👉 En conjunto con un gran operativo, Javier Milei llegó para monitorear el trabajo de asistencia a las víctimas por el temporal en Bahía Blanca.
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00:00Once Javier Milei goes to Bahia Blanca, let's remember that he had gone when it was the time of December 16, 2023, in the first week of government.
00:10Milei, as soon as that strong storm happens, went to Bahia Blanca too, on that occasion.
00:17And now, repeat, in this case, he arrived today at 6.30 in the morning, as you said, on a flight with his closest committee,
00:25with Guillermo Franco, with Karina Milei, with the main government leaders, and obviously Patricia Bullrich and Luis Petri were there,
00:32who have been in the area for several days.
00:36The army was there yesterday and all night.
00:40They began to build one of the bridges that are used, they are campaign bridges.
00:44Remember that in one of the main access roads, there were bridges that were cut off,
00:51roads that were cut off to allow water to drain.
00:55Then they fell from 14 bridges that communicate to different areas, they fell due to the water, I think 11 or 12.
01:05So there is a lot of work there from all the armed forces, that is why Luis Petri is there,
01:11also because of a security issue, Patricia Bullrich, who already went to meet Javier Milei early this morning.
01:19I think it can also be Milei's visit a stepping stone to see how the situation is, although it is very serious,
01:26and to end up probably advancing in future assistance decisions towards Bahía Blanca.
01:32This is the bridge armament, it was assembled during the whole night.
01:37No, Milei's visit, I say, was necessary.
01:41Super necessary.
01:42Sometimes we wondered why she hadn't left yet.
01:45Well, supposedly this has to do with the fact that the decision to travel has been kept with a lot of secrecy,
01:52to avoid all kinds of political issues in between, and political exploitation too, right?
02:02Alejandro, the area where you are, which is the operations center, over there is where Milei goes,
02:08from there the special operations command is being organized.
02:15This is the special operations command, Antonio,
02:18where the different forces here from the province of Buenos Aires were working,
02:24where the helicopters also command and where they have a lot of monitors,
02:30where they are monitoring all the work that is being done here in CERRI, including tracking.
02:36With a drone they are receiving images, which is what also allows you to see everything they are working on from there.
02:43This is the operations center, excuse me, of the security forces.
02:47Is it different from all the work that the armed forces are doing?
02:52Of course, of course. This is the operations command,
02:55this is the trailer of the city ministry of the province of Buenos Aires,
02:58which in general in this type of case is used to have inside a monitoring of everything that is happening around.
03:07They confirm me, they confirm me that Milei would be coming now.
03:11We would have it in image at the beginning on the route, in minutes only, on route 3.
03:17It is already transiting what they tell me, part of route 3,
03:21to be able to arrive in minutes only here at the operations center.
03:24And let's pay attention to this, that it could enter the locality of CERRI to see the area,
03:31how it has been because General CERRI is one of the most affected places,
03:38but in minutes the president would be arriving here to be aware of the tasks that are being carried out
03:44and obviously also have a monitoring of the searches of the little sisters,
03:47which at this moment is already being carried out on route 3
03:50and is going to look for her to the part of the mouth of the sea, Antonio.
03:54Well, CERRI, we were yesterday, do you remember?
03:56Completely flooded, a pot, a pool, very difficult drainage of the water,
04:03where, well, the people who of course have their house there,
04:06that no one still understands why they allowed their land to be sold and built.
04:12I say, here the municipal officials of that moment will have to give some explanation,
04:17because virtually it is a scam for the people.
04:20That is where today still remains a lot of water,
04:25of the most complicated areas it is still precisely CERRI, which is where it would be.
04:30It would be necessary to see in what year, at what time it was approved, right?
04:32Well, but there should be some, the current mayor should look back
04:36to see who is responsible for all that.
04:40Then I think, I insist, beyond what climate change is,
04:44the hand of man is absolutely everywhere here, in climate change too,
04:49but here the hand of man is in the lack of work.
04:52Or the non-hand of man, basically, why not?
04:54The hand of man is taking the money elsewhere.
04:57In the lack of work, in many streets of land that should be paved,
05:01and that very likely in disasters appear paved.
05:04This happens in much of Gran Buenos Aires.
05:07And then, the same thing we saw in CERRI, and a little while ago in another of the areas,
05:11places where it is not possible to allow urbanization without certain works,
05:17which, of course, are invested.
05:19Again, this is not the heritage of Bahía Blanca.
05:22Gran Buenos Aires, to speak, and a large number of localities,
05:25have unplanned, unprojected, unurbanized growth.
05:29Of course, when a tragedy happens, you have this.
05:32It could have been inherited, and surely not, with 300 millimeters,
05:36for more works, but it would have been much less, without a doubt.
05:39The dialogue between SUFGIELES and MILEI is also important, I think, to take into account,
05:44because SUFGIELES is the one who has in the first place the whole situation.
05:47And also, even as a gesture, SUFGIELES, an intendant of Peronism,
05:53that there may be political dialogue between different signs,
05:58the same as an eventual meeting with AXEX and SILVOS, please.
06:02Well, we are there, show me again the Operations Center, please,
06:05to see if Alejandro is there, there he is.
06:08Well, what we are seeing, the cars, that's Route 3, right?
06:16Of course, of course, Antonio, what is behind is Route 3.
06:19We are also attentive, and we do not want to lose sight of the route,
06:24of the traffic that is coming from the center of Bahía Blanca to here,
06:27to see if we can observe the committee at a distance.
06:30We see there that there are some shelters in some vehicles.
06:35We want to know if the arrival of the President to this place is imminent.
06:40They tell me that he is on his way, and he is very close to the place where he was.
06:45He is only with some blocked streets,
06:47that you can get there to release for the President,
06:50about 40 minutes from where he was just minutes ago.
06:5425 have already passed, so the official committee could be there at any time,
07:01to obviously meet here in the Operations Command,
07:05to be aware of the operations that are being carried out here in Serri.
07:09Well, there we are waiting for the arrival of the President.
07:14Remember, he traveled early this morning, 6 and a half in the morning,
07:18without an official announcement, to avoid any political use of this issue,
07:22especially after the Chemi-Ley of the former Vice President,
07:28twice convicted, which he wrote yesterday.
07:30I always remember that, forgive me, but I will always remember it,
07:33because it seems to me that if we do not become aware of what our policy was,
07:38and some politicians, we are lost.
07:42Because a large part of what is missing money,
07:45was taken away by corruption, among other things.
07:49To avoid that political use, it was not announced,
07:53it was not officially announced that the President was going to come here to Bahía Blanca,
07:58that he was going to go to Bahía Blanca.
08:00He went with his sister, who is the Secretary General of the Presidency, Carina Millay,
08:04with Guillermo Francos, the head of the Cabinet,
08:06and there is Patricia Bullrich and Luis Petri.
08:09I understand that it was coordinated directly, obviously, between the government,
08:14and with his henchmen, with the mayor of the city,
08:18who was also aware, early today, of the arrival.
08:21He was not aware, for example, Axel Kicillof just said it,
08:25he was not aware of the arrival of Millay,
08:28that is why he remained very stealthy, and I think it is correct.
08:33It is very important to visit the President in a situation like this,
08:37it is very important, that is why it was very strange,
08:40and it was not good that he did not go.
08:42This is very important for the people of Bahía, for the mayor,
08:46for the security forces that are working, it is very important.
08:50It is a gesture to say, I come to give you a hand, I come to listen.
08:53Look, here I am, I see, because now the government has to start delineating
08:59the package of aid, because this, again, this is not enough,
09:03with the province, this is nation-province, I say, otherwise you have no way.
09:07It is nation-province, and that the aid is very specific, very clear,
09:13beyond the funds themselves, if not, what is it going to be destined for?
09:16What Patricia Bullrich said yesterday is that the idea of the government is
09:19punctual aid to each person.
09:21This is, I understand it as, people have to get together again,
09:26they have to put together their whole house, they have to change the car, the pymes.
09:30Well, punctual aid, at least from the national government,
09:34what is proposed is that, Luis Caputo is working on that,
09:36the Minister of Economy, because they are funds that have to come out,
09:39obviously from the government.
09:42Let's remember that there are 10 billion pesos that have already come out,
09:45they are already effective, but let's remember that it came out,
09:48and that there is also an important package of measures,
09:51which was announced yesterday by Governor Axel Kicillof, in that sense.
09:55So it seems to me that in this case, the truth is that province and nation
09:59are handling each other in tandem, they are managing the conflict in tandem.
10:03Kicillof again asked for a meeting with the President,
10:05the truth is that it is fine as he raised it, that meeting has to be given,
10:09even if later they shake hands and kill each other electorally,
10:13here you have to put everything aside.
10:16Yes, and the truth is that it seems to me that there was an impasse in the campaign,
10:20or in the electoral climate of the campaign.
10:23Yes, let Cristina know.
10:24And I tell you more, let Cristina know, and let those who are going to march today know too,
10:28to many.
10:29Well, no, those who are going to march today, the intention of marching today is basically ...
10:32There are not the people who are going in a genuine way, which surely there are too.
10:35It's fine, but ...
10:36But those who are going to march to do politics ...
10:38And you have the bars, the intention of today's march is simply to look for a conflict
10:43to complicate the government.
10:45The CGT coincidentally met yesterday too.
10:48After a long time, they meet again yesterday.
10:52So yes, well, my law in Bahía Blanca.
10:55Well, what you are seeing is the Operations Command Center of the Ministry of Security.
11:00It is on Route 3.
11:02That is where basically all the operations are monitored and organized,
11:08which depend on the federal forces.
11:10Then, what is the Ministry of Defense, with the armed forces,
11:13with, for example, the campaign bridge that was built today on one of the cut routes
11:19to be able to drain the water.
11:21All that is handled from the Ministry of Luis Petri.
11:25Here is the Operations Center, which coordinates the entire security part.
11:31Both the federal security forces,
11:34with coordination with the provincial forces,
11:37with the police of the province of Buenos Aires,
11:39and also some municipal dependence.
11:42This is where President Javier Milley is going to arrive,
11:45who arrived at approximately 7.30 in the morning to Bahía Blanca,
11:50and who is on his way to that Operations Center.
11:53That's right.
11:54Monitoring Center.
11:56There we see the moment ...
11:58These are the images when they arrive.
12:00The moment when Milley arrives, it is already day, if you notice.
12:03This was more or less 8.30 in the morning.