#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash
#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash
00:00Finally, I'm at a new school. I've been asking to transfer out of my old school for so long
00:04And this one actually teaches you how to be a superhero. It's my lifelong dream
00:07I could probably learn to fly do fireball stuff and maybe become a fire elemental superhero. The teacher's gonna love me
00:13I'm gonna be so addicted to this. I'm actually gonna get straight A's. All right class
00:16Oh, it looks like our last student has come in. Cash? Hello teacher. Hi everyone else
00:22What's up, dude? Hello. Where is your superhero costume Cash? Oh, I didn't know we were supposed to wear it
00:28I have it back at my house. Well, it was given to you for a reason, you know
00:31You were supposed to wear it to class today. Oh, sorry. I didn't know it's okay. Just have a seat. Okay, cool
00:36You're just going to have to miss out on today's lesson. Unfortunately, wait what I came here to learn
00:41Well, I'm sorry, but without the suit you cannot use any of the powers
00:45Unfortunately, I have to give you an item that allows you to have your abilities so I can't just do it in this suit
00:50I dressed up all nice and stuff for school and I actually took care of myself. I'm sorry Cash
00:54It does not matter you should have worn your suit and that's that maybe tomorrow when you come back to class
00:58You can start learning with everyone for now. You will just watch. Ah, what? Okay. Well, I guess I'll just take notes
01:04It's just one day, right? It's not too bad. Okay class
01:07So for our lessons to become a superhero, the most important thing you need to know is flight. Ah flight
01:13That's exactly what I wanted to learn. Oh
01:15I would love to learn how to fly and also if you are a superhero
01:19You must be able to fly very fast like this. That looks so awesome. Oh my goodness. Whoa
01:27You see yes, oh wow, but it's not as important as fighting who cares if you can fly if you can't fight an enemy
01:34How do you protect the city? Huh? Anybody would I answer that?
01:41It was a trick question. Okay
01:43Now to learn the basics of flight. Can I also learn this one too? I don't really need a suit for flying
01:48No cash. I already told you stop. Oh, you strike me with lightning. Jeez. Oh dang Zeus. Chill Nico
01:54You will be the first one come up here to the front. Okay. Okay, sir
01:58I will give you an item that will allow you to fly for a short amount of time. There you go
02:02Whoa, treat it like you're training wings. All right training wings. Whoa. Yeah, what just happened to him? Oh my goodness
02:08Oh, hold it. Hold it. Nice. Good. Good Nico. Oh
02:13Gosh, give it back. I want Zoe to come up next. Okay
02:17Oh, I really hope I get to use it once all right Zoe same thing
02:23Good good. Yes, hold it. Oh, yes. Good. I can't my energy is out. That's okay
02:29I'm tired. Oh, you did very good Zoe. No, give it to me. Oh, I'm stuck. Oh
02:35All right, shady. You come up next
02:38I'm here. This should be easy for you
02:41Come on I'm here don't pout at me like that. There you go. Yes. Oh, wow. Wow. He did that very easily
02:48Okay, that's good. Okay guys. Yeah, very cool. I could do this in the air too guys. Oh
02:53Dude, why duh? Okay, you're just showing off now brah. He's a prodigy. Thank you guys. Thank you. Thank you here my brother
03:00I appreciate your promises. Wow
03:03Okay, my brother's ma. Very good. Ah, what? Oh my sister. Come here. Ah
03:09My sister come here. Ah, I
03:12Love you, my brothers and sisters do not kiss your classmates. Okay, you need to give it to Mia now
03:17She's the last person. Okay, sister. Come here. Oh, yeah
03:20I'm coming last person. I thought I was gonna be the last person. Yeah, grab the feather Mia grab it
03:26Oh too slow. Oh too slow
03:30Mia you are getting embarrassed. Oh too slow. Oh, oh too slow and oh, come on go get it. Oh, oh good job
03:38sister brother Martin
03:43Good hold it. Yeah. Oh my goodness. Not bad. Try again right now. Try again
03:50Yes, good. Okay, hold it. Okay. Okay. Yeah, not bad. You will learn over time. Yeah, that's enough Mia. That's enough
03:58Okay, now it's my turn. I need to go up. Okay, we are done with the flight lesson. What are you serious?
04:03Gosh, I already told you dude. You cannot learn without a suit now sit down and watch
04:07Oh my goodness Wow, whatever as I said flight is almost as important as fight
04:12Have you guys heard the term fight or flight reaction? Yes, I have sir. Sit down. Oh, okay. Jeez
04:18Okay, I will give you a scenario and you will have to tell me whether you would fight or flight. Okay. Okay. Got it
04:24Okay, Nico. Let's say you are at the coffee shop and the dinosaur walks into the store
04:28What do you do fight or flight?
04:30Eat eat what eat the dinosaur you have two options fight or flight now, what do you choose swim?
04:36Okay, you are very behind and I'm sad you fight. That's what you do. Nico you fight
04:44How about you
04:46Let me give you another scenario
04:49Let's say you are relaxing at home watching Netflix and suddenly your cat turns into a tiger and tries to eat you
04:55What do you do fight or flight? No, incorrect. Give it a hug you fight you kill that Oh
05:03Why are you striking me teacher I apologize, okay
05:06Okay, listen, you always fight in these situations class
05:09You never fly away a superhero must stand and die as a hero if they must yes
05:14Yeah, I already know that superheroes never run away exactly because you run away you're gonna die what?
05:21Yes, you run away you're gonna die. So don't okay. I got it. So now we will learn how to fight class. Follow me
05:26What okay, I really hope I actually get to participate in this lesson all my friends get to do everything except me, okay class
05:33Let's go. Here is the training room. Oh, this looks exciting guys. I didn't even know this was a part of the school
05:40Wow, as you can see we have a lot of dummies around which you can practice on like that
05:45But also we have some live animals for you to fight you said animals
05:49Well, actually they're kind of like monsters
05:51You see this is a little lava minion and I want you guys to try your best to fight it
05:56Okay, lava grunt. Okay. Can I try? No cash you sit back and watch. Oh, man. Something is
06:04Fight it fight it with your life Shady. Come on. Oh, yeah, come here. Do not be a runner
06:08Come here little mosquito. Do not be a little runner dead dropped him. Good job. See where they at. Oh
06:13Nico come on. Come here. No dead fight it. Okay. Okay. Wow, they're demolishing those guys. Oh good. Good
06:20Oh, oh looks like more mosquitoes are coming for you guys. Nope. That's with that
06:25Yeah, there's one on me. What do I do? Get off my brother you foul beast. Oh, oh my goodness
06:31Gosh, you are a puny and weak little human
06:35Well, I'm sorry. I don't have flight or any powers like them. Good job. Everybody. You're doing very amazing, huh?
06:42Nice, huh? I really wish I was a part of this
06:44This sucks gosh for the last time you will only learn once you put your suit on
06:49Well, can I go home and grab it or something? No, you're going to miss the entire school day
06:53You live like 20 minutes away. I know but fine. Yeah. Okay, whatever. I'll just come back with it tomorrow. Good. Okay
06:59Well class, it looks like all of you are very good at your strength capabilities. Although your flight still needs some work
07:08I don't believe my flight needs any work. It was not a compliment
07:12My flight's really not that good, but I'll work on it me as well
07:16I just want to be on the ground
07:17We will all work on it together because all of you guys needed this very importantly
07:23Okay, so let me take you to another area to show you how to fly a little better
07:27Yeah, I think you all will like it very much. Okay, let's go. Okay, let's go. Okay, we're already going to another flight course
07:33Aren't we gonna save that for tomorrow when I can actually fly? Well, no, we need to work on it right now
07:37I apologize cash. So we're going there. Okay, fine. Okay class. Here is the course I was talking about
07:45Whoa, whoa, this place looks awesome
07:49And now I will give you all an item that will help you with your flight take this what do you say?
07:54Well, what was that?
07:56It is a flight core. You may have several different cores for yourself and it will help you with your abilities
08:02Wow, do I get one you will get one maybe tomorrow. I don't know. Ah buns either way
08:07I need one of you to carry cash
08:11How about you Spooderman, would you like to carry cash?
08:14Okay, I'll do it as you guys can see Spooderman is one of my past students he likes to visit every now and then okay
08:21Oh, he's one of those students. He feels like an off-brand version of another superhero
08:25I know don't say that to him. He has feelings, you know, sorry Spooderman. I have feelings dude. What the heck? Okay
08:32Well, can you fly? Yeah. No, you cannot Spooderman the grappling the squawk does not count as flight
08:37Oh, oh, he can't even fly. So what's the point of him being here?
08:41Well, he wants to learn how and so I'm gonna try and teach him. Oh, actually Spooderman. I have an extra core for you
08:47Oh, oh he died. No, what just happened? Okay. Well, I was gonna give him cashes core because cash is dumb and forgot his suit
08:55But it's okay. I need one of you students to carry cash across this with you. Okay, I can carry him
09:00No, I want to carry home. It looks like shady already got me
09:04All right, if you guys want it want to carry him then have fun here. I'll put him on your head Mia
09:08No, I don't want to kill him. I want you guys to go through now. He's on your head. Oh, thanks Mia
09:14I guess this is cool. You see me. Are we running into stuff? Are my legs blocking your face or something?
09:19I don't know if I can necessarily see too much. Oh my gosh, you're running into the walls
09:23Yo, yo, I need somebody else to fly me Mia's buns at this winner POV. I gotta fly you just get over here
09:30Oh my yo, Nico Nico carry me, please. Did you get him?
09:34How is it oh, thank you. Oh, thank goodness. Oh winner POV from shady BTW heavy
09:39I need to stop every five seconds. Once you guys complete the course
09:43I would bring you back and we will do a timed version Nico. You heard him. It's timed after this. You can't take breaks
09:49Okay. Okay. I mean you're heavy. So I gotta stop. I'm new to flying. What are you trying to say?
09:55I'm trying to say you're heavy. I am NOT heavy. Are you serious? Shady already made it to the end
10:00You're just buns at flying. Yeah. Oh my wait. Okay. Well, just give me a second. Is the end anywhere near here yet?
10:06Wait, spooder man's back. I thought he died. Hello. All right. Okay, just pass him up. Yeah
10:11I'm just gonna power through the rest of this course. You got this Nico. No more breaks. Let's go
10:15I'm using the superhero powers. Yeah, I wish I had him but I don't wait for me
10:20Yeah, but you're dumb because you have bigger suit. Hey, yeah, don't call me that
10:24I mean, I'm just copying what the teacher said even smart people forget sometimes, you know, he just words not mine
10:29Oh my goodness. All right. Oh and here comes Nico. Ah, thank you for carrying cash. You will get extra credit today for that
10:36Oh, yes. Now we just wait on Mia. Where is she? She's behind you. Hold on slowpoke running into the walls Mia
10:43I am very disappointed in this
10:48How are you running into walls you don't even have a blindfold I don't have my contacts in I can't say that's real
10:55Oh, that's true. Yes contacts are very annoying to put in every day
10:59Are you lazy? No, but at least I remember my zoo, right? Oh, yeah
11:03That little dude over there didn't remember his
11:07Are y'all making fun of me? Stop kissing me. No
11:11Little puny boy, don't be mad. Come on. Hey, are you serious? No, I'm just kidding with you. Anyways, spooder, man
11:17I want you to help me teach this kid because he obviously cannot use any of his powers. So he must learn by the book
11:22Oh, yeah, I'll teach him. Do you have your old textbooks to give him? Yeah, I do
11:27I don't want to read off of textbooks. I want to learn with you guys. No, yeah
11:31We can do a private training lesson at my house. I think that is a great idea. I don't think that's a good idea
11:41Come on cash, he's very good. He's marked like a plus on kumon or something. Yeah, what even is that?
11:47I can't wait to train you. Okay. Well, I guess I will ah, where did he go?
11:52Well, he probably went back to your house it is waiting for you
12:01Maybe I can learn that from him. I guess that's pretty cool. Okay class once we do the timed flight course now
12:07You will all get graded. So everybody press the button and go back to the start. Okay, let's go. Okay
12:12Ah, am I supposed to be carried through this again? It's okay. You're just our weak link. We got your butt though
12:17Okay, nobody is allowed to carry cash this time because it will slow you down
12:21So cash you're gonna have to find your own way to the end. What here? I'll give him a pep talk. Come here
12:25Oh, what? No, I don't want to do this shady. It's okay. Just be quiet. What and it's okay. Just take this
12:30Just don't tell anybody I gave it to you. Oh, you're letting me have the core. Yeah, are you serious?
12:34How are you gonna fly though? Okay, I still got one of these. Oh
12:37Right. Okay, true. This is the flight core that the teacher gave all my classmates. It allows you to fly. Apparently I test it out
12:43I'm not looking. Okay. Oh, oh my goodness. I can fly perfect. Well, let me just hide it for now
12:47Okay, is everybody ready for the time to course? Yes. Yes teacher. I would be waiting at the end time starts now
12:53Oh, okay. He's waiting at the end. This is perfect. All right, go I can fly now. Yes
12:59I'll go fast this time. I don't have cash slowing me down. Hey guys. I'm actually keeping up with you right now
13:05I'm doing really good. You will be graded on how many rings you hit
13:08So if you miss all of them, it will lower your score. Oh, I missed like two. Oh nah
13:13There are motion sensors inside of each ring
13:15Okay. Well, I got to make sure that the teacher doesn't see me with this flight core
13:18He'll know that shady gave it to me. Oh, I'm just gonna hide it at the very end. Everybody hurry up. You're at 20 seconds
13:25Okay, here we go. I'm just gonna camp down here and then slowly climb up. Okay, good. Let's go. Good
13:31Everybody's here except cash. Obviously, he does not know how to fly catches right here. Actually, I'm right here. No, he's here
13:37Look, wait, what? How did you get here? Well, I ran I just went along the bottom and then climbed up the side
13:43Very good. Okay, you're a fast runner. Well, everybody's times are very good and you all get a's except for Zoey. Nah
13:53Zoey you missed five rings Nico and Mia both missed two and shady missed three of them. What? Oh, nah
14:02Fart but it looks like cash is actually the only one who got nine out of the ten rings
14:10I thought he said he ran
14:12Nothing. Yeah, how did you go through the rings if you run boy? I
14:16Climbed up and I super jumped up to it. What?
14:20Wow, super jump. Oh, that's very interesting
14:22I was going to tell Spooderman to teach you after this
14:25But if you don't want him there, then you don't have to be yeah. Oh, no, I can still learn with Spooderman
14:30I can teach you. How about we could just learn after this? Okay. Yeah, he's very good mentor
14:35Okay. Anyways, since everyone's done the course we can go back. Oh cool. Get me out of here
14:39Okay class before you all head home for the day. I have something to give you consider it your homework. Ah homework already
14:47This is a powered core it will unlock the rest of your abilities and I want you all to practice them cash
14:53You will not get one. However, ah, what the rest of you may get one here. Here you go. Are you serious?
14:59Bruh, let's go. I will hope you all have a great night and please remember to bring your suits tomorrow
15:06We will go over everything. Okay. Have a blessed day teacher. Bye. Yes. Thank you
15:11I will I didn't get a core all you guys got that cool-looking thing and I only have the flight core
15:15I mean, I don't have anything. Whoa
15:18Well, listen shady gave me his flight core earlier and that's how I completed the course so fast
15:23What doesn't he need that? Yeah, the teacher said I needed a suit to use it, but he was lying
15:28I could use it with my suit see. Oh, I think he's just strict on the dress code
15:32This teacher seems really against you dude. Yeah all because I forgot it once geez, but it's okay
15:37At least I could fly like this. Oh
15:40Yeah, luckily now that we all have this flight core except for shady
15:44I guess I can give it back to you since you let me borrow it. Well, it's alright
15:48I got the dinky flight feather
15:49Okay, that thing runs out of flight like every five seconds, but I'm glad you're able to deal with it
15:53Yeah, but I can fly pretty far. That's true. See look I'm going up. Oh gosh. Oh, it's losing flight. Yeah
16:00Oh, no, I think he just popped. I don't know what happened to him. He might respond back home though. I should do that, too
16:06Let's go. Oh, I don't take fall damage. I'll just walk. Okay a superhero clothing store
16:11I should definitely get a much better outfit than everyone else if I'm gonna look better and the teacher will love it afterwards
16:16Hello. Oh, hello. Welcome to the store
16:18I'm here to buy a superhero outfit and I need it to be your most expensive one. Whatever is the best
16:23Oh the most expensive one here. Let me show you right now. Whoa, you got a lot of these. Holy smokes
16:29So this is our cheaper selection and over here will be the expensive one. Whoa
16:34I like that. This one's our most expensive. Oh my goodness. What is it called? Belle King? How much is this?
16:41Thousand diamonds thousand diamonds. Okay. Well, I need to get more times before I buy that. What about these suits over here?
16:47Oh those just a hundred a hundred. Yeah, well, I could definitely afford that a break pretty easily though jet suit
16:53Does this one allow you to fly or something? Um slightly? Oh, well, I don't need that. I already know how to fly
16:57Would you like a chef's outfit instead? It's $5. I think I'm good. I'm supposed to look like a superhero
17:03I go to the school down the street. Oh
17:05You should have already had a suit then that's weird. Yeah, I know
17:08I heard about it all day, but that's why I'm here. Okay, I'm gonna buy a suit
17:12Well, if you have the money, feel free to give it to me at the cashier. Okay. I have another person to handle
17:17I'm just looking for the ABC X
17:21WW up down, you know what I mean? Oh that one. Yeah. Um, I'm not sure I'm able to give that one out
17:27Just look for it. Okay, I'll be waiting behind the building. Oh
17:30Okay, who is that a man better hurry up and who is that kid stared at me?
17:34Don't let him see you bring it out Gemma. Yes, sir. I think I think it's Gemma
17:38I don't know how to pronounce your name
17:40Who is that guy? Anyways, he's a pretty scary dude. You don't want to mess with him
17:44Well, why is he scary like a supervillain, but he pays for the store. Oh
17:49That makes sense. Well, maybe I can get him to stop bothering you. You want me to go talk to him?
17:53Oh, that would be really nice actually
17:55Okay, I will do it and then maybe demo will give me something for free if I can help her out
17:59I could definitely work boys do he said he was going behind the building. Hmm. Where's he at?
18:03He probably lives in alleyways and stuff because he wants to be mysterious. Oh, there he is
18:07What are you doing back here? Get out. Stop. Well, listen, I just wanted to talk to you
18:11Okay, we need to go somewhere more hidden. Come on here. I'll take you. Oh, don't worry
18:14You don't have to take me I can actually fly myself. Oh, you have a flight core. Nice. All right
18:18Well, then follow me. We'll go somewhere very secretive. Whoa, this guy flies like a really cool pattern
18:24It made like a trail behind him and everything. Come up here. Okay
18:27Well, I was just gonna talk to you about the store lady
18:29But I kind of want to hear what you have to say first
18:30I know you have that flight core because you go to that school, right? It's the training flight that they give you training flight
18:35Yeah, it's not as powerful as the abilities I can get for you. You can give me abilities. Seriously
18:40Yeah, I can make you unlock literally everything like level 100. So I won't even have to go to school to learn them
18:44I've been pretty behind cuz I basically missed all the lessons today
18:47Yeah, if I give them to you, you can't tell anyone that it was me and you're gonna have to repay me as well
18:52Okay, I guess I could do that. It depends on what I have to do though
18:55Well, the teacher that works at your school used to be my teacher and I hate him
18:59Yeah, he is pretty sour sometimes exactly
19:01So at the end of the day when he's alone, I want you to strike strike like walk out on him
19:05No strike as in like, you know, you want me to what? No, I'm not doing that. He's a horrible, dude
19:10Okay, you have to trust me. He's actually uh, he's a secretly like a villain. Yeah. Yes. Are you serious?
19:16Yeah, and you're a superhero you like killing villains, right? I do. Okay. Well if he's secretly a villain then I gotta plan my attack
19:21Okay, good. Well, then I'll give you the abilities. Just don't tell anyone you never saw me here. Okay? Okay, just give him to me
19:28Okay, cool. Ouch. Ouch. Geez, dude. No, no, don't worry about it. I was just giving you the powers
19:33Look at yourself now what? Oh, oh my goodness. I look different. Yeah. Now you're a real superhero. Whoo. You like it?
19:39I guess so. This is a pretty cool superhero outfit. Yeah now you should be able to fly whenever you want
19:43You don't even need that flight core. Oh, really so I can just toss this out. Yeah. Oh cool. That's amazing
19:48What else do I get with all this stuff? Well, you could test it out on me if you want
19:51I don't really take damage to any of your abilities. Okay, I guess I could do this. Oh, that's what you did earlier
19:56Yeah, it's an attack that you can use on your teacher. Just make sure you do it at the right time and nobody sees
20:01Okay, what else do I have this? Oh
20:03That's awesome. That one's a little dangerous. You might destroy structures around you. So make sure to be careful
20:09Yeah, but it's really cool
20:10I can use it to clear out spaces super quickly and I also have this this basically lets me fly wherever I want and it
20:16Has that cool trail that he was doing earlier. Yeah, just make sure you're really careful with it. Okay, I don't want you dying on me
20:20I won't die. Don't worry. I'll be able to fly with it like this and this is way faster, too
20:25Okay. Well, let me know how it goes. I'll meet you back at the store at some point. Okay, by the way
20:30I forgot to mention Jemma wants you to stop messing with her. No, don't worry. She loves me. Oh, okay
20:35Up bright and early. It's not really bright though. It's 6 a.m
20:38And the reason I'm up this early is because I want to go to school before everybody else gets there
20:42It's still pretty dark outside
20:43So I'm sure everyone's probably waking up to their alarm soon and brushing their teeth
20:46I could just fly across the city to get to school though
20:48I don't even have to use a flight core anymore. Like all my friends. Ooh, and there's a little superhero base here
20:53Yeah, I think I just hit it. Oh, yeah. Wait, that was fun. Do that again
20:56I could destroy whatever I want and nobody can say anything anymore. I'm no longer held back by my teacher or by my classmates
21:02Oh, this is amazing. All right. Anyways, I probably shouldn't draw too much attention to myself
21:05Let me just go back to school. Aha, perfect
21:08And now that I'm here nobody else will see me going to the classroom first and I gotta remember that my teacher is an evil
21:13Super villain, so maybe I should set something up to trap him. Hmm. I could do it right here. Yeah, you know what?
21:18I'm gonna set up a pressure plate system that when he steps on it
21:21He's gonna get trapped inside and then I'll execute my plan after that. Oh, this is gonna be perfect. Okay, perfect
21:26I got a cage trap
21:27And so if he steps on this it should encase him in a bunch of iron bars
21:31I should probably play some more upstairs and other places. He might walk to in case he misses that one
21:35I'll do one upstairs over here and I'll also place one downstairs in this main room
21:41Perfect, and I have an extra just in case I need it now
21:43Let me just go sit in class and wait for everyone to get there. They're gonna be so surprised to see that I'm early
21:50It's a beautiful day today, huh? Oh, oh gosh, everyone's walking in
21:55Morning class. Yes, you look different. Oh, thanks Nico. I appreciate it. Looks like cash finally remembered to bring his suit finally
22:02Yeah, I did
22:04Okay, so you're ready to learn then right? Yeah, I am actually can you stop flying for a second?
22:09Okay, what just happened to me? Why am I in a cage? What did you do the teacher now's my chance guys?
22:14Listen, this teacher is secretly an evil villain and he's been tricking us this whole time. What? What do you mean? What?
22:22Shady stop drinking boba, dude. Oh, sorry. This is serious
22:28I'm doing what I was gonna do for a long time. Yeah, dude. I'm gonna have to execute him. No any last words. Mr
22:37No, no, listen, I know who you talk to you talked to the evil man. Didn't you evil man?
22:42No, you're trying to trick me. I know you're the evil man in this story. Oh, I'm not he's trying to trick you
22:46I'm a superhero. The only reason he wants to kill me is because I'm the only one who can kill him
22:52Are you serious? Yes. Oh, I'm the only one powerful enough. You need to believe me
22:57Believe the teacher trust me cash. You're working with someone bad. He's right there. He's in the window. I don't trust you guys
23:04What did you say? I didn't say anything. No your teacher. Hold on. Let me get around here. Oh gosh
23:10You're really trusting a dude that looks like that
23:12Well, he gave me abilities and the teacher kind of treated me like poop the whole day. So yeah, hold on
23:17I got this cash. Don't worry about it. Oh, no, wait
23:20I don't know if this is a good idea anymore
23:22You were the worst teacher in the world and you always prayed on my downfall. Listen, buddy
23:26I was just trying to help you. All right now you don't need to be this angry. No, you take that. Oh, what?
23:32Whoa. Whoa, what's going on? How are you immune to my powers? Hey, what? Oh, no
23:39Shady angry at Zoe and Mia will kill them settle down in my classroom
23:44Oh boy, dude, you're taking my spotlight. I'm trying to kill the teacher. Oh, he fell stop. Oh, he died
23:50Hey, you don't kill my friend
23:52I don't care about your friends and I honestly don't care about you either cash
23:56I was trying to use you to kill the teacher, but obviously you're too weak. So I'm gonna do it myself
24:00What I thought you were the superhero
24:06What in the world just happened I killed him I didn't want to have to do it cuz he was my student but he's too
24:11Evil for this world. We don't have any space for that
24:16Shady are you serious dad shady? You don't kill any of your classmates. Really bro. Why not? I'm taking away all your powers
24:23No, stop it. That's what you get. Well now none of us have our suits or powers anymore. Yeah unfortunate
24:32Why are you begging for forgiveness? I feel like you guys just gonna still kill us. Wait, hold up. Oh, he's invincible
24:37No, I gotta run and she's dead. Why?
24:41Die, I'm just a bystander out here
24:45Yeah, I'm going back home to Square City
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24:52Subscribe. Bye guys