• last week
00:00All righty, we are wrapping up a heck of a day here at Chase Center
00:05Thanks to the River Island guest line River Islands guest line Jerry Stackhouse Gary Payton the second buddy healed
00:12Kavon Looney and of course Steph Curry joining us on the show today if you missed any of those
00:18Interviews and you want to check them out. You can just download that Odyssey app on
00:2495-7 the games
00:26Odyssey app, I think we're joined right now by Willard and dibs guys the crossover and
00:33You know the secret to losing up to one pound of fat every day go to abundant life weight loss calm
00:39What's up, gents like you really thought Steph Curry was gonna show up and not us
00:55Like to see you guys in person, and I just wasn't sure if you were there, but good to pull your computer screen up
01:02Well your YouTube up. We're right here. Look at each other. Yeah
01:08How you doing guys
01:11How you doing doing great
01:13I'm doing awesome, and I mean really nice job with you guys and Steph Curry, and I can't help but
01:19blush at the way it ended and we'll get to the sound on exactly how that how that went for me because
01:25It's rare that you know you guys are on remote
01:28And I actually came in the studio to watch it
01:30And you know hear it live as opposed to outside on like an eight-second delay
01:35And I thought you guys did a nice job with Steph, right?
01:40You you did a nice job Stiney of you know kind of trying to press him a little bit and guru you did also did
01:46Very well on not being you know
01:50You you did and I put the over-under on the chef references at 27
01:58The YouTube because I'm on the YouTube now at 10 o'clock every night you are because that's the only way I can get my
02:05Content five seven the game super fan
02:09I get home, and I don't have a radio in my house, and I've got the YouTube
02:13So I go on the tube, and I'm listening to you guys, and I'm like oh my god
02:16They're gonna have the chef and so how many times will guru?
02:21And I put the over at 28 and a half, and I know it paid the under
02:25But it might have been like next to zero well, and I what I did you know sometimes you can just bet on a double-double
02:37Here's what I bet on over under half of a Steph gasm
02:41Oh, and I I like I've been in the weeds prepping for this show hard, so I didn't hear did you hold it together go?
02:48Yeah, I did it was great
02:54Yeah, it was his birthday. Yeah, we gave him a cake and study gave him the Jersey, baby
02:59Yeah, well and for people who are just joining us. Can we play that again? Are you good with that? Can we sure yeah?
03:05Yeah, here's tiny giving us that
03:08Jersey I brought something for you. Oh my god, so for those of you that don't know
03:13Steph and I go way back to
03:152000 and what was it nine nine when Steven Jackson said get me out of here and Monte said that you couldn't play with you
03:21Steph was nice enough to
03:23Gift me an autographed jersey on my 60th birthday, and I don't know if you know this or not
03:28But that was a little division three player
03:31So I decided to return the favor, and I played for the Franklin and Marshall diplomats look the diplomats
03:39And I figured I'd sign one for you, yes, and it's it's to Steph from a true point go
03:53But want to say
03:55Happy birthday to you, and I felt like I had to return the favor pretty
03:59I'm happy to be a part of the diplomat family for a day
04:04And that's a Lancaster, Pennsylvania
04:08Do you think that's gonna make his dude room like his man cave is that gonna be framed?
04:14And up in the right next to the finals MVP trophy
04:18What if I told you that I do not want to know what happens to that Jersey make it to his house?
04:25It doesn't matter what happens to that Jersey
04:28It doesn't but at the same time if I start to comb local Goodwills
04:36We do or do we not see it before Christmas see here's the here's the problem with it it actually is a
04:44legitimate Franklin and Marshall game jerseys
04:47It's an expensive Jersey, but the minute I signed it it became
04:53Valueless you know what I mean once I put Steinmetz on it. It's worthless. You know I'm saying
04:59Just agree you were part of your old
05:01Decade team at your college, so I mean in Lancaster that thing is probably worth like at least 2x
05:08What it's worth out here well
05:10He also just brilliant saying diplomat for a day if you don't think that's not getting back to the higher ups
05:16Look at Franklin and Marshall
05:19In Minnesota
05:22To and yeah, I think one of you made reference to like em deal or Mike deal or somebody
05:30our former
05:34Mike D former Odyssey exec for about three months
05:49Study you
05:50Maybe you can't see us, but we can see you and you are glowing right now. Yeah, are you pregnant you are?
06:08You're right you're right
06:11I like it everybody yeah, we're giving out flowers
06:15I got to give you to yours if HBO brings back true detective you two need to be on it because
06:21You guys just got a natural way of double back and pressing people on a question in a professional way
06:28You guys press curve for cominga, and it was just poetic so congrats
06:34Well, she gave me everything I needed to hear we hold his feet to the fire
06:41And we've got questions
06:50Yeah, yeah, I don't even I do remember circling back. I don't even remember what I asked
06:56What was what was the info that you were that you got out of it?
07:00How could me go will be?
07:02Reimplemented back into the storyline and he answered it. Did you say one more?
07:09Know what I asked him and it was actually about like what he views as far as how Jonathan is handling this
07:15Like the I I really do think that there is a and this has nothing to do
07:21With how he's gonna play how many minutes or whatever. I think he's in a really mentally challenging spot
07:27For for three reasons one one. He's coming back from injury. That's always mentally challenging to as Steve put it
07:35He's joining a completely different team and three the contract and and for a 22 year old kid, man
07:43This is this this is a this is a big mental moment for him tomorrow. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I'm sorry you
07:51This is where
07:53Boy, it's gonna
07:54He's got to put the contract. He's got to forget about it and in a way I think he's got it already
07:59But that's kind of what I'm thinking
08:01Well, what I'm thinking of is kind of the ship is sailed maybe with with the contract not not necessarily negative
08:07but I mean 17 he can let me tell you what he becomes he
08:13Goes from a role player to a number three or number four and they make a run
08:18He's fine in terms of the contract. You know what I mean?
08:21I could I think you could make a case that if Jonathan cominga can in the next 17 games and in the postseason
08:29Impact the Warriors in a way where they go from a good team to a better team
08:34He's gonna get paid then by the Warriors by the Warriors
08:37Yeah, right, right
08:38But but was the goal if you were coming at the beginning of the year to maybe get another team
08:44To drive that price up. Yeah, and and and maybe that ship is sailed to I will but don't you think he's got enough?
08:51Are they have if teams out there enough Intel on seeing him on a good day to kind of project?
08:56You know what? I mean?
08:57I don't know because to really get him away from the Warriors you could then you have to pay the nose and then you want
09:03You know what? I mean? Like if somebody does somebody want to give him 40, right? I don't know
09:08I'm with you guys that the Warriors are sold
09:12The Warriors want him on their team. No question, and I don't want to be you know
09:16Oh, we're out here talking to the player guy
09:19But everybody we tell him from stack to GP to to loon
09:23You tell me if you guys are buying this they know what time it is and they're going to make the job easier
09:29They can't play basketball for JK, but will and dibs and I'm telling Stiney. I feel like that means something
09:34They know they can help ease that process. What do you say to that?
09:38Well, I think the process is made easier by the fact that they've played so well without him
09:43And so now all he has to do is come in and and play well
09:46And we asked Steve yesterday about what he's looking for from Jonathan and he talked about hustle plays
09:54Defense making the right play. He didn't talk about, you know going out there and the ha ha and the ski
10:00And getting you 20 he talked about making winning plays
10:04So and I do think Stiney that if coming is looking at the bag
10:08The bag will come with April and May true and I mean God help us June
10:15basketball if coming is a contributor to a an April advancement and a May threat or a made
10:22Advancement and then a conference final berth, then he's gonna get his bag
10:26It doesn't matter if he has 18 a night or 11 a night if he's playing and they're doing well, he's gonna get his yeah
10:34Well, oh go ahead. Sorry
10:37You're listening to 95 7 the game KGM Z FM and HD 1 San Francisco
10:41Always live on the free Odyssey app twitching YouTube powered by first NorCal Credit Union
10:46I have no reason to think that Jonathan is like overly stressed about this or not
10:51I have no idea what his what his thoughts are on this
10:53But I would love to read him and just about every other athlete in America what Josh Allen said
11:00This week. I don't know if it was today or yesterday, but I saw the quote
11:07People were asking him and again we do this with the QB contract
11:13Are you looking at average annual or are you looking at the total guarantee?
11:16Josh Allen reset the market as far as the total guarantee
11:20But his average annual is only 55 million 5 million less than don't let Scott right only but I mean he's tough
11:26He's way better than doc Prescott. He's the MVP
11:29So if anybody could have gone in and said no no no demand that I get the the highest number it was Josh
11:37But actually he demanded the opposite
11:39He literally told his agent if this in any way causes
11:44Problems for the Buffalo Bills cap then don't do it
11:48I don't want to do that and then said what I've always waited for athletes to say he goes
11:55What the hell is the difference of five million dollars for me Wow?
12:00What's the difference and I've always wanted athletes to say that because that's how my non-millionaire
12:06But looks at life. I'm like if you know what I mean if you won the lotto for 250 million dollars
12:13And and then someone called you the next day and went I would put the number up wrong on the 7-eleven sign
12:18It's actually 245 would it change a damn thing?
12:25Changes nothing so I I love that Josh said it
12:28I hope more athletes looking at that way and and and maybe that's true for Jonathan coming as well 25 and 30 who cares
12:35Well, it's a lot easier said when you're in Buffalo probably the least expensive market in the NFL
12:41I mean the cost of living there you can afford to live on
12:45335 million I think Jonathan
12:49Josh has already gotten the one bag and you know coming is you know dealing with the the small bag more of a fanny pack
12:55So Josh Allen's a little bit easier
12:58Yeah, you know the one thing I did think was interesting when we had buddy healed on and we were talking about the difference
13:05Pre Jimmy Butler and post Jimmy Butler he actually went back to two games
13:10And it was the San Antonio game and the Nets game when Jonathan Kaminga first got hurt
13:16And they they had both those games in hand and they lost them and buddy said from that point on we could never really
13:24Get back what we got what we started this season with when we were 12 and 3 I just thought that was interesting because I'd never
13:31Really made that connection
13:32from when
13:34JK went out at that time to them not being able to kind of refine it again
13:40Yeah, I mean it's hard to like pinpoint when you're outside the building
13:44But when you're inside and you know what an impact a player makes and when you lose those games
13:49It's hard to look at it and say you know that was the reason why but you look at when Kaminga went out and they they
13:55Struggled and then you got Jimmy Butler and now they no longer struggle. So does that mean that you don't need JK?
14:01No, and does it mean that Jimmy Butler is gonna make it so you win nine of every ten probably not
14:06But it's probably somewhere in between yeah
14:09Let me tell you the the epitome of it just here occur with you guys yesterday
14:14The difference a day makes remember he came on and he admitted. You know what some of the guys on the team
14:21Confidence was I'm paraphrasing was a issue and I told Stani. This is the NBA
14:26I just go from there and there's a Jimmy Butler again the Jimmy Butler effect till now
14:32Everybody is scrapping these youngsters are balling and we're out here
14:36And I'm just telling you guys I can I can feel it and taste it man the confidence is on
14:411,000 that's all I'm saying and confidence is not something that you can just snap your fingers and dial up so like yeah
14:48He twice I think used the phrase
14:50Crisis of confidence and we we reference them and and it's like anything in life, right like are you having a good day today?
14:58Is it are you having a good day? Would you guys talk to step?
15:03Okay, but when you woke up did you know that or it like did you have a good day yesterday at a crappy day yesterday
15:09I'm having a great day so far today, but like those things life takes you well life takes you where it takes you
15:17Confidence is really like that's an organic thing you can't like right
15:21How do you find it and it's funny that sign that you were talking about like those specific moments
15:26Steve even did that with us last week
15:28With Jimmy Butler like I think most fans go well Jimmy arrived and it got good
15:34Steve said second half, New York, Madison Square Garden
15:39That was the moment
15:42That the Warriors became this this group and that Jimmy Butler
15:46Really made it all make sense for everyone, but that was what what that was seven eight games into the experience already
15:53Yeah, exactly. Yeah, the other thing that I thought was was was kind of interesting I
15:59Because a few guys were talking about it because we asked her about it is what you guys were talking about in your show yesterday
16:04the positivity around this team yeah, and
16:07you know and Mark was
16:10Cautioning about that a little bit and it maybe meant the fans it doesn't matter, but the the thing that I thought is is
16:17working in the Warriors favor is
16:19Like they're smart enough to know they kind of haven't done anything yet
16:23so they're not gonna they're not going to embrace fools gold because
16:28They've been there already, and they know what iron pyrite is
16:33Different than real gold if you know what I mean, so they're talking they're talking about
16:38Still a lot of work to do and like like where we're at, but long way to go, so
16:43That's where the pedigree. I think comes in to like that though
16:46And also like the feelings and you know all of us in our feelings
16:51Yeah, and I'm wondering about your feelings guru
16:53And I'm also wondering if you had a chance to today with the chef in in your person
17:00Did you get a chance to snap a pic with your new abundant life body?
17:03Did you and Steph get a chance to have that moment and get a pic because I know you're down 20 pounds and thanks to
17:10Abundant life weight loss calm if I'm you down 20 looking good my Warriors hoodie with the chef guns out in
17:18My in my presence. I'm getting at least one pic with him. Well. Did you maximize that goo?
17:24No, I didn't cuz today
17:27Wanted to run the play of act like you've been there. You know and we got photos with Steph
17:32But yeah, you have
17:43You're down 20, I mean you guys could have gone guns versus guns
17:50Nobody knows how did we let him go with no?
17:54Boy, hey speaking of physique that man, it's not he had the muscles popping man. Yeah, 24-hour, man
18:04Don't know the chef like Steini knows the chef man as much as Steini has talked s about the chef
18:10I guarantee you before he came to see you guys. He did a quick like
18:16Triple set of curls to make sure that Steini can see
18:21Look at me Steini at 37 show you what I'm working with well now
18:25I'm worried that he's gonna get too muscle-bound and his shots gonna go to hell there you go
18:29I mean, you know I'm Matt Steinmetz, and I'm concerned about his muscularity that exactly
18:35You're old like me you remember when they used to say weightlifting ruined your shot
18:39No doubt and let's slow down how old I am compared to you although
18:43I'm closer to you than I am to mark. I'm actually I think I'm right between
18:48Guru, and you but yeah, that was the whole thing back in the day
18:52It was like oh
18:52You don't want to lift weights because it's gonna affect your shot and now you look at baby face Steph in oh nine
18:58Steini remember what he was like and I look at Evan up here in his head in that's perfect speaking of which dibs
19:04I'm asked Willard to sit this one out cuz he'll make me feel better
19:07We had the great Jerry Stackhouse on it
19:11Yeah, right when the interview was over. I said to him. What do you think about your boy flag?
19:22You thought stack went to Duke
19:28ACC and they had just played but dibs help me out you you team Evan or go here
19:34What did Evan say?
19:35He said he thinks the goo body got mixed up. It's hot. He was on, North Carolina
19:40Whatever you thought I was at home, and you know the big YouTube listener between 10 and 11
19:46I dropped my daughter off. I go home
19:48I do my show prep and I have you on and I actually reached into my pocket, and I pulled out a yellow card
19:55That's nice
19:59It's a yellow card caution
20:02Carolina guy about a
20:05Asking did what he thinks and what Evan did we're missing the lead here. What did stack do he goes?
20:11I don't answer talk about those guys. You better ask my D
20:17Unintended I'm throwing the flag. Yes, that was that was that was not the right guy to ask if you're gonna call
20:24That's what I thought about believe I thought about Mike D
20:27He's old teammate might be and that's what made me think about Mike D
20:31But yeah, yeah, but the question was do you think I got it mixed up or I knew who what team he was on?
20:36What yes come on you missed a free throw again?
20:41I thought you were trying to be like ACC clever, but you didn't realize like you know hey hey Gavin Newsom
20:48What do you think about?
20:53Yellow I was having some ACC fun, but he wasn't having it. Yeah, I do I've been beaten so many times by the last minute
21:00Hey, what about this?
21:02Good what if somebody walked up to me on the street, and they're like hey, what do you think about your boy Mookie Betts?
21:10No, no, I'm having some National League West fun
21:22Listen guys just hold on one sec. I'd like to do something if you're just joining us
21:28Thank you so much to Jerry Stackhouse Gary Payton the second buddy healed Kavon Looney Steph Curry
21:35They were brought to you all
21:37Courtesy of the River Islands guest line what a great day it was here. Yes, yes, it was it's only gonna get better
21:46Time out and the 20 and
21:50Conversation that you had with Steph Curry will be on at four o'clock
21:58Did not get to hear it
22:00Like you did the River Islands guest line right now because you forgot to do it the last five
22:12There's something I also forgot to do and that is say thank you to Gotts Roadhouse
22:19Yeah, we're burgers here delivered by James Kincaid the mercy Davis and race Raymond Ritter
22:26Of course you guys get down. You guys can take it from here. Have a great day
22:33Seven the game night night