Love Is Blind's Mason Horacek is shedding more light on his post-show romance with Meg Fink. Towards the end of the Netflix series' eighth season, fans learned that Mason, 33, reconnected with Meg, 31, outside of the pods and they started dating, following his breakup with fellow participant Madison Errichiello.
00:00Cord. Hi, Mason. It's nice to be chatting with you. Yeah, nice to meet you too.
00:08I just want to confirm that this will be about Mason, right? Like he's not going to be pitted
00:13against another person in an article. It'll be his lens, his point of view.
00:18Yeah, totally. Perfect. I know it's always the case, but we keep getting blindsided. So I just
00:25with the participant on the call, I want to confirm.
00:29No, I am certainly not out to blindside you. I mean, I am curious to know more about your
00:36perspective on situations, but all from you not trying to pit anyone against each other. So all
00:42good, Mason. I appreciate that.
00:47So starting with, you know, your experience in the pods didn't quite go as I'm sure you were
00:53hoping. So tell me a little bit now that you've had some time to process,
01:00would you have done anything differently through your experience?
01:07You know, looking back at everything, I think I got a pretty good situation where
01:15can we, can I ask, is this coming out really soon? Like, is this going to be?
01:23You can speak freely, whatever you say. If it's not already in an episode, I'll hold it till
01:28it's fair to run. So you could speak as freely as you want.
01:33Okay, I can speak to everything up to this point right now.
01:37Yeah, yeah. And I've seen the cast mixer that you guys created,
01:42I've seen the cast mixer that you guys kind of got together and everything.
01:46Cool. Perfect. Okay. Looking back at everything, I feel like I got a pretty good
01:52situation out of everything because I got Meg in my life and, you know, looking
02:00through it all, if we would have made it to the weddings, there was more of a risk that we could
02:04have ran into some more hard times and more pressure going through a wedding and just seeing
02:13what the others kind of experienced and hearing what they went through. There was a lot of
02:17pressure just leading up to that point. So I think we had a fair shake at being friends and exploring
02:25our relationship outside of that realm. So I feel like we got a really good, really good shake out
02:34of this deal as opposed to making it that far and trying to make a marriage work. So I don't
02:40think I have many regrets. Totally. Yeah. And I know it must be weird to watch yourself back and
02:48see yourself, you know, especially with the Madison of it all, because you guys had that
02:53connection in the pods and then now you have a girlfriend. So it's like it must be a very
02:58surreal feeling to kind of do that with the way that you did handle the Madison Meg situation in
03:07the pods. Are you do you wish you had kind of said anything differently or hadn't said anything to
03:15change the outcome there, played your cards a little bit closer to your chest, maybe picked Meg
03:21to go at like anything with that? For sure. There's a lot that I look back on watching it now
03:28where I really wish I would have addressed the red flags that I saw when I was dating Madison.
03:34I chose to ignore them and just kind of got wrapped up in my feelings and went with what I
03:40felt at the time. And, you know, if I hadn't ignored those red flags, I feel like I would
03:46have ended up in a better situation instead of the catastrophe that we all witnessed.
03:55And I'm curious to what your thoughts were on. Have you watched the episodes that have come
04:01out so far? Yep. Okay. So what were your thoughts on Alex getting dumped essentially because he
04:06wouldn't talk poorly about you? I mean, it seemed like she wanted you to or wanted him to be on her
04:13side. And Alex was just very cool, calm, collected, like, no, I'm not going to not going
04:18to do it. I see both sides. I felt completely backed up. I felt like he had my back. And,
04:28you know, he told me after we got done filming that that had happened. But watching it back,
04:34I didn't know the extent or the severity or the tension that was actually in the room. And being
04:40able to watch it back was like, wow, he really did something brave and uncomfortable just to
04:48defend me. So I just have mad respect for him. And it made me really, really value him
04:56when I watched it back. Yeah, I'm sure. And it says a lot to knowing that you guys didn't really
05:02know each other right before that, like it was only a few days or a week of friendship, really.
05:08That says a lot about him, which is nice. Absolutely. Yeah. So now after the show ends,
05:15I want to hear more from your perspective of kind of what happened after you left the pods.
05:22Take me through the the events of did you ever end up circling back with Madison and then how
05:27the Meg of it all kind of did come to fruition. I know you guys kind of talked about it a little on
05:34the cast mixer, but I kind of want to hear it from you. Yeah. So basically, after Madison broke
05:43up with me, that was essentially the last time I spoke to her for a long time because I knew
05:51who she was at that point. You know, they felt like a breakup where she was trying to hurt me.
05:57And I just did not need to associate with someone like that. So I kept my distance after that.
06:05But when I got out of the pods the next day, I spent just hours searching for Meg on my phone.
06:15She gave me her two middle names. So I even had an upper hand there and I still just could not
06:20find her. And I was about to take off back to Minneapolis. And right as we started rolling on
06:27the tarmac, I got a DM from Meg saying, hey, how you doing? And then I told her I'm doing a lot
06:36worse now that I know that you're gorgeous because I could actually see her pictures on on her
06:41profile and just started talking and told her, you know, I think the situation was pretty rough
06:51and I would love to explain my perspective on everything if I ever get a chance while you're
06:58in Minneapolis. And she said, absolutely. So a few days, a day or two go by and we decide to meet up
07:06and she asked me if I still have my reveal outfit. And I was like, yeah. And she's like,
07:13OK, well, I still need to wear mine and I won't have a chance now. So we both agreed to having
07:20our reveal outfits on and met up at her apartment for the first time. And her sister let me in.
07:28I met her sister before I met Meg. And yeah, we just walked in and did our own little personal
07:36reveal in her living room and just kind of connected and kind of explained the whole
07:42situation. And yeah, we've been super duper close ever since. And it's been great. And like a label,
07:49like you would say she's your girlfriend at this point, right? Well, she was my girlfriend at two
07:55points within the last year. Right now we're just best friends. So we tried dating. Oh, it's all
08:02good. She's she's still in my life, regardless if she's, you know, my significant other or just
08:09best friend. You know, I don't want to lose her. And we we had some tough conversations when we're
08:16dating, saying, you know, we both feel like we're something's missing here and just, you know,
08:24took time away from each other, tried it again, kind of ended up in the same spot and decided
08:30that it's just we value each other's friendship too much to lose it. So we're just gonna
08:37ride it out and see, see where we're at in that aspect.
08:40So would you say that part of the reason that it didn't work out? Was it any part of
08:46your beginnings? Like, because I was curious, kind of like how you start a relationship where
08:51you're almost having to, like, say, can you give me a second chance? And I'm sure that's hard to
08:57have that as like your base point. But was that how it kind of happened? Or ended?
09:03No, I think Meg, or I don't think I know, Meg is a very forgiving and caring and honest person. And
09:10she saw my perspective and where I was coming from during the whole situation. So I don't think the
09:15the show in that aspect played a factor to us not working. We had a fair shot at it. And just,
09:23you know, just kind of felt like something was missing. So and that doesn't, you know, dismiss
09:31ever exploring it sometime down the road. But for now, we're doing what's best for us as opposed to
09:36what people are saying in a line about the show. So this is this is bigger than a reality show.
09:42This is our lives.
09:44Yeah, yeah, you definitely have to tune out the noise. I'm sure I can't like even imagine being
09:48in your shoes right now having to hear unwanted opinions left and right. It's
09:54there's plenty of them.
09:55Yeah, I'm sure. So you guys are friends. What do you see for yourself in the future? I mean,
10:04do you think that Meg could potentially be the one and be your future wife? Or
10:10do you even want to get married still? What are you hoping?
10:15Yeah, um, if I ever get married, I want to be with my partner for, you know, a good two,
10:22three years, maybe just to make sure we can work things out throughout an extended period before we,
10:28you know, commit. I'm not trying to get married in a month anymore. Less than there. But you know,
10:36I wouldn't rule Meg out, I'd say sometime down the road, if we're both in the right
10:41place, right headspace, then yeah, we'd probably give it another chance. So
10:46um, yeah.
10:48And what would you say is the biggest thing you've learned from this experience?
10:53Oh, man, biggest thing I've learned.
10:58Stand up for myself, address red flags when I see them.
11:04Um, well, one of the biggest things I've learned for sure is, I'm capable of articulating and
11:13explaining my feelings more than I ever thought I was. I always used to think that I was pretty
11:17bad at communicating. But for some reason, whenever I, you know, really concentrate and
11:25don't have any distractions around me, like a phone or anything, I can actually buckle down
11:30and get my thoughts out. So it was a good learning experience.
11:34Yeah, definitely. And when you talk about those red flags that you saw in Madison,
11:38what was it particularly? I'm just curious, like why you really didn't think it would work out?
11:44Well, in my past relationships, historically, I usually ignore red flags and don't, you know,
11:52address them. So I'm just kind of ending up in a situation where I am deep into someone who has
11:59feelings. And we have feelings for each other. And then just, you know, it just usually ends in
12:07more drama than I'd ever want, or just, you know, difficult situations. And I don't know why
12:16I came to this show to avoid something like that. But I just went right back to my old ways,
12:21which is very disappointing and heartbreaking for me to watch that back.
12:25Okay, but it's all self growth. And it's the self realization, like you said, of
12:32realizing what you want to address and how you want to move forward, you know,
12:37you just have to rewatch it. We don't all have to do that.
12:40Exactly. It's just sucks when it's the one of the biggest world stages that you have to
12:47fumble the ball and learn in that aspect. So but now I'll never forget the lesson.
12:53See, maybe you had to do it, but it wasn't quite sticking for you. So you had to take the
12:57aggressive approach there. Exactly. And final question for you. I know that you, you've seen
13:08you guys are all pretty friendly. I think the cast you guys see each other out. I mean, the city if
13:14not, I learned quite small, apparently, each other. But were you personally surprised by
13:24any of the wedding outcomes or people who got together after the show that, you know, you didn't
13:30expect or? Let me think about that. You know, during filming, I felt like Devin and Virginia
13:44were going to be a good couple that would have a fair chance. So I was a little surprised by
13:49that outcome. But outside of that, I'm not really surprised by the friend group that we have.
13:55Once we all got back home, I mean, we were all really, really good friends in the pods. And
14:02at least from the guys stance, we have a group of friends that, you know, we automatically have a
14:08great friend group that we can always go out with and hang out and, you know, shoot a text in the
14:12group chat and always have someone down to do something. So I think we got a really nice little
14:17community after after filming with this experience. Yeah, yeah, you can see it even in the cast
14:23mixer when you guys all came together, like, they're all like, yelling your name when you
14:28came in the room, like it was sweet. So you might not might not have love, but you got friendship.
14:32So exactly. Well, all about the bright side of things. For sure. Absolutely. Well, is there
14:39anything else you wanted to mention or feel like it's important to have the world here that you
14:45didn't get a chance to say? Ah, no, I think I think you asked a lot of great questions. So I
14:52appreciate appreciate the fresh pair of eyes and perspective on that. Thank you. I appreciate that.
14:59Yeah, I really enjoyed watching your journey, even though it wasn't quite the way you probably
15:04hoped. But there's plenty of women out there for you. And you'll you'll find the right one soon.
15:09So just hang in there. Well, I appreciate that. Thank you so much. No worries. And I hope you
15:15have a great rest of your day. Thanks for taking time. And yeah, good luck with everything.
15:21Thanks. You too. All right.