• 2 days ago
00:00Now this might be Arcane's biggest fumble. I've been putting off making this video ever since I
00:06saw the last episode of the last season of Arcane, and the reason was I didn't think there was going
00:11to be a lot of people who felt the way I did. But there's finally enough communal kickback
00:16about this character that we can talk about it and dive into the problem.
00:20Problem number one, and I'll be saying this lots of times in this video,
00:25Victor is not a mage. Or at least he wasn't. The old Victor was fundamentally an inventor,
00:33and obviously there is a difference between these two things. He was someone who creates
00:37and uses machinations to do his bidding to get things done in Piltover. His work also included
00:43body augments like the ones we see on Savika and Smeech. Again, what we can see about Victor in
00:49his previous form is that he is not a mage. But the mage aspect of Victor might not even be
00:55the biggest problem here. Because if we are honest about his in-game kit, as in the Victor we see
01:01in League of Legends, that was due for an update anyway. And the best way to do this would be to
01:06give Victor some sort of magical ability as well to somewhat augment what he already has. It would
01:13have been cool because instead of just putting him in the inventor lane or the mage lane,
01:18he could have done both. However, the big problem with this change to Victor is that he has lost
01:24his core identity as an inventor of machines of mass destruction. If I'm not mistaken, Victor is
01:31even the one responsible for creating another character that we see in League of Legends
01:36called Blitzcrank. And the disappearance of Victor from this role has me wondering how that character
01:42is ever going to show up in this universe in a manner that makes sense. I did say that this video
01:48would become a little bit repetitive as time goes on, but my main gripe with the new version of
01:53Victor and what they've done with him is that there wasn't much wrong with his old concept
01:58to begin with. Maybe you can tweak the old design a bit, streamline a few parts of it,
02:03but there was no reason to turn him into this monster-mage hybrid thing that he now is. And
02:09even if they did do that, turning him into a mage, you can still keep the core essence of what makes
02:16Victor, Victor alive. He could have perfectly played the role of a Victor Von Doom, which is
02:22where I think they got the concept for him anyway. He could have played that role for Runeterra. And
02:28what was cool with everything Victor was doing up until episode 7 and a half of episode 8 is that
02:35he could have just played the role of adding magic to those followers anyway. And then he could have
02:41hit them with bodily augments, robotics. He could have turned that cult into a robotic magic cult.
02:49But instead what we got is these weird dolls that somewhat don't fit in with what we know Victor for
02:56doing. Those aren't machines, they're just soulless dolls that he controls and he speaks to. Don't get
03:02me wrong here, it still would have been cool to have that aspect. We just needed Victor to be the
03:08one making the dolls physically. He is a scientist, an inventor. It would have been dope. It would have
03:16been a new form of hextech that would have been able to achieve storytelling-wise everything they
03:22wanted to do anyway. You wouldn't have had to change the major plot points of Arkane, but in
03:29doing it this way you could have kept the core essence of what Victor is alive. I would say if
03:35something's not broken don't go out of your way to fix it. Evolution has a destination not to combat
03:42nature but to supersede it. The final glorious evolution. Man I've thought about this so many
03:51ways even with what League is doing. We'd be very upset if Israel suddenly became a control mage
03:57like Ryze and Brand and then they changed his entire story and his look to fit that.
04:02It kind of wouldn't make sense. We like Israel with the glove that fires mystic shots. Another
04:08thing for the most part it looks like they haven't changed much of Victor's core gameplay which was
04:14the actual part of him that needed some love. That is what needed a few tweaks and Arkane would have
04:21been such a cool bridge to do that but they've somewhat just changed him without fixing the core
04:27problems with the character himself. I don't think Victor isn't picked because he's not a popular
04:32design. I think he isn't played because his current gameplay is so mid that it takes a lot to really
04:38want to get into him and invest your time into this character. What would have been great to see
04:43is giving him a powerful item in game like his hex core from Arkane. I know they've done this before
04:49with him where you kind of buy upgrades from the store for his hex core but I feel like what they
04:55could have done with buying upgrades is instead of it just being flat stats, the upgrades actually
05:01change the gameplay in an impactful way. Or maybe if you need to do more AoE damage you can change
05:07the laser to go around Victor instead and do damage in a circle. Stuff like that. Just small
05:13little tweaks that make his character a bit more fun and playable and give you meaningful choices
05:20in game. I think it's very powerful in every kind of game, every genre, to give your player base
05:26impactful decisions to make. Does this unit do well against this unit? Does this item counter
05:33this character? Etc. etc. The collection of problems I've described is probably why Victor
05:39seemed to be very outraged about the changing of the core identity of their character
05:45and the lack of concern for the actual problem which seems to be his gameplay. But that's just
05:50my opinion. How do you guys feel about it? Let me know in the comments. This is Loi signing off. Peace!
