• ayer


00:00So, we are basically, in some ways, offering a path to the Menendez Brothers.
00:13And here's what the pathway looks like.
00:16If the Menendez Brothers, at some point, unequivocally, sincerely, and fully, accept complete responsibility
00:27for all their criminal actions, acknowledge that the self-defense defense was phony, and
00:34their parents weren't going to kill them the night of August 20th when they murdered them
00:40in cold blood, acknowledge that they suborned or attempted to suborn perjury in all the
00:46various ways I have outlaid, if they go ahead and finally come clean with the court, with
00:55the public, with the DA's office, with their own family members, and acknowledge all these
01:01lies, and then can be said to have fully and completely accepted responsibility for their
01:09In the future, the court can weigh these new insights into making a determination as to
01:15whether they now qualify for rehabilitation and resentencing.
01:21They didn't mention self-defense.
01:23What they said about the father, what Eric said, is that he was a controlling, dominating
01:28force, and that is the reason that he was killed.
01:31District Attorney's Office, if it is presented with these new insights, unequivocal, sincere
01:38acknowledgements of all the lies they have told for the past over 30 years, we too, in
01:46the District Attorney's Office, will reconsider whether or not we would want to go forward
01:51with a resentencing motion.
01:53But for now, while the Menendez brothers persist in telling these lies for the last over 30
02:00years about their self-defense defense, and persist in insisting that they did not suborn
02:07any perjury or attempt to suborn perjury, then they do not meet the standards for resentencing.
02:14...resentencing hearing on that motion.
02:17However, we are asking the court to withdraw the...
02:21So those hearings, whether they occur on March 20th or 21st or at some point later, first
02:27it's up to the court on what the court ultimately wants to do.
02:30The court is receiving our response today.
02:33We anticipate the court may keep the March 20th and 21st dates to deal with our response.
02:40Both a, again, part of our response is to go forward with the court's initiated motion
02:45for resentencing, and part of our response is a request to withdraw the DA's motion in
02:50this regard.
02:51The court might have the hearing then on that issue, and then if in fact it decides to go
02:57forward with the full resentencing, set a hearing in the future.
03:01The key hallmarks of resentencing is do the defendants pose an unreasonable risk?
03:08Now, when one deals with resentencing, one of the key hallmarks of resentencing is do
03:14the defendants pose an unreasonable risk of danger to the community?
03:21One way to decide if they pose that risk is to understand if they have been rehabilitated,
03:27and one way to understand if they've been rehabilitated is have they accepted and exhibited
03:33full insight into the crimes that they have committed and accepted complete responsibility
03:39for their criminal actions.
03:42At that point, Sirhan Sirhan, who is the assassin of Senator Robert F. Kennedy in the Ambassador Hotel.
03:51So, in looking at then whether or not the Menendez's have exhibited the full insight
04:00and complete responsibility for their crimes, they have not.
04:06Because and we outline this in 20 different lies that they have told, which is an attachment
04:13to our to our submission, they have told 20 different lies.
04:18They've actually admitted to four of them, but 16 lies remain unacknowledged.
04:26What doesn't happen in any of the taped conversations with Dr. Ozeel, and remember,
04:32I understand that the Menendez family members want, the ones that are supporting this,
04:38want the Menendez's out today.
04:41They could go to the governor, if they wanted to actually achieve that, literally go to the
04:46Governor Newsom today, and he could commute their sentences and release them today.
04:52I, on the other hand, am bound by the facts and the law as it pertains to an analysis
04:59of whether or not resentencing is appropriate.
