• 2 days ago
Learning is always fun with Zebra Nursery Rhymes popular nursery rhymes. So come along for an awesome educational fun ride with our wide variety of nursery rhymes songs and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for new videos every week.
#zebranurseryrhymes #kidssong #cartoonvideos #preschool #kindergarten


00:00Let's learn about the animals.
00:52Hello kids! Do you want to see something cool today?
00:56Yes we do! We do! Yay!
01:00Ok! Off to the army camp we go!
01:04Hurry up! Now don't be slow!
01:11What do you see kids?
01:13We see a tank!
01:15Yes indeed! In the army camp he is top rank!
01:20Hello Mr. Tank! What do you do?
01:23I protect the country and our border too!
01:32Look! There's the army truck!
01:35Hello army truck! How are you doing?
01:38Hello Bob! I have to deliver goods to the soldiers so I must get going.
01:47Hi Ambulance! You do look tired.
01:50Hey Bob! That's because I'm always required.
01:54What do you do all through the day?
01:57I help carry the wounded soldiers away.
02:00Such a great job!
02:02Yes Mr. Bob!
02:05What's that coming out of the water?
02:07A minute ago it could hardly be seen.
02:12Hi there Bob! I am Mr. Submarine.
02:16My name means under the sea.
02:18Both inside and outside the water I can be.
02:24Hello Submarine! Hello Bob! How do you do?
02:28Greetings Mr. Navy! Have you been sailing the water blue?
02:32Yes we sail on the sea and keep safe the coast.
02:36And that's certainly something of which you can boast.
02:41Look out there! That's an aircraft carrier!
02:44Oh yes that I am! Hello my dear!
02:48I am the military's base on the sea.
02:51All these aircrafts all alone I carry.
02:57Here comes the fighter aircraft! Oh my!
03:02I fly very high so I can protect the sky.
03:09Look up! That's a transport helicopter.
03:12What do you do?
03:14Hello Bob! How do you do?
03:17I carry troops through the air and take them places far or near.
03:23Here comes the bomber! Watch out kids!
03:27Hello Bob! My name is Bomber and my enemies fear me.
03:32My bombs can destroy all targets on the land or in the sea.
03:37Hi Armored Personnel Carrier! What have you got concealed?
03:41Hello! I am carrying military forces to the battlefield.
03:48Hi Bob! How are you?
03:50Hello Helicopter! What do you do?
03:53I am a lot like the army truck and I give everyone a helping hand.
03:57My job is to connect areas difficult to reach by land.
04:02Kids! Look there! Which army transport is that? Can you guess?
04:08Fighter aircraft? Jeep? Helicopter? Or police hovers?
04:13No! That's an army hovercraft. Oh goodness me! Here it comes!
04:18I can drive on any kind of surface and I go where there are big problems.
04:26Look over there kids! Here comes the army jeep.
04:29Hi Bob! I can easily drive over rough roads no matter how high or deep.
04:38Kids! I hope at the army camp you had fun.
04:42Bye-bye now. I have got to run.
04:45Bye-bye Bob!
04:48Hi kids! How are you doing today?
04:51Let's all get ready because today we are going to play
04:55With colorful shapes and have lots of fun.
04:59Let all shapes introduce themselves one by one.
05:04Square is my name. My four sides are just the same.
05:08Turn me around. I don't care. I'm always the same. I'm a square.
05:15Circle is my name. Watch me turn round and round.
05:19And soon you will learn. My outside edges never end.
05:24I'm a circle. I'm a circle.
05:27Rectangle is my name. My four sides are not the same.
05:32Two are short and two are long.
05:35Count my sides and come along.
05:39One, two, three, four.
05:44Triangle is my name. Up the hill and to the top.
05:48Down the hill and then you stop.
05:51Straight across. Tell me what you've got.
05:54A triangle. Yes. I'm a triangle.
05:59Okay kids, now let's go.
06:02Play with shapes and build something more.
06:07Now let's show our wonderful skills.
06:10A beautiful house of shapes we will build.
06:14My four sides are the same. What's my name?
06:18Square. Yes. Let's put it there.
06:22Now look aloof and tell me the shape of a roof.
06:27Triangle. Yes. Let's place it at a perfect angle.
06:32We're going strong. Now name me a shape with four sides.
06:37Too short, too long.
06:40Rectangle. Yes. A rectangle it is.
06:44And such a beautiful house we have built.
06:49Well that was fun. Now let's make another one.
06:54We might want to go some place far.
06:57So let's all of us build a car.
07:01Which shape goes round and round with no end?
07:05Can you tell?
07:06A circle. Yes. A circle it is.
07:10Let's place it like this.
07:12A shape with two long sides and two short sides we need for our ride.
07:18Rectangle. Yes. It's a rectangle.
07:22And let's place it so.
07:24Which shape with four equal sides shall we place on the top?
07:28A square. Yes. It's a square.
07:32In place, let it drop.
07:34Using all the shapes, a wonderful car we have made.
07:40For resting, let's make a tree.
07:43Why kids, don't you agree?
07:47Let's start with a rectangle this time.
07:50Now doesn't that look fine?
07:53Which other shape should we use?
07:56Circle, rectangle or please tell us.
07:59Ok. Some triangles we shall choose.
08:03Wow! That looks like a beautiful tree.
08:07Kids, don't you agree?
08:12Kids, now let's build something more.
08:15How about a pretty little seesaw?
08:18Yes! On a seesaw we can play all day.
08:23Ok. Which shape should we start with now?
08:27A triangle will be perfect for our seesaw.
08:31Now we need a shape with two sides short and two sides long.
08:36Yes! Let's build a rectangle along.
08:39Now let's gently place it down.
08:42Look! We have made a seesaw on our own.
08:46I'm having so much fun today.
08:49Yes Bob! Hurray! Hurray!
08:52We need to sit and eat somewhere.
08:55Let's build a table and some chairs.
08:59We'll use four rectangles for the legs.
09:02Let's place them all at this angle.
09:05That looks great.
09:07Thank you rectangle.
09:09Now let's take a shape that's round.
09:12Kids, can you tell me where that can be found?
09:15A circle!
09:17Yes! It's a circle.
09:19Let's place it on the top.
09:21There's our lovely table.
09:23Even prettier than from a shop.
09:26Now let's call squares and rectangles to build our chairs.
09:31That looks wonderful.
09:33Now we can all sit somewhere.
09:36Thank you shapes.
09:37I had so much fun today.
09:40See you next time for more fun and play.
