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Wazifa | Shan e Sehr | Shan e Ramazan 2025 | Special Transmission | Waseem Badami | ARY Digital

Notable scholar Mufti Sohail Raza Amjadi, will do a daily segment in Shan-e-Seher where he will suggest different virtuous supplications to audience.

#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr


00:00How can I face you?
00:05I am falling, please hold me
00:11Janab-e-Ali, we welcome you once again in Nashariyat.
00:14This is our segment for Wazaif.
00:15Qibla Mufti Suhail Amjadji is with us.
00:18Huzoor, Assalamu Alaikum.
00:20Walaikum Assalam, Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
00:22How are you? You have come again and again.
00:23Alhamdulillah, I don't know.
00:25Inshallah, Allah is great.
00:26Are you fine?
00:27Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.
00:30Let's come to the question.
00:32This question is from Rabab Sahiba from Lahore.
00:36Allah has kept so much love for His children in a mother's heart.
00:38Only a mother can understand it.
00:40She suffers for her child all her life.
00:42She endures the pain happily.
00:45So that the child stays alive and happy.
00:47But if someone's child dies,
00:50then the pain of separation is heavy on all these pains.
00:54Two children died on my feet when I was a child.
00:58Now the situation is that I am childless.
01:00Please tell me a prayer so that patience comes.
01:02And may Allah grant happiness.
01:04This is the end of a mother's grief.
01:08I was feeling something strange while reading.
01:10Please tell me what to do.
01:12Okay, a person can't even read.
01:13Yes, really.
01:14As soon as I read, I felt something strange.
01:16Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
01:19Sallallahu alaihi wa alihi wa sahbihi.
01:23First of all, I pray that Allah gives patience to my sister.
01:29And if there is any other sister, please grant her patience.
01:33Allah Ameen.
01:34And may Allah grant her His reward.
01:38Allah Ameen, Inshallah.
01:39It is easy to say that someone's child dies like this.
01:46It is very easy to say to be patient.
01:48But it is not easy to be patient for someone who is going through this.
01:54And especially for someone who has a child after a long time.
01:58May Allah grant patience to all such families.
02:03Allah Ameen, Inshallah.
02:05And grant them the best reward.
02:07The prayer that I am telling you is a Quranic prayer.
02:13And it is also in Hadith-e-Pak.
02:16In Quran, there is verse number 156 of Surah Baqarah.
02:23In which it is said,
02:24Alladheena idha asawbathum museeba
02:27That those who have faith,
02:29Because it is the mention of those who have faith.
02:31Those who have faith, when they are in trouble,
02:34They don't complain.
02:37They don't complain.
02:39They don't shout.
02:41If tears come, it is okay.
02:44Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un.
02:49Undoubtedly, we are for Allah.
02:51Undoubtedly, we have to return to Him.
02:55And then Allah Ameen said in the next stage,
02:59These are the people who read.
03:02So Allah Almighty sends down His mercy on them.
03:06And these are the people who are guided.
03:09They have been guided.
03:11Okay, now come to Hadith-e-Pak.
03:13This is Hadith-e-Pak of Muslim Sharif.
03:15And Hadith-e-Pak.
03:17Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un.
03:21Now it is a complete prayer.
03:22Allahumma ajirni fee museebati
03:26wa akhlif li khairam minha.
03:30Allahumma ajirni fee museebati
03:33wa akhlif li khairam minha.
03:36It means that the complete translation is
03:40Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un.
03:42Undoubtedly, we are for Allah.
03:44And we will return to Him.
03:46O Allah, grant me a reward in my trouble.
03:50And grant me a better reward than this.
03:54This prayer is such that
03:56Prophet Muhammad PBUH said
03:59Okay, what is trouble?
04:01Someone dies.
04:02This is trouble.
04:04My master says,
04:05If the structure of the shoe breaks,
04:07This is also a problem.
04:09This is also a problem.
04:10Someone's lamp goes out.
04:12This is also a problem.
04:15So even if a believer has a slight problem,
04:18So read this prayer.
04:20Undoubtedly, we are for Allah.
04:21And we will return to Him.
04:22Allahumma ajirni fee museebati
04:24wa akhlif li khairam minha.
04:26What is its superiority?
04:29What is its benefit?
04:31Umm Salma, may Allah be pleased with her,
04:33Who is the wife of Prophet Muhammad PBUH,
04:36She says,
04:37My first husband passed away.
04:39He loved me a lot.
04:41Abu Salma.
04:42So I became very sad.
04:44Did such a good husband leave me?
04:47He said,
04:48I remembered the hadith of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
04:51So I read this.
04:52And after a long time,
04:54I did not even have in my delusion
04:56That I was honored to be the wife of the beloved of the universe.
05:02And that's why my master says,
05:04Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un.
05:07Who will read at the time of trouble,
05:09Allah will give him a home in heaven.
05:13And I will also say about the children here,
05:16Whose children go like this in childhood,
05:19There is a place of patience.
05:21Have patience.
05:22What will be the reward for this?
05:24According to the hadith,
05:26This child will not go to heaven until he takes his parents.
05:32Allah Allah.
05:33Allahu Akbar.
05:34What to say?
05:36I have one more question.
05:37Because a lot of questions come.
05:39Most of the people,
05:40For sleep,
05:41For a peaceful sleep,
05:43The mind is very scattered.
05:45There is no peaceful sleep.
05:47There is no sleep on time.
05:48Is there anyone for it?
05:49This is a big problem of our society.
05:52There is no sleep.
05:54There is a sleep coma,
05:55There is no sleep.
05:57Okay, let me say one more thing.
05:58This prayer,
05:59When you are worried, read it.
06:01By the way, I will say for this sister,
06:03After Fajr and Isha,
06:0511 times,
06:06Read it with Durood Sharif.
06:08Okay, now come.
06:09Those who can't sleep,
06:11First, I will tell you a medicine.
06:14Before sleeping,
06:16Do ablution.
06:18Try it.
06:20Will get help.
06:22Do ablution.
06:23And after that,
06:24Separate your mind from all worries,
06:27All thoughts,
06:29Separate from all thoughts.
06:32Don't think.
06:33This thinking is limitless,
06:34Which doesn't let you sleep.
06:35Do this work.
06:36And after that,
06:37Don't do anything else.
06:38You have to read Surah Alam Nashrah 7 times.
06:42Surah Alam Nashrah 7 times.
07:12Read it seven times.
07:14I once told a man, he said, Mufti sahib, it won't be possible.
07:18I said, try it.
07:20He said, believe me, it won't be completed in seven times.
07:23I feel sleepy.
07:24Yes, yes.
07:25And now you can read Walaaq-e-Durusharif.
07:26Wow, that's great.
07:28A lot of people can try this, Inshallah.
07:32Thank you very much.
07:34Inshallah, we will try on a daily basis.
07:35We will ask Mufti Suhail Ahmed sahab as many questions as we can.
07:41Inshallah, you can send us your questions.
07:45After a break, we will have our final competition, Inshallah.
