• 2 days ago
The Look for less, Small living room makeover with a Organic Modern African touches. There's a mix of DIY projects, thrifted finds, and pieces repurposed from my own home. If you love creative home makeovers, budget-friendly decor hacks, and unique design ideas, this one's for you!
Watch until the end for all the details. #BudgetMakeover #DIYDecor #AfricanModernDecor #interiordesign #smallspaceliving

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00:00Hey guys, welcome and welcome back. I'd love for you to hang out with me today as I show you how I transform this small living room into a super cozy space all on a budget.
00:10The walls were already painted a neutral color, which I was grateful for, but I used a few creative techniques to break up the plain walls and add some visual interest.
00:19So stick around for that, but some of these transformations will need their own separate videos so you can get all the details, but let's dive in.
00:30All right, so you guys may remember this rug. I had this in my living room in Mexico. I only had it for a few months and it was still pretty much brand new.
00:45So I made sure I brought that back with me. So sometimes you got to shop at home. Now, since you do see part of my sectional in the background, why don't we go ahead and jump into that?
00:57So I saw this one online with Ashley Furniture. I love the look, so I went into the store.
01:04So again, I love this one. I don't see a price as seen on TikTok. I love this one. I forgot my tape measure.
01:22I absolutely love this look. This texture drives me nuts in a good way, but just looking at what an ottoman costs, I thought, no way. So I did a Google search to see if I can find something.
01:36And I did. Big Lots had something similar at a much lower price. Only thing is I had to run around to different stores to find six of them because that's how many I thought that I needed.
01:48So the only difference is these come with these plastic short legs and that's not going to work for me. You guys know I have issues with my knees and my back and I needed something taller.
02:01So I went into my stash to see if I had something and how it was going to work out when I went ahead and sat down on it.
02:10These were about eight inches and these little ones were maybe about two and a half inches or so. And I decided to put those on and then once I got them installed, I loved the height of it.
02:25This felt so nice. This little piece in the back is actually heavy. It's weighted so that way you won't move around. It gives you really good back support.
02:37And it was working for me and the price was working for me. So I went ahead and ordered 24 more feet and I got one down and only five more to go.
02:48So I just had to wait for those legs to come in and then Amazon being Amazon, they went ahead and sent me my legs. I was very happy the way that they look. Nice wood and again eight inches tall.
03:05So I got all of those screwed on and I was a happy camper.
03:12So don't forget if you don't like the height or the look, change it.
03:20Up next is my TV console. So I bought that one from Hobby Lobby for 45 bucks, but I ended up finding this other one on Facebook Marketplace and I love the look and it had a shelf.
03:33It just felt a little bit more elegant and fit the space better. So you can see this one was when I was looking on Facebook Marketplace and I went ahead and looked it up.
03:44This one is from the Home Depot and it was about $160 original price. So I think I did pretty good. I needed to get a mounting bracket with a pivot on it so I could cover up my thermostat.
03:57And this is how it turned out so far. And I use some cord covers to cover up the cords. I bought that tray, added some legs. Look at my pretty mama. And so yeah, let's move on.
04:12Because of the limited amount of space that I have in my living room, I was going to have to find another option for coffee tables. So I thrifted these end tables, which fit perfectly right over my high sofa and I love them.
04:28This natural hyacinth ottoman end table, whatever you want to call it, was going to work out great with my African modern theme for my living room. So I went ahead and picked that up.
04:42This was one that used to be sold at Pottery Barn, but they are no longer around. So I tried to find something comparable for you guys so you can see what these things run and I think I did well.
04:57This wall needs something. So I'm trying to decide how to put this up. I have these three pictures and I have them hanging up on the wall because I wanted to get used to them a little bit.
05:14And I have these picture frames that I got in Las Vegas and the artwork is ugly. Obviously they came out of a hotel because they had tons of them and I mean tons.
05:31Okay guys, so one of the things that I love about Vegas when I lived here was there are so many hotels here and they always have to redo the hotels. So a lot of times you'll find warehouses like this where they will get the furniture that the hotels have gotten rid of and then you can buy them at like literally a fraction of the cost.
05:57So I found this place. This is a new one. I used to know where all of them were, but this is a new one and last night I was on Marketplace and I was like, oh my god, I saw a couple things that I liked, a couple things that I was thinking I might want to get.
06:17Obviously if I was living here, it would be easy peasy, but because I have to get this stuff on a truck, I got to be very, very particular about what I end up taking. So I'm just going to run through here real quick because I still got a lot of stuff to do. Anyway, all right, I'm going to shop around real quick, see if there's anything I can use in my new place.
06:41Frames are so expensive. Yeah, I think I might actually get two of these myself. We'll see.
06:50The frames are only a dollar. One dollar. Are you serious? Okay, perfect.
06:59So I have two more right here. Same exact thing. And they're pretty large. I do not want to ruin them, nor do I want to get rid of the glass because I may want to use the glass later on.
07:21But I'm just trying to figure out how I want to work this. So I got this inexpensive canvas art online, and then I'm going to fill it in. But I want to put some background on it first. And then I'll probably put the glass back on it. So I want to do a bunch of natural fibers.
07:43So I don't know, just going to play around with it and see how it comes out.
08:13Okay, so I knew by those windows, I wanted to put in two accent chairs. So it took me a while to find what I like.
08:42But then I actually came across these. I did a little research and they run about $200 to $300 a piece. So when I saw them on Facebook Marketplace, I did everything I could to get these chairs from her. I didn't care.
08:57I must have text her at least five or six times. Either way, I looked on the bottom, she got hers from HomeGoods because I can see the department and she paid $200 a piece, which is still good. These chairs are so elegant that rattan caning on the back is chef's kiss. I love them favorite part of the living room.
09:19Now you guys know lighting is the jewelry. It is one of the most important things that you're going to need in your space. So I was looking for some lighting. Obviously, I wanted something to go with my African modern theme. But we are on a budget here. So I was not trying to spend 80 to $100 per lamp.
09:46So I did look on Facebook Marketplace, I thought that I might be able to find something. But what I did find was some inspiration. This style was from Kirkland's at $35 a piece. I ended up thrifting these because I thought that they would make a good shape and size for the dupe. And these were $10 each.
10:08So what I needed to do was get them home and start playing around with them. So that's what I did. I took some of my peel and stick because I wanted to add that wood look just like in the original inspiration. And since this paper is textured, it worked out great. I went ahead and prepared it for paint. And so then yeah, here we go.
10:30Okay, so first I'm going to hit it with this self etching primer from Rust-Oleum. I'm now going to use a flat black too.
10:44So I had the bottom taped off because I was going to do a different color but later on I actually ended up painting it the same exact color.
10:51I think I want a little bit more texture. So I'm going to come in with a little bit of this matte hammered. It's like more of a silver texture. So alright, here goes nothing.
11:09You can kind of see it right there. It's just giving a little bit more texture. I like it. I like it a lot.
11:21Okay, I like that. That should dry up really nice. It's matte so it's looking a little glossy right now but once it dries it won't be as shiny.
11:31So this one is dry. This one is wet.
11:40Okay, so while I was working on it, I could have easily used the finial that goes on top. I just painted it but I don't like it. It's not enough statement.
12:00So I was looking for things I could use for finials and I found these napkin holders. I never use these. So I think what I'm going to do is attach them together with some E6000 or maybe even a screw.
12:19And then put a hole, drill a hole in the base and then sit that on top and then that could be the finial.
12:36You see what I mean? I don't want to keep screwing it in because I want it to be tight when I finally put it down. But the other one will sit on top of here.
12:44So what I ended up doing was putting that middle dab is E6000 and the two dabs on the edges are hot glue. So it'll hold better.
12:55So here's the thing. The hot glue will stick it right away but the E6000 will hold it really strong. Way stronger than hot glue. But at least it'll be stuck together for now while it's drying.
13:11What I like about this paper is it actually looks like leather.
13:20So it's easier or better if you cut into little pieces. So giving it these little slits is going to allow you to be able to roll it in and fold it without it kinking up.
13:41So it's not sticking to the inside as well because it's kind of waxy in here. But like I said I'm going to put it down and then run a little bit of black masking tape on the inside.
13:57Okay so here's another detail. I have these beads off of one of those decorative ones. And these tassels were at the end of them. So I'm going to re-rope these around. I had to get them nice and cleaned up so they are a little bit wet right now.
14:26So I went ahead and put on five beads and I didn't record it but I did paint the beads different colors and you'll see that shortly.
14:37I'm going to cut it but I'm going to hot glue it as well to keep the twine from unraveling.
14:42Adding a little bit of glue to your knot is always a good idea. But here you go. You can see what it looks like and you'll see those beads were painted in different colors just to add a little bit more oomph.
15:26I was diagnosed with Lyme disease and I had a lot of inflammation on the knee and it was just like one thing after the other. But they told me at that point that I was going to have some issues.
15:41And then I kept having issues with my knees like you know consistently year over year it just started to get worse and worse. At one point the doctor told me that I am going to need knee surgery but considering I was only like you know in my early 30s he suggested that I wait.
16:00So I have over the years been working out using knee braces everything that I could to continue to do what I wanted to do in the gym because I've always been a gym rat up until like recently I would say in the last couple years it's just been so inconsistent.
16:20With that said I am going in to see this doctor now see what they have to say and what the next steps are going to be as far as my knees are concerned. I've already seen an orthopedic surgeon about my back and I already know what I'm facing when it comes to that.
16:40So yeah I just really really beat myself up to the point where my body is just like you I'm done and if you don't help me like I'm done with you right now like seriously that's how my body feels and I just got to do what I got to do.
16:58So that up there is a bone spur. Yeah so this is looking at your kneecap from the side big bone spur not a lot of space there and then big bone spur there bone spur here and that's your right knee so this is your left knee.
17:20That right one there's some pinching like it feels like a little stabbing right here. Now that's going to be because of this most likely where you just don't have any cartilage left on that side you'll see that kind of this down slope effect where it's just kind of wearing and wearing into the bone. Yeah it hurts.
17:44Same thing on the other side.
17:46So I'm going to give you some cold spray. Pinch. Cold.
17:57Doing good. Alright.
18:13So this is what you call no space for an entryway entryway but I made it work.
18:28So there are my candle hair canes the ones that I made to hang up there on the wall and I have one right here and I'm covering it because I don't like this pale color so I'm using my peeling stick just to put it on here and then it'll give it a better color to me.
18:55This seems really too bleachy and I want a little bit more warmth to go with the the wall hangers that I made so the colors would actually look a little bit more like like a set you know.
19:14Okay so I couldn't find any screws that were short enough so I went ahead and applied some E6000 and then just attached it to the back so this is going to have to wait until tomorrow before I can hang it up because I want it to dry and cure and then I'll hang it up on the wall.
19:37So I didn't record all of this but the square things on the wall are coasters and then I had those hooks. I got these hurricane sconces, abras, whatever you want to call them from the Dollar General and as you saw there's the difference in the pale wood and the peel and stick and I think it came out great.
20:01Okay guys so I just wanted to show you this ugly ugly light in my living room. I have it turned on right now because it's dark but yeah so I have this full-on light fixture that I bought in the auction in Las Vegas.
20:26So you see it comes with everything but I don't need to start pulling down fans and rewiring everything so you see those little hooks in there that's gonna make it really easy for me to do what I need to do.
20:41This is obviously a quick fix and make sure when you take those ugly globes off you store them someplace safely.
20:50Are you showing it? Yeah. Do you want me to press it now? No, just hold it.
21:10So I asked my grandson to assist me so I can go ahead and take a quick look at it before I put it up there with the actual wires and builders and landlords you can stop putting these things in no one likes them they're absolutely ugly.
21:27Basically I'm gonna be taking this wire here and I'm gonna wrap it so that those little hooks that are in there are going to be wrapped with this wire.
21:44Alright not bad for a little quick fix. As you can see I went ahead and took that wire and sort of just wrapped it around looped it up there and made sure that it did not obstruct the blades which it does not. It lets off a really pretty shadow on the ceiling that I really like. It's not super bright but I have multiple sources of lighting in the room.
22:08So I guess this is what you would call addressing the elephant in the room that fireplace. Okay so behind there is my fireplace and right here I'm measuring the cutouts for the corbels.
22:23Okay one side down one side to go. Let me know if you need me to do a full video on this and I will. This is very temporary, very renter friendly, very budget friendly, very I am not staying here long but I want it to look good for a little while.
22:49Now here's the travertine peel and stick over the tile board. I was going to just paint the edge of that but I found this in the closet. It's just a little peel and stick trim edging whatever and I have it so I might just go ahead and use that.
23:13Looks great. Alright so well I like it. It worked as a quick edge bending. I found some more of this insulation stuff that I bought.
23:26So as you can see along the edge here it's not perfect. I didn't intend for it to be but I'm thinking I can use this and what I like about this is that this rips apart so you'll have two pieces.
23:46I don't know if I need to do it in twos or if I can get away with just one but let's go ahead and see how that works.
23:57So another one of the things I like about this stuff is it's so flexible that I can actually wrap it around these curves and then it's just going to stick.
24:09So right here what I did was I took a pool noodle, spliced it in half and then I did some painting on it sort of like a stone look. More stippling with watered down paint and then I also took my paint brush and I did some faux stone look on the other trim and it came out great.
24:31Alright I already had these battery operated candles but they weren't meshing very well with the white candles that I already had in the space. So I just did a little watered down paint on them to make them blend in a little bit better.
24:49Okay so after I painted these white they still seemed a little boring to me because the paint was flat and I know I could have did it over but anyway I decided to wrap them with this twine.
25:04One of the things that I'm going to do and you may or may not have one of these on hand but I will link it in the description. But this is so that I can take the little fur off of Lucy's paws.
25:21But I realized I have all these little scraggly's and it works perfectly for taking these little scraggly's off. So double duty here.
25:33Now I wouldn't go out and buy one of these just for this but if you have a dog at home then they work great for getting those scraggly's from around their paws and their booty and you know just those little delicate areas.
25:50But it also helps get these little scraggly's off of your twine so it doesn't look cheap.
25:59I ended up doing that to all three and I like the way that it looks. It goes with everything else in the room and feels very cohesive.
26:10So some of my boxes had come for my grandson's room. Remember I was redoing his room and I ended up opening this box but it was actually my plant from Costway.
26:22You guys know I've been partnering up with Costway for a while now. I do feature them in a lot of my videos and if you haven't been over to their website yet you might want to go ahead and get over there.
26:37I think the prices are very fair especially for the quality of the items that you get and this palm was perfect for my African Modern theme.
26:47Now you guys know that I love creating my own art and this space is no different and I will have these available on my website at LaShawnWill.com
26:59And now without any further ado I got something for you.
29:46Thanks so much for watching guys. Please be sure and smash that like button and if you need something else to watch go ahead and check out this video right here.
30:08And I'll see you in the next one. I love you. Bye!
