• yesterday
👉 Las recientes inundaciones en la provincia de Buenos Aires han dejado un saldo trágico, con 16 personas fallecidas y dos niñas desaparecidas. El ministro de Gobierno, Carlos Bianco, coordina los esfuerzos de emergencia desde La Plata, mientras que equipos de rescate trabajan en las zonas afectadas. A pesar de los esfuerzos, algunos barrios aún no han recibido ayuda. Las autoridades están gestionando donaciones y coordinando con organizaciones como Caritas para asistir a los damnificados.

''La magnitud de la tragedia fue muy grande, puede que en algún lugar no haya podido haber una asistencia, estamos enviando todo lo posible''.

👉 Seguí en #BuenDíaA24


00:00Do you live here or do you come to help?
00:02No, no, I live there in San El Espino
00:04You live there?
00:06And you stayed to take care of your house? Now I see that you are coming back
00:08No, no, I'm here close, I just stay here
00:10I have a family here, I've known them for years
00:13Even from my compadre
00:15Have you lost many things?
00:16Yes, I think I'm going to lose everything
00:18But can I come to your house?
00:20Yes, I have a house here
00:22Did the water reach your chest?
00:23Yes, and the bed was all down
00:25I lost a little animal that I had
00:27What little animals did you have?
00:29Some kittens, some chickens, maybe
00:32You couldn't save them?
00:36No, there were so many things that I started to help him and he didn't stop
00:42And when he stopped, it was all flooded, it was all like that
00:45More water than down there
00:47So I'm going to see
00:49Is this the entrance?
00:50Yes, look
00:51Ale, accompany him, accompany the man
00:54Good morning sir, I just want to say hello
00:56Because let's see if we can pass official information
00:58And look for the places of reference to Carlos Bianco
01:00Who is the minister of government of the province of Buenos Aires
01:03And I understand that he is the coordinator of the emergency committee
01:05Carlos, I'm Luis Novarecio, good morning
01:10Carlos, are you there?
01:12Yes, how are you, how are you, good morning
01:13How are you, good morning
01:15Let's review the horrible balance we have at this time
01:18The number of people who have died, in search and evacuated, please
01:24There are 16 deceased, official information
01:27The two girls are missing
01:30We have been looking for several days
01:33The search has been reinforced
01:35And evacuated, there were about 500 left yesterday
01:39But I understand that the waters have been going down
01:42Both in CERRI and Engineer White
01:44So now I don't have the latest updated information
01:47But they had told me that there were many people who were already able to return to their homes
01:52Obviously they found the disaster, the damage, etc.
01:56But little by little they are reducing the number of evacuated
02:00That figure that began to circulate of 100 people not found is incorrect
02:06You are looking for these two missing girls, right?
02:11Yes, technically these two girls are missing
02:15There have not even been reports of calls from certain relatives or neighbors
02:22Saying that they cannot communicate with a friend or a relative
02:25That happened from the first moment
02:27But it has been normalizing as electricity returned
02:31And people were able to charge their cell phones
02:34Or they were able to rehabilitate the communication antennas
02:37And they had a signal to notify
02:40So yes, technically these two girls are missing
02:44I have no intention of polemizing or anything
02:49But the testimony we received from Alejandro Pueblas, our colleague Leo Godoy
02:54Is that five days ago, here we are in Viajeros del Sur
02:58No one appears to give them a hand
03:00Do you give me your vision of this?
03:02Where no one appears to give them a hand?
03:04In the neighborhoods, in Viajeros del Sur, where we are at the moment
03:09Look, I am not in the territory and I have not traveled because I have another function
03:14I am here in coordination from La Plata with the different ministries, etc.
03:20But we have sent only 700 people of security
03:25Among police and rescuers and firefighters
03:29More than 500 people from the different ministries
03:32From the Ministry of Development of the Community, the Ministry of Health
03:35We are working on sanitary issues, health promoters who are touring the neighborhoods
03:39Workers from the Provincial Organization for Social and Urban Integration
03:43It is a magnitude of the tragedy, very, very large
03:46And it may be that somewhere, at a certain moment
03:49There may not have been any kind of assistance
03:53But we are sending everything possible
03:55Now we are also doing the management to send cooperatives for cleaning
04:01They are working in the urban area of ​​Conurbano Bonaerense
04:05To help with the cleaning tasks
04:08But everything requires coordination
04:11Because, for example, we have to find places for all these people to sleep
04:14And to feed themselves, and to be able to move
04:17And subjective copper
04:19We are managing it as quickly as possible
04:22But we are strengthening all the teams
04:24Minister, it is obviously understood the gravity and magnitude of everything that happened
04:30And that is why, perhaps in some of the neighborhoods that we are touring
04:33The help has not yet arrived
04:35But for those people who have not yet received help
04:38And need mattresses, need a blanket, need some clothes
04:42Are there distribution centers where they can approach to ask for things?
04:47That you have the address and we can pass them to you?
04:50Yes, yes, yes, there is the municipality and the collection center
04:54And from there all the materials are being sent
04:58I don't have an address for you to look for
05:01I can request it, that's why I'm not there
05:04You have to communicate with the emergency committee of Bahía Blanca
05:09Where the issues are defined operatively
05:12But hey, we are going to occupy
05:14To ask if there is a place available to go and remove elements
05:22Is it convenient for people to continue donating water, laundry, bedding, etc.?
05:29Because I say, the logistics of the transfer from all over the country is difficult
05:33Or is it thought of enabling an account that handles an unsuspected entity
05:38And that helps directly in Bahía?
05:41Look, I tell you the scheme of donations that we are handling
05:45From the province and in coordination with other bodies
05:49On the one hand, we in the province have established a page for donations
05:53We have already received several donations from large companies and large institutions
05:58That have their own logistics capacity to send to Bahía Blanca
06:02Or for our sheds here in Tolosa, in La Plata
06:05And then we send them
06:07Those are donations from large companies and large institutions
06:11With which a donation agreement is obviously signed
06:14And all the transferability of the donation is done
06:18Then there is, as you may have seen
06:20Well, obviously through television, through the media, through the networks
06:24There are a lot of institutions, free organizations of the people
06:27Clubs, churches, etc. that are making their own donations
06:31We are working on this together with Caritas
06:35We spoke with the president of Caritas
06:38And we ask those people who communicate with us
06:41To make donations of less magnitude
06:44We redirect them directly to the different places of Caritas
06:48Well, in Capital and the different places that Caritas has been facilitating
06:52In the province of Buenos Aires
06:54And then the donation in money
06:56We also channel it through the Caritas account
07:00Or to the alias Bahía por Bahía
07:03Which is the alias that was established from Bahía Blanca
07:07We are not from the province
07:09We are not managing donations in money
07:11Only large company donations
07:13That have their own logistics
07:15Or that require some additional logistics
07:17From the government of the province
07:19But this is all through the agreement
07:21With total transferability of the donation
07:23Two last questions
07:25Without the slightest intention of political controversy
07:27Is the work of Provincia-Nación coordinated?
07:31Yes, yes, yes, it is coordinated
07:33It has been coordinated from the first moment
07:36The governor spoke with the mayor
07:40On Friday morning, early morning
07:42When the tragedy was happening
07:44And we began to notice
07:46What was going to be the magnitude of the tragedy
07:49I communicated with the head of the cabinet
07:51And from there, well, with Minister Bullrich
07:53With Minister Petovello
07:55With Minister Petri
07:57With IPF for the supply of fuel in some areas
07:59And so all our ministers
08:01The Minister of Development of the Community
08:03With his partner, the Minister of Security
08:05With his partner, etc.
08:07We are working in a coordinated way
08:09And the last one is almost like a personal question
08:11Of this program
08:13Could you communicate with the emergency committee?
08:15Because, I insist, travelers from the south
08:17Where we are now working on this mobile
08:19Five days ago, no one was going
08:21Could we try to get help from those people?
08:25Yes, yes, yes, right now
08:27I am going to communicate with the provincial officials
08:29Who are in the territory
08:31To let them know about this issue
08:33Thank you
08:35You are welcome
