La periodista Verónica Neumann dejó al descubierto varias situaciones que involucran a la actriz y a su actual esposo, Vicente Sabatini.
00:00They'll make a little more for kids.
00:02You can go down to Victoria.
00:04They say that effectively in this festival
00:06of the year 91,
00:08he went out to dance.
00:10But on the dance floor he was surprised
00:12because who were there were Claudia and Vicente.
00:14For the first time
00:16they were surprised together.
00:18In a relationship
00:20public, but of intimate character.
00:22In that bar that had a lot of hygiene down.
00:24After a while,
00:26he went to look for Vicente
00:28but he was no longer there.
00:30Who said that?
00:32Mauricio Pezzutti and his friend
00:34accompanied me to the house.
00:36I had had a great time, but I had mixed feelings
00:38because I was very fond of
00:40Vicente's wife.
00:42For Claudia I was the same
00:44what was happening between her and Vicente.
00:46At that moment I did not worry
00:48if Vicente had arrived or not to the house.
00:50But you did not stay away from Vicente.
00:52I had a little more obsession.
00:54The next day I went to the hotel
00:56to do my job in the press.
00:58And I see that Claudia arrives at the hotel.
01:00Which I found very strange
01:02because the jury did not arrive so early.
01:04They arrived at night.
01:06Claudia passed by my side.
01:08She saw me, but she did not greet me.
01:10She did not tell me anything.
01:12She sat down to make up
01:14and asked the makeup artists
01:16if it was too far to get to the bus
01:18of La Quinta Vergara.
01:20That was the place where Vicente was with the technicians.
01:22Then I started to join everything
01:24and I never told anything to Vicente.
01:26At his consultation,
01:28Claudio did not tolerate
01:30that no fat person approached him.
01:34At his consultation,
01:36Claudio did not tolerate
01:40that no fat person approached him.
01:42One day there was Zapito Livingston
01:44putting on makeup on the channel.
01:46One day there was who?
01:48Claudio did not tolerate
01:50that no fat person approached him.
01:52Sergio Robert.
01:54I came out of the press.
01:56He talked to Salomé, the makeup artist.
01:58They said they did not like fat people
02:00referring to someone
02:02and that this person did not want Salomé to put on makeup.
02:04I joined the conversation.
02:06I asked who they were referring to
02:08and they said to La Combelechuga
02:10pointing out later that it was Claudia.
02:12This is all from the jury.
02:14This is part of the statement
02:16that the third party publishes.
02:18La Combelechuga.
02:20La Combelechuga.
02:22La Combelechuga.
02:24La Combelechuga.
02:36La Huatí.
02:50Vicente no llegó a dormir anoche.
02:52Decía que todos en el hotel le estaban metiendo conversa
02:55a Cristian Campos, quien había llegado al Hotel Miramar.
02:57Estaba en la recepción del Hotel Miramar.
03:00Esperando que viniera a la habitación de Claudia.
03:03Claudia vino a la habitación en la habitación, supuestamente.
03:07Sin embargo, quien no durmió en el departamento con Verónica
03:10fue Vicente.
03:11Y Vicente sí estaba en la habitación con Claudia.
03:14En el hotel.
03:16Y llegó acá.
03:17Y Cristian Campos llegó con los hijos de sorpresa.
03:19¡Ay, Dios mío!
03:24Estaba en la habitación con Claudia.
03:28¡Pobre hombre!
03:29Refeririendo a Cristian Campos, quién le va a decir lo que está
03:33Si esto ya es un secreto a voces, no lo podemos negar más.
03:36Yo le manifesté que yo no lo haría.
03:41Al año siguiente, Vicente se separó de su esposa.
03:43Sin más que agregar por hoy, breve lectura, ratifica y firma
03:46with his wife, María Verónica López.
03:49What a story!
03:50Was Father Hurtado there at that time?