• yesterday
👉 El gobierno argentino, liderado por Javier Milei, ha anunciado un nuevo Decreto de Necesidad y Urgencia (DNU) para un acuerdo de facilidades extendidas con el Fondo Monetario Internacional. Este acuerdo busca sanear el balance del Banco Central mediante la llegada de dólares que reemplazarán las letras intransferibles del tesoro. El DNU ya está vigente y se espera que sea tratado en el Congreso en los próximos días.

🗣️ Antonio Laje
👉 Seguí en #OtraMañana


00:00with the Monetary Fund.
00:01It's all yours.
00:02That's right.
00:03It came out last night.
00:04We saw the statement in a tweet by Javier Millet, where he announced that the DNU is
00:10It's for an agreement of extended facilities.
00:13Some important details are that once the money arrives, it has four years of grace to
00:18start paying it.
00:19Those are some of the details.
00:20On the 29th.
00:22It's going to start paying it at that time.
00:24Why does the government want, I think there are still some doubts, to renegotiate with
00:28the Fund?
00:29The Fund, well, this money is going to be used to withdraw an asset, to put it that way,
00:35the Treasury, to the Central Bank, which are the transferable letters.
00:38So what is it going to do?
00:40The dollars are going to arrive in Argentina.
00:42So the Treasury is going to give the dollars to the Central Bank, withdraw that asset,
00:46which has practically no value for the Central Bank, and in that way the balance of the
00:51Central Bank is going to be healed.
00:52And why is this important for the country?
00:54Because it is a necessary step that you have to take to strengthen the Central Bank,
00:58so that at some point later you can leave the Treasury.
01:01That is the objective of these dollars.
01:03So the DNU is already there.
01:05Obviously, the next political step, Bernie, is that you go to Congress.
01:09From now on, he has 10 days to send it to Congress.
01:12It will be dealt with first in the legislative bicameral.
01:16That is the first formal step.
01:18And then, as you said before, with the approval of one of the two chambers, the issue is already
01:24In reality, the key is that you do not reject it.
01:27Exactly, that it is not rejected in a chamber, so the logic is that the issue, because I say
01:35the logic because it is not yet defined, but it is assumed that it will go through deputies,
01:39because obviously the government there has a much greater chance that it will not be rejected
01:44in the Senate.
01:45The government already knows that in the Senate it will not happen.
01:48Especially because, what is the discussion here?
01:51When President Javier Milley, at the beginning of the ordinary sessions, announces that he
01:56is going to ask Congress for approval for the agreement with the Fund, we all thought
02:00that it was going to be a law.
02:02Well, it is not a law, it is a DNU that is already in force, unlike the law that you need
02:07to approve, and that with it he does not reject a chamber that was in force.
02:10In the Senate, the government knows that the most likely thing is that it will be rejected,
02:14because, in addition, Cristina Fernández, in her brilliance as a writer, starting with
02:22the Chemilay as always, already more or less anticipated that they would reject it.
02:27You started 34-0.
02:28That's why.
02:30So the Senate is surely not going.
02:31Where is the discussion?
02:32Does this agreement increase or not increase the debt?
02:37Because if you take more debt, you should go through Congress.
02:42Now, the discussion is, does it increase or not increase?
02:45You are taking more debt, that is real.
02:47You are asking the Fund for a greater reimbursement.
02:50What the government says, yes, but stop, but that greater reimbursement I am going to use
02:53to cancel part of the debt, with which the total gross debt Argentina will continue to owe 100.
03:01Of course.
03:02It is a change in the composition of the debt.
03:04The creditors change, but the gross debt, as Antonio says, if you get those dollars
03:09and you cancel the debt that the Central Bank has, the gross debt does not increase.
03:13If it changes, the composition.
03:15The opposition says, okay, it does not increase the debt, but you change the conformation of the debt.
03:20You are changing creditors, with which you should go through Congress.
03:23Let's remember that this is the famous Guzmán law.
03:25Yes, the law of 2020.
03:27Let's remember that Máximo did not vote for it.
03:29Of course.
03:30The same Kirchnerism did not vote for his Minister of Economy.
03:33With Alberto Fernández, the beginning of 2022, if I'm not mistaken, when is the law of financial sustainability proclaimed?
03:42In the midst of all this, the Monetary Fund, last week, had already officially let it transcend
03:48that it does not imply the agreement to the approval of Congress.
03:51That is a problem of Argentina, of each country.
03:53Of course.
03:54The spokeswoman was very clear.
03:55She said, each country arranges itself as it wants.
03:57We always negotiate with the governments, with the executive.
04:01Well, the official bulletin of this morning is already published.
04:05Ten days ahead.
04:07The head of the Cabinet wants to send it to Congress.
04:09I think by the end of the month, the issue should be totally resolved.
04:13Because this happens first, if the bicameral part comes, and then, later, the issue of treating it surely in deputies.
04:21Let's remember that it does not have the technical data.
04:26Of course.
04:27For example, the rate, the amount.
04:28The amount.
04:30The amount that was said there.
04:31Of everything.
04:32Between 5,000 to 20,000, I heard everything.
04:3410,000, 12,000, right?
04:35Yes, but I heard up to 20,000.
04:37That's why.
04:38Just last week, an international Swiss bank said it could be up to 20,000 million.
04:42And in reality, when you see, if you enter now, I have it there to show you in a moment,
04:46the balance of the central bank.
04:48The total of transferable letters is almost 20,000 million dollars.
04:53Originally, it was for, better said, the initial accounting, it was 67.
04:58It went down.
04:59It went down and they changed the valuation, and that's why it's 20, 23, I think.
