• ayer
[New] My Husband’s Secret (2025) | #LMN | BEST Lifetime Movies | Based on a True Story

00:01:38Absolutely amazing.
00:01:44How'd it feel?
00:01:45Pretty good.
00:01:46Yeah, I just need to figure out those last few moments.
00:01:48I think you're ready.
00:01:49Well, I'm definitely feeling a little past my prime.
00:01:52You don't know what past your prime is
00:01:54until you can share medication notes at the geriatric home.
00:02:00Speaking of which, I need my pills.
00:02:04Come on, Kat. You had heart surgery.
00:02:07And within one year, you're already back on your feet
00:02:09and have the idea for this place?
00:02:11Come on.
00:02:12Since when do you let a little bottle of pills get the best of you?
00:02:15Our dance studio is going to be huge.
00:02:18We're going to pack this place opening day,
00:02:20and every day after that,
00:02:22private lessons, group classes, you name it,
00:02:25this place is going to pop.
00:02:26And virtual dance classes.
00:02:28Why not?
00:02:29And couples classes for the elderly.
00:02:31Then free classes for the at-risk youth center.
00:02:34Okay, you softie.
00:02:35Anything for my very own Mother Teresa.
00:02:37Well, one of us has to have a bleeding heart.
00:02:39Oh, well, I will settle for a heart that keeps pumping.
00:02:45You really think people are going to like this place?
00:02:48I do. I really do.
00:02:50People are masters at hiding who they really are.
00:02:53They need a physical outlet for their emotions.
00:02:56A positive way to express it.
00:02:58We have created a place here where people can feel vulnerable.
00:03:02I truly cannot put into words how much you mean to me, Kat.
00:03:05I feel so blessed that you came into our lives after Madison and I lost Jonathan.
00:03:12Stop. You're going to make me cry.
00:03:15And my makeup is fire today.
00:03:18It really is.
00:03:19So lock it up, Miss Everstone.
00:03:23You don't give yourself enough credit for how strong you are.
00:03:26After everything you've been through.
00:03:31John would be so proud of this place.
00:03:36My favorite thing in the world was to dance with John.
00:03:40I can't believe you're coming up on three years.
00:03:44When's the last time you heard anything from the police?
00:03:47At least six months ago.
00:03:50They told me only one in ten hit and runs ever get solved.
00:03:53I can't imagine how much you're hurting.
00:03:56I hope you know I'm always here for you.
00:04:00You know the drill.
00:04:02The show must go on.
00:04:08I have a new toy.
00:04:09Oh, let me see.
00:04:15How did you do that?
00:04:18Oh wow.
00:04:19Oh my gosh, it's so cool.
00:04:21Oh wow.
00:04:22Oh my gosh, it's so late.
00:04:23I gotta get home.
00:04:24Dinner and a movie night!
00:04:26Have fun!
00:04:50Come on.
00:05:20I love you.
00:05:50I love you.
00:06:21Oh, Kevin!
00:06:22You startled me.
00:06:23Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
00:06:26Uh, what is with the gloves?
00:06:27Oh, I have some stuff I need to unload out of my car.
00:06:30Gotta protect the money makers.
00:06:31Nobody wants to be examined by a plastic surgeon with sandpaper for hands.
00:06:35See how smooth they are?
00:06:37They're so smooth.
00:06:38They're so smooth.
00:06:39They're so smooth.
00:06:40They're so smooth.
00:06:41They're so smooth.
00:06:42They're so smooth.
00:06:43They're so smooth.
00:06:44They're so smooth.
00:06:45They're so smooth.
00:06:46They're so smooth.
00:06:47They're so smooth.
00:06:48They're so smooth.
00:06:49They're so smooth.
00:06:50They're so smooth.
00:06:51They're so smooth.
00:06:52They're so smooth.
00:06:53They're so smooth.
00:06:54They're so smooth.
00:06:55They're so smooth.
00:06:56They're so smooth.
00:06:57Oh, hey, listen.
00:06:58I need your keys because I gotta put my stuff into your garage later tonight.
00:07:03Wait, are you moving your stuff in tonight?
00:07:07Well, we talked about that.
00:07:08You know, this way I could spend more time here with you and Madison.
00:07:11You know, all the back-and-forth at my work and you guys being in the house alone all the time.
00:07:15I thought that's what you wanted.
00:07:17You want it. I thought that's what we all wanted.
00:07:19It is. It's just...
00:07:21Look, you can come spend more time at my place, too.
00:07:23It's just, you know, I mean, since I sold the house,
00:07:26the three of us in my condo is gonna be tight.
00:07:28Yeah, it's not it, Kevin. It's just that that's a big step.
00:07:32A big step in the right direction.
00:07:41If this is too much, too fast,
00:07:45you just let me know, okay?
00:07:48We have to all be okay with this, all of us.
00:07:52I want you to be here.
00:07:54Madison wants you to be here.
00:07:57All I care about is your happiness.
00:08:01You're moving your stuff in. That's so sweet.
00:08:04I thought I would.
00:08:05That's sweet.
00:08:06Is it?
00:08:08Okay. All right. You sure?
00:08:10Okay. I'll tell you what.
00:08:11Madison's gonna be here any minute.
00:08:13Come down when you're ready.
00:08:15Yeah, I'm gonna cook for you.
00:08:16You're gonna love it, too.
00:08:17You're gonna love it, okay?
00:08:18Come down.
00:09:00Dinner's ready!
00:09:15Okay, thank you. This looks amazing.
00:09:17You're welcome.
00:09:21We love having you here.
00:09:22Well, I love being here.
00:09:23I'm not gonna let the two of you out of my sight.
00:09:27What's in there?
00:09:28Oh, it's John's.
00:09:29Just going through some of his old stuff.
00:09:33Hey, Madison.
00:09:34Come on.
00:09:35No phones at the table.
00:09:36What? It's not like I'm bothering anyone.
00:09:38Excuse me.
00:09:39We speak respectfully to one another.
00:09:41Can you imagine if we had this kind of entertainment
00:09:43at our fingertips?
00:09:44No, but I can imagine what it would be like
00:09:46to talk back to my parents at the dinner table.
00:09:50So long.
00:09:51Look, we've all had a very long day,
00:09:53so let's start with a little of this.
00:09:57All right, dig in, everybody. Come on.
00:09:59Here, grab a taco shell here and some rice.
00:10:02You like rice?
00:10:04No? No rice. Okay. Chicken.
00:10:10This is really a beautiful house.
00:10:12What was that?
00:10:14This is a beautiful house.
00:10:18Pays to be in Everstone, huh?
00:10:22Yeah, Jonathan loved us a lot when he passed away.
00:10:26A little too much, in fact.
00:10:29When I met John in college,
00:10:30I had no idea who his family was.
00:10:34I just don't want Madison to grow up thinking
00:10:36money is some infinite resource.
00:10:38You know, I want her to be resourceful and driven.
00:10:43I've decided to set aside a small amount of money
00:10:45to help me get the dance studio off the ground,
00:10:47but everything else will be placed
00:10:49in an irrevocable trust for Madison.
00:10:52All of it?
00:10:54Well, of course, there'll be money for living expenses,
00:10:56education, but the remainder of her inheritance
00:10:59won't be released until she finishes graduate school.
00:11:04Same way my dad gave me the old family sedan
00:11:06when I earned my degree.
00:11:09Just give her something to work towards, you know?
00:11:12I think the attorney's filing this week,
00:11:14so thank you again for recommending Jerry.
00:11:17Of course. I think that's all,
00:11:20that's all excellent news.
00:11:22Yeah, the dance studio is the perfect opportunity
00:11:25for me to just get back to the values my dad taught me.
00:11:29And if it fails, I might have to sell the house,
00:11:31but at least I know I tried.
00:11:34Well, if you end up homeless,
00:11:37I actually know this really nice plastic surgeon
00:11:39who owns his own practice in the building in which it resides,
00:11:42so if you ever need a place to stay,
00:11:44I'm sure something could be figured out.
00:11:47Wow. Can I get his number?
00:11:50I love you, Jackie.
00:11:53I love you, too.
00:12:15¶ After you've gone, after you've gone away ¶¶
00:12:21I love those classics.
00:12:23So there's nothing that can be done, huh, Jerry?
00:12:24Nothing that we can do at all?
00:12:26How many times are we gonna go over this?
00:12:28I mean, irrevocable trust is exactly that.
00:12:30It's irrevocable.
00:12:32Nothing can be done.
00:12:34Madison's gonna receive a stipend while she's in college.
00:12:37Once she graduates, she'll get the rest of the $150 million.
00:12:40It's that simple.
00:12:42And when is Jackie planning on transferring these funds
00:12:44into that trust for Madison?
00:12:46I go to county tomorrow to register it.
00:12:48And once the funds are transferred into Madison's account,
00:12:52that's it.
00:12:53Now, if something should happen to her,
00:12:55then I've been instructed by Jackie
00:12:57to distribute it among several, uh, charities.
00:13:04One other thing, Kevin.
00:13:06Just say there was no trust, okay?
00:13:08And don't take this personal at all.
00:13:11But I have a fiduciary responsibility
00:13:13to protect Jackie's interests.
00:13:15So there's a prenuptial agreement...
00:13:18which I'd like you to sign.
00:13:26Focus on your business, Kevin.
00:13:29All right? Get past the...
00:13:33Forget about this inheritance crap, okay?
00:13:35You'll have a great life.
00:13:37Sure. Just a question, if I may.
00:13:40Um, does anyone else know about this prenuptial agreement?
00:13:44No. It's very discreet.
00:13:46You don't have to be worried about being embarrassed, okay?
00:13:48I understand that as a male.
00:13:50I appreciate that.
00:13:52And-and one last question, if I may.
00:13:54Um, if something like you said happens to Madison,
00:13:57and Jackie does remarry,
00:13:59her new husband then would have legal claim to this money, right?
00:14:07That's a...
00:14:10That's a very incriminating question, Kevin.
00:14:14Yes, it is.
00:14:26I just put a little potassium in you there, Jerry.
00:14:28And it's so funny about potassium, because in trace amounts,
00:14:31it's absolutely harmless to the body.
00:14:33But the dose that was in that syringe
00:14:35was enough to send somebody into instant cardiac arrest.
00:14:40And here's the really cool part.
00:14:42The potassium gets absorbed back by the cells,
00:14:44so, um, it's untraceable in an autopsy.
00:14:48Ah, Jerry.
00:14:51Didn't have to go down this way.
00:15:08What lettering do you like for the sign?
00:15:18How about this one?
00:15:20Yeah, I like it.
00:15:22Jackie Everstone.
00:15:27Ah, I'm sorry, Kat. I have a lot on my mind.
00:15:31Have you transferred the funds to our joint account?
00:15:33Yes, that I did do.
00:15:35They will hit by the end of the week,
00:15:37and they should carry us throughout our lease,
00:15:39whether or not we make a dime.
00:15:41Oh, come on, Jack. Have some faith.
00:15:43Well, faith only gets you so far, Kat.
00:15:45We also need to have a plan.
00:15:47Which is why I have named you my trustee.
00:15:50If anything were to happen to me,
00:15:52you and Madison will have your living expenses taken care of
00:15:54throughout her college years.
00:15:57Okay, well, I am not hearing any of that.
00:16:00You are going to be around until I say so.
00:16:02You hear me?
00:16:04Okay, you're the boss, lady.
00:16:06Mm-hmm. Now let's get back to business,
00:16:08because we need to let people know that we're open.
00:16:12Oh my gosh, my friend Maya from college.
00:16:15Well, we're more like frenemies,
00:16:18but she is a blogger with a huge following.
00:16:20She's asked me multiple times
00:16:22what she could do since Jonathan passed,
00:16:24so why don't I have her write a story about our opening?
00:16:27Maya Wilder?
00:16:29Yeah, that's her.
00:16:31I always have this feeling she's a little jealous
00:16:33of my relationship with Jon,
00:16:35but time heals all wounds, right?
00:16:39Kat, I thought you'd be excited about this.
00:16:41I am.
00:16:44I mean, we have a lot to do around here.
00:16:46Are we ready for that?
00:16:48Do we really want a blogger snooping around?
00:16:50Well, someone once told me
00:16:52there is no such thing as bad publicity.
00:16:56Okay, you got me there.
00:16:59The studio deserves this, Kat.
00:17:01You deserve this.
00:17:03You deserve it all and more.
00:17:05I'm going to call Maya on my way home
00:17:07and then hit Kevin and Madison with the good news.
00:17:09Go. Have fun.
00:17:11You're the freaking best, Kat.
00:17:13I know.
00:17:27Mom? Are you home?
00:17:38Can't wait to see you, Kev.
00:17:44What are you looking at?
00:17:46Oh, Kevin, I was just...
00:17:48When did you get home?
00:17:50I literally just walked in the door.
00:17:52Maybe your mom was right.
00:17:54Maybe you two need to learn a little respect.
00:17:59Oh, hey.
00:18:01What are you guys up to?
00:18:03Yeah, Madison, what were you doing?
00:18:05Just going upstairs.
00:18:07I have exciting news.
00:18:09You do?
00:18:11Yeah, Kat and I are going to be featured on Maya Wilder's blog.
00:18:13It's amazing news, Mom.
00:18:19What's wrong with her?
00:18:25Don't worry about it.
00:18:27That is big news.
00:18:33You must be excited.
00:18:37When did this all go down?
00:18:42Can I come in?
00:18:51Are you doing okay?
00:18:55Are you sure?
00:18:57You know you can tell me anything, right?
00:19:00I know.
00:19:05Well, actually, I saw something really weird on Kevin's computer.
00:19:10It looked like he had a date with some woman tomorrow.
00:19:15It said noon, but I don't remember the details.
00:19:18It just seemed really off.
00:19:22I didn't want to tell you because you seemed so happy.
00:19:27Well, thank you for telling me.
00:19:31I love you, sweet pea.
00:19:33I love you, too.
00:19:35It's you and I.
00:19:37Till the end of time.
00:19:52I love you, too.
00:20:22I love you, too.
00:20:32I can't wait to see you again.
00:20:45What are you doing?
00:20:47I just couldn't sleep.
00:20:49Thank you for my interview.
00:20:54Are you using my laptop?
00:20:56Uh, yeah.
00:20:58I just wanted to read Maya's blog.
00:21:00You know, try to find a connection between the dance studio and her readers.
00:21:05Can't they wait till the morning?
00:21:08Come on.
00:21:09Go to bed with me now.
00:21:10You left me up there by myself.
00:21:12I'm sorry.
00:21:13You're alone.
00:21:14You're not afraid of the dark.
00:21:36You're leaving so early.
00:21:40Go back to sleep.
00:21:42Busy day.
00:21:43I have a lot to do.
00:21:46I'll see you tonight.
00:22:50Hey, it's me.
00:22:52What's going on?
00:22:53Where is he?
00:22:54I don't know.
00:22:55He parked and walked into some building.
00:22:57I couldn't follow him any further.
00:22:59He's been in there 30 minutes.
00:23:02Well, don't jump to conclusions.
00:23:05It's 12.30 in the afternoon.
00:23:07I see.
00:23:09Alright, well thank you.
00:23:11Why are you doing this?
00:23:13What are you doing?
00:23:15All right. Well, thank you.
00:23:17What? What is it?
00:23:19Oh, my gosh. Kevin just walked back to his car with some woman.
00:23:23Well, thank you.
00:23:24I appreciate it. All right. See you later.
00:23:25Yeah, they look very acquainted.
00:23:39Okay, wait a minute. Start over.
00:23:42Bakery, flower shop, and then to the office to meet this woman?
00:23:48Did he give her the flowers?
00:23:49Yeah. Well, I think so. I don't know.
00:23:53What does that even mean?
00:23:55Well, I lost him for a few blocks. It was all very stressful.
00:23:58Kevin drives like a lunatic and I got caught up at some red light.
00:24:01Then I saw his car parked on the street, so I didn't technically get to see him go in.
00:24:05But what else would he be doing with those flowers?
00:24:07I mean, it doesn't sound good, Jackie.
00:24:10But we have to have all the details before we jump to any conclusions.
00:24:17Let me see the picture again.
00:24:27I know this woman. She's an estate attorney.
00:24:30She helped me with probate after my mother passed away.
00:24:33I mean, there wasn't really much to help with since she didn't leave me anything other than overdue bills, but she knows her stuff.
00:24:40And she is happily married to Dylan Cutter.
00:24:47Are you sure?
00:24:49Believe me, that woman is a force.
00:24:51There is no way she's cheating on her husband.
00:24:54I don't know. It doesn't make any sense.
00:24:57I really don't think her and Kevin are messing around.
00:25:00I'm gonna be sick.
00:25:02Just breathe.
00:25:04I seriously don't think Kevin is having an affair.
00:25:08I'd bet my life on it.
00:25:10I just, I can't.
00:25:12I know. Just go home, take a shower, talk to Kevin.
00:25:18Thank you, Kat.
00:25:21I'll let you know what he says.
00:25:56Kevin? Hello? Anyone home?
00:26:27What is all this? Where's Madison?
00:26:30Madison is at a friend's house, so we have the place to ourselves.
00:26:37So, look, I know, I know that you and John would dance all the time.
00:26:41I'm not even gonna pretend to try to fill those shoes.
00:26:46I'm not gonna pretend to try to fill those shoes.
00:26:49I'm not gonna pretend to try to fill those shoes.
00:26:52I'm not gonna pretend to try to fill those shoes.
00:26:56But, if, uh, if you lead,
00:27:05I will follow.
00:27:21What is this?
00:27:23Look at that.
00:27:28I know these last couple years have been so hard for you, Jackie.
00:27:33But I want you to know that, that I'm gonna be here for you.
00:27:45So, uh,
00:27:53Jackie, will you marry me?
00:28:02Uh, if Madison says it's okay.
00:28:06Yeah, of course.
00:28:09But if she says it's okay, then yes.
00:28:12Then yes.
00:28:13Marry me?
00:28:36Oh my gosh!
00:28:38Yeah, so it turns out all the stuff he did that day was for me.
00:28:42That attorney was just a friend of his.
00:28:44He was getting legal advice.
00:28:46She set us up with this self-uniting marriage certificate,
00:28:48so we don't even have to go to the courthouse to make it legal.
00:28:51Which is great, because Kevin knows I do not want another wedding.
00:28:54Why not?
00:28:56Just not a kid anymore.
00:28:59Definitely don't need another blender.
00:29:02So, is it official?
00:29:05Just needs a new signature and a witness.
00:29:09Oh my gosh!
00:29:11What did Madison say?
00:29:12Ah, well, we haven't, we haven't told her yet.
00:29:15I want to have a conversation where she feels included in the decision.
00:29:20I'm sure she'll be thrilled.
00:29:22I know I am.
00:29:23Yeah, I think so too.
00:29:24See Jack, I knew that Kevin was your Prince Charming.
00:29:28How many people get one great love in their lifetime, let alone two?
00:29:41The pain is never going to go away.
00:29:45But you have to live your life.
00:29:47Jonathan would want you to find love again.
00:29:53Jackie, you have to move on.
00:29:55He's not coming back.
00:30:01Kevin won't wait on you forever.
00:30:05Yeah, you're right.
00:30:07And think about Kevin.
00:30:09He's been pretty great to you and Madison.
00:30:14Yes, Kevin has been incredible.
00:30:18Just, I would feel much better if there was some closure.
00:30:27What would make you ready to move on?
00:30:30Have you gone through the rest of John's boxes?
00:30:35You haven't gone through his stuff.
00:30:38The faster you rip it off, the less it hurts.
00:30:42You'll feel so much better afterwards.
00:30:44Just keep a few sentimental things and the rest, just donate or recycle.
00:30:54Okay, that's the plan.
00:30:55That's my girl.
00:30:58Do it tomorrow before the interview.
00:31:00Because you know the drill.
00:31:03The show must go on.
00:31:06So, when are we going to tell Madison?
00:31:09Uh, soon.
00:31:11I just want to have a one-on-one conversation with her and once I gauge the situation, we'll tell her together.
00:31:17I want to be there when you tell her, okay?
00:31:20All right.
00:31:21I'll be right there.
00:31:24Uh, where are you going?
00:31:26I'm going with Anne to a study group.
00:31:28Who's driving?
00:31:30Anne's mom.
00:31:31She's going for a study group at Anne's.
00:31:33It's cooler than hanging out here with us.
00:31:38Be back by nine.
00:31:40Okay, I will.
00:31:41Love you, Mom.
00:31:42Bye, Kevin.
00:31:45She didn't even ask me.
00:31:47She asked me.
00:31:48I said it was okay.
00:31:56I'm sorry.
00:31:58It's okay.
00:32:13Does Anne's mom drive a four-by-four?
00:32:15Jackie, will you relax?
00:32:16She's a smart girl.
00:32:17It's important for her to hang out with her friends.
00:32:19Let's watch the movie.
00:32:53Really, Madison?
00:32:55Sorry, Mom.
00:32:56No sorries.
00:32:57I was worried about you.
00:32:58It's 45 minutes late, okay?
00:32:59We had a lot to cover.
00:33:00No excuses.
00:33:01You could have called or texted me.
00:33:03She did.
00:33:04She did.
00:33:05She texted me.
00:33:06I dozed off, so I didn't get it.
00:33:08It was on silent.
00:33:09But she did.
00:33:12Um, sorry, Mom.
00:33:15I'm really tired.
00:33:16I'm gonna go to bed.
00:33:18Uh, good night.
00:33:25I gotta go to work in the morning.
00:33:26On a Saturday?
00:33:28Gotta do what I gotta do.
00:33:31Go to bed, babe.
00:33:57Morning, Esmeralda.
00:33:58Is my 9 a.m. here?
00:34:00We don't have a 9 a.m.
00:34:01And you're 10 a.m. canceled.
00:34:03Oh, okay.
00:34:04Um, Dr. Richardson.
00:34:06I don't want to be a bother,
00:34:07but I keep trying to talk to you about your mortgage
00:34:10for the office building.
00:34:11It's three months past due.
00:34:13Yes, I know.
00:34:15Also, I called the insurance company
00:34:18and they aren't willing to offer you
00:34:20any malpractice coverage
00:34:21with the pending lawsuits against you.
00:34:23Thanks for the update.
00:34:27I still haven't received my paycheck.
00:34:34I am handling that right now
00:34:36and you will be paid next week.
00:34:38I promise you.
00:34:41You have my word.
00:34:44Would you like a little filler?
00:34:48I mean, not that you need it,
00:34:49but it'll take 10 years off your life.
00:34:53You think so?
00:34:54I do.
00:34:55A little here, a little there.
00:34:56What do you say?
00:35:00You could do it right now
00:35:01because I have an opening.
00:35:03On me.
00:35:04Free of charge.
00:35:05Come on.
00:35:07You could be my next victim.
00:35:17Come get breakfast!
00:35:19Morning, Mom.
00:35:20Oh, good morning, sleepyhead.
00:35:22It's already 10.30.
00:35:26Here you go.
00:35:31Today I need to finish going through
00:35:33the remainder of your father's stuff.
00:35:35I was hoping maybe you would join me
00:35:37while I'm digging through those old memories.
00:35:40I'd love to help.
00:35:47I'd love to help, Anne.
00:35:53I'm really sorry I was late last night.
00:35:56I appreciate that.
00:36:00I didn't know that Anne's mom
00:36:02drove such a big truck.
00:36:05Anne's mom didn't drive last night.
00:36:08Matthew's older brother did.
00:36:10And it wasn't just Anne.
00:36:12It was Anne, Sarah, Dean, and Matthew.
00:36:15But we did go to Anne's house and we did study.
00:36:17You can call her parents.
00:36:19I'm sure I overreacted myself.
00:36:22I'm just glad that you text Kevin.
00:36:25Promise you won't get mad at Kevin, okay?
00:36:30I never actually texted Kevin last night.
00:36:33He was just trying to be cool and cover for me.
00:36:36He tries really hard to get me to like him.
00:36:39Maybe too hard. I don't know.
00:36:42I just hate feeling like I'm keeping something from you.
00:36:47Mom, thank you.
00:36:48I appreciate that.
00:36:51Finish your breakfast and then come help me, okay?
00:37:43I miss Dad.
00:37:46I miss him, too.
00:37:49We're gonna be alright.
00:37:51As long as we stick together, there's nothing we can't handle.
00:37:55Because I don't know if you've heard, but it's you and I.
00:37:58It's alien time.
00:38:01I love you, Mom.
00:38:03I love you, too, kiddo.
00:38:08I gotta get to the dance studio.
00:38:10Kat and I have the interview today and I desperately need a shower.
00:38:14Do you want to take that box up to your room?
00:38:16Oh, yeah.
00:38:34Darn it.
00:38:40I'm sorry.
00:39:10I'm sorry.
00:39:25Knock, knock.
00:39:28So good to see you.
00:39:32Thank you so much for agreeing to do this.
00:39:34Of course. I am glad you finally decided to take me up on my offer.
00:39:37We'll head over here, okay?
00:39:41Wow. This place looks amazing.
00:39:46So, how have you been?
00:39:50Ever since things got rolling with the dance studio, I haven't had much time for anything else.
00:39:55Outside of family life, it's really just been Kat and I trying to get this place off the ground.
00:40:00That's good.
00:40:02Speak of the devil, here she is.
00:40:04Maya, I'd like to introduce you to Kat Connolly.
00:40:07Hey, Kat Connolly.
00:40:10Kat has been my savior since Jonathan passed.
00:40:15And she's the one who introduced me to my fiance, my Kevin.
00:40:20It sounded like you were going to say fiancé?
00:40:23He is your fiancé, isn't he?
00:40:27That explains a lot.
00:40:28Okay, come on. Give me a name.
00:40:29Come on.
00:40:30What kind of friend would I be if I didn't do some internet sleuthing?
00:40:33On your behalf.
00:40:34Well, his name is Kevin Richardson.
00:40:37He's a plastic surgeon.
00:40:38Ooh, a doctor?
00:40:40I thought we were going to talk about the dance studio.
00:40:44Yeah, you're right.
00:40:45I'm so sorry for getting us off topic.
00:40:47We can catch up later.
00:40:49So, what inspired you guys to open the place?
00:40:52Well, Jonathan and I always loved to dance.
00:40:56But he came to every one of my performances and really encouraged my career as a dancer.
00:41:02So, when Jonathan passed, I was pretty lost.
00:41:08And Kat came along and encouraged me to channel all that energy into a dance studio for the next generation.
00:41:15Look, forgive me for asking, but did they ever find out who did it?
00:41:19Did what?
00:41:21Kill Jonathan.
00:41:24Uh, no.
00:41:27Would you mind if I just talk to some sources I have?
00:41:30I mean, maybe I can come up with some leads.
00:41:33Yeah, I'd appreciate that.
00:41:37This is a hard topic for Jackie.
00:41:40I thought we were supposed to talk about the dance studio.
00:41:44Not Jackie's painful past.
00:41:48The dance studio. Right.
00:41:51Sorry, let's get back on task, shall we?
00:41:55Where do you guys see this place being?
00:41:58So, how did the interview go?
00:42:02It was fine.
00:42:04That's it?
00:42:06Yeah, she just asked me some questions about the dance studio.
00:42:10Anything else?
00:42:12Well, you will just have to read the article.
00:42:17What's wrong?
00:42:18Yeah, Mom. You seemed really excited about it before, now you're barely saying anything.
00:42:22I'm just very tired. It's been a long day.
00:42:25You sure you're okay?
00:42:27Yeah, baby, I'm sure.
00:42:31Well, let's end the night on a high note.
00:42:33Shall we share the news with Madison?
00:42:35What news?
00:42:37Your mother and I have decided to get married.
00:42:44Uh, yes, we will.
00:42:46Uh, yes, we were discussing it.
00:42:49But it's a very big life decision.
00:42:51Great. I'm glad you're being honest like we talked about and made me a part of your big life decision.
00:42:56I guess it's you and I and Kevin until the end of time.
00:43:00I thought you would be excited.
00:43:02Oh, but I am, Kevin.
00:43:03My sincerest congratulations to the happy couple.
00:43:06I hope you two are really happy together.
00:43:14What is wrong with you?
00:43:16Hey, don't walk away from me.
00:43:19My daughter's upset and needs her mother.
00:43:21So you can sit there and wait or you can get out of my house.
00:43:25And don't you ever speak to me like that again.
00:43:50What are you doing?
00:43:52I found some old memory cards and dad's stuff.
00:43:54Just importing some pictures.
00:44:00How did you get that on your computer?
00:44:02I have a universal card reader.
00:44:04I can download pretty much anything with it.
00:44:07You truly are amazing.
00:44:11Is it true?
00:44:14Kevin did ask me to marry him.
00:44:16So it is true.
00:44:17But I wanted to have a conversation with you before I said yes.
00:44:22Something just feels strange.
00:44:27I can't quite figure it out.
00:44:31Are you worried that he might replace your father?
00:44:33Because you shouldn't be.
00:44:35No, that's not it.
00:44:39I mean, maybe a little bit, but there's something else.
00:44:43No one will ever replace your dad. Ever.
00:44:50You really didn't say yes?
00:44:53Well, I said yes, but it was conditional.
00:44:55I want your blessing.
00:44:58Hey, if you're not a hundred percent on board with this,
00:45:00there is no way I'm marrying Kevin or anyone for that matter.
00:45:04It's you and I.
00:45:06Until the end of time.
00:45:08You really don't feel anything strange?
00:45:13I think that I was feeling the way you're feeling.
00:45:17But I talked to Kat and she centered me.
00:45:21She's a really wonderful friend.
00:45:26You guys can get married.
00:45:28We have to get a dog.
00:45:30He can be a rescue, but he's gotta be cute.
00:45:33Wow, you really are your father's daughter.
00:45:36That's the deal.
00:45:43I specifically told you I wanted to have a conversation with her.
00:45:46Just her and I.
00:45:48It's not fair that you blindsided her like that.
00:45:51Madison's a big girl. She can handle it.
00:45:53And you know what? Having me officially in her life would be good for her.
00:45:55Even you said that.
00:45:57Okay, what about the other night when Madison came home late?
00:46:00You said that she'd text you, but she didn't, did she?
00:46:03Madison told you that?
00:46:05You think scoring points with a teenager supersedes her safety?
00:46:08You're right.
00:46:11I had a little too much to drink and there was a real lack of judgment there.
00:46:16But, but Madison loves me.
00:46:18I know that, Kevin.
00:46:20I know she loves you.
00:46:21That doesn't mean that she shouldn't have a say in this decision.
00:46:24Madison comes first, always.
00:46:26Do you understand?
00:46:31Look, she's, she's scared.
00:46:33That if we move on too fast, the memory of her father will fade away.
00:46:35That, that John will be lost forever.
00:46:39Is that her fear?
00:46:41Or yours?
00:46:46I didn't mean that.
00:46:48I didn't mean that.
00:46:49I mean, I'm just feeling a little rejected here.
00:46:53I'm sorry.
00:46:58I'm sorry.
00:46:59I'm sorry.
00:47:05What's that?
00:47:07What, the photo?
00:47:09I found it today.
00:47:11It's John and his brother.
00:47:14Who I am embarrassed to say I don't even know his name.
00:47:18He had a falling out with the family and John was trying to reconnect with him and he...
00:47:22Oh, well.
00:47:27Are you okay?
00:47:30Yeah, I'm fine.
00:47:33I just wonder what happened to the rest of it.
00:47:38The rest of the picture, it looks like it's been torn off.
00:47:42Listen, um...
00:47:46I should have given you and Madison more time to process.
00:47:49It was dumb.
00:47:51And, uh, it won't happen again.
00:47:58You think you can forgive me?
00:48:01Do you?
00:48:04You are forgiven.
00:48:06Just please don't let it happen again.
00:48:09Yes, ma'am.
00:48:17Madison and I spoke.
00:48:24She gave me her blessing.
00:48:27She did?
00:48:30It's official.
00:48:31It's official.
00:48:33We're getting married.
00:48:34We're getting married!
00:48:35We're getting married?
00:48:36We're getting married!
00:48:38And we're getting a dog.
00:48:40Wait, what?
00:48:42What kind of dog?
00:49:10Bye, babe.
00:49:11You're up early.
00:49:13It is a very big day.
00:49:14Maya's post about the dance studio drops today.
00:49:16I'm gonna go get Kat so we can read it together
00:49:18and then finish some details for the studio.
00:49:25Have a good day.
00:49:26You too.
00:49:29If you could rush that delivery to get here
00:49:31by the end of the day on Monday,
00:49:33that would be great.
00:49:44Big day.
00:49:46Huge day.
00:49:47Are you ready for this?
00:49:53Kat and Jackie are survivors.
00:49:57Their business venture is exactly what the community needs.
00:50:01But with every positive, there's a negative.
00:50:04And with success, at least for an Everstone,
00:50:06tragedy seems soon to follow.
00:50:10Wealth couldn't isolate the Everstone family from adultery,
00:50:13mysterious deaths with suspicious circumstances,
00:50:16and maybe even a bastard child.
00:50:19You'd be a fool to rule out foul play,
00:50:22and foul play could mean murder with a capital M.
00:50:28So who will be the next to succumb to the Everstone family curse?
00:50:34What is this?
00:50:36This is supposed to be a story about our dance studio,
00:50:38not some gossip-mongering tabloid garbage.
00:50:42I am so sorry, Jackie.
00:50:44This makes it sound like I'm plagued with some curse or something.
00:50:47Who is going to want to come here?
00:50:50Why would Maya betray me like that?
00:50:53Maya Wilder will regret this.
00:51:04Welcome home.
00:51:06I read the article.
00:51:09You did?
00:51:10I was about to inject Botox in one of my patients' faces
00:51:13when they, out of nowhere, asked me about the unusual circumstances
00:51:16surrounding my fiancé's first husband,
00:51:19and then proceeded to flip their phone around,
00:51:22and who did I see?
00:51:24A picture of me as a footnote
00:51:27in an article that was supposed to be about your dance studio.
00:51:31Kevin, I am so sorry.
00:51:34The curse of the Everstone family.
00:51:38Rumors of an affair, a cover-up, a bastard child,
00:51:43and murder?
00:51:46Jackie, is that for real?
00:51:49Why did you tell her all that then?
00:51:51I didn't.
00:51:53Maya asked if she could do some digging into John's death.
00:51:56In no way did I divulge any personal information.
00:52:01You asked her to do some digging
00:52:04into what is the most painful thing
00:52:07you've ever gone through.
00:52:11And in the process, you destroyed my privacy.
00:52:14Kevin, no.
00:52:16No, I...
00:52:18Oh, well, yeah, but it wasn't in that context.
00:52:22What am I supposed to tell my patients?
00:52:25I didn't even know half of the stuff in that article.
00:52:29I can't believe you think that I would betray your trust.
00:52:41I'm sorry.
00:52:45Look, we're gonna, um...
00:52:47We're gonna get through this
00:52:49the way that we get through everything else that comes at us.
00:52:52We're gonna do it together.
00:53:18Maya, you have got a lot of nerve.
00:53:20Jackie, I had every intention to write about your new business.
00:53:23I did. It's just the journalist in me took over.
00:53:26I started researching Jonathan's death.
00:53:29I can't get it out of my head.
00:53:32This was such an incredible opportunity.
00:53:35I thought maybe shining a light on it might help.
00:53:38I didn't think about the collateral damage.
00:53:41Well, I appreciate your accountability.
00:53:45I know I don't deserve your forgiveness,
00:53:47but I'm gonna make it up to you.
00:53:49I'm gonna publish a follow-up piece,
00:53:51and it's gonna focus only on your new dance studio,
00:53:54and I'm gonna get some of my influencer friends to post about it as well.
00:53:58I would really appreciate that.
00:54:00I know Kat would be grateful as well.
00:54:03Listen, there's more.
00:54:08While I was doing my research,
00:54:12I found that one of your in-laws did have an affair.
00:54:16I called the county to pull the records.
00:54:18I searched all the birth certificates,
00:54:20but someone went through a lot of trouble to cover it up.
00:54:26I think there might be a third Everstone child.
00:54:29A third Everstone child?
00:54:31How do you know this?
00:54:33I know you have a lot of questions.
00:54:37Maybe John's estranged brother, William, might have some of the answers.
00:54:41Do you know William?
00:54:43No, I never met him.
00:54:45Yeah, well, he didn't really seem like he wanted to talk.
00:54:49Hopefully you'll have better luck.
00:54:51Look, I'll text you his business address, okay?
00:54:54Okay. Thank you, Maya.
00:55:43We're closed.
00:55:50Can I help you with something?
00:55:52William, it's nice to finally meet you.
00:55:56You are William, right?
00:55:59Maybe. Who's asking?
00:56:01I'm Jacqueline.
00:56:05Jacqueline Everstone.
00:56:09You know you're the second lady to ask for Will this week?
00:56:14I'm going to tell you the same thing I told her, okay?
00:56:17He's on extended leave. I don't know where he is.
00:56:20I know it's you.
00:56:22Miss, look, I think you're confused.
00:56:25You look just like him. It's in the eyes.
00:56:29Listen, lady.
00:56:30John was my husband. He was the love of my life. And he's gone.
00:56:34I'm just trying to get some closure.
00:56:37I don't know anything about that, okay?
00:56:40How about I give you my number? You think of anything you can call me?
00:56:44What about money? I can get you money.
00:56:46You think I want money?
00:56:48You know what? If you know what's good for you, you get out of here right now.
00:56:52Please, help me.
00:56:54Listen, we're closed. You're trespassing. I need you to go.
00:56:59I'm sorry, all right? You got the wrong guy.
00:57:16I'm sorry.
00:57:46I'm sorry.
00:58:16I'm sorry.
00:58:42You've just been injected with succinicoline.
00:58:45You're not paralyzed, but you're going to remain conscious.
00:58:48I'm going to ask you a series of questions.
00:58:50Only twice if you understand me.
00:58:58Did you reach out to William Kimball?
00:59:05Did William talk to you?
00:59:13Does Jackie know about William?
00:59:21See, now, if I had gotten your full cooperation,
00:59:24the coroner wouldn't have to rule this a seizure that led to an accidental drowning.
00:59:43I'm sorry.
01:00:13I'm sorry.
01:00:43I'm sorry.
01:01:13I'm sorry.
01:01:43I'm sorry.
01:01:58What are you doing out here?
01:02:00Nothing. I thought I heard something.
01:02:02There's nothing out here.
01:02:04Where were you?
01:02:06I was in the bathroom.
01:02:08Come back to bed. Come on.
01:02:38Come on.
01:03:08Come on.
01:03:38You've reached Kat. You know what to do.
01:03:41Kat, listen.
01:03:43Things are snowballing, and it's a little too much to explain right now,
01:03:46but I'm headed to meet someone who might have information on John's death.
01:03:50Kevin doesn't know what I'm doing, and he can't know I was told to come alone,
01:03:53so please, if anything happens to me, look after Madison.
01:03:58I'm headed to the fire road below where John was found.
01:04:02I'll call you when I can.
01:05:02I can see you.
01:05:07Hey, what's up, Jaggie?
01:05:10Are you following me?
01:05:17Why are you following me?
01:05:20Because I was worried about you.
01:05:24Look, I know you're under a lot of pressure with the dance studio
01:05:27and the whole new marriage, and...
01:05:31I just wanted you to know that I'm not here trying to replace John.
01:05:35I could never do that.
01:05:37I'm just here trying to be the best husband that I can be,
01:05:41and I'm always gonna do that.
01:05:44I promise you.
01:05:46We're in this together, okay?
01:05:49You good?
01:06:20All right, it's on me. Let's see.
01:06:22Oh! Exploding, but guess what?
01:06:24I got this one, so I'm good, which means...
01:06:29That's going there, and this is going there to you.
01:06:34Are you kidding me?
01:06:35What'd you get?
01:06:36Two in a row.
01:06:37You got... Oh!
01:06:39You got anything?
01:06:40I win. I win!
01:06:42I always win.
01:06:45No way. No.
01:06:46I'm tired.
01:06:47Come on.
01:06:58Who's that?
01:06:59I don't know.
01:07:00Answer it.
01:07:02I don't know who it is.
01:07:04Could be somebody important.
01:07:10Maybe they'll leave a message.
01:07:19Seems somebody really needs to get a hold of you.
01:07:28Must have lost him.
01:07:34One more.
01:07:36You, you, you.
01:07:38Look at that, you.
01:08:03Hello? Is someone there?
01:08:06I think I know who this is, and you can trust me.
01:08:09Please, just hear me out.
01:08:12Jonathan was a good man. He was a sweet man.
01:08:15Now, I'm sure that you have been mistreated by a lot of people, but I knew John, and I...
01:08:19I bet he wasn't one of them.
01:08:23John died three years ago.
01:08:25My daughter and I still have no answers.
01:08:28We live with this uncertainty every day, so please, if you have any information on John's death, help me.
01:08:39Meet me outside.
01:08:41Right now. Exit the back.
01:08:56Get in.
01:09:18So, uh, what's with the blocked calls and the secret notes?
01:09:22For safety.
01:09:24I can take care of myself.
01:09:25I didn't say it was for your safety.
01:09:29You know what? I think this was a mistake. I'm just gonna head to the studio.
01:09:33Wait. Please, sit down.
01:09:36There's something I have to tell you.
01:09:45John reached out to me a few months before his death.
01:09:48John reached out to me a few months before his death.
01:09:52He never did anything wrong to me, and he was young when I left.
01:09:55So, he was always calling, leaving voicemails, writing letters, but this one letter in particular stood out above them all.
01:10:03I want you to read it.
01:10:10Brother, I hope this finds you well.
01:10:13I wanted to tell you I understand and respect you and your choice to leave the family business behind,
01:10:18but I wish we were a bigger part of each other's lives now.
01:10:21My wife and daughter Madison are well.
01:10:23I hope one day soon you accept our invitation to dinner.
01:10:27William, you know who has resurfaced.
01:10:30He's been showing up, uninvited, needs money again, and I fear I'm enabling his irrational behavior.
01:10:35We got into an argument, and he was angrier than I've seen him.
01:10:38You know he's got a dangerous temper, so keep an eye out.
01:10:41Hope to talk soon. Love, John.
01:10:43Wish I would have called him back.
01:10:46Wait, I don't understand. Who is John talking about? Who resurfaced?
01:10:52You don't know?
01:10:54Know what?
01:10:57Know what?
01:11:02Kevin is our brother.
01:11:07Well, I mean, he's our half-brother.
01:11:19I'm sorry.
01:11:21I didn't know he found you until I saw the two of you on the fire road.
01:11:26My father, Edward, met our mother, Eliza, in a small town
01:11:29whenever Stone Industries was out there building a mill.
01:11:32They started a relationship.
01:11:34So when the mill was finished, my father wanted to go back to New York.
01:11:37My mother's one stipulation was her two-year-old son had to go with him.
01:11:42My father said, yes, sure.
01:11:44Went back to New York. Nine months later, I was born.
01:11:49So your mother, Eliza, was married before?
01:11:52We don't know. She took that secret to her grave.
01:11:55My father knew, but he never told anybody.
01:11:58But he treated Kevin like one of his own. I mean, he really took good care of him.
01:12:02But he just kept getting into trouble.
01:12:05Started out small, you know?
01:12:07He was just bullying and cheating in school.
01:12:10And then it got much, much worse.
01:12:14My father had to send him to military school.
01:12:16That worked for a little bit, too, until he got expelled from there
01:12:19for stalking a professor for giving him a bad grade.
01:12:23Kevin basically drove my father to drink.
01:12:26He was so worried that Kevin was going to tarnish the good family name
01:12:30that he cut him out of the family will entirely.
01:12:33Paid for his medical school, but sent him away and told him
01:12:36if he ever came back, he would pull that scholarship from him, too.
01:12:40From that point forward, his relationship with both my parents was spotty, at best.
01:12:46And what about you?
01:12:48Me? I left him my own court.
01:12:52I know it sounds like a sweet deal to inherit the family business,
01:12:55but it comes with a dark side.
01:12:58So what did you do?
01:13:01On my 18th birthday, I packed a bag and found the first bus out of town.
01:13:06Only thing I have to remember in my family now is my father's wedding ring
01:13:09and my mother's pendant.
01:13:13Any regrets?
01:13:15Just that I wish I would have patched things up with John.
01:13:22Kevin is not what he seems.
01:13:25That man is a liar, and he's dangerous.
01:13:31I think he killed my father.
01:13:35Look, I really appreciate you telling me all this, but this is a lot to process.
01:13:40Wait. Please. Please don't go.
01:13:43Just give me another minute. This is the most important part.
01:13:51Three years ago, Kevin brought me his fancy electric car to get fixed.
01:13:55Said he didn't want to run through insurance, it would run the bill up.
01:13:58I said, sure. He told me he got into an accident, that he'd hit a deer.
01:14:02What Kevin didn't know is that all those cars have a camera system built into it
01:14:06for autonomous driving.
01:14:08Now, I don't think he paid for the option, but it's installed in the car regardless.
01:14:13Look, I'm no computer guy, but...
01:14:17I took the memory card out of the car.
01:14:19It might have recorded the accident.
01:14:22Take it.
01:14:24I don't know, but I think whatever happened is on that card.
01:14:30I think Kevin hit John.
01:14:33I mean, the timing, it's just, it's too coincidental.
01:14:36And if he did hit John, it was no accident.
01:14:55Hey, sweetie, it's Mom. I need you to call me, okay? It's really important.
01:15:06Hi, Jerry Shapiro, please. It's Jacqueline Everstone.
01:15:09I am so sorry to inform you, Mr. Shapiro passed away on Wednesday night.
01:15:14He's in a critical condition.
01:15:16He's in a critical condition.
01:15:18Hi, Jerry Shapiro, please. It's Jacqueline Everstone.
01:15:21I am so sorry to inform you, Mr. Shapiro passed away unexpectedly.
01:15:28Okay, thank you. I'm so sorry for your loss.
01:15:48I'm so sorry for your loss.
01:16:03Kat, I need you at the studio as soon as possible.
01:16:06I'm already here. What's going on?
01:16:08I just uploaded a video on our storage cloud. I need you to watch it.
01:16:11And if it is what I think it is, I need you to call the police.
01:16:14Is this about that estranged brother who wanted to meet you where John died?
01:16:18Uh, yeah. Kevin is actually John's brother.
01:16:22I'm pretty sure it's Kevin who killed John.
01:16:25And I need to get a hold of Madison. Her phone's going straight to voicemail.
01:16:28Jackie, that is a huge accusation.
01:16:31I know you've had misgivings about Kevin, but a murderer?
01:16:35Yeah, well, I hope I'm wrong, but I can't take any chances. I need to find Madison.
01:16:40Okay, come on, sweetie. Come on.
01:16:43Madison here. Leave a message.
01:16:46Sweetie, I need you to call me, okay? Call me back.
01:16:58Hey, Mom.
01:17:01Madison, why are you calling me on Kevin's phone?
01:17:04Uh, because I'm with Kevin.
01:17:06Did you try and call me? My phone's been dead and he doesn't have a car charger.
01:17:09You're with Kevin right now?
01:17:12Yeah, he's getting something out of the trunk.
01:17:15He said we were on the way to meet you.
01:17:17Okay, sweetie, I need you to do something for me, okay? I need you to get out of the car.
01:17:21I need you to get out of the car, Madison!
01:17:24Get out of the car!
01:17:25Mom, I can't hear anything. There's terrible reception.
01:17:27Kevin is dangerous! Get out of the car, Madison!
01:18:27William, I need your help. Look, I realize that you don't owe me any favors, but you were right.
01:18:31Kevin did it. And now that we have the video evidence to prove it, it's too late to go to the cops.
01:18:35Kevin has Madison. I'm meeting him at the dance studio at 8 p.m.
01:18:40I can't, Jackie. I just can't help you out. I'm sorry.
01:18:46What are you going to do?
01:18:49Well, I'm going to go get my daughter back.
01:19:10That's no deer.
01:20:14Hey, Kat.
01:20:20Where have you been?
01:20:24Change of plans. Jackie knows I killed Josh. He's going to be here at 8.
01:20:28I know. There's a video of it, you dummy. Your car recorded it.
01:20:36Low life. Always nosing away in other people's business.
01:20:40It's okay. I'll deal with that later. Can we delete the video?
01:20:46It's already dead.
01:20:48Good girl. Good girl.
01:20:50Do I have to kill Madison?
01:20:52Of course we have to. No loose ends.
01:20:56Jackie signed the marriage certificate. The family fortune will go to me.
01:21:01You mean us.
01:21:06I was thinking about that. Although you did a great job convincing Jackie to marry me,
01:21:11I'm not sure if your services are going to be needed moving forward.
01:21:17You're scaring me, Kevin.
01:21:19Well, it is my family fortune.
01:21:23What do you think of this story?
01:21:25Poor Jacqueline Everstone cracks under the grief of her teenage daughter dying of a drug overdose.
01:21:35Kevin, please.
01:21:37She finds her daughter Madison in her dance studio with a needle sticking out of her arm.
01:21:42What mother could handle that? So she kills herself.
01:21:46And finally, and most tragic, her best friend, her confidant, her business partner
01:21:51will walk in and find both their dead bodies and die of a broken heart.
01:21:59Leaving yours truly the last man standing.
01:22:06Kevin, my pills.
01:22:11You paid a block or so.
01:22:22Crushing, isn't it?
01:22:26I'm going to watch your heart stop now.
01:22:29Any final words?
01:22:35Well, you've been playing checkers.
01:22:39I've been playing chess.
01:22:52How about we try a different story?
01:22:56How about the Everstone family curse takes down Jackie, Madison and Kevin?
01:23:03Leaving the beloved best friend as the last woman standing.
01:23:09Because the family attorney died mysteriously, Madison's trust was never recorded.
01:23:14Which means all Jackie's assets are tied to her new business.
01:23:21And go to her partner after her death.
01:23:26Bye, Kevin.
01:23:44Bye, Kevin.
01:24:35Jackie, come here!
01:24:37What happened? Are you okay?
01:24:47Kat! What are you doing?
01:24:49I have been a black swan my whole life.
01:24:52You just fell into a fortune!
01:24:54Kevin uplifted his youthfulness, so I killed him.
01:24:57And now I'm going to kill you.
01:25:20Are you alright?
01:25:22William, look out!
01:25:45Oh, Jackie!
01:25:51Come out, come out, wherever you are.
01:25:57Oh, don't be shy, Jackie.
01:26:03You know the drill, Jackie.
01:26:06You know the drill, Jackie.
01:26:16The show must go on.
01:26:26Hey, Kat.
01:26:29The show's over.
01:27:19Oh, baby.
01:27:28What happened to Kevin?
01:27:31He didn't make it.
01:27:35Hey, William, where are you going?
01:27:39Oh, I thought I'd just go, you know?
01:27:42I don't want to be in the way.
01:27:44No, you're not in the way.
01:27:46You're the only family we have now.
01:27:49Unless you want to disappear.
01:27:54No. No, I don't think I do.
01:27:58Maybe I'll try something different this time.
01:28:01Stick around.
01:28:06Well, then I'd like you to meet someone.
01:28:08I'm your father's brother, William.
01:28:11Oh. Hi, Uncle William.
01:28:13It's nice to officially meet, then.
01:28:15Yeah. Yeah, it is.
01:28:19Come here. Get in here.
01:28:22Come here.
01:28:24Get in here.
01:28:49It's time!
01:28:52They're all waiting for you.
01:28:53Thank you. Couldn't have done this without you.
01:29:01Wow. You look great.
01:29:03Thank you, William.
01:29:05You ready, Mom?
01:29:07It's you and I.
01:29:09Till the end of time.