• 2 days ago
Remember when The Beyonder knocked out Galactus with a single strike?


00:00So, when you think of the most powerful beings in comic books, the devourer of worlds, Galactus,
00:05tends to spring to mind. Yet, while Galactus may be a force to be reckoned with, that doesn't
00:10mean that the Planet Eater is the top dog in the Marvel Universe, which is what we're
00:14here to discuss today. I'm Jules, this is WhatCulture.com, and these are 10 Fantastic
00:18Four Villains More Powerful Than Galactus.
00:2110. Impossible Man
00:24In Fantastic Four number 11, the Fantastic Four encountered an alien from the planet
00:28Pop-Up, which Ben Grimm dubbed the Impossible Man. Like all Popupians, the bulbous-headed
00:33extraterrestrial can rearrange his molecules any way he sees fit. His malleable cells also
00:38allow him to heal any wound, making him virtually immortal. Because the Impossible Man is more
00:43of a prankster than an outright villain, it's easy to forget just how freakishly powerful
00:47he is. Even though Galactus seems invincible, he does need a staggering amount of sustenance
00:52in order to survive. The Impossible Man, on the other hand, requires no sustenance whatsoever.
00:57Which sounds pretty impressive, but Impy couldn't possibly defeat Galactus, right? Well, in
01:01Fantastic Four number 175, the Great Destroyer was about to consume Earth when the Impossible
01:06Man stepped in and told him to eat his homeworld instead. After he devoured Pop-Up, the G-Man
01:11suffered indigestion that was so horrific that he exploded. The Impossible Man may look
01:15goofy as all hell, but the green-skinned trickster can never be underestimated, since he was
01:20one of the very few beings in the cosmos able to defeat Galactus.
01:249. Annihilus
01:26Annihilus is the ruler of the Negative Zone, a pocket universe located on the cusp of the
01:30main Marvel Universe, Earth-616. Using a matter-slash-energy-manipulating staff called the Cosmic Control Rod,
01:36Annihilus vowed to destroy anything he considered a threat to his existence. Although this alien
01:41was a recurring enemy of the Fantastic Four for years, he was never considered as big
01:45of a threat as other villains like Doctor Doom or Galactus. But after being exposed
01:49to the opposing force, which is the Negative Zone's version of the Power Cosmic, Annihilus's
01:54strength magnified exponentially, inspiring him to declare war on the universe. After
01:58forming a monstrously-sized army called the Annihilation Wave, the insectoid dictator
02:03swept through the cosmos, obliterating entire galaxies. When Galactus attempted to stop
02:08him, Annihilus released two gods upon him, effectively defeating the devourer. Even if
02:13Galactus managed to defeat Annihilus, it wouldn't matter. The bug monarch respawns every time
02:18he's killed. So when Galactus runs out of planets to munch on and inevitably starves
02:22to death, Annihilus is still guaranteed to be alive long after.
02:268. Mephisto
02:28Mephisto is an extra-dimensional being who rules a fiery realm colloquially known as
02:33Hell. Mephisto is energised by the evil that inhabits all living things, and since Earth
02:38is inhabited by a bajillion supervillains, they've kept the Prince of Darkness's
02:42power satiated since the dawn of mankind. Being the world's most powerful demon, there
02:46is little that Mephisto can't do. Not only can he reshape reality, he is proven capable
02:51of merging realities together. However, Mephisto rarely uses his full power, since he takes
02:55greater pleasure in manipulating people to give up their own souls. Over the years, the
03:00duplicitous devil has wrangled billions of souls, including those of Doctor Doom, Black
03:04Panther, Daredevil, Silver Surfer, Ghost Rider, and even Deadpool. On multiple occasions,
03:09Mephisto even managed to con the Fantastic Four. And as scary as Galactus is, Mephisto
03:14is infinitely more terrifying, since the great king of evil can manipulate anyone to give
03:18up their soul, damning them to hell for all eternity.
03:227. Delinquent
03:24Galactus is known as one of the biggest powerhouses in comics, since he can destroy an entire
03:28planet without breaking a sweat. But Delinquent has that beat, since he can decimate a solar
03:33system with just a thought.
03:34Delinquent comes from a race of aliens that can alter all forms of matter and energy.
03:39Because of their cosmic power, it's imperative that these aliens' parents train their children
03:43diligently to prevent them from misusing their abilities. When Delinquent was a toddler,
03:48he got separated from his family and crash-landed on Earth. With no one to keep him in check,
03:52the infant terrible lashed out, reshaping reality all around him. Just before Delinquent
03:57was about to snuff out the sun, Reed Richards located the alien toddler's parents, allowing
04:01them to retrieve their child.
04:03As terrifying as Delinquent can be, he is potentially more dangerous when he's actually
04:07unconscious. When he was knocked out by the Star Stalker in Power Pack number 58, his
04:12injury kept shooting out reality-warping energy around the room, transforming anything it
04:16touched without his awareness. One of the blasts shot Reed and Sue's son, Franklin
04:21Richards, and would have killed him if he wasn't healed by an advanced computer.
04:256. The Mad Celestial
04:28The Celestials are an ancient race capable of altering space, time, matter, energy, and
04:32all other realities any way they see fit. With their abilities, these space gods travel
04:36the universe, altering the evolution of different species, hoping to create the perfect organism.
04:41But in one reality, the Celestials went a bit mad and used Reed Richards' bridge to
04:46cross into other dimensions, hoping to conquer the multiverse. When they arrived on Earth-616
04:52in Fantastic Four number 603-605, Galactus challenged the Mad Celestials to a battle.
04:57As mighty as the Towering Titans were, Big G proved to be stronger than each of them.
05:02When Galactus managed to kill one of them, the Celestials realised that they were fighting
05:05a losing battle. As a result, they merged their essences together, transforming into
05:10a Voltron-like being that dwarfed the Wild Eater in size and power.
05:14In a single blast, the Mad Celestial hurled Galactus into a nearby planet, knocking him
05:18unconscious. Luckily, Reed and Sue's son, Franklin Richards, used his unlimited power
05:23to replenish Galactus' strength, allowing him to defeat the Mad Celestial once and for
05:285. Galactus
05:31The Ultimate Universe was a rebooted Marvel series created for new readers. Although many
05:35of the characters were redesigned, no one had a more drastic alteration than Galactus.
05:39In this reality, Galactus is 100,000 miles long and is composed of trillions of city-sized
05:46drones. Before the hive-minded being reaches the planet it desires to consume, Galactus
05:51unleashes a psychic wave to drive the inhabitants insane so they can't perform a counter-attack.
05:56It then unleashes a flesh-eating spore on the world so that there's no one left to
06:00put up a fight by the time Galactus reaches it.
06:03In the Ultimate Vision saga, Vision explains to Sam Wilson that no civilisation has survived
06:08longer than a few minutes against the Uncreator of Worlds. One planet spent 200 years booby-trapping
06:14its solar system to stop Galactus, but it still failed. Another world upgraded each
06:19inhabitant so that they had the power to level a sun, and yet it didn't even slow it down.
06:24Luckily, the superheroes of Earth managed to defeat the cosmic horde by shooting it
06:28with a big bang, although this attack only destroyed one-fifth of Galactus' body, so
06:33it was forced to retreat.
06:354. Abraxas
06:37Eternity is a god-like being that embodies the multiverse and exists simultaneously in
06:41every universe to maintain reality. But for every force, there must be an opposite. Since
06:46Eternity's purpose is to create, his counterpart, Abraxas, serves to destroy.
06:51To ensure his antithetical rival did not jeopardise reality, Eternity created a fail-safe in each
06:55universe called Galactus. So long as the planet-eating Titan lives, Abraxas cannot penetrate the
07:01corresponding universe. But when the Galactus of Earth-616 perished, Abraxas was freed,
07:07allowing him to access the multiverse, killing as many Galactus' as possible to maximise
07:11his power.
07:12Since Abraxas was too powerful to face, the Fantastic Four tracked down the universe's
07:16most devastating weapon, the Ultimate Nullifier, believing that it was the only thing capable
07:20of destroying Eternity's dark twin. But when Abraxas stole it, he prepared to use
07:25it to undo all of reality.
07:27Unfortunately, Franklin Riches used his cosmic powers to resurrect Galactus, weakening Abraxas
07:32enough for Reed to retrieve the Ultimate Nullifier. Using the doomsday weapon, Abraxas was annihilated.
07:38Even though the Devourer of Worlds was revived, the Fantastic Four were glad that a far more
07:42dangerous enemy no longer posed a threat.
07:443. Molecule Man
07:46After being irradiated by a particle generator's beam, Owen Reese was able to control matter
07:51on a molecular level. Or so he believed. In reality, the accident that turned Reese into
07:56Molecule Man opened a doorway to the Beyond Realm, where any thought became a reality.
08:00Basically, Reese could do anything he wanted. He can disintegrate seemingly indestructible
08:04objects like Captain America's shield, Wolverine's skeleton, or Thor's hammer. Not only can
08:09he destroy any object or person in an instant, the master of matter could create entire realities
08:14with just a thought. When he learned several universes had collapsed, he repaired them
08:18with literally no effort.
08:19However, this power came with a price. Being exposed to the Beyond Realm turned Molecule
08:24Man into a universe bomb. If he dies, his entire reality will perish. When a Molecule
08:29Man dies in one reality, it imbalanced the multiverse, nearly undoing the multiverse.
08:34Thankfully, Reed Richards reset Reese's powers, so his essence is no longer tied to
08:38his corresponding universe. Nevertheless, he's still one of the most overpowered beings
08:42in existence.
08:432. The Beyonder
08:45The Beyonder is an incalculably powerful entity with the ability to warp reality. Using his
08:51god-like abilities, this curly-haired chaos-causer usually orchestrates tests and games on a
08:56cosmic scale just for his own amusement. The most famous example is when he created a realm
09:01called Battleworld and populated it with 37 superheroes and supervillains. The Beyonder
09:06then forced them to battle each other to see which is more powerful, good or evil. Refusing
09:11to take part, Galactus flew towards the Beyonder, only for the cosmic entity to knock the devourer
09:15of worlds unconscious. After seeing Galactus being defeated so effortlessly, Reed Richards,
09:20Ben Grimm and other superheroes realised that the Beyonder was, well, beyond them.
09:24For the longest time, nobody knew what the Beyonder exactly was. At one point or another,
09:28the blazer-wearing godling had been described as a mutant inhuman and the embodiment of
09:32a separate universe. But in reality, the Beyonder is a sentient cosmic cube. Since cosmic cubes
09:38have the ability to manifest whatever the wielder wishes, the Beyonder's power is
09:41virtually unlimited, making him the most powerful villain in the entire multiverse. Save for
09:481. God Emperor Doom
09:51During the lead-up to the 2015 event Secret Wars, it was unveiled that the Beyonder is
09:55simply one of a race that live in the Beyond Realm, where Molecule Man's power is derived
10:00from. Their power far exceeds that of the Beyonder, and have used their might to slay
10:04seemingly omnipotent beings including Eternity, the Celestials, the Living Tribunal, and even
10:09Death. When Doctor Doom learned that the Beyonders intended to wipe out all realities, he used
10:14Molecule Man's power to destroy them and absorb their essence into himself, transforming
10:19him into God Emperor Doom. Using Molecule Man as an anchor, Doom created a patchwork
10:24planet called Battleworld to harbour the last remnants of the multiverse. With Doctor Strange
10:28as his sheriff, dozens of Thors as his army, and Galactus as his personal bodyguard, Doom
10:34reigned supreme.
10:35Doom ruled his reality for eight years before Molecule Man recognised the devious Emperor
10:40was manipulating him. When he came to this realisation, he transferred Doom's power
10:44to Reed Richards, allowing him to recreate the universe the way it once was. Although
10:48Doom lost his godhood, there was a time where he wasn't just the most powerful being in
10:52the multiverse, but the most powerful entity ever to have existed.
10:55And there we go my friends, those were the 10 Fantastic Four Villains More Powerful Than
10:59Galactus. I hope that you enjoyed that, and please let me know what you thought about
11:02it down in the comments section below. As always I've been Jules, you can go follow
11:06me over on Twitter at RetroJWithA0, or you can swing by Live and Let's Dice where I
11:09do all of my streaming outside of work, and it'd be great to see you over there. Never
11:15forget that, and I'll speak to you soon. Bye.
