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00:00Here we go! Relief is gonna go for the shot! No way!
00:03Oh, I don't mind it.
00:06By out-swinging corner here from Simon. In the mix-up.
00:10Oh no, Kapoor goes for it!
00:11Wait, handball?
00:13Wait, he- handball?
00:17That didn't even look like a handball. It was?
00:19Well, it was very close to scoring there.
00:22Take a look at it.
00:23Wait, that wasn't a hand?
00:24Lovely little finish.
00:26Oh my god, he knuckled it out.
00:30Bro, this is what I mean. Like, I couldn't even see this.
00:33Bro, did he actually just knuckled it out?
00:40That should be like a yellow, honestly.
00:43Did he actually just knuckle it?
00:54This was buried, by the way.
00:56That was like- yo, Joe is actually really good.
00:59Like, Joe- Joe is very good.
01:13Wait, what the f-
01:16I didn't even see this, bro.
01:24That's a sick celebration.
01:25That was a sick celebration, I'm not gonna lie.
01:29Chris is so good, by the way.
01:34Chris is so good. Also, nice- like, really nice guy.
01:46Yo, bro, if I get one more ad, oh my-
01:54Who took the- I think Beast took this, right?
01:56I think, I think, I think, I think.
01:59Chat, these highlights are so good, bro.
02:02What a game, by the way.
02:04What a game.
02:09Bro, what a f-ing game, dude.
02:18Oh god, that's a pen, yeah, yeah.
02:20Good call.
02:21Harry just took out his left leg.
02:25Mr. Beast.
02:28My man.
02:31Chat, but you see how I chase after?
02:32Like, this is just years of watching football.
02:35Because if- I'm the only one who did this, by the way.
02:38If xQc bobbles this, I have a tap-in.
02:41Watch how I chased after this.
02:42Look at this, look at this.
02:43This is years of football right here.
02:45So look, everybody else is lining up.
02:47You know, Phantom's got his hands on his hips.
02:49Everybody else is just chilling.
02:50Look at what I do.
02:52Chat, look at what I did.
02:53I sprint.
02:55Just absolutely sprint.
02:57And I'm right there.
02:57If he bobbles that, bro, I'm in on goal.
03:02I would have actually scored if he bobbled it.
03:04But of course, he reeled it in.
03:06There was not a single black jersey within a mile.
03:13Dude, yeah, these highlights are good, actually.
03:15It's like, it's just all the action.
03:18We love that.
03:23Oh, this was crazy.
03:24No, no, no, no, no.
03:26Yo, this was the best shot of the game.
03:31Chris, Chris, Chris.
03:33Yo, Chris, in my opinion, Chris is the best player on that pitch.
03:37He's so nasty, bro.
03:41Look at me, bro.
03:41I was like shocked.
03:42I was like, what the fuck?
03:45Bro, Chris is so good.
03:46By the way, this celebration!
03:48The Messi fans know.
03:51The Messi fans know.
03:52This was the hardest celebration, too.
03:55This cele was so fucking hard.
03:57The Messi fans know about this.
04:01Bro, Chris is so good.
04:04Chris is so good, dude.
04:07Chris is actually nasty, bro.
04:17Good ball.
04:19Great ball.
04:25He knows how to score.
04:27He's better than he's ever been.
04:27What the fuck was that celebration, dude?
04:31I mean, there will be touches of his hair on the ball,
04:33but it was a cracking head.
04:35Yeah, what the fuck was that celebration?
04:37I mean, that is a tale as old as time.
04:39Chris MD to Theo Baker.
04:41Yeah, yo, Theo's so good as well.
04:43Theo's so good, man.
04:46Bro, Chris got a goal and then an assist.
04:48He got a free kick goal and then a corner assist.
04:52Which like, you can only do that with a leg.
04:55Bro, speed is so fast, bro.
04:58It's like insane.
05:05Okay, how was this a goal?
05:08Wait, hold on.
05:08Let me watch this back.
05:09How was this a goal?
05:15Okay, was Theo...
05:16Was Theo trying to shoot here?
05:18Because he looked at the...
05:20Yeah, he went for a shot right there.
05:22He wasn't even passing.
05:24All right.
05:28X, X, X.
05:30Oh my god.
05:38X definitely got better from last year, though.
05:49Go on, Ginge.
05:51Go the fuck on, Ginge.
05:54Simon's so good, too.
06:03Simon is so good, dude.
06:06Bro, Simon has a leg.
06:10Simon has a fucking leg, dude.
06:14This celly was clean.
06:15This celly was clean.
06:17Bro, also, Simon is like one of the nicest guys I've ever met, dude.
06:21He's so fucking nice, bro.
06:25He's really good, too.
06:26Like, very good.
06:31He's literally so nice, dude.
06:32He's so nice.
06:36All right, 3-2.
06:373-2, chat.
06:39Brocat, because I remember we were up 4-2.
06:43Bro, bro, bro.
06:44No one was giving Ginge credit for these balls.
06:46Like, I didn't see anyone on Twitter or TikTok talking about this.
06:50Yo, fuck it.
06:51Make this into an edit of every time Ginge had a long ball that was remotely accurate.
06:58Brochat, look at how long this was.
07:01Ginge, like.
07:04This was a goal.
07:05Like, okay, why is no one talking about this?
07:08This was a goal.
07:12Like, why is no one—
07:14Why did nobody talk about that?
07:16Like, Ginge just had the best assist of the entire game, hands down.
07:21Like, Ginge is so good, bro.
07:25It was not offsides.
07:26It was not offsides.
07:27Chat, it's not glaze, bro.
07:28That's just understanding football.
07:30That is literally the best assist of the entire game, hands down.
07:34That was like a 60-yard pass.
07:38He was not off, chat.
07:40It's just because it looked offsides.
07:42The camera angle just cut to it when they were already running.
07:52Just Simon!
07:54Dude, by the way—
07:55No, no, no, no, no.
07:56We're talking about this.
07:58Sketch played fucking amazing.
08:01Dude, right before we walked out, Sketch was gone for like five minutes.
08:05He came out of the bathroom.
08:06He said he just threw up and I was like,
08:08GG's, we're cooked.
08:09He was really nervous before the game.
08:11He threw up.
08:12I was like, GG's, we're cooked.
08:14Bro, Sketch played fucking amazing.
08:19Like, literally amazing, bro.
08:23Like, bro, someone should just make like an edit of all of his saves
08:26because he had so many saves, bro.
08:32I'm proud of my brother.
08:36He played so good, dude.
08:46Sketch again.
08:47Sketch again.
08:49He's so fucking locked.
08:53Bro, yo, give me this commercial one more time.
08:56I want to put my foot through my fucking desk.
09:00Links for men.
09:02It's the only—
09:03Actually, I don't mind this commercial.
09:08Sketch almost saved that.
09:11The fact that he's getting hands on that is crazy though, bro.
09:17Jinxy, were you nervous?
09:18Bro, listen.
09:21When we walked out of that tunnel,
09:24that was the best feeling of my entire life hands down, dude.
09:29When we walked out of that tunnel and looked out at Wembley Stadium,
09:33you look to your left, right, center,
09:37you just see 90,000 faces who are all just screaming, bro, when everybody walked out.
09:42So yeah, I was nervous the whole time.
09:43I'm not gonna lie.
09:47I hope you're back next year, bro.
09:50I hope so, bro.
09:51I want to score, bro.
09:52I really— I only had one shot in this game and I choked.
09:58Good ball from Manny.
10:02Dude, this is why I love Simon.
10:03Like, he was trying to get Zerkaa to score.
10:06Like, off the post!
10:13I mean, Toby, Toby, Toby.
10:16Can we talk about the ball placement from Toby there?
10:19Look at this needle thread.
10:21That is a needle thread, dude.
10:23Come on, Toby.
10:26Look at this shot!
10:30Dude, like, the Sidemen have so many good players, bro.
10:34Look at this.
10:34Look at this from Toby.
10:38I mean, you're talking an absolute needle, bro.
10:42Did MrBeast just miss the ball here?
10:45Hold on.
10:45Did he miss the ball?
10:53What a shot from Toby.
10:55If Beast got his foot on that, he would have stopped it.
11:06Sketch did so good.
11:07I'm not gonna lie, bro.
11:08I'm dead ass so proud of Sketch.
11:16Wow, that was good.
11:23That was really good from Logan.
11:26That was very good.
11:38Did he listen to you?
11:39Dude, I gave Sketch some.
11:41Okay, so when we were in training, I told Sketch.
11:45Because we were training with...
11:47I'll actually tell you guys later during pens.
11:49I'll tell you what I said.
11:55Yeah, that's a pen.
11:56That's a pen.
11:57I'm not gonna lie.
11:59Hey, these were like the best refs ever, by the way.
12:02They made like no missed calls.
12:05And they let players have fun too.
12:08Ronnie the pigeon with the gifted sub.
12:15These refs were good, bro.
12:23Come on, Zirka.
12:24This was the one.
12:25This was the one.
12:30Dude, the entire Sidemen bench just sprinted to Josh.
12:33This was such a special moment, bro.
12:36The crowd was so loud here.
12:40Dude, this was such a special moment.
12:41That's our manager.
12:44What a moment, dude.
13:00Like what a goal from Josh, dude.
13:04Dude, this was such a wholesome moment, bro.
13:07Chat, that was his first ever goal, dude.
13:10In the Sidemen charity match.
13:12Again, this is why I love Jinj.
13:16Like just gets his team involved.
13:21Dude, so okay.
13:22Here's the thing, bro.
13:23And like I like to talk about this stuff, bro.
13:27Right here, like let's be honest, guys.
13:29Jinj could just score right here.
13:31Jinj could just score.
13:32Everybody knows that, right?
13:34But Jinj says, fuck that.
13:36Let's get my team involved.
13:41And then because Jinj did that.
13:47And Speed gets to take a pen.
13:49Yo, W Jinj, bro.
13:51Like W Jinj, dude.
13:54You see how he's not selfish, bro?
14:02Like W Jinj, dude.
14:05Like, dude, I fucking love Jinj.
14:09Come on, Speed.
14:10Go on, Speed.
14:11Bro, Speed literally does the full-on Ronaldo lineup.
14:15Like before each shot.
14:18Or before each pen.
14:23Not a terrible pen, bro.
14:24Like not bad at all.
14:27Good height on it.
14:28Good power.
14:34Dude, we all rushed over for that.
14:36That was sick.
14:37That was a cool moment, bro.
14:40Okay, chat.
14:48Okay, you guys are saying it was a horrible pen.
14:50Okay, you guys are saying that Speed's pen was horrible.
14:53But listen, bro.
14:54Listen, listen.
14:56Compare his pen this year to his pen in previous years, bro.
15:00Like compare this pen to the pen he took against KSI.
15:04Bro, he's getting better, bro.
15:07Like he's getting better, dude.
15:11Darren aka Speed!
15:14Chat, okay.
15:15The power was good.
15:17The height was good.
15:19The only problem, it was just way too much in the center.
15:23The best pen to take, especially against a tall, like skinny goalkeeper like X.
15:29X is like six foot three, six foot four.
15:31So just putting one low in the corner is gonna work every time.
15:36But like guys, Speed's getting better, bro.
15:39His pen against KSI was like terrible.
15:42He's getting way better, dude.
15:43I'm telling you, in a year, he's gonna be even better.
15:46He just needs to work on his finishing and his ball control,
15:48and he'll score so many goals because he's so much faster than everybody.
16:01Do you f**k with Speed, bro?
16:03So I never even met Speed until recently, bro.
16:05Speed is cool as f**k, bro, like genuinely.
16:07Speed is a cool f**king dude.
16:09Six, five.
16:11It didn't come quickly, but Speed finally gets his goal.
16:14And look what it means to him.
16:18He's done it.
16:21This was a sick moment.
16:29Yeah, chat, I got subbed off.
16:30I got subbed off three different times and subbed on three different times.
16:34Yes, Ginge, yes!
16:36Look at his knee slide, right from Harry Maguire here.
16:40He's, dude, he's got a good knee slide on him.
16:44Yes, Ginge!
16:48Yes, Ginge!
16:52Yes, Ginge!
17:03Bro, oh my god!
17:22If I get this ad one more damn time.
17:28Yes, Chunks!
17:29Dude, X has to save that, bro.
17:32Like, X, you gotta save that, man.
17:36You gotta save that.
17:44Did you have fun?
17:45Bro, this was probably the most fun day of my life, dude.
17:51Like, hands down.
17:52I've been on this planet for 23 years.
17:53This was the most fun I've ever had in a single day.
17:55Thank you to the Sidemen, bro.
17:57And thank you to my community for getting me in this position to even play.
18:01Like, today was the most fun.
18:02Even though, like, I didn't score, like, today was the most fun I've ever had, bro.
18:06Hands down.
18:09Like, it was so fun, dude.
18:15Chunks is also, like, very good, by the way.
18:18Chunks is very good.
18:20This was actually good.
18:22In my opinion, this was Speed's best moment.
18:24Like, that was a really good assist.
18:27And Kai finished it, bro.
18:29In my opinion, this was Speed's best moment of the game, bro.
18:33Like, Speed looked good here, bro.
18:35best moment like that was a really good assist and Kai finished it bro in my
18:41opinion this was speed's best moment of the game bro like speed looked good here
18:46bro look so he reacts controls the ball skills past well it was Jason so skills
18:58past Jason and gets it to Kai like that was beautiful from speed bro like that
19:05that was fucking beautiful from speed bro beautiful like that was very very
19:12good come on Kai dude meeting Kai was so cool bro bro meeting Kai was so cool
19:21dude Kai is so fucking nice too
19:37dude Weller is good bro Weller is good
19:52finish Manny is dude Manny is actually nasty
20:08what would have been your celebration I'm not saying bro I'm not saying just
20:12in case I play next year I'm not gonna say what celebration I was gonna do bro
20:17if I just would have made my one chance bro I have one chance and I messed it up
20:24brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant from Ethan
20:39do you think the teams were fair bro honestly I do I think our team had Theo
20:46Chris Ginge by the way bro Ginge is like so good Theo Chris Ginge like I
20:53think I'm missing somebody I'm missing a couple people but like yeah bro Theo
20:58Chris Ginge like that trio yeah that kept the team's fair I'm not gonna lie
21:04Chris is so good bro these announcers are funny dude
21:25this was X's best moment of the game I'm not gonna lie dude this was X's best
21:31moment of the entire game a double save
21:40one save two saves a double save from X wait he broke his wrist wait he actually
21:51broke his wrist no someone said Scott Sterling bro oh he fractured it he
22:05sprained it okay check Twitter it's GG have I check his Twitter
22:13he's a unit wait have I check his Twitter check his Twitter dude no he
22:20actually messed up his wrist from that oh god that's a crazy pause bro he
22:26actually messed up his wrist no that sucks go to his Twitter community he
22:31tweeted it okay pretty sure my wrist is fractured I'm running x-rays when I get
22:37home no he had a double save too man he fractured his wrist no chat we're good
22:53did the end of the highlights our peak bro that was the pens okay this was
23:07Jinja's worst moment of the entire game hands down but in my opinion bro Jinja
23:12was like one of the most important players in the match
23:14Jinja, Chris, and Theo were the three most important players and Sketch
23:19honestly like not even trolling because like the goal of these games like is
23:24they they want to get goldies that are bad like Simon always talks about that
23:28they want to get goldies that are bad but like Sketch wasn't that terrible so
23:33like because he wasn't terrible we were able to hold on that was Jinja's worst
23:38moment that was Jinja's worst moment oh wait I missed this goal I was watching
23:45Sketch I don't even know what happened good ball from Chris 90th minute
23:51equalizer 90th minute equalizer like bro we literally dude we were on the
23:59sideline like dude cuz at halftime I was like yo what if this goes to pens
24:04that would be crazy right and everyone was like yeah it's never happened in the
24:08game before 89th minute Theo fucking ties it up with an equalizer Wow dude
24:17they thought they won they thought they won right there bro they thought they
24:22won right there
24:41this was crazy dude so you have Simon Miniminter who is like one of the best
24:51players on the Sidemen's team who has the most goals in the Sidemen charity
24:56match versus Sketch all right now this is what I wanted to talk to you guys
25:01about so yesterday we were doing train or not yesterday two days ago we were
25:06doing training right oh no it was yesterday yesterday we were doing
25:10training and we were we finished off with pens and you'll notice like in
25:15speedstream if you like go back in the VOD but Sketch would just stand still
25:19and wait for them to shoot which is a common mistake that like new goalies
25:23make he would stand still and wait for them to shoot so what I told Sketch I
25:28said every great goalie ever every great goalie they bounce back and forth from
25:34side to side and stayed light on their toes Sketch started doing that and he
25:37said it feels like a cheat code in training he said that and then watch
25:41this watch this he finally dude he stopped he did this was literally my
25:48advice like I told him this bro I'm not kidding you I told him this bro this was
25:59like this was the best save I this was the best save maybe in Sidemen charity
26:04match history like Sketch actually did fucking amazing dude dude Sketch
26:13actually did fucking amazing like I mean dude look at everybody's reaction like
26:22what the fuck dude can we get a slow-mo please give me a slow-mo give me a slow
26:32mo please I gotta see here we go I mean that's like world-class diving
26:40one-handed like that's actually world-class
26:57no touchdown for you and Deji steps forward okay so when Dej went out there
27:08I was a little nervous but he fucking buried this I mean Dej I mean I feel
27:20like X maybe could have got a hand on that
27:32chat I feel like X maybe could have got a hand on that
27:50dude look at everybody's reaction to Dej scoring bro like just the energy of
27:57this dude like I just nothing I'll compare I'm going slow-mo here bro look
28:03at everyone's energy as soon as Dej scored look at this look at everybody's
28:08energy as soon as he scored okay this might be too slow I'm sorry I apologize
28:24here we go but like dude look at everybody's energy as soon as Dej scored
28:28look at this bro like this was so sick this was so fucking sick dude like the
28:36feeling dude of just like pens is crazy in front of 90,000 people I don't
28:48remember this I think this was a decent pen right this was it yeah who do y'all
28:51think have the best pen who do y'all think have the best pen
29:00dude I'm gonna be honest like almost every pen we've watched so far has been
29:05like relatively down the center Oh Weller Weller had a good one Chris MB
29:17the funniest pen was a JJ's dude he like jogged up I'm the only person on the
29:24line that laughed everyone was dead silent I'd like to literally started
29:27laughing wait Chris did a no-look all right dude
29:42down boy who would you guys say realistically was mad of the match not
29:54like like who would y'all say is realistically mad at the match dude I
30:05think the man of the match was honestly probably sketch because like everybody
30:10expected Chris to do great everybody expected Theo to do great everybody
30:14expected change to do great no one expected sketch to do great in sketch
30:18was like the most consequential player bro like if you really think about it
30:24like like everyone expected sketch to do bad that was a decent pen
30:37especially when there's a lot on the line wait you guys are saying Chris did
30:47a no-look on this I didn't remember that
30:57Harry's was pretty good but I can't believe sketch got a hand on that the
31:02fact that sketch got a hand on that is insane yo slow motion this sketch got a
31:10hand on that yo this motherfucker was locked in he got a hand on that dude wait
31:26wait you guys said Chris did a no-look I didn't remember that I didn't even
31:32remember noticing that no one talked about that Chris did a no-look bro Chris
31:38in my opinion is the best like all-around player he's so good dude I
31:45just now realized he did a no-look holy aura
31:59oh my god
32:04the only thing he misses is of course his ex
32:15he is a big gooner and not just because she left it what that's aura that's aura
32:26oh my god oh my god goons or guns they give her the tier one baby pink they
32:40give her the prime baby that was probably the best pen dude I was
32:50surprised how good Joe was that was probably the best pen chat
33:06yeah like there's no chance sketch saves that
33:12he should but was he saving it for this moment
33:17Weller played in Brighton Academy oh shit well that explains that
33:42chat this is what speed went for the win bro this was the funniest pen chat this
33:50next pen was fucking hilarious chat this next pen was hilarious
34:03you've got to score or your team lose I mean if he doesn't score contractually
34:10we're not allowed to speak about his misses so
34:18that dude okay I'm gonna give you guys a little behind the scenes so before every
34:24pen like everyone on the side like everyone on the line was dead silent
34:28we're all dead silent right here when he started doing this stupid shit wait wait
34:34wait like right here I was started just laughing I was the only person laughing
34:48like bro that was funny as fuck dude here we go speed for the win speed for
35:00the win chat like cinema cinema ending speed for the win dude
35:13dude okay chat rate this pen one out of ten dude bro chat I want you guys to
35:28know in practice the day before speed was burying pens like burying them
35:39he was literally burying them bro
35:41they can put it either side stand down the middle excuse me
35:45I mean the biggest sue you've ever heard of this goes in here we go speed bro in practice he was
35:55burying pens bro like his he would always hit it right here like it would always end up right here
36:02like it was just it was just bro x had to save that
36:08I'm not gonna lie x had to save that it literally went right into him
36:28oh man what a game what a game dude
