it fully.
08:33I said, I'm all right.
08:35You said the full thing.
08:36I heard you.
08:39All right, guys, hop back in your dresses.
08:41Y'all want to do some training?
08:44Get off the grass, bro.
08:45Get off the grass before you get PT.
08:47You're going to get PT.
08:48Get off the grass.
08:49Get off the grass.
08:50You're going to get PT.
08:54I'm chilling.
08:56Get off the grass, gang.
08:57Get on here.
08:59Cutie, walk on the path.
09:02But the grass is right here.
09:04It's a shortcut.
09:04Don't worry.
09:05If you're in the Navy, get your Navies on.
09:07If you're in the Air Force, get your Air Forces on.
09:10Excuse me?
09:10Everybody, face uniforms.
09:12Face uniforms.
09:13May I disengage in this training, please?
09:18I'm already on the prize.
09:21I was just trying to see what was going on.
09:23Tell Bryce to get on.
09:26I don't have to have it on.
09:27He needs his training, too.
09:28He said he was going to be joining today.
09:30I don't have to have it on.
09:31Yo, can I leave?
09:32I'm actually so nervous.
09:33Yo, put it on.
09:33Yeah, let me try and put it on.
09:35You have to do training.
09:37All right.
09:39Tell Bryce to get on if you want to be with him so bad.
09:41So we're going to go over some commands real quick that we're going to use.
09:44These jets right here.
09:45These will also test your G tolerance.
09:47This right here is catapult.
09:49I mean, sorry.
09:51Okay, if I'm telling him to do this, he's going to easily come to me.
09:54Push your throttle just left.
09:57Whatever hand the shooter has up is which way you turn.
09:59All right, they'll tell you to spool up.
10:01They'll do this.
10:02That means you pull throttle while you're on the catapult.
10:04As soon as he lifts his hand up like this, you press cat.
10:07You press cat.
10:07Everybody left face.
10:14One, two, three.
10:17Oh, and we go.
10:19This is exciting.
10:19We get to drive a jet.
10:21Everybody stand beside your aircraft.
10:23You're not getting them yet.
10:24Stand beside them.
10:35How do I get out?
10:36How do I get out?
11:07What's happening?
11:18He doesn't know how it exploded.
11:21How do I do it?
11:22I'm figuring out the controls.
11:26Oh, okay.
11:28Are we going back to base?
11:29I dropped portal.
11:30I don't know.
11:31Yeah, we're going back.
11:32Did I do well?
11:33Do I earn my stripes?
11:35Everybody just get your base avatars back on.
11:37There's a portal, everybody.
11:38At ease, gentlemen.
11:40Mr. Tuxedo, when do I get my congressional medal of freedom for-
11:43That's general to you.
11:48Um, that's general to you.
11:51Sorry, Lieutenant Mr. Tuxedo.
11:53Make him run PT five laps around the court.
11:56Actually, no, dude.
11:56Actually, no.
11:57Make him run the course until I tell him I'm ready.
12:01Because you've been trolling all day.
12:03I've been trying hard.
12:06Is it because I called you Mr. Tuxedo?
12:08No, it's not.
12:09It's been through all day.
12:10So please go do your PT.
12:12Run the course until I say you're done.
12:18I'm done.
12:19Okay, I'm done.
12:21No, you're not.
12:22Mr. Tuxedo, I want you to watch.
12:24It's general, and no, I'm not going to watch.
12:30Oh, I think that's our military career over at the U.S. Air Force.
12:39Yeah, guys.
12:40You can just go over there.
12:41Hurry up, Marines behind us.
12:43Can I help you guys?
12:45So I was getting threats from my group
12:47that one of y'all's members were calling my group,
12:50and that y'all are going to come to my group and kill all of us.
12:54So that's why we have-
12:57Yes, you are one of your members.
12:59Uh, good evening.
13:00I'm five-star general PGN.
13:01Uh, can you, one of your leaders,
13:04one of your people come in and talk to me about this?
13:07Because that shouldn't be happening.
13:09What happened?
13:10Baron's killer.
13:11Without me.
13:12Rest of you stay there.
13:13I need to come mediate this conversation.
13:17I'm the overseer of this operation.
13:18What's going on?
13:20Okay, so one of your members of the U.S. Army were texting me,
13:25like through the f***ing invite thing,
13:27and they were threatening me,
13:29telling that y'all's group are going to nuke my group,
13:32my group, they're going to come to my group,
13:35and kill every single one of them.
13:37So that's why I'm here with-
13:38Do you have the username?
13:41Well, that's not going to happen,
13:43because we don't do it.
13:44Sounds like he's making it up.
13:46No, they have people out there kicking my men,
13:49because our men are enormously going on base.
13:52Hey, you speak with smoking, too.
13:54Shut the f*** up.
13:56And he is saying that he's gonna,
13:58y'all's group are gonna come to my base,
14:01kill all of my members.
14:03Not you.
14:04Not you.
14:05You're not my man.
14:06What are you doing here?
14:07I'm a witness.
14:09You're a witness?
14:10What are you doing here?
14:11I'm High Command.
14:13Yeah, well, I'm a witness, so I outrank you.
14:15You don't outrank me just for being a witness.
14:18Yeah, I do.
14:18I'm a general.
14:20No, he's saying he's a witness,
14:22and he outranks me for being a witness.
14:24Yeah, Ninja, you need to leave, mate.
14:26You're not High Command.
14:27I think he's made that up.
14:28Have Hawkins, people.
