• 2 days ago
follow me on instagram & tiktok: madisonsarah_


00:00Hi. Back this week, it's currently Tuesday and today is Pancake Day. So first things
00:07first I'm meeting my manager because we've not had our strategy meeting yet. We usually
00:11have this in January but our schedules have just been so busy this year that we've not
00:16had a chance to do it. We're going to go get pancakes which I'm very excited about. These
00:20ones are my favourite in Manchester too. And then we're actually going to the Old Trafford
00:24Stadium which is where Manchester United play. We're going there with Estee Lauder and we're
00:29going to talk all about women and entrepreneurs and women in sport. So it's going to be a
00:35really nice afternoon. I don't know what the week's bringing yet but guess where we're
00:39going on Saturday? We're going to see Sabrina Carpenter.
00:43Quick OOTD. This shirt is from H&M and then I've also just cinched it at the back with
00:49a pin. I just wanted it a little bit more of like a fitted shirt kind of vibe. These
00:55jeans are Thrifted. I've got these boots on from Mister. I'm going to wear, hold on.
01:02I've got these sunglasses that I actually got on Amazon but look how cute they are.
01:06And then I've got my Bottega bag on. It's such a beautiful day in Manchester today.
01:11It's very sunny, still cold but I can deal with the cold when the sun's out. The sun
01:18makes such a difference. Spring is on the way people and I'm so excited. I actually
01:24booked my first summer holiday yesterday. In fact, now I booked two. This has been a
01:30long, long, long winter. If you're ever in Manchester and you want some good pancakes,
01:36this is the place you need to come. Or even if you just want a good brunch, Ezra and Gill
01:40is, I'm going to crown it right now as my favourite lunch spot. So let's go.
01:46Okay, we've both gone for something savoury and then we've got the pancakes of all pancakes.
01:52I'm not even cut into it. Like a birthday cake.
01:55Oh my god. I'm butchering this.
01:59That looks so good.
02:07They're insane.
02:09Whenever my mum used to make pancakes on pancake day, they were never them kind of pancakes.
02:13They were like grapes.
02:22I've been so excited all day to put my comfy clothes on and now I'm in my sweats. My favourite
02:48time of the day. I've also just made a matcha, which is risky because it's currently six
02:53o'clock. I don't like having caffeine after like 3pm, but I had a really bad matcha today.
02:59You know when you're looking forward to a beverage and it doesn't deliver? I had to
03:03make up for it. I feel like my matchas are up there with the best. I just know how to
03:07make a good matcha now. So I'm having my matcha. I'm also unboxing some PR. I've got three
03:12perfumes. I love getting new perfumes. So the fact that I've got three from three incredible
03:20brands is insane. So I have one from Prada. I have one from Killian and I also have one
03:27from Cali Cosmetics and I've been seeing this on people's stories. So I'm very excited to
03:31try this and it looks like that. She always packages these so beautifully. Do I need to
03:37spray it? I'm just going to spray it on here.
03:42Ooh. I definitely prefer this one to the first one. This one feels more evening. I will wear
03:47an evening scent during the day as well. Like I much prefer a dark, rich fragrance. Oh,
03:54this one smells expensive. Okay. This is the one I'm most intrigued about. This is the
03:58Prada infusion de rhubarb. I love rhubarb. I always forget how much I love rhubarb. In
04:05fact, I even want to make a rhubarb crumble at some point. And I also really love things
04:11that smell like rhubarb. This is what it looks like.
04:16Oh, that is so good. This almost smells like a lighter version of delena or like not lighter,
04:26but fresher version of delena. If you like delena, but it's slightly too sweet and heavy,
04:31this would be a really, really nice option. Oh, I like that a lot. Then the last one is
04:37Angel's Share by, I always say Killian, but I'm going to try and pronounce it properly. Killian.
04:43I love Angel's Share. It's always sold out. This is the new one. I don't know what the difference
04:49is. I'm going to spray this at the top of my arm. Ooh. What does that smell like? I'd say
04:57it's a little bit woody. It's still quite sweet. It's definitely a strong scent. Oh,
05:03I like that. And it got better. And then I also got some PR from Quay. So they sent me
05:10two of their frames. These are going to be so perfect for summer. How cool are these?
05:17These kind of like browny. Are they brown or gray? Oh, they might be gray actually. I
05:23presume they were brown. So I have these ones and then I also have the black version
05:28because I just love the shape of sunglasses. Like how cool are they? And sunglasses can add
05:34so much to an outfit. I really love these. I also got sent this beautiful handbag from a brand
05:40called LME. How stunning is that? I mean the handle, it kind of reminds me of a mix of a
05:50Bottega bag and a Jacquemus bag. I just think this is the most perfect evening black bag.
05:57It looks so expensive too. And I think this is, it's like not cheap, but it's not Jacquemus or
06:05Bottega prices. And then we also got some bits from Estee Lauder today. So I got the advanced
06:13night repair, which I used to use this all the time. And I remember really liking it. And then
06:17I also got a lipstick. This is a red lipstick. And I actually can't remember the last time I wore
06:24a red lipstick. So we're going to try this this week thinking when I go to Sabrina Carpenter,
06:30I might do a red because she's a very, you know what? This is another thing about me.
06:35So when I'm listening to music, I'm more of a beat over lyric kind of girl. In the lyrics,
06:41they could be saying anything and I'm just singing the words, but I'm not actually taking
06:46in what they're saying. Sabrina's a naughty girl. I was like actually listening to the lyrics
06:51cause I wanted to practice. Cause you know, when I get to the concert, I want to know all the songs.
06:57She's a, she's a horny babe.
06:59Good morning. I'm trying the whole waking up early thing at the minute. So it might
07:19actually take me a little bit to defrost. Let me put you up here a sec. But we're up.
07:24We're out early this morning. And I'm actually so excited for today because it's very,
07:30very rare that I get the majority of the day free. Usually if I have appointments,
07:35they're like scattered around the day, which I hate. I prefer to get all of my appointments
07:40done in the morning or the evening. If they're in the middle of the day, they just ruin my day
07:45because I'm either waiting for the appointment. And then after the appointment, the day's pretty
07:50much done. But today, everything that I have to do is in the morning. So I've got the rest of the
07:54day and I've decided I'm going to clean. I'm not just going to clean. I'm going to organize. I'm
08:00going to organize my cupboards, my wardrobe, my bathroom. I feel like it needs doing. And I feel
08:07like sometimes if ever I feel like I'm in my head or my head's a little bit messy, clearing things
08:13out can just give me such a free mind. And I find clothes and makeup and skincare that I forgot
08:19about. That's what I'm going to do for the rest of the day. But this is what I mean about
08:23romanticizing every little thing in your life. Obviously cleaning is usually a very boring task,
08:29right? Like cleaning, organizing, snooze fest. But I'm going to find a good podcast or a video
08:35or a movie that I can put on my laptop. I'm going to go get some snacks from the shop after my
08:40workout. I'm just going to romanticize the experience. My character today is Carrie Bradshaw
08:45after a breakup, cleaning out her closet. Romanticize the shit out of it. I believe my
08:49life is a movie, so I act like it. But yeah, this morning I'm going to work out and look at this set.
08:54Is it Honoractive? Oneeractive? Honoractive, I think. I've never actually bought anything from
09:00there, but they sent me some stuff for a job that I had. I can't believe I've been sleeping on this
09:06brand. Like, let me show you properly. The quality of this gym set, I can't even explain it. Buttery
09:12but thin, but not thin. Like, it's not sheer thin, but it's not thick where I feel like I'll be
09:19working out and sweating in it. Like, it just feels like a second layer of skin, if that makes sense.
09:24But I love this color. I also have some in black, some in red, but this one is definitely my fave.
09:30And today I'm going to do an infrared Matt Pilates class. I'm a reformer babe through and through,
09:38but I do find mat classes a little bit harder. And I kind of want to be warm today. Like, I want
09:44a warm room and I want to be comfortable. It's not going to be comfortable, is it? The only time that
09:49they had was 8.30, so that's why I'm up so early. In fact, do I need to set off soon? Because I kind
09:55of want to walk there. What time is it? I've got a breakfast meeting straight after, and then I can
10:00come back and I have got the rest of the day. I might even go and get some cleaning stuff. I just
10:05love to buy things. Like, my shopping addiction is so bad that even buying cleaning stuff makes me
10:11excited. I'm actually at a different studio today to my usual Pilates class. This is where we do
10:16the infrared, and they've also got one of these contraptions. I don't know what you do on that,
10:21but I really want to try it. So I'm going to ask about that because I always like to try new Pilates
10:27stuff, but I'm so excited to get in that room and be warm because that walk made me so cold. Even
10:33though the sun's out, I always forget that it's actually freezing.
11:03I'm back from Pilates. I've got makeup on because I had to film a TikTok. I forgot about it, so
11:12this was a rush job. I've also got a hair mask in my hair. Whenever I'm cleaning or whenever I'm
11:16staying home, I always like to have a hair mask on. I may as well look after the hair while no
11:21one's seeing it, except you guys. So I've got some Olaplex in. I've got my big t-shirt on. We're
11:26ready for a day of organization and cleaning. It's really sad that I'm this excited about a
11:33cleaning day, but I was actually thinking about this earlier because I was thinking about why
11:38I enjoy being alone so much because I was like, surely that is not normal. I think the reason why
11:43I like being alone so much is because I'm actually quite a nice person. Okay, do you know what? I'm
11:50trying to be modest here. I'm a good person and my inner monologue's really lovely. I think I
11:57don't like to talk shit about people. I like to turn negatives into positives. I try and be a
12:03positive person to be around and a bright person to be around, so why wouldn't I enjoy my own
12:09company? I've just worked on myself so much that I actually enjoy just being around myself. So I'm
12:15looking forward to today and I've got a podcast lineup. I'm also going to start in my kitchen
12:20because my cupboards, they probably needed a little bit of a refresh for a while. Whenever I
12:25open certain cupboards, it's literally like Jenga. Sorry, I've just realized how big this t-shirt is.
12:30Look how big this is. This is like a dress on me. You'd think this is like my boyfriend's t-shirt
12:35or my dad's t-shirt or my brother's t-shirt. No, this is mine. I decided to get it this big for
12:40some bizarre reason. Anyway, my biggest task of the day is 100% going to be my bathroom. Mainly
12:48because I get sent so much PR, so much skincare, body care, hair care. Oh my god, this is going to
12:56be a big task. I get sent so much stuff and there's only so much I can try. I'm not joking, guys. I
13:03probably get PR every day and I'm like, I love these brands and I really want to try them and
13:08I feel so guilty giving them away. So I always just put them in my cupboards and I'm like, okay,
13:13I'm going to try them at some point, but there's only so much I can do. I think I'm going to have
13:17to part ways with some of these products, which I don't mind doing because I do know so many people
13:22that would appreciate all of the things that I have. I'm so grateful, but like I said, I just,
13:30I can't, there's some things that I can't get around to using. So if I've had it more than
13:35three months, then it's going in a bag and it's going to someone who will genuinely appreciate
13:41it. Next task of the day is going to be my wardrobe. Now, when it comes to this time of year,
13:46I don't know what happens. I think it's like the spring clean. I feel like I want to throw
13:51everything away and start again. And I'm genuinely in that mood today. This is looking very dark at
13:56the minute. I need it to look more spring than summer. Before we get started, I'm going to make
13:59a matcha and I'm going to make it in one of them big cups. After my Pilates class, I had the meeting,
14:05but there was like a 45 minute gap between my Pilates class and the meeting. So I was like,
14:11let me just have a walk around. I accidentally bought a new matcha bowl, but look how cute it is.
14:17I feel like I needed a new one anyway, because the one that I was using, the matcha just used
14:20to go everywhere. Whereas this one's nice and deep. So I can like whisk it better. And we're
14:27going to make an iced one. Look at this. I didn't realise I had seasonal depression until the sun
14:34came out. And then I was like, Oh, this is how life is meant to feel. I keep laughing at myself
14:38because whenever I look in the viewfinder, it genuinely looks like I'm wearing a parachute.
14:44With lots of ice. My milk of choice today, because I know oat milk is not obviously the best for you.
14:53I like this bowl. Do I need more matcha than that? Oh yeah. There she is. I've just been enjoying
15:01vanilla at the minute, but I kind of, I'm kind of feeling the blueberry. It feels like a spring drink.
15:09I'm going to start with my kitchen cupboards. This isn't going to be very fun to film. So I'll show
15:17you my progress after I've done it. There's a lot going on in here. I'll be so honest.
15:23I'm the kind of person where I'm brushing most of the time. And it's, it's, it's actually a trait
15:28that I really want to work on because I feel like I go through life always in a rush and I just need
15:35to slow down. Like that's why my cupboards get like this because I'll just rush and like put it
15:40back or like throw it in. If I'm being honest, I'm trying to slow down. While I was cleaning out my
15:46cupboard, I have to show you how exciting is this that I'm on Surreals PR list. They sent me all of
15:53their cereal flavours and I'm slowly but surely getting through them. I think my current favourite
15:59is probably this one, which is the honey crunch, but they're all really good. The cocoa ones kind
16:05of taste like cocoa pops. These do actually take up quite a lot of cupboard space though. This is
16:11the progress so far. We're looking much more neat. Okay. Now I'm going to move on to my bathroom
16:18and this is where, this is where the marigolds are going to come on.
16:44do you want to see the progress update? We're doing good. I would also like to say that I'm
16:48organising, I'm not cleaning. I actually do have a cleaner who's coming later. So don't mind the
16:56dirty fingerprints. Something about cleaning I absolutely despise. It's something I don't
17:00mind spending my money on because I genuinely hate to clean. But I have all of my daily essentials
17:07in here and for some reason they're all very colour coordinated. We're dealing with some
17:11oranges and some purples. They work really well aesthetically so I'm happy about that. But these
17:17are all of my daily essentials and then look how much neater. I don't even think I've shown you
17:23that before because I was so embarrassed, but I can actually see everything now. There is all of my
17:28sun care stuff. This is all of like my fake tan, my body oils, moisturisers, that kind of thing.
17:34And then this is all of my extra skincare. And then here I've got my deodorants, toothbrush,
17:40toothpaste, kind of like the daily essentials. Top two are my perfumes and I've actually gotten
17:46rid of so many perfumes and I've still got this many. I've got those and then I've also got this
17:53shelf which is all of my favourites and just the ones that kind of look nice out. Although,
18:00let's move that back there. So that's this bathroom complete. And then in this bathroom,
18:06in this one I've got some extra shampoo, conditioner, pair masks. These are all of like
18:13my luxury shower products and then some more sunscreen. So very good progress update. I've
18:18also gotten rid of so much of my makeup. I'll give you a quick view of my drawers. Again,
18:23these were absolutely overflowing. I'm going to try and keep this as neat as possible
18:30for the foreseeable. This is just making me so happy right now. This was what was in my bathroom
18:37cupboard. I don't know how all of this fit in alongside everything that's already in there. I
18:43was very disciplined with what I was getting rid of. I know my mum wants this as well. I didn't
18:48actually want to part ways with this, but I know my mum really likes it. So I'm going to give that
18:51to her. And then this is all of the makeup that I have. So yeah, I've had a quick lunch break and
18:59now it's time to address the wardrobe. It's actually not a mess. It's more just because I
19:05want to make room for new clothes. Like I really want to go shopping, especially while I'm in
19:09London. I'm kind of feeling like on Sunday, I might do a little vintage shop around London.
19:15I was also thinking about this earlier. I've obviously had a lot of time to think today,
19:19but I was thinking about when I'm next going vintage shopping. And I remembered a lot of people
19:23call it secondhand shopping. And why does that not sound as like glamorous or as fun as vintage
19:31shopping? Like secondhand shopping, someone's secondhand clothes that they don't want anymore.
19:36Like that just doesn't sound nice. Vintage shopping sounds cool. I mean, there's so many
19:41clothes that I want to get rid of on here. I'm probably going to sell these. These probably
19:46don't really serve me anymore. So I'm actually going to have a little bit more free room on here.
19:51Very random change of scenery, but I've done all of my wardrobe now. It didn't actually take as
19:56long as I thought it was going to. I think because I've actually kept on top of it this time,
20:00it wasn't too bad, but my cleaners just arrived and I don't like feeling like I'm in the way.
20:05So I've just come to get myself some flowers. Look how beautiful these are. I love when tulips
20:10come out because for me and daffodils, that's a sign of spring. But I think I'm just going to get
20:15these ones. I think these will be really cute on my coffee table. And they're a very colourful
20:21spring bunch.
20:51Good morning. It's now Friday. I didn't vlog yesterday because I'm going to be honest,
21:13there wasn't actually much to vlog. Friday is my favourite day, especially when it's a day
21:19full of beauty treatments, which is what today is. I can't wait to sort these nails out. I'm not
21:24even going to show you up close because looking at my hands is making me feel not well. I know
21:30that sounds dramatic because they're just nails, but I like my nails to look good. I have a Pilates
21:35class in the afternoon and then I'm going to go get my eyelashes done. I've already had my
21:40breakfast. I blow dried my hair. And by the way, getting ready in my dressing room is so much more
21:46fun. Now everything's clean. My cleaner came on Wednesday, so the apartment just feels spotless.
21:52But yeah, I blow dried my hair this morning using, of course, my Shark Flex Fusion. I'm obsessed
21:59with how it looks. This, to me, is like going and getting a blow dry in a salon. And then tonight,
22:04I'm going out for dinner with my friend. But I do also need to pack for London tomorrow because
22:08we're going to see Sabrina. But let me show you what got delivered this morning. Guys,
22:14I'm actually going to cry. These got delivered this morning and they're going to go perfectly
22:20in my brand. I don't know why I feel like I'm in a brand new apartment, but that's how clean it feels.
22:25But look how beautiful. So I need to find a bag big enough for them. I don't actually
22:30think I own one. That may be a problem. They might have to stay in this bag. Let me try and
22:35stand them up there. They can stay there a second. You know, like at the beginning of the vlog, I had
22:42all them perfumes. Well, I've been sent another one. This one's from Kayali and this is such
22:49a cute PR. So in here, we've got the new perfume, which is called Fleur Majesty Rose Royal. So I'm
22:58guessing that's like a rosy scent. And then in here, it says these are playing cards. I don't
23:03know why I'm trying to do this setup. Oh my God, they're giant playing cards. For someone like me
23:07who's actually blind, this is great. And then underneath that, doesn't end there, is a little
23:13tea set. I love the way Kayali and Huda do their PR. Like they literally go all out with it and
23:20I love it. By the way, this smells incredible. I don't usually like rosy scents, so I wasn't
23:27sure that I was going to like this. It smells insane. This is going to be my perfume of the day.
23:35Wow. This is my outfit for the day. It's not very interesting. I've just got on this
23:39top from PLT, which is their sculpt tops. And I've just got my Lulu
23:45flares on because obviously we're going to do Pilates.
23:52I've never actually ordered through that app before, but it's so much better because
23:57there's always a queue in Black Street and your drink's just there, ready, waiting for you to
24:01collect. This is my drink of choice. I went for a cold brew with oat milk and vanilla.
24:10And it's so yummy.
24:15Yeah, that's perfect.
24:16Is this okay?
24:17Is it shorter?
24:18No, that's fine. Thank you.
24:22Thank you so much.
24:24Ready, please.
24:24My nails are done. I'm obsessed with them. They're just... I'm back to my old ways with
24:30the acrylic nudes. This is just my classic go-to. I'm having to power walk because my Pilates
24:37class is in five minutes. My nails did go over, but I'd rather them be perfect. So we're on our
24:44way. I'm feeling so much fresher. I've just finished Pilates and I thought I'd pick myself
24:54out for lunch because I've got an hour to kill before my lashes. And I don't know how much I
24:59can film after my lashes because I always look crazy. I'm just trying to decide what I want. I
25:03kind of want something a little different today. And I don't mind doing this now because my nails
25:07actually look nice. I'm stuck between either the halloumi shrooms, which sounds really good,
25:13or the Turkish eggs.
25:22Just put myself in a small food coma, but I'm now going to get my lashes done. Like I said,
25:27I don't think I'm going to film much after I've had my lashes done because I always look crazy.
25:31I cannot wait for this appointment. I always feel like getting an LVL makes the biggest difference.
25:37Hello guys. Good morning. Happy Saturday. I'm currently on the train. I've not really been
25:43able to vlog much this morning. I've had a little bit of a stressful morning, but I'm not going to
25:48bore you with it. So I've had to get ready on the train. This has been my setup. And I don't know
25:52what it is about whenever I do my makeup on the train, but I feel like it turns out way better.
25:58I think because I'm actually concentrating on getting it right. It just always comes out so
26:04pretty. We're going to see Sabrina tonight. I'm trying to contain my excitement right now. Just
26:09thought I'd update you all. See you in London. I made it to the hotel and it's so pretty. I'm
26:15going to give you a little room tour. I do actually have to be quick though, because I'm going to go
26:19get my hair done upstairs. Staying at the 100 in Shoreditch. I've actually always wanted to stay
26:24here, but just never gotten around to it. And I'm going to stay here again because I already love it.
26:30Like the bed, the bed just looks like one big cloud. Okay. So as you walk in, we've got the wardrobe,
26:38little tea and coffee situation and a mini bar. And then this is the room. I just love a simple
26:43room like this. I mean, look at the size of the sofa just for myself. We're going to have to do a
26:49little jump test. 3, 2, 1. Okay. That was a mistake because I can't get up now. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
26:59We're just waiting for Sabrina to come on. I don't know who the supporting act was,
27:22but she was so good. She's coming on soon. And look at how good this view is.
27:27This is just the best view.
27:40I've been dreaming of playing this building my whole life. Today's the day.
27:47We're getting a Sabrina champagne.
28:18This bed. I stay in a lot of hotels, right? I've never stayed in a bed that comfy before in my
28:27life. I felt like I was sleeping on a cloud. I've had the best night's sleep of my whole life. I
28:31feel like I've woke up with so much energy. I also think it's a little bit of the Sabrina effect
28:37because she was so good. And let me tell you, if you are going to one of her tour dates,
28:43if you are lucky enough to have tickets, you are in for a treat. She was incredible.
28:48I'm like a new Sabrina fan. I wouldn't even say I'm like a fan. I just, I fuck with Sabrina. I
28:53like Sabrina. I think I said this at the beginning of the video, but obviously she's a very sexual
28:59girl. Like she talks about sex a lot. And as a fully grown woman, I can enjoy and appreciate
29:04that. There was a lot of kids there. There was a lot of kids there. And I was thinking,
29:10should you be listening to this? But I feel like as a kid, when you're singing along to lyrics,
29:16you don't actually know what you're singing. I'm like that at 27. Like I will be singing a song
29:22and I'm not actually deep in the words, but it was really good. I had a really nice time. So
29:27thank you so much to Shark. The only thing is I don't know how I'm gonna transport. Sorry,
29:32you've just been sat on it. I don't know how I'm going to transport this home. And I'm also
29:37thinking I might do a giveaway with this because obviously I already have the Shark Flex Fusion.
29:42I just don't know how I'm going to take it home. Cause like I could carry it, but getting on the
29:47tube with this. But then I've got a suitcase and a bag. That's going to be a lot. Okay. Let me
29:54figure that out. I'm going to love you and leave you. I hope you enjoyed spending the week with me.
29:59I always enjoy bringing you guys along. I love you guys so much. Thank you for watching. And
30:03I will see you in the next video. Bye.
