Huqooq ul Ibaad | Rehmat e Sehr
Host: Tasleem Ahmed Sabri
Guest: Mufti Tahir Tabassum Qadri, Allama Shahzad Mujaddidi, Prof. Abdul Rauf Rufi, Qari Sohail Nizam
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Host: Tasleem Ahmed Sabri
Guest: Mufti Tahir Tabassum Qadri, Allama Shahzad Mujaddidi, Prof. Abdul Rauf Rufi, Qari Sohail Nizam
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00:00The soul of Makkah is Madina,
00:04This is the soul that makes man.
00:12The pride of Ramazan, the pride of Ramazan, the pride of Ramazan.
00:19I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.
00:33In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.
00:45To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth.
01:03And if you reveal what is in yourselves or conceal it, He will judge you.
01:27And if you reveal what is in yourselves or conceal it, He will judge you.
01:49And He forgives whom He wills and punishes whom He wills.
02:14And Allah is over all things competent.
02:31The Messenger believed in what was sent down to him from his Lord and the believers.
02:58All believed in Allah.
03:10The Messenger believed in what was sent down to him from his Lord and the believers.
03:28All believed in Allah.
03:49All believed in Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers.
04:09We do not distinguish between any of His messengers.
04:26And they say, We have heard and obeyed. We see you, our Lord, and to You is the destination.
04:56Allah does not burden a soul except that it is lifted up.
05:16To it is what it earned and to it is what it earned.
05:31Our Lord, do not take us if we forget or transgress.
05:56Our Lord, do not take us if we forget or transgress.
06:21Our Lord, do not take us if we forget or transgress.
06:46And forgive us and forgive us and have mercy on us.
07:13You are our Master, so help us against the disbelieving people.
07:37Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
08:07Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
08:25Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
08:55The Messenger of Allah said, If you give me the guarantee of two things, I will give you the guarantee of Paradise.
09:04The Messenger of Allah said, One of them is the tongue and the other is the shame.
09:34The truth is that every word spoken by man is like a seed sown in the land of the Hereafter.
09:46If it is said well, you will reap well in the Hereafter.
09:51And if the same word is said badly, there will be no flowers, only thorns.
09:58There are many things in man's tongue that we are not even aware of and we keep saying.
10:09We will get guidance from the scholars in this regard.
10:15In this regard, this is a topic for everyone.
10:23Everyone should look at it carefully, repeatedly, and show it to their family and children.
10:31So that we become aware of how we can use our tongue.
10:37And how this tongue can be a source of mercy and salvation for us.
10:44Ladies and gentlemen, we have with us a distinguished scholar, a distinguished scholar of religion,
10:50Kibla Mufti Tahir Tabassum.
10:52As-salamu alaykum, Mufti sahib, thank you very much for your presence.
10:56And we have with us a world-renowned scholar, a leader in the field of good work, a star of excellence.
11:06We have with us Professor Abdul Rauf Rufi.
11:08As-salamu alaykum, Rufi sahib, thank you very much for your team.
11:13And our guest, Qari Sohail Nizam sahib, who has come after a long journey from Rahim Yar Khan with a very beautiful recitation.
11:24As-salamu alaykum, Qari sahib.
11:26Thank you very much for your arrival.
11:29The recitation has already begun.
12:01It is the month of Allah's nearness.
12:07It is the month of physical and spiritual worship.
12:16It is the tenth of the forgiveness of Allah.
12:28It is the tenth of the special gift of Allah.
12:35It is the month of forgiveness, the month of blessings.
12:41It is the month of physical and spiritual worship.
12:47Ramadan is the month of Allah's nearness.
12:53It is the month of physical and spiritual worship.
13:02The doors of forgiveness open in this tenth.
13:15The poets of Saim also recite the verses.
13:21It is the month of fame in the world.
13:27It is the month of physical and spiritual worship.
13:33Ramadan is the month of Allah's nearness.
13:39It is the month of physical and spiritual worship.
13:46It is the tenth of the spiritual rank.
13:58It is the tenth of Allah's kindness.
14:04It is the month of Allah's special love.
14:11It is the month of physical and spiritual worship.
14:17Ramadan is the month of Allah's nearness.
14:23It is the month of physical and spiritual worship.
14:33Ramadan is the month of Allah's special love.
14:42It is the month of Allah's special love.
14:50It is the month of Allah's special love.
15:03We will talk about the language.
15:09How can a person benefit from it?
15:15How can it lead to destruction?
15:19We have joined Mumtaz scholar, Mumtaz Alamuddin.
15:23Assalamu alaikum.
15:27Mufti sahib, the language is a great blessing.
15:31How can it lead to destruction?
15:35The language is a great blessing.
15:41Every blessing of Allah is great.
15:47There is no change in the blessings of Allah.
15:52Every blessing is great.
15:55The language is a blessing.
16:00Without it, human life will be difficult.
16:05The language is a means of expression.
16:09You express your needs with it.
16:14The language is a great blessing.
16:20The language is a great blessing.
16:26The language is a great blessing.
16:32The language is a great blessing.
16:39The last hadith of Sahih Bukhari.
16:46The last hadith of Sahih Bukhari.
16:52The Prophet said,
16:56Two words are like this.
17:02Two words are like this.
17:07Two words are like this.
17:11Two words are like this.
17:16Two words are like this.
17:21Two words are like this.
17:25Quran says,
17:29Quran says,
17:32Quran says,
17:38Quran says,
17:44Quran says,
17:50Quran says,
17:55Quran says,
18:02Quran says,
18:08Quran says,
18:15Quran says,
18:50We can't mention it. What is the principle?
18:53How can we make it a source of mercy? How can we make it a source of salvation?
18:58In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
19:01And peace and blessings be upon the most honoured of the prophets and messengers,
19:05and upon his family and companions.
19:07Allah is the Lord of the worlds. Glory be to Him.
19:10He is the best of the creators. He is one of those blessings.
19:14There is a saying in the Holy Quran,
19:20If you want to count the blessings of Allah, you can't.
19:22But there are some blessings that have been mentioned by name.
19:26One of them is,
19:30The tongue has been given to man, and two lips have been given to him.
19:36This is the complete face.
19:38And then it says,
19:44Whatever word comes out of your mouth,
19:48Allah is watching over it.
19:50He is noting it down. He is writing it down.
19:58Everything is recorded.
19:59Just think about it. As long as this camera is watching you,
20:02and even if it is on, you don't become cautious.
20:04You become firm.
20:05This is the way. You become firm.
20:06This is it. It is on.
20:08You have a scanner system.
20:10The scanning system is present in your entire being.
20:13And then the Quran says,
20:21There will come a time when this will be shut down.
20:24And you will be punished.
20:26Just think about it.
20:28If your hand starts speaking, what will happen?
20:30If your leg starts speaking?
20:32So, before understanding this system,
20:34First of all, the basic way of training is this.
20:37Understand what the tongue is.
20:40Why has it been given?
20:42What is the use of the tongue?
20:44And how to stop it?
20:45How to train it?
20:47As soon as you understand the whole system,
20:49One good word can sweeten the sea.
20:55And one bad word can make the sea bitter.
20:59As soon as you develop this sense of practice and state,
21:04then the use of your tongue becomes correct.
21:07Then you understand the philosophy of
21:10Then you start weighing before you speak.
21:14The whole society is of peace and harmony.
21:16I understood this from what you said.
21:18If we understand this,
21:20If we develop this awareness,
21:22That my every word is being recorded.
21:26So I have to think a lot before I speak.
21:28You will be very careful.
21:30Now the next step is its training.
21:32Its implementation.
21:34This is what logic and science teach you in this world.
21:39As soon as you understand the formula of something,
21:43And its reality is revealed to you.
21:45In the next step,
21:46As soon as a new person takes your mobile,
21:50First he understands.
21:52He does not mix the time as soon as he holds it.
21:54What to do?
21:55How to keep it?
21:56How to do all the charging?
21:57As soon as you understand this,
21:59Now the next step is what you asked.
22:01What is the method of implementation to train it?
22:06How to train it?
22:07The way the Qur'an, Sunnah, and our master taught me,
22:14In the whole universe,
22:16You will not find a single example of how to use the tongue.
22:21We will know this, God willing.
22:23We will know this.
22:24You will take guidance from your parents.
22:26You include the words.
22:27This is related to our city.
22:29Respected Dr. Riaz Majeed.
22:31Wow, wow, wow.
22:32Today my heart wants.
22:34Doctor, you are a very big man.
22:36He has a PhD in Urdu.
22:39May Allah give him good health.
22:41He has been unwell for some time.
22:43He is a very big man.
22:45He has written a Punjabi poem.
22:48This is not only a poem, but also a piece of Punjabi literature.
22:53There is a moment of separation in the eyes.
22:55This is his poem.
22:57Wow, wow.
22:58In the name of Allah.
24:06The shadow of our sins
24:13The existence of the world
24:17Take care of us
24:29Some sins are behind you
24:36Some fears are ahead of you
24:42All ahead and behind
24:46In front of you
24:50Day and night, month and year
24:58Inspired by Hazrat Allama Iqbal, he wrote this poem.
25:01Wow, wow.
25:03You are not a book for us
25:10Oh Allah, forgive us every day
25:17With the Holy Prophet,
25:23Don't let our sins be forgiven
25:30With the Holy Prophet,
25:38Don't let our sins be forgiven
25:48Oh Allah, some good deeds
25:54May be found in the dates
26:00The light of the beautiful Arabian land
26:07May be found in our life
26:18May be found in our life
26:27Today, the words of the new Prophet
26:33May be found in the expression of the heart
26:39Tears are shed openly
26:46Tears are shed openly
26:53Tears are shed openly
27:17The light of the heart of the believers
27:22The light of the heart of the believers