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00:00We're back!
00:12My third and final Newborn Essentials video, mark my words, final.
00:17Everyone has this idea, this misconception that I'm having four kids.
00:21It's not happening.
00:22I'm enjoying myself, but I'm absolutely at capacity with three children.
00:26So meet baby Harlow.
00:28It's my third and final baby boy, and this is my third Newborn Essentials video.
00:32Now while I've titled this video Newborn Essentials, let's be honest, the only essential you need
00:36is love, shelter, milk to make your newborn thrive.
00:40But these are just things that I, I guess they're my ride or die things that have made
00:43my newborn experience so much easier, efficient.
00:47And now that it's my third rodeo, I don't want to say I'm a pro, but I kind of know
00:50what I'm talking about.
00:51So the first essential in this video is obviously the bassinet, hence why we're here next to
00:55my bed.
00:56Now I want to talk about my next to bed setup because some people get up in the middle of
01:01the night to like change their baby, feed their baby.
01:04Not me.
01:05No, especially with a reflux baby who's up every two to three hours.
01:08I'm staying in bed.
01:09I want to stay laying down.
01:10I don't want to move.
01:13So my whole room is set up for that purpose.
01:15This is the SnuzzPod 4.
01:16This is my second time using it.
01:18I didn't have it with my first son Fox, but I used it with Malachi and my middle child
01:21and now Harlow.
01:22The reason we're a ticking time bomb right now is because Harlow is ready for his second
01:26nap of the day.
01:27But I'm trying to quickly smash out this section and talk about this bassinet and he wants
01:32We're going to give it to you in like two minutes.
01:34Let me talk about it for two minutes.
01:35So during the night, obviously Harlow sleeps here next to me, but in the day I move it
01:41to the darkest room of the house, which is our nursery.
01:43I thought that Harlow would be in the nursery by now, but he has reflux.
01:46So he's up so regularly that I just pick the road of least resistance, right?
01:51Like I just try to make my life easier and what's easier right now is him sleeping next
01:55to me.
01:56So I put no pressure on myself to reach these milestones and like have him in his own room
02:00and sleeping through the night.
02:01I'm like, babies are just going to baby, you know, when I do move the bassinet to the nursery,
02:06I will zip up the side.
02:08So it's like a full bassinet.
02:09And then when he's next to me, it obviously sleeps down so I can like pat my hand on him.
02:13And I think the beauty of co-sleeping bassinets is that it's, if you are settling your baby,
02:18you can lay in bed and just place your hand on your baby as opposed to like reaching over
02:23a Moses basket, reaching over a cot.
02:25I just co-sleeping bassinets are a must for me.
02:29And I've really enjoyed this snus pod for, and not that this should really matter, but
02:33the aesthetics of the bassinet go with our room.
02:36So obviously we've got the white and oak and it just fits in seamlessly with our room.
02:40So it kind of looks like a part of the furniture.
02:42So yeah, if you are looking for a bassinet, this is now my second time using it and I,
02:46I love it.
02:47Now I've just put Harlow to bed, but while we're here, I'll talk about my next to bed
03:01In terms of newborn essentials, there's only one technically on my bedside table and it
03:06is this yoga sleep white noise.
03:09I use this again with Malachi.
03:10It's my favorite.
03:11I wanted a really dim night light for those midnight feeds and like the midnight changes
03:16because this lamp, like she's gorgeous, but she's way too bright in the middle of the
03:21She's like waking everyone up.
03:22So I wanted a white noise machine, first of all, that didn't need batteries.
03:26I like that you can just plug it in and it never dies.
03:28Foolish me, I had a white noise machine that ran off batteries and it would stop working
03:33in the middle of the night.
03:34And like, it was just don't do that.
03:37Ideally I'm not opening my eyes in the nighttime, like truly every feed I'm like doing it all
03:42by feel and like my different senses.
03:44Now the light, it has like this little bump on it.
03:47So in the middle of the night you are clicking the right button because there's nothing more
03:51annoying than like turning off the white noise or like putting the timer on or like changing
03:55to a lullaby.
03:56You can kind of feel what the light is, if that makes sense.
03:59This has just been amazing.
04:00I have one in here and then one in the nursery and there's all different sounds to pick from.
04:04This is the one that we use.
04:06I think this is brown noise.
04:09This one is the ocean.
04:10No, that's the ocean.
04:11No, that's the ocean.
04:12I don't know what that last one was, but lapping waves, lake, rain, rain again, campfire.
04:20Like I said, there's just so many things.
04:22And there's also a lullaby.
04:24So even if you don't get this one, I just recommend finding a white noise machine that
04:31plugs in, doesn't use batteries.
04:34And if you are using it for the light, if there's like a sensory element that you can
04:38like turn it on in the middle of the night, that's a bonus.
04:41While we're here, I also have this little dish that I put all of his dummies in.
04:44I have like three dummies ready at one time.
04:47And how good is this?
04:48The bibs dummies that I use, this wasn't a part of my essentials, but like let's just
04:51add it in as a bonus.
04:53They're glow in the dark.
04:55Like if you've had a child that has had dummies in the past, like you know, them losing it
05:00at 1am is your pet peeve.
05:02There is nothing worse than your baby screaming and like you're trying to find the dummy.
05:06The bibs one are glow in the dark.
05:07I have a homeopathic sudden onset drop that if I'm feeling sick, I use this.
05:11I swear by it.
05:12Some linen spray.
05:13And then this motherhood spray when I'm feeling overwhelmed, just helps me feel grounded.
05:21Next to the bassinet, this is my nappy caddy.
05:24I swear by these.
05:26In the middle of the night, this has all my essentials.
05:29So this nappy caddy itself I got from the memo.
05:33I will try to link everything below.
05:34It has all these different compartments.
05:36One thing that I saw mixed reviews on that I am such a believer in.
05:41It's the snotty boss.
05:42Now, lots of babies will get congested and they can't obviously clear their sinuses properly.
05:47Feeding helps.
05:48But when there's like this big booger that you can see and you can't get out.
05:53I used to have a manual suctioner.
05:55I'll put a picture of it here, like a little manual one.
05:57I know a bunch of moms swear by the Frida.
06:00I'm sure that's probably the best one you can get.
06:03But with the Frida, you have to suck.
06:05I know you're not getting the snot in your mouth, but like you have to use your suction
06:10to suck the snot into the...
06:12I just can't.
06:14That's like my thing that I just like.
06:16It's just too much.
06:17It's too much for me.
06:18So this is the snotty boss and it's a battery charged, like electrical.
06:24The mic's up here.
06:25So you'll hear me.
06:26Can you hear that?
06:28It's really gentle and you just put it up their nose and it sucks it out.
06:32This newborn essential goes hand in hand with another very helpful tool.
06:36This is Flow Baby Saline Nasal Spray.
06:39Malachi, my second son, he had COVID, rotavirus, norovirus, like a lot.
06:44So when I say I know what I'm talking about, or like I can empathize with you if you're
06:48dealing with a sick baby, I'm here for you.
06:50Usually if my kids are really snotty, like my babies are snotty, again, I'm not a doctor.
06:54Let's just preface that.
06:56Like I'm just a mom trying to get through some snotty seasons when they're like, and
07:00they can't breathe and you're trying to feed them.
07:03Just a mom.
07:04I will just shake it.
07:05And then I do a little nasal spray.
07:06This was approved by my doctor.
07:08It's all good.
07:09Nasal spray.
07:10It's literally just like salt water, saline.
07:11And then I use the snotty buffs to suction it out.
07:13And after every use, I do sterilize it just in some boiling water.
07:16What else is in here?
07:17Do you know what?
07:18Before filming this video, I had a list of like the newborn essentials I was going to
07:22talk about.
07:23Now that I'm looking at it, I just have so much to share.
07:25But I guess the main thing is obviously you want to get a good thermometer.
07:29And I always have this in my caddy because I feel like when my baby is coming down with
07:33a temperature, it's usually like in the middle of the night and I hate getting up and like
07:36finding it.
07:37So I always just have this next to my bed.
07:39I use it the most there.
07:40Lastly, in terms of this caddy, I want to talk about his nighttime routine.
07:43I'm such a huge believer in scent and smells, evoking memories and emotions and just helping
07:50set routines and expectations.
07:52So Harlow's is a mixture.
07:54I put together this baby oil from Alive and then a drop of the Yuki Bear Tummy Ease.
08:00I started using this when his reflux was at its worst and we thought it was wind.
08:04It didn't really end up helping his wind, but we did feel like reminded him that it
08:08was time for bed.
08:09So all I do is I put a pump of this oil in the palm of my hand.
08:12I open this essential oil, do one drop, and then I rub it together on my hands and I give
08:17him a baby massage.
08:18I'm a huge believer in baby massages.
08:21So if you have a baby that's struggling to sleep or wind down and you're trying to encourage
08:26them to know that it's time to sleep, it's time to be soft.
08:29I love that whole like, you know, bath time, read a book, but I'm such a believer in scents
08:34and that physical wind down time.
08:36Obviously you have to dilute it in a baby friendly oil and just one drop is loads.
08:41But yeah, I've been finding that really helps because as soon as I drop it on my hands and
08:44he smells it, it's like his whole demeanor just calms down.
08:51You'd think being my third time filming a video like this, I'd be organized and I would
08:59have washed this, but we may or may not have had a little poo explosion this morning.
09:05So just don't judge me.
09:07This is my next newborn essential that has a little poo stain, but bonus, you can wash
09:13So there you go.
09:14This is the BabyBjorn.
09:15Again, I showed this with my second son, Malachi.
09:16My babies, they don't live in it.
09:18Like my babies do tummy time, we're playing, but like they spend a lot of time in this
09:23We're cooking and we're bouncing and we're talking and we're bouncing.
09:25And especially with a reflux baby, this has just been a lifesaver.
09:29My kids have hated any swing or like anything automated.
09:33They just hate that.
09:34It's super easy to travel with.
09:36I'd take it to my mom's.
09:37I would take it to the park.
09:39I literally take it everywhere so you can flatten it out.
09:45I always forget how to, you'd think I would know.
09:47I've had this, what, for like three years.
09:52There we go.
09:55Flattens out like butter.
09:57And then like I said, the whole slip comes off and we're going to go wash that.
10:03Next up is another white noise machine, but this is my travel one.
10:05So obviously I talked about the one that's in my room and in the nursery always, but
10:09when I'm traveling like in the pram or just out and about, this is the one I use.
10:13This is the Ergopatch one and it has been amazing.
10:16The charge lasts so long.
10:17I probably charge it like twice a week and again, we just use the traditional white noise
10:22There's also a light, which I never use.
10:23This is the sound we use.
10:24Oh, there's rain.
10:26Heavy rain.
10:29This is, okay, I've wanted to try this.
10:36Every mom has cried.
10:38Well, maybe that's an overstatement, but like, I feel like every mom has cried shushing their
10:42baby to sleep.
10:43So when you're like, shh, just use this.
10:47It's the drift away Ergopatch travel one.
10:49And I like that it's got this little silicone strap.
10:52So I usually just like strap it to the capsule or the pram.
10:55Now speaking of capsule, I would love to show mine, but my car is actually at the mechanic
11:00and in said car are three of my essentials.
11:03Number one, it's a reverse like rear facing mirror.
11:05I'll put a little photo here, grab one of those.
11:07And when you're driving, you can just like look in your mirror and it looks in another
11:11mirror to look in your baby.
11:14I'll put a little diagram here of what I'm talking about.
11:16So you get a little car mirror and get a window shade for your car because it just always
11:22happens that way.
11:23When you're driving, the sun is like beaming in on their precious little face.
11:27So that's two car things.
11:29And then, Oh yes.
11:30The capsule.
11:31People have always asked me, is it worth getting a capsule?
11:34Basically a capsule is that little car seat section where it can go from a car seat straight
11:39to the pram.
11:40I never had one with Fox and then I got a midway version with Malakai.
11:45It was a capsule that went into the car and then you could walk it around, but it didn't
11:48attach to my pram.
11:50Now this time, my third newborn with Harlow, I have a capsule that not only goes into the
11:55car, you can walk around with it like a little handbag, but it also attaches to my pram.
12:01This has truly made my newborn life so much easier.
12:06I didn't have to buy my capsule.
12:08Thankfully, my friend Ash has lent it to me.
12:10If you have like a little mom group, just like rotate things and share things around
12:14because this capsule has gone to me and now it's about to go to my other friend and then
12:18it will go back to Ash.
12:19It has honestly made life so much easier.
12:22Capsules in my opinion, not an essential, but like amazing.
12:28Next up, this is quite niche, but once I found these, it just made my life so much easier.
12:32These are the Snuggle Honey bassinet sheets, but they also fit a change table and this
12:38is why I love them.
12:39I know a lot of people have the silicone ones that you can just wipe over, but they're really
12:43cold and I feel really bad putting my baby on like a cold, plasticky, sticky.
12:48So I like to have a little sheet on the change table.
12:51I just love that I can buy one set of sheets that fit both the bassinet and the change
12:57So I have like six of these because I have a reflux baby and I do a lot of laundry.
13:01So yeah, these are the Snuggle Honey ones and they come in all these cute little patterns
13:04and yeah, you can use it on a change table as well.
13:08My baby's awake.
13:15Welcome back to the program.
13:18This is another newborn essential that I love.
13:20It's a sleep sack.
13:21All of my boys have liked different sleep sacks.
13:23There are so many on the market.
13:24There are the arms up one.
13:25I think this is Love to Dream.
13:27There's the Ergo pouches, which Fox and Malachi.
13:30I think Fox and Malachi both had Ergo pouches, but Harlow, he is, uh, I think it's called
13:34Happiest Baby.
13:36This one here, the one where it like straps their hands down like Houdini, this is the
13:40only way he sleeps.
13:41For some reason, if his hands are up near his chin, he's not sleeping.
13:44So if you are struggling to get your baby to sleep in these sleep sacks and you feel
13:48like they're not working, if you can just borrow some from a friend before buying them,
13:53just try out different ones because I think different babies like to sleep slightly differently.
13:57This is another one that has remained the same with all three babies, particularly Harlow
14:01because he is a vomitron.
14:04These are my favorite burp cloths.
14:05They are nothing fancy at all.
14:07They're covered in stains and they're durable.
14:09I love them.
14:10It's just like a white terry towel and you can buy them in like packs of eight.
14:13They are cost efficient, cost efficient, cost effective, cost effective, and they're the
14:18perfect size.
14:19Chuck them over your shoulder.
14:21That was sassy.
14:22I love these as burp cloths.
14:24Don't overthink it.
14:25They're nothing fancy because they get disgusting.
14:28I've tacked this one on at the end because I'm quite passionate about this.
14:31This is our play gym.
14:34And you might think, what a boring play gym.
14:35The reason I like this one is because I was so close to buying one of those like big,
14:40obnoxious, colorful, fun play gyms where it's like the mat, the gym.
14:45It looks fun.
14:47My only issue with that is my babies get bored quickly, right?
14:49If they're staring at the same toy all the time, it gets old fast.
14:52What I like about a basic structure is I just mix up what's hanging on there.
14:57These little hanging apparatuses, you can just buy these from like baby bunting, baby
15:01village, whatever, baby store.
15:02And I just mix them up.
15:03So every now and then he like lays under it or he's doing tummy time and he sees something
15:09So for me, I like something like this that I can transport around.
15:12You can bring it on holidays.
15:13You can bring it upstairs.
15:14You can take it outside.
15:16It's not like a full set up, pack down.
15:17It's very, very basic, but you can mix it up and make it fun.
15:21Let's unstrap you.
15:23Is that a good sneeze?
15:25Last essential of the video is my play mat.
15:27Now I do have the large version, so it's not as easy to travel with, but the play mat that
15:31we use is Harlow and Co.
15:33The best part about it is that it's wipeable because we're vomiting on it.
15:37We're like spilling things on it.
15:39Harlow is rolling on it and we take it inside, outside.
15:41The Harlow and Co. play mats, I swear by them.
15:44That's it.
15:45That is, this is bittersweet guys.
15:46That is my final newborn essentials video.
15:49If you like these kinds of videos or if you have specific newborn baby questions, then
15:53definitely leave them in the comments below because I would love to make more videos about
15:57it, especially with my last experience with a baby.
16:00I'm telling you, it's my last.
16:02Believe me.
16:03It's not a challenge.
16:04It's closed.
16:05The uterus, she's closed for business now in that aspect.
16:08No more.
16:10We're done.
16:11We're done.
16:12You're the youngest.
16:13You give me youngest vibes and we're good like that.
16:15Say bye everybody.
