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00:00Well, hey everybody, it's me, Rosie O'Donnell, star of the Flintstones.
00:06It's Tuesday all day, as my nana would say.
00:09And I'm here in Ireland, and it's beautiful and warm, not physically, it's actually quite
00:18Moved here on January 15th, and it's been pretty wonderful, I have to say.
00:26The people are so loving and so kind, so welcoming, and I'm very grateful in the process of getting
00:37my Irish citizenship, as I have Irish grandparents, and that's what's going on, and that's where
00:46I've been and what I've been doing.
00:48And although I was never someone who thought I would move to another country, that's what
00:56I decided would be the best for myself and my 12-year-old child.
01:04And here we are, here we are.
01:10So TikTok has gotten a little bit dark and negative for me.
01:16I don't feel capable of going through the hate that comes through, and I'm trying Substack,
01:25and I think I like it there.
01:27Now, it's hard to learn.
01:28If the Substack people are listening, you really need a more user-friendly app.
01:33It's very difficult to even find where you post.
01:37Well, maybe it's algebra, and I'm a geometry person.
01:42I don't understand algebra, and Facebook was a mystery to me and remains a mystery
01:49to me.
01:50TikTok seemed like a cinch, and I got it from the get-go.
01:55But Substack, one of the reasons why I'm liking it is it's a lot more about writing and photographs,
02:03which seem to be less incendiary, and I don't necessarily want to see myself on the news
02:11on posts like this one.
02:13But there you have it.
02:15It's going to be what it's going to be when you're a public figure living a more private
02:20life as you get older.
02:22This is sort of the journey that you take.
02:27I'm happy.
02:31Clay is happy.
02:33I miss my other kids.
02:34I miss my friends.
02:37I miss many things about life there at home, and I'm trying to find a home here in this
02:48beautiful country.
02:50And when it is safe for all citizens to have equal rights there in America, that's when
02:59we will consider coming back.
03:05It's been heartbreaking to see what's happening politically and hard for me personally as
03:18The personal is political, as we all know.
03:22So I've met a bunch of people.
03:25Everyone's been friendly.
03:27I have a wonderful friend named Tom, who has taken me under his wing and showed me around
03:36I'm so grateful, really grateful.
03:40And I imagined a different life for me when I met him.
03:43I said, imagine if I was raised here, who would I be?
03:48Would I be the same person?
03:49I don't know.
03:51I don't really know.
03:54But that's the story of what's been going on.
03:56So if you want to follow me on Substack, please do.
04:03There's options.
04:04You can do it for free, of course.
04:07And there's a way to subscribe that you get extra things like possibly videos like this
04:13or lives or, you know, if I knew how to do it, I would be able to explain better what
04:20I'm going to do.
04:21But I don't really know how to do Substack yet.
04:24So what I'm mostly doing are those little kind of simplistic, poetic lyrics, posts,
04:34you know, the least words to get to the point, kind of.
04:38Not flowery and literary, just more like text blogs.
04:44And that's how it comes out for me when I do my stuff on the internet.
04:48So I'm not going to try to impress people.
04:51I'm just going to put out the stuff as it arrives onto my phone and or my laptop.
04:59And I hope you're okay.
05:01And I'm sorry for those of you who were worried and who missed me.
05:05I just felt like we needed to take care of ourselves and make some hard decisions and
05:10follow through.
05:11And now as we're getting settled, I was ready to post this and to tell everybody what's
05:20been going on.
05:21So there, I've missed you, TikTok.
05:25I'm worried that TikTok is going to go away.
05:27It seems as though the only place you can get the news of what's really happening in
05:33terms of protests and whatnot is on TikTok.
05:38And the mainstream media has been letting us all down there in America, where the fourth
05:43estate is required in order to maintain a democracy.
05:48And they haven't been doing their job.
05:53So here's hoping that they will get better before it's too late.
05:58And here's hoping it's not too late already.
06:01I encourage everyone to stand up, to use their voice, to protest, to demand that we follow
06:13the constitution in our country.
06:17And not a king, not a man.
06:20And we don't have cruelty as part of our governing style.
06:27All right then, hold please, hold please.
06:33So I've been traveling around Ireland, checking it out.
06:37Beautiful country.
06:39I just want to, I wish I had brought my SLR camera, my single lens reflex digital, although
06:46the iPhone cameras are pretty remarkable.
06:50I just really want to get into photography as much as I used to be when my older children
06:58were tiny.
06:59I would take rolls and rolls of film every day.
07:04And it feels like such a long time ago that you had to actually use film and a camera.
07:13But I am going to see about maybe getting another one or having mine sent over or whatever
07:20I can do.
07:22But that's all.
07:24I wanted to tell you too that Kuma is with us and is doing great and loves, loves being
07:31able to be outside and taking walks on the cliffs overlooking the Irish Sea and Kuma
07:39is in heaven.
07:42And that's pretty much all the news fit to print for today.
07:46So I'm going to post this.
07:48I'm going to put my substack address on the, in the comments or the info, whatever the
07:58description of this video.
08:01I still don't know how to make it a blue check so that you can just click and be there.
08:05So you have to copy and paste.
08:07I'm really sorry about that, but one day I'm going to learn and not having my 20 year olds
08:13here to help me is problematic.
08:18So that's it, ladies and gentlemen, that's the story.
08:22Rosie O'Donnell right there, all the news, peace, people, peace.
08:30And, you know, protect your sanity is all I can say.
08:35Protect your sanity as much as you can and try not to swim in the chaos if possible.
08:42But I know it's nearly impossible when you're there in the middle of it.
08:47And I think about everyone every day and the United States of America.
08:55And I am hoping that we can turn things around, counting on you, all of you to do what's right.
09:04And I think deep down inside, we all know what that is.
09:08All right.
09:10Take care.
09:11Tick tock.
09:12You don't stop.
