• yesterday


00:00In Jaffar Express operation, all terrorists were released.
00:08Tajman Pak Poj announced that all 33 terrorists were sent to hell.
00:14Terrorists martyred 21 passengers.
00:17Martyrdoms occurred before clearance operation.
00:20In total, four members of the F.C. were martyred.
00:23Terrorists had made Jargamals a shield.
00:26First, the snipers of the forces killed the suicide bombers.
00:30Then, the suicide bombers were cleared.
00:33Army, Air Force, Frontier Corps and SSG soldiers took part in the operation.
00:38Terrorists were in contact with the mastermind through satellite in Afghanistan.
00:42Nine more injured people of Jaffar Express operation were transferred to the Trauma Center.
00:4613 injured people of Jaffar Express operation were brought to the civil hospital.
00:50After the successful operation of the Prime Minister,
00:52the security forces of Pakpals and security forces of Pakpals were sent to Haseen.
00:56For the martyrs, we pray for forgiveness and for the safety of the people of Lahore, we pray for patience and steadfastness.
01:31the situation in the country.
01:33The Prime Minister said that the cowardly businessmen
01:35cannot continue the security of Pakistan.
01:37The President's train
01:39tried to rescue passengers
01:41but was stopped by the braveness of the forces.
01:43The Interior Minister said that the terrorists
01:45and their accomplices will go to the last.
01:47The Prime Minister's advisor, Rana Sanawullah, said
01:49that there should be no talks with the terrorists
01:51and their accomplices.
02:31The operation was successful.
02:33We will avenge each and every drop of blood.
02:35We have not started the war yet.
02:37We will have to answer the gun with the gun.
02:39The Prime Minister Balochistan asked
02:41that if the operation is not solved,
02:43what should we do with the people
02:45who are sitting in Afghanistan?
02:47They sit there and plan terrorism.
02:49The state should not tolerate this work.
02:51This war has now come to every house.
02:53Baloch killing innocent laborers
02:55is not a part of tradition.
03:01PM Modi called the emergency meeting
03:03of his country to his guesthouse in Udaipur.
03:07He said that there should be no negotiations
03:09on the safety of the Muslims.
03:11He said he would not interfere in the peace.
03:13He said that he would agree if the international community
03:17People should be allowed to go to their own houses.
03:19He said he would not interfere in the peace.
03:21The non-Muslims have no right to interfere
03:23to the peace of the people.
03:25They should not be able to go to their own houses.
03:27The people should not interfere to the peace.
03:29The British Foreign Minister said that the Balochistan attack is with the people of Jammu and Kafrat.
03:36The Chinese Foreign Ministry said that their country is against all forms of terrorism.
03:42Security cooperation is ready to be strengthened.
03:45The Russian Embassy said that the use of civilians as a human shield is absolutely unacceptable.
03:52The Iranian Embassy said that violence against civilians is a heinous crime against humanity.
03:58The UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that attacks on civilians are unacceptable.
04:03We have been saved from a great disaster.
04:23All this was possible because the Pak Army conducted this operation with great skill and saved the people from great loss.
04:30This propaganda was done by the Indian media, which is very regrettable.
04:34Regrettable and shameful incident was used as a way to highlight its politics.
04:38We have been saved from a great disaster because of the Pak Army.
04:42The Deputy Minister of Information, Atta Tarar, said that the forces destroyed all terrorists on the spot with great skill.
04:49Indian media did very bad propaganda on the Jaffar Express incident.
04:53The PTI tried to highlight its politics on the incident.
04:57But the Indian media, BLA and PTI said the same thing.
05:00During the operation, not being martyred is not less than a great miracle.
05:04We will eradicate terrorism from the roots.
05:06We will make Pakistan a haven of peace.
05:09On the success of the Jaffar Express operation by Governor Hassan,
05:13the security forces expressed their regret on the martyrdom of 21 citizens and 4 F.C. soldiers.
05:19After the Jaffar Express terrorist attack, the Indian media was busy with baseless propaganda.
05:26The Indian social media activists were busy spreading the message of Raw Kaladam BLA.
05:31The Indian channels spread the news of the attack on the BLA social media accounts.
05:35The Indian accounts spread it.
05:37The Indian channels are doing propaganda with the help of the videos and pictures made by the so-called AI.
05:43The fake videos were published on the accounts of the Indian and specific Jamaat, which was a film of 2022.
05:57There is a fire in Balochistan.
05:59We should have immediately ended the normal business.
06:03There are no ministers here.
06:05What would have happened if there were none?
06:07We are talking about Balochistan.
06:10Government eminates are talking.
06:12This is their condition.
06:13They don't care.
06:15There is a fire in Balochistan.
06:17We are talking here and government eminates are talking.
06:21Opposition leader Umar Ayub Khan said during the assembly that the Jaffar Express attack started 1.5 hours later.
06:28Salman Akram Raja said that after the Balochistan incident, there is no option but to unite.
06:34We all have to get the nation out of this mess.
06:37PTI leader Shibli Faraz condemned the Jaffar Express attack.
06:51Alima Qanum is accused of non-propaganda on social media.
06:56JIT has called for opposition leader Umar Ayub.
06:59Umar Ayub says that JIT is noticing us.
07:02We are being asked to tweet.
07:04Allah Hafiz.
07:34Ahsan Iqbal said that the country needs a social long march.
07:37No country can progress with this policy.
07:40Ahsan Iqbal and Muzammil Aslam's B-Minister had a press conference.
07:44Ahsan Iqbal said that we will have to work together to solve the issues of terrorism.
07:49Musharraf Khazana's B-Minister said that Wifaq Khyber Pakhtunkhwa should help in the development of backward areas.
08:04IMF has demanded tax exemption on Benalpami capital projects.
08:16SIFC has been asked not to pay tax exemption on Benalpami capital projects.
08:21Pakistan government has demanded tax exemption on railway tracks from Chakri to Gwadar.
08:27The government has asked the Gulf countries for $2 billion in tax exemption on railway tracks from Chakri to Gwadar.
08:33A new railway line will be laid from Rakhodeg to Gwadar.
08:49Rating agency Moody's has strengthened Pakistan's banking sector rating system.
08:54Moody's says that Pakistan's economic condition has improved for a year.
08:59Bloomberg says that this improvement is due to the financial activity of the banks and the macroeconomic condition.
09:10We have concluded that there are 4-5 arrests.
09:13All the requirements are routine and we fulfil them.
09:16When we press charges against someone who is doing something wrong, we go ahead and stop them.
09:24After the police raid on Shoaib Bazaar, Constable Shoaib was injured.
09:31Police arrested 500 people.
09:33The city police had made the raid a big issue.
09:36The police of the area accused the city of firing on the raid.
09:40Police say that the raid was carried out on the highway going to Athal Chowk.
09:53Zill-e-lahi, Kamran bhai, you are too cute.
09:56You should make headlines.
09:58Kamran bhai, you should get Karachi back from Saurabh Vipak.
10:01Make him the emcee of the Karachi Test.
10:04But you won't be able to do that.
10:06Mayor of Karachi, Mufti Wahab, gave an interesting answer to the governance scene.
10:09Your political party has done what it has done in the past.
10:12MQM wants the streets of Karachi to be done by Vipak.
10:16Is this an open contradiction?
10:23For live UN video, visit www.un.org
