Isteri kepada Along Cham iaitu Afreena Suhaimi mendedahkan rumah tangganya bersama pelawak dan pelakon itu sudah bermasalah sejak dua bulan mereka berkahwin.
Menurut Afreen atau lebih mesra disapa Feena, berlaku ya satu lafaz cerai yang dibuat Along kepadanya selepas dua bulan bernikah.
Menurut Afreen atau lebih mesra disapa Feena, berlaku ya satu lafaz cerai yang dibuat Along kepadanya selepas dua bulan bernikah.
00:00I don't want to open up the hype about the lie and all that, I don't have a comment
00:04Because it's normal, a marriage has its rules
00:11I'm a bit disappointed because, like I said earlier, this has been going on for too long
00:20Not a month, not two months, not three months, in fact, it's been going on for more than six months
00:28And it's been going on for too long
00:29For the word, the word that was highlighted was the word taklit
00:33Actually, there was an earlier word, in June 2024, which was not the word taklit, but outside the court
00:40One word outside the court, which is in accordance with the law of the court, is a crime
00:44Section 125 can be punished by the government itself
00:47Divorce word
00:49Obviously, there is no taklit
00:50How many months after you got married did you use that word?
00:54Two months after I got married?
00:55Yes, two months
00:56So, like Mr. Izwan said, there was actually a divorce word outside the court last year, in June 2024
01:07And at that time, I actually persuaded and I discussed with the defendants, the Nizamuddin
01:15To go to court together to settle and for people to say, to make a ruling
01:20Because this thing is related to Islamic law, right?
01:25So, we can't interfere
01:26However, there was no cooperation from that side
01:31And actually, my purpose here is to reaffirm the first divorce word last year, in June 2024
01:40I don't want to open an idea about deception and so on, I don't have a comment
01:44Because it's normal, marriage has its rules
01:47Although for the first two months we got married, before the divorce word happened outside the court
01:52Of course, there were ups and downs, right?
01:53It's just related to the divorce word, like Mrs. Zahra said earlier
01:57If the divorce word is settled, the divorce word is not my wife and not even three
02:03The divorce word is only one
02:05And the divorce word, what I can say here, it involves a third party
02:12Not just me