• 2 days ago
Tempo Eksplainer: Apa Alasan Sebenarnya Pemerintah Menunda Pengangkatan CPNS?
00:00The decision of the Ministry of Home Affairs to postpone the CPNS nomination and the P3K candidate is said to be bad news for the participants who passed the CPNS selection in 2024.
00:14Indonesian Congressman Robert Naendi Jaweng said,
00:18during February 2025, the party received many reports from participants who passed the CPNS, who then withdrew from their old job.
00:27The decision was made because they thought the CPNS nomination for 2024 would be held in March 2025.
00:37After the selection results were announced, the government scheduled the CPNS nomination in March 2025 and the P3K candidate in July 2025.
00:44However, the government decided to postpone the nomination schedule.
00:48The nomination of the PNS candidate was postponed to October 1, 2025, while the P3K candidate was postponed to March 1, 2026.
00:55The decision to postpone the nomination was made after the government and the 2nd DPR Commission held a hearing on March 5, 2025.
01:03The head of the Bureau of Data, Communication and Public Information of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Muhammad Averroes, said,
01:08the nomination was based on the joint decision of the government and the 2nd DPR Commission, which represents the government.
01:16In the hearing, Averroes said the nomination was made because the data on the formation, office and location of the CPNS needed further investigation.
01:25The government, he said, also tried to delay the nomination of the PNS candidate at each instance based on the start of the nomination date.
01:34Because the nomination date of the PNS candidates at each instance so far has its own date of establishment.
01:40The head of the Bureau of Data, Communication and Public Information of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Zudan Arif, said it was a coincidence.
01:46According to him, the reason for the postponement is that there are many instances that request for a postponement of the PNS nomination.
01:52He mentioned as many as 207 instances asking for a postponement, withdrawal, or extension of the establishment of the PNS employee number and the P3K candidate.
02:00Zudan was shocked if it was divided into 34.38% of 602 instances.
02:07In addition, Zudan continued, the government wanted to arrange the composition of non-ASN energy in an orderly manner, as well as P3K full-time and part-time.
02:15However, Zudan did not explain the arrangement intended.
02:21Despite many cases of state employees who continued to withdraw from their jobs, Zudan said the government was trying to communicate with the old company where the PNS candidates worked.
02:30Zudan will ask the company to re-employ them until the nomination date.
02:34However, according to Zudan, the proposal needs to get approval from various ministries and institutions.
02:42A member of the 2nd DPR Commission from the Volkar party, Taufan Faweh, objected.
02:46The results were close to the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Home Affairs, which intended to postpone each PNS.
02:52Taufan insisted that the DPR asked the government to speed up the postponement of the PNS candidates.
02:58A representative of the 2nd DPR Commission, Dede Yusuf Macan, said,
03:03The delay in the postponement of the PNS and P3K candidates was caused by the condition of the regional government, which is difficult to allocate budget at the beginning of the transition of regional heads.
03:12The difficulty in allocating the budget was due to the burden of the budget cut policy by President Prabowo.
03:17According to Dede, that was a consideration by the Ministry of Home Affairs and Home Affairs in a meeting of the 2nd Commission on March 5.
03:27Robert Naindi Jawe said he got information from several regional heads that the delay in the PNS nomination was due to the burden of the budget cut policy.
03:36He said that the budget cut made the transfer to the region at a cut of 50 to 100 million rupiahs in one regional government.
03:43Robert said that amount was not a small amount.
03:46The regional government then dismissed him by asking for a delay.
03:50During the delay, Robert continued, a number of regional heads hoped there would be a change of APBN or ABBD so they could pay the PNS later.
04:04The Executive Director of the Central Economic and Law Studies, Bima Yudhistira, said,
04:08The change in the priority of the program and the allocation of spending by the Prabowo government had a significant impact on the ASN formation.
04:15He said that the government had a target of APBN cut of 306 trillion rupiahs.
04:20From that amount, Bima said that employee spending was one of the extreme savings targets.
04:30There was an avarice to ensure that employee spending was not included in the budget cut.
04:34Because of that, he insisted that this delay was not related to the budget cut policy.
04:39He said that the budget for non-ASN employees during the 2024 P3K process was also provided by each institution,
04:46as instructed by the Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Public Works.
